Volume VII Issue XII

Publication for  Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2020 is in process…

Assessment of Health Care Workers’ Knowledge Attitudes and Practices of Effective Management of Biomedical Waste in Dodoma City Tanzania
Edward Augustine Magwe – December 2020 – Page No.: 01-10

Background: Biomedical waste mismanagement has been and continues to be a hazardous health risk to health personnel and the general public. This study endeavoured to identify and asses’ knowledge, attitudes and practices effect biomedical waste management with particular focus on those handling biomedical wastes.
Methods: The study used cross-sectional research design. The study was conducted in hospitals, health centres and dispensaries in Dodoma City, Tanzania. The population of the study consisted of all health staff of health facilities in Dodoma City, Tanzania. A total of 142 health care workers participated in the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect Quantitative data and analysed using descriptive statistical techniques guided by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY).
Results: The findings indicated that 96.5% of health care workers were aware that improper management of biomedical wastes lead to various health hazards. 97.9% of the participants indicated that mismanagement of biomedical wastes resulted in environmental problems. 73.2% of the participants stated that dumping of biomedical waste directly into garbage bins for removal and direct incineration were mostly used as methods of biomedical wastes disposal. The result revealed that a significant proportion of staff (80.3%) had not received adequate training related to biomedical waste management.
Conclusion: Health care workers in Dodoma city demonstrated good knowledge of the impact of improper management of health care waste had positive attitude and mindsets towards effective management of health care waste and had poor practice of biomedical waste in Dodoma City in Tanzania.
Recommendation: In Tanzania there is a need to build a comprehensive system that addresses and defines clearly the responsibilities, and resource allocation criteria for handling and disposing Biomedical wastes.

Page(s): 01-10                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 16 December 2020

 Edward Augustine Magwe
Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU)

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Edward Augustine Magwe “Assessment of Health Care Workers’ Knowledge Attitudes and Practices of Effective Management of Biomedical Waste in Dodoma City Tanzania” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.01-10 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/01-10.pdf

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Synthesis, Characterization and In -Vitro Antimicrobial Activities of a Schiff Base Derived From Benzaldehyde with Nitroaniline and Their Cobalt (II) and Nickel (II) Metal Complexes
Obadahun.J, Agho O.B, Dike.R.C, Ojeleye.F.S, Akabuogu.E.P, Omotola.M.B, Jakheng. S.P.E – December 2020 – Page No.: 11-16

Schiff basederived from an equimolar amount of benzaldehyde with P-nitroaniline was synthesized by stirring.The Schiff base was subsequently reacted with cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate and nickel (II) chloride hexahydrade to form the metal complexes.The compounds were characterized using FT-IR, UV-visible, melting point/decomposition and solubility test. The solubility test of the compounds showed that they are soluble in most organic solvents and the melting point of the schiff base ligand was found to be 147.8 oC and the decomposition temperature of the Cobalt (II) and Nickel(II) were found to be 158.8 oC and 157.9 oC for the cobalt(II) and Nickel(II) complexes respectively. The UV and the IR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of complex. The antimicrobial studies of the synthesized ligands and their Cobalt(II) and Nickel(II) metal complexes were carried out in against Candida albican fungal species, Gram positive bacteria Staphylococcusaureus and Gram negative bacteria Eschaerichia coli.The results indicated that the metal complexes were more active than the ligand but less active compared to standard drugs (ciprofloxacin and floconazole).

Page(s): 11-16                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 December 2020

Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Agho O.B
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Jakheng. S.P.E
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), ZARIA Department of Science Technology, P.M.B 1034 Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

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Obadahun.J, Agho O.B, Dike.R.C, Ojeleye.F.S, Akabuogu.E.P, Omotola.M.B, Jakheng. S.P.E , “Synthesis, Characterization and In -Vitro Antimicrobial Activities of a Schiff Base Derived From Benzaldehyde with Nitroaniline and Their Cobalt (II) and Nickel (II) Metal Complexes” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.11-16 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/11-16.pdf

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Comparative Study of Biogas Generation Using Locally Constructed Bioreactor
Uchendu, D.O., Mbonu, F. O., Ukoha, P. U., Omiyi, C. E.- December 2020 – Page No.: 17-20

