The Research Philosophy Dilemma for Postgraduate Student Researchers

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Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

The Research Philosophy Dilemma for Postgraduate Student Researchers

Hussein Muhaise1, Annabella Habinka Ejiri2, Johnie Wycliffe Frank Muwanga-Zake3, Margaret Kareyo4
1,3,4School of Computing and Information Technology, Kampala international University, Uganda
2College of Computing and Information Science, Makerere University, Uganda

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – Every postgraduate study calls for the declaration of research philosophy approach and paradigm on which the research being carried out is based. This often gives a challenge to many postgraduate novice researchers in all fields of study. This paper attempts to explore the essential values of research philosophy and Paradigm, demonstrate the position of the key researches on the matter, elucidate the philosophical and research paradigm concerns, the ontology, epistemology and understanding the application of various theories and practices as used in a research study. In application of academic literature review, generalization and systemization coupled with modeling methods in the study. The key pillars of research philosophy and paradigm are highlighted with clear direction to adoption of one and application in an academic research.

Key words: – Critical realism, Interpretivism, Positivism, Postmodernism, Pragmatism


Research philosophy is elucidated as the system of beliefs and assumptions about the development of knowledge [25. When a researcher embarks on the research process, he/she is on a journey of developing knowledge in the particular field or area of study that may lead to a new theory, answering a specific problem for a particular institution that is all in all developing new knowledge [4].
In the research process many assumptions are made whether in awareness on not [17]. These are the axiological assumptions that deals with the role of values and ethics of a researcher applied to the whole research process that explains how the researcher deals with his/her values in the research to culminate into credible findings. Epistemological assumptions about human knowledge that explains what is acceptable, valid, and legitimate knowledge and how it can be transferred to others [11], [18]. The ontological assumptions about the nature of realities and these shapes the way you see and study your research objects [6], [22].