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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

The Implementation of Discharge Planning In Regional General Hospital: Nurses Perceived

Ardia Putra1, Nelly Safrina2, Hajjul Kamil3, Yuswardi4, Budi Satria5
1,3,4 Fundamental & Management of Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
2Nursing Staff at Pidie Jaya District Hospital, Pidie Jaya, Indonesia
5Community of Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Discharge planning is a nursing service provided to prepare patients for independent care after leaving the health care facility. Nurses have a significant role in the implementation of discharge planning. Failure to provide and document discharge planning will risk the severity of the disease, life-threatening, and physical dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to describe the nurse’s perception of the importance of discharge planning in the Inpatient Room at the RSUDZA Banda Aceh. This descriptive study used a cross-sectional approach, and the population is all nurses who work in the Inpatient Room RSUDZA Banda Aceh. The sampling technique in this study was simple random sampling, with a total of 61 respondents. The data collection tool is a questionnaire using a Likert scale consisting of 33 statements and data analysis in univariate analysis. The results showed that from 61 respondents, 67.2% of respondents perceived discharge planning as important to implement. The result for each variable is described simultaneously: 62.3% of respondents perceive medication as “important” to implement; then 63.9% of respondents perceive the environment as “less important” to be implemented; moreover, 82.0% of respondents perceive treatment as “important” to implement; continued by 65.6% of respondents perceive Health Teaching is “less important” to implement; 86.9% of respondents perceive Outpatient Referrals as “important” to implement; lastly, 73.8% of respondents perceive diet as “important” to implement. It is recommended that the hospital improve the quality of hospital services significantly in discharge planning by making guides/permanent procedures for implementing discharge planning to patients.

Key words: Discharge planning, Nurse, Perception, Hospitalization, Inpatient room.


Hospital is one of the health service delivery systems, providing services using a multidisciplinary concept. A multidisciplinary concept is a collaboration between medical, nurses, nutrition, physiotherapy, pharmacy, and support to provide the best service to the community. Nurses are health workers who have significant contributions in improving health services in hospitals because nurses have the longest time interacting with patients and families (Hariyati et al., 2008, p. 53).

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