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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) ISSN No. 2454-6186 DOI: 10.47772/IJRISS
Research Area Cover: Social Science, Education, Law, Sociology, Humanities, Economics, Geography, Human, Political Science, Psychology, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Linguistics, Public Administration, Banking & Finance, Guidance and Counselling, History, Language and Literature, Supply Chain Management, Tourism & Travel Management, etc.
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) ISSN No. 2278-2540 DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS
Research Area Cover: Computer Engineering, Electrical and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Information Technology, Agricultural Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) ISSN No. 2454-6194 DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS
Research Area Cover: Agriculture, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Food Science and Technology, Geography, Biology, Microbiology, Biological Sciences, Environmental Science etc.
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) ISSN No. 2321-2705 DOI: 10.51244/IJRSI
Research Area Cover: Engineering, Environmental Science, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Architecture, Agriculture, Health Sciences, Medical Science, Sport Science, etc.
Social Science, Management, Education
Engineering, Medical, Biology
Physics, Chemistry, Maths
Engineering, Management, Applied Science
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