International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454-6194
Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Na-Tl and Pb-Tl Systems Using Four-Atom Cluster Model
Vincent. O. Ogunrinde1*, Yisau. A. Odusote2
1&2Condensed Matter Research Group,
Department of Physics, The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Abstract–The concentration dependent thermodynamic properties of liquid Sodium (Na-TI) and Lead (Pb-TI) alloys have been explained theoretically using a simple statistical mechanical model: Four Atom Cluster Model (FACM), to obtain higher order conditional probabilities of chemical ordering in liquid binary alloys. The study of free energy of mixing, GM, activity,α_1, concentration-concentration fluctuations in long wavelength limits, Scc(o), the Warren-Cowley chemical short-range order parameter, (CSRO), heat of mixing, H_m, and entropy of mixing. S_m, using the optimized values of order energy, w, obtained were used to describe the thermodynamic properties at different concentration and temperature of 673K and 773K, respectively. From the study, it is observed that the thermodynamic properties of Na-TI and Pb-TI exhibit negative deviations hence; this study reveals that both Na-TI and Pb-TI are short ranged ordered alloys.
Keywords: Concentration, Short range, Liquid alloys, Hetero-coordination, Homo-coordination.