International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Water Quality Analysis in Rural Area
Sheena K N#, Bithaparveen N K*, Safalya P R*
#Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, *Student M TECH (Environmental Engineering), M DIT Ulliyeri, India
Abstract- Potable water reduction is a growing problem in the world. Pollution of the surface water bodies may lead to increased impact on ground water aquifers. The present work is done to analyze river water and the surrounding open wells by using physical chemical and biological analysis. The analysis was done by taking 9samples, out of this 3 samples were taken from the river and 6 samples from the surrounding wells.
Hardness, alkalinity, DO, Chloride, Turbidity, pH, Total solids, BOD, and MPN were analyzed. After the analysis we concluded that surface water in the Poonoor River does not affect surrounding aquifer heavily. The river has high contents of dissolved solids and the contents of almost all chemical compounds decreases with increasing distance from the river. From the bacteriological analysis ground water is affected by the Poonoor River and almost all the wells were contaminated with coliforms.
Keywords- potable water, hardness, alkalinity, DO, chloride, pH, total solids, BOD, MPN.
Rivers are the one of the main water resources for industrial, domestic and irrigational purposes and which contains municipal sewage, industrial waste water and seasonal runoff from agricultural, which causes nutrient enrichment of river water as compared to other environment.
Physico-chemical parameter of river water affects the biological characteristics and which indicate the status of water quality.
Poonoor river is the one of the longest river in the Kozhikode district and assessment of water quality of poonoor river becoming utmost importance because of various reasons like rapid urbanization, agricultural and industrial waste, sewage water comprises of domestic, medical and other wastes due to anthropogenic activities.