International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Water Quality Monitoring System
S. Beula
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: Water is an important natural resource and is required in our daily life. The proposed system aims to design a wireless acquisition system which is the basic building block of the water quality monitoring system. This explains the work carried out to design the embedded wireless monitoring system that can measure the turbidity, temperature and pH of the water remotely. The system is built using the Arduino microcontroller. The system consists of two sections, namely, Transmitter section, that collects the temperature, pH and turbidity readings from remote place and the Receiver section, that collects transmitted readings using the GSM wireless communication protocol. The results are classified into three classes using the different Temperature, pH and Turbidity levels to get a water quality index. The results are displayed on the LCD as well as on mobile over different time periods.
Keywords: Arduino, PH Sensor, Turbidity Sensor, Temperature sensor, GSM Modem.
In the current era, we are moving towards making our cities as the smart cities, due to the lot of technological research and inventions over the decades. So the current era is said to be era of inventions, era of development, era of globalization and the era of smartness etc. But the counter side of the same is that the current era is era of the pollution, global warming, insecurity and miserable health factors. The main causes for this are the ignorance of people & government sector and the deficient water quality monitoring system, which results in serious health issues. The motivation behind the proposed system was to design a wireless system to monitor water quality in a simplest and cost effective manner. This system can analyze some important and harmful factors of water to take preventive actions for water quality maintenance.
In current world water sources are polluted through industries, etc.,. Industry chemicals contaminate the water resources. This H2O auto check meter product our water resources. If any one polluted then it will send a aleter to main server so we can find the culprit and we can compliant them using legal team.
To check and defence the water using the design of wireless system to monitor water quality in a simplest and cost effective manner used. This system can analyze some important and harmful factors of water to take preventive actions for water quality maintenance. The pH sensor and turbidity sensor are used to collect the pH and turbidity level of the water.