RSIS International

Upper Body Muscular Activation on Plyometric Push-Up in Normal Individuals

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Upper Body Muscular Activation on Plyometric Push-Up in Normal Individuals

Ashok N1*, Jayaraman P.G2
 1* Senior Physiotherapist, SRM College of Physiotherapy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur , Tamilnadu , India
2Intern, SRM College of Physiotherapy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur , Tamilnadu , India.

IJRISS Call for paper

Background: The push-up is widely accepted by means of examining and enhancing the strength and endurance of upper trunk by simple technique. It is an effective upper body exercise where the fitness is achieved by using of the body’s own weight. They promote the strength, balance, stability in upper body by developing several key muscles. Electromyography (EMG) is a clinical technique that involves recording of the electrical activity generated in a muscle for diagnostic purpose. EMG used to examine the neural activation of muscles which are essential for mechanical movement and strength gains.
Objective: To find the upper body muscular activation on plyometric push-up in normal individuals.
Methodology: The study design was quasi experimental and the study type is pre and post-test type .30 men were selected with age group of 17-22 years with minimum training experience in gym and normal BMI (18.50-24.99).Individuals with any major upper extremity or back injuries in last one year, recent surgeries, any deformity in upper& lower limb, chest wall deformity, any medical illness were excluded from the study. Push-up training was given for 4 weeks.
Outcome Measures: Electromyography (EMG).
Results: There is significant (p<0.05) improvement in plyometric push-up for upper body muscular activation.
Conclusion: The study concludes that the significant effect on upper body muscular activation on plyometric push-up in normal individuals.

Keywords: Plyometric push-up, Resistance exercise, Electromyography.


The plyometric push ups training is also known as stretch–shortening drills or stretch strengthening drills due to high velocity eccentric to concentric muscle loading reflexive reaction and functional movement patterns1.The plyometric training is defined as high velocity resistance training characterized by a rapid, resisted eccentric [lengthening] contraction during the muscle elongation, immediately followed by a rapid reversal of movement with a resisted concentric [shortening] contraction of same muscle1