International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Alvin Hamzah Nasution1, Beby Suryani Fithri2, Arie Kartika3
1,2,3Faculty of Law, Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
Abstract—The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Indonesiastated that North Sumatra was in the second ranked of the high narcotics distribution based on the official government data. Hence, drugs trafficking is atthe alarming stage. Tackling crime through the Non-Penal policies were acted before the occurrence of crime when the main target is the handling of the factors causing the crime, centered on social problems or conditions which directly and indirectly can lead to narcotics crime. The problem in this study is how the Non-Penal policy in the prevention and protection of narcotics crime victims established by the BNN of North Sumatra, Indonesia and how the constraints in the implementation of Non-Penal policies as efforts to prevent and protect narcotics crime victims in BNN of North Sumatra and the efforts made BNN to overcome these obstacles.
Keywords— Non-Penal Policy, Narcotics Crime, National Narcotics Agency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
The existence of narcotics has existed since prehistoric times, initially only known as a painkiller or anesthetic, but these substances continue to grow in use by the world community so that it switches the function of its existence. In the early 1970s, narcotics abuse was increasingly occurring in the community and the types of narcotics in circulation were also increasing in variety(Makarao, Suhasril, & Zakky, 2005). A proportional used of narcotics or utilize both for health and science and technology purposes, then it cannot be said to be a narcotics crime. However, the use of narcotics on the contrary if for certain purposes outside of science, then the act can be categorized as a criminal act and or abuse of narcotics based on Law Number 35 Year 2009 that concerning Narcotics.According to Sudarto(1983), the policy or politics of criminal law is the policy comes from the state through authorized council to determines the desired regulations that are expected to be used to express what is contained in society and to achieve what is aspired.