International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue I, January 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Muṣṭapha Garba, Muḥammad. (PhD.)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Education, Bauchi State University, Gadau, Nigeria
Abstract:-Many People, today do not know the historical perspective of how western education introduced in the provinces of northern Nigeria. Hanns Vscher, was the first European white man appointed in the provinces of northern Nigeria to introduced western secular education system. This paper “The role of Hanns Vischer, on the Development of secular education in the protectorate of northern Nigeria” explored extensively the work of Hanns Vischer on the various aspects of education. The paper, expressed that Sudan education department appeared to Vischer to be achieving genuine success. At the same vein it critically discussed how he actively started the training of local teachers in Kano. The methodology used in this study is analytical study, which identified the major works done by Hanns Vischer in the history of developing secular education in the province of northern Nigeria. The findings show the principles curriculum design and development in the protectorate of northern Nigeria. The paper recommends the further expansion of this work to covered the other aspects of technical class at Nasarawa Kano and PE class at Katsina of the post primary curriculum and it preparation of scheme of work.
Key note: Role, Hanns Vischer, Development, Secular, Education, Northern Nigeria.
Hanns Vischer was born at Basle on 14 September 1876, being descended on both his father’s and mother’s sides from Hugeuenot refuges who had reached Basle from France in the seventh century. His paternal grandfather, within Vischer, was professor of Classical Greek at the university of Basle and Curator of the University.
After graduating in modern Languages in 1899, he went to Ridley Hall for a one year course during which he, as a member of the Church of England, volunteered for missionary work with the C.M.S. Hausa party.