A. Alamsyah1, D.N.A. Paramartha1, Q.D.Utama1, L.Unsunnidhal 1, R. Jannah2, F.Fihiruddin3, N. Inayati3 and E. Basuki1*
1 Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry, Mataram University, Indonesia
2Midwifery Study Program, STIKES Yarsi Mataram, Indonesia
3Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Politeknik Kesehatan Mataram, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author
Received: 10 March 2023; Accepted: 23 March 2023; Published: 25 April 2023
Abstract: – Improving the quality of human resources from Menggala Village is constrained by the low quality of health of the residents in Menggala Village. This condition is known from the large number of residents in Menggala Village who have poor nutritional status. The potential of trigona honey as a functional food solution for malnutrition in Menggala Village, North Lombok Regency, is one of the efforts that can be made to improve the nutritional condition of the community. The purpose of this activity is to improve the poor nutritional status of the community for the better through independent trigona honey therapy. The method used is discussing existing problems with the community, educating and seeing the potential of natural resources, human resources in the village, as well as the potential of Trigona honey in overcoming malnutrition, establishing problem formulations with the community, formulating activity objectives and carrying out activities with the community to overcome malnutrition through the cultivation and development of trigona honeybees independently. Trigona honeybee therapy in overcoming malnutrition can improve the nutritional status of toddlers towards a better direction; this can be seen from the physical and behavioral changes experienced by the community in Menggala Village. The nutritional status of toddlers who are malnourished after being given trigona honey therapy can experience an increase in nutrition towards a better.
Keywords: Functional Food; Malnutrition; Menggala Village; Trigona Honey
I. Introduction
Menggala Village is the youngest village in Pemenang District, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, this village is new formed as of June 22, 2020 through a Regency Regional Regulation North Lombok Number 8 of 2020 concerning the Establishment of Menggala Village Pemenang District, North Lombok Regency, which is where the Regency North Lombok itself is still classified as an Underdeveloped Region Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2020 concerning Regional Determination Lagging behind in 2020-2024, so that it is the youngest village in the region being left behind is a challenge in itself for Menggala Village. Business improving the status of disadvantaged areas can be implemented by improving the quality of human resources [5,6]. The preliminary survey on the condition of the community surrounding Menggala Village reveals the condition of people who are unaware of the potential of Trigona honey bee cultivation, are unaware of the environmental potential of fruit and flower plants for Trigona honey bee cultivation, and require alternative solutions to increase agricultural-based income [2, 4]
Efforts to improve the quality of human resources from Menggala Village constrained by the low quality of population health in Menggala Village, this can be seen from the number of residents in Menggala Village who have status malnutrition. Based on data on the number of frequencies of malnutrition per district in North Lombok Regency in 2010, Pemenang District is a sub-district of Menggala Village that has a frequency of malnutrition as much as 27% of the frequency of malnutrition throughout North Lombok District [5].
The potential of natural resources owned by Menggala Village if managed creatively and efficiently can be a solution to complete the problem of malnutrition. Menggala village has a forest Protect Pusuk North Lombok which is located on the south side and borders directly with West Lombok Regency including the territory of the Village Gala. Based on field surveys that have been conducted, Protected Forest Pusuk North Lombok has various types of plants diversity and a very large population so that Menggala Village has the potential for abundant nectar-producing plants, which causes air pollution low, and the climate is stable. Potential regional conditions of Menggala Village it is very appropriate if Trigona beekeeping is developed because provide nectar as food and air as well as climate trigona bees need to develop and produce trigona honey [1,9].