This research work is focused on the construction of bioreactor for the production of biogas. This is due to the fact that Nigeria is facing energy problem. Biogas generation is an alternative area of research work and an alternative method for waste management. In this research work, two bioreactors were constructed using locally sourced materials and feed them with substrates, they are cow dung and kitchen waste in the ratio 1:2 (i.e. substrate to water) to form slurry. The slurry was transferred into the bioreactors for fermentation to generate biogas. The parameters such as temperature within and outside the bioreactors were observed and recorded weekly, the cumulative volume of biogas generated by each bioreactor were observed and recorded daily. The biogas generated was analyzed using gas chromatography. the result revealed that the average daily temperature in the bioreactors and ambient per day for the first week, for kitchen waste and cow dung and ambient were 32.2240C, 32.2120C, 28.7890C, second week, 32.760C, 32.0720C, 28.4410C,the third week, 30.8820C,31.0360C and 28.6120C and the fourth week,30.0950C, 30.5090C and 28,7440C respectively. It was observed that the biogas analysis using gas chromatography showed that kitchen waste had the gas component as follows CH4, NH3,CO,H2S and CO2, 70.29%, 0.58%, 1.62%, 0.75% and 26.76% whereas cow dung had 68.26%, 0.49%, 1.18%, 0.15% and 29.92% respectively. Daily cumulative volume of biogas generated indicates that the first twenty hours had no gas generated, due to the fact that the organisms are trying to adapt to the new environment. The total volume of biogas generated from cow dung and kitchen waste after twenty eight days of fermentation were 167.4cm3 and 192.7cm3 respectively. It was revealed from this research work that the two subtracts used in this locally constructed bioreactors are excellent materials for biogas generation.

Page(s): 17-20                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 21 December 2020

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71201

 Uchendu, D.O.
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

 Mbonu, F. O.
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

 Ukoha, P. U.
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

 Omiyi, C. E.
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

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Uchendu, D.O., Mbonu, F. O., Ukoha, P. U., Omiyi, C. E. “Comparative Study of Biogas Generation Using Locally Constructed Bioreactor” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.17-20 December 2020 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71201

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Facebook Engagement for Craft Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Project BATU
Ng Kar Weng – December 2020 – Page No.: 21-31

Objectives | Local craft entrepreneurs were struggling to get their products and services sold to the market in Malaysia. With the development of mobile internet and technology, the trend of consumerism has rapidly changed in the last few years with the boom of the online marketplace. To confront the consumption trend, the local craft entrepreneurs should take advantage of social media platforms for their business start-up. The main purpose of this paper is to prove that local craft entrepreneurs can turn hobby into profitable activities by approaching an online platform in their business start-up. Also, to identify the opportunity for local craft entrepreneurs to engage their target audiences or prospect customers via social media, e.g Facebook.
Methodology & Tool | the data for this study was collected from a craft entrepreneurship pilot project – Project BATU Facebook page. Photo posts were captured within 20 days, from 20 April 2019 to 10 May 2019, as the experimental business start-up stage of the pilot project. All data collected were related to total engagement per post (sum of all follower’s reactions, comments & shares) and were analyzed to calculate the Engagement Rate of Post (ER post) and Average Engagement Rate of Post (Av. ER post). The design thinking process was applied as an innovative model to expand encompass human-centered processes in this research.
Results | the numbers of fans and their total engagement rate is increasing. Social photos could be the ‘holy grail’ of social media engagement according to an expert. Therefore, The 15 photo posts were then categorized into 3 posts types: Product information, Announcement shout-out & Activity moments. The result shows activities relevant photo posts are easier to engage audiences’ attention and interest.
Discoveries | this study shows that craft entrepreneurs can engage their target audiences as early as the start-up stage of their business through Facebook page activities. Obtaining insights about audience responses and engagement increased when social activity relevant content shared and reached the audience’s news feed. When the engagement rate increased, the post can reach more audiences on Facebook. It could help local craft entrepreneurs to perform better online by increasing their brand awareness and exposure.

Page(s): 21-31                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 21 December 2020

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71202

 Ng Kar Weng
INTI International College Subang, Malaysia

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Ng Kar Weng “Facebook Engagement for Craft Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Project BATU” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.21-31 December 2020 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71202

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Community Experience among Adult Education Students. A case of the Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies
Flora Ngoma-Moono, A.L. H Moonga – December 2020 – Page No.: 32-36

The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of community experience among Adult Education students in the department of adult education and extension studies at the University of Zambia. The main objectives of the study were to examine the benefits of community experience attachment to the students. Find out the challenges that students faced while on attachment and to examine the measures that can be taken to improve on the community experience programme.
The participants were fourth year students who had been on community experience during their third year of study. The study used a case study research design. In order to collect data from the respondents a questionnaire was used.
The findings of the research showed students benefited from community experience. Some of the benefits they have gain include gaining valuable work experience, networking with professionals, acquiring practical skills and knowledge and improved communication skills.
One of the recommendations of the study was that the department of adult education and extension studies must assist students to get attachment places.

Page(s): 32-36                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 December 2020

 Flora Ngoma-Moono
Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies, University of Zambia, Zambia

 A.L. H Moonga
Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies, University of Zambia, Zambia

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Flora Ngoma-Moono, A.L. H Moonga “Community Experience among Adult Education Students. A case of the Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.32-36 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/32-36.pdf

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Ethical issues about kids targeting
Saad AIT LAMKADEM, Smail OUIDDAD – December 2020 – Page No.: 37-42

Digital marketing practices have gained an increasing theoretical attention. Most studies concentrated on issues related to Marketing ethics in the context of traditional media. This paper is a literature review that aims is to focus on ethical issues surrounding targeting in the digital marketing era. This article is a theoretical review that presents a conceptual analysis about marketing ethics in children targeting which is merely based on relying on secondary sources of recent data. In this paper, we will concentrate on specificities of targeting in the digital marketing context and children targeting that evolves continuously to sway kids purchasing decision.

