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The Scientific facts in the holy Qur’an (With Particular Reference to Astronomy and Embryology)

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Scientific facts in the holy Qur’an (With Particular Reference to Astronomy and Embryology)

Tijani Ahmad Ashimi
Assistant Professor, Dr., Department of General Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:-The holy Qur’an, the main source of Islamic faith is a book believed by Muslims to be of completely divine origin. Muslims believe the Quran to be the book of divine guidance revealed from God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of twenty-three years and view the Quran as God’s final revelation to humanity. As such, Quran has solutions to all the problems of humanity irrespective of how complex they may be and in what age they occur. It deals with all human life from cradle to death. While some worldview highly depend on human experience to have solution for scientific knowledge, and while some religious tradition only rely on scientific method (observation, experiment, skepticism, hypothesis and theory)to obtain the knowledge of natural phenomenon, the scripture of Islam (Qur’an) which is also a book of knowledge and science seems to have already proven these scientific fact for long centuries. Thus, this humble paper by adopting textual approach will examine the scientific knowledge vis-à-vis in the Qur’an, with particular reference to Embryology and astronomy.

Keywords: Qur’an, Islam, Scientific Knowledge, Embryology, Astronomy.


The holy Qur’an is considered by Muslims to be the seal of revelation of Allah (SW) for the guidance of mankind on earth. As such, it contains many facts, truths and realities about physical and metaphysical worlds. While the previous revelations of God especially, Gospel (Bibles) and Torah, or Hebrew scripture(Tanakh) encountered many changes and interpolation from their respective followers and adherents, the holy Qur’an which is considered as a book of knowledge had never face any adulteration; because Allah the most omnipotent and omniscient promised to protect this holy book(Qur’an) from any possible changes from the first day of its revelation to the day of resurrection. In the most serious note, Qur’an as a final revelation, has dealt with the issues of the past, it is now dealing with the present issues and still capable to predict various issues in the future that human brain and intellect is yet to discover. As such, it is a book of all kind of sciences and signs, that is ranging from economic, social, religious, spiritual, physical and natural science. In another word the holy Qur’an with the above characteristic deserves to be the source of all sorts of knowledge. Yet, for the sake of academic paper, this article aims to examine the significance vis-à-vis of the noble Qur’an as the main source of Scientific Knowledge, with particular reference to its contribution to the field of Embryology and astronomy respectively.

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