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Violence against Women: A Case of Dhaka City

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Violence against Women: A Case of Dhaka City

Md. Shahidul Islam1, Dwipayan Roy2, Md. Omar Faruque3, Md. Khaled Sifullah4, Md Shovon Molla5
1LGED-JICA-2 Smale Scale Project, Bangladesh
2,5School of Law and Public Administration, China Three Gorges University
3Department of Public Administration, Jagannth University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
4Department of History, Jagannth University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study makes an attempt to explore the nature, cause and effect of domestic violence against women as well as the strategies of reduction of domestic violence, To make the attempt a success, this study first of all, reveals the nature and causes of domestic violence, Most of the variables and indicators profoundly related to domestic violence, have been studied carefully to identify the consequences of domestic violence and the government’s strategies in this respect. This study starts through reviewing the existing relevant literature along with some theoretical ideas in relation to delineate how social policy and rules are related to domestic violence. Then it formulates the conceptual framework and later constructs its methodology. The study followed the quantitative approaches to bring out the intensity and its negative impact on women as well as society, The study sets various techniques of data collection such as questionnaire in the line of sociological perspectives.


1. To find out the nature of domestic violence.
2. To analysis the severity of domestic violence.
3. To understand the causes of domestic violence against women.


Moshtaque(1998) on his thesis on oppression on Women in Bangladesh shows the nature of growth of violence against women in proportion to population growth. On the basis of police record of 15 metropolitan than as of Dhaka City, they argued that violence against women has increased ten times from 1988 to 1997. In 1988, 0.52 incidents were reported per 100,000 women. In 1990, it was 0.66, in 1995, 3.96 and in 1997, it sharply rose to 9.55. During 1998, the number rose further to 2103 while the numbers of reported cases of violence against women during January to September of 2000 were 1882. Of the various forms of violence against women, incidence of rape figured the highest followed by domestic violence. In the year 1996, 262 cases of rape, gang-rape and rape murders were reported. The corresponding figures for 1997 and 2000(January- September) were 753, 648 respectively. Similarly, the reported cases of domestic violence were 234, 273 and 255 during 1997, 1998 and 2000 January- September) respectively. But he did not show the impacts of the domestic violence so deeply Naripokkha, a non-governmental organization, conducted a Pilot Study on Violence against Women in Bangladesh. The findings show that about 60 per cent of Bangladeshi women are physically assaulted by their husbands.