Page(s): 37-42                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 December 2020

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71203

PhD student at Hassan First University Of Settat, Morocco

HDR Professor at Hassan First University Of Settat, Morocco

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Saad AIT LAMKADEM, Smail OUIDDAD “Ethical issues about kids targeting” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.37-42 December 2020 DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71203

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Synthesis and Application of Azo Dyes Derived From the Methanolic Extract of Cissus Populnea as the Coupling Component on Nylon 6, 6
Agho, O.B., Obadahun J., Feka D.P., Magaji I.Y., Susanna A.O., and Enyeribe C.C – December 2020 – Page No.: 43-48

Three different dyes derived from the methanolic extract of Cissus populnea as the coupling component with Sulphanilic acid, 4-aminophenol and 4-chloroaniline was successfully synthesized. The identity of the plant extract and dyes were investigated using spectroscopic analysis such as Uv-visible spectrometry and Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectrometry. The dyes absorbed within the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum DMSO, methanol and acetone but the Uv-visible of the dyes in DMSO was more bathochromic with wavelength range of 605-607 nm as compared to that of methanol (498-500 nm) and acetone (397-403 nm). The infra-red spectra of the extract and dyes confirmed the presence of chromophores such as OH, C=O, N-H, -C-H, C=C and N=N in the dyes, which account for the colored nature of the extract and dyes. The dyes gave brown shades on nylon 6, 6 and exhibited good to very good fastness properties on the dyed fabric. For wash fastness, it was between 3 (good) and 4 (very good), while for light fastness it was between 6 (good) and 4 (moderate).

Page(s): 43-48                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 December 2020

 Agho, O.B.
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Nilest), Zaria Department of Science Laboratory Technology, P.M.B 1034, Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Obadahun J.
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Nilest), Zaria Department of Science Laboratory Technology, P.M.B 1034, Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Feka D.P.
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Nilest), Zaria Department of Science Laboratory Technology, P.M.B 1034, Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Magaji I.Y.
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Nilest), Zaria Department of Science Laboratory Technology, P.M.B 1034, Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Susanna A.O.
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Nilest), Zaria Department of Science Laboratory Technology, P.M.B 1034, Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

  Enyeribe C.C
Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Nilest), Zaria Department of Science Laboratory Technology, P.M.B 1034, Samaru, Zaria. Kaduna state

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Agho, O.B., Obadahun J., Feka D.P., Magaji I.Y., Susanna A.O., and Enyeribe C.C “Synthesis and Application of Azo Dyes Derived From the Methanolic Extract of Cissus Populnea as the Coupling Component on Nylon 6, 6” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.43-48 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/43-48.pdf

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Educational leadership Effectiveness in the selection and Recruitment of Academic Staff in Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Muhammad Wadata Hakimi Phd, Fauziya Isiya Bakori, Abubakar Hassan Also & Bashar Ibrahim – December 2020 – Page No.: 49-52

Leadership in education stand as a yardstick in administration of secondary schools’ education in every state in Nigeria Sokoto state included, this paper looked at the conceptual clarifications of Leadership, leadership styles, effective leader and qualities of good leadership, the researchers also discussed about selection and recruitment of Academic staff in our secondary schools in the state, as well as strategies for recruitment and selection of staff. The researchers concluded that, it is the functions of educational stake Holders, school management and government Solve issues related to selection and recruitment of academic staff in secondary schools in Sokoto state. It was suggested that, there is a need to select educational leaders based on merits, Qualification and commitments articulated by a candidate should be given regard in selecting and Recruitment of academic staff, Government should do away with politics in appointing academic staff and leaders in Schools. Technical Committee should be formed by government with active capacity to monitor and regulate the operations of educational leaders and teachers in Secondary schools in the state and Educational Leaders needs to be transformational by bringing changes that would suit the present educational challenges in the state

Page(s): 49-52                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 December 2020

 Muhammad Wadata Hakimi Phd
Department of Educational Foundations Department of Adult and Non-formal Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria

  Fauziya Isiya Bakori
Department of Educational Foundations Department of Adult and Non-formal Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria

  Abubakar Hassan Also
Department of Educational Foundations Department of Adult and Non-formal Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
French Department. Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto

  Bashar IbrahimDepartment of Educational Foundations Department of Adult and Non-formal Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
French Department. Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto

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Muhammad Wadata Hakimi Phd, Fauziya Isiya Bakori, Abubakar Hassan Also & Bashar Ibrahim, “Educational leadership Effectiveness in the selection and Recruitment of Academic Staff in Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.49-52 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/49-52.pdf

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Assessment of Availability of Female-friendly Public Toilets in Markets and Motor Parks in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria
Da’am, E. H. Ph.D, Sani John Wungakah Msc – December 2020 – Page No.: 53-60

The purpose of the study was to assess the availability of