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Traditional Games Engklek as a Medium to Increase Self-Control in School-Aged Children in Indonesia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Traditional Games Engklek as a Medium to Increase Self-Control in School-Aged Children in Indonesia


IJRISS Call for paper

Psychology Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Abstract: Self-control is a personal ability to control emotions and cognitive as well as the decision-making processes that lead to positive behavior in order to achieve the expected goals. Self-control is needed to deal with various problems in daily life. Various attempts were made to be able to practice self-control; one of them was through the traditional game Engklek (hopscotch) game. The traditional game Engklek contains useful values in self-control. This study aims to determine the effect of traditional games Engklek as a medium to improve children’s self-control. This study used a quasi-experimental method with pretest and posttest control group design. The research subjects were 54 grade-5th elementary school students who are divided into three groups. The first group was given the treatment of traditional games of Payung and Sorok Engklek. The second group was given the treatment of traditional games Payung and Engklek Pa’a. The third group as a control group that was not given any treatment. Data analysis used the ANOVA test to compare self-control in the three groups and paired-test to compare the pretest and posttest in self-control scores. The results showed that there was self-control increasing of the children who were treated by traditional games Engklek Payung, Sorok, and Pa’a.

Keywords: Engklek, Traditional Games, Self-Control, school-aged children, quasi-experiment


Self-control is as kill of thinking that helps children learn to control feelings and behavior, which is useful in making decisions, reducing impulsive actions, and dealing with frustration effectively (Baumeister et al., 2007). The self-control deals with the ability of an individual to control their behavior to achieve a goal desired by the individual. This ability is a mental condition of a person that can influence behavior formation (Gliebe, 2011). Self-control is not only one of the emotional controls, there are several other aspects that support the process of self-control. There are five aspects of self-control according to Tangney, Baumeister, and Boone (2004), they called (1) Self-discipline, deals with the individual’s ability to exercise self-discipline. This relates to the individual’s ability to be able to focus on doing tasks. Individuals who have self-discipline are able to refrain from things that can interfere with their concentration; (2) Deliberate / non-impulsive, deals with the tendency of individuals to do something with certain considerations, are careful, and not in a hurry.

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