RSIS International

The Integrative Holistic Garden Management In Kindergarten Pertiwi Metro

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Integrative Holistic Garden Management In Kindergarten Pertiwi Metro

Sofia Menie, Siska Septi Turmiati, Riswanti Rini
Department Of Educational Management, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract—The purpose of this study is to analyze the integrative holistic garden management of early childhood education in Kindergartens Pertiwi. The research methodology in this research is in-depth interviews with school stakeholders. The results of this study found that the implementation of integrative holistic early childhood education management in Kindergarten Pertiwi has gone well, although some programs have not run well. This research is limited to the level of early childhood education for leaders, teachers and parents of students in Kindergarten Pertiwi. This study can be useful for other research especially for high level research in several areas around Lampung.

Keywords—Management of early childhood education, integrative holistic, and Kindergarten Pertiwi Metro City


Early childhood is an individual who is in the 3-8 year age range. This age is the foundation for later ages. In addition, at this age it is known as the golden age, which is a condition when children experience very rapid physical and psychological development. Early childhood applies a period of forming the basics of a person’s personality which will later become a character in his adult life”. The intelligence is influenced by three main factors, namely: nutrition, health and education that have occurred since the prenatal period, so stimulation in early childhood must be given holistically and integratively [1].
Early Childhood Education Institutions generally only provide services to early childhood for a limited period of time. So that in 2013 the government established a policy for the development of Early Childhood Education through an Integrative Holistic approach. Based on Presidential Decree No. 60 of 2013, namely Early Childhood Education which not only emphasizes aspects of education alone, but also includes aspects of nutrition services, health services, care, and child protection. Through this approach, children can get complete, quality and sustainable education