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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Voltammetric Detection of Cinnarizine at Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Carbon Paste Electrode

Rajesh N. Hegdea,*, Vishwanatha Pa, Sharanappa T. Nandibewoorb

IJRISS Call for paper

aDepartment of Chemistry, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College (Autonomous), Ujire-574 240, India
bP.G. Department of Studies in Chemistry, Karnatak University, Dharwad-580 003, India
*Corresponding author. Rajesh N. Hegde

Abstract:- The voltammetric behaviour of cinnarizine was investigated. In pH 2.5 Britton-Robinson buffer, cinnarizine shows an irreversible oxidation peak at about 1.20 V at a carbon paste electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The cyclic voltammetric results indicate that carbon paste electrode (CPE) modified with MWCNTs can remarkably enhance electro-catalytic activity towards the oxidation of cinnarizine. The electro-catalytic behavior was further exploited as a sensitive detection scheme for the cinnarizine by differential-pulse voltammetry. Under optimized conditions, the concentration range and detection limit are 8.0 x 10-9 to 4.5 x 10-7 M and 1.11 x 10-9 M respectively for cinnarizine. The developed method was successfully applied for detection of cinnarizine in pharmaceutical samples. The analytical performance of this sensor has been evaluated for detection of cinnarizine in urine as a real sample.

Keywords: Cinnarizine; Multi-walled carbon nanotubes; Voltammetry; Carbon paste electrode


Cinnarizine (CNR), 1-(diphenylmethyl)-4-(3-phenyl-2-propenyl)piperazine (Fig. 1) is a piperazine derivative with histamine H1-receptor and calcium channel blocker. It also improves the cerebral blood flow. It is used orally for the treatment of cerebral apoplexy, cerebral arteriosclerosis and post-traumatic cerebral symptoms. It is also used to control vomiting and nausea [1]. Many studies showed that CNR is highly effective against motion sickness [2,3] and in contrast with other drugs, it should have fewer side effects. It is also used in the treatment of cerebral and peripheral vascular disorders.

There were many methods reported for the detection of CNR. It was determined spectrophotometrically in pure form [4] and in the binary mixtures [5]. It was also determined using gas chromatography [6], fluorescence spectroscopy [7] and ion selective electrode [8]. A capillary electrophoresis method [9] and a chemiluminesence method for flow injection analysis of CNR [10] were also reported. A HPTLC [11] and a chemometric [12] method were reported recently. The methods based on voltammetric behaviuor of CNR at glassy carbon electrode were also reported [13, 14]. Although spectroscopic and chromatographic methods were widely used for the analysis of various pharmaceutical drugs, most of these methods require separation and/or pretreatment steps. These methods are time consuming, solvent-usage intensive and requires expensive devices and maintenance.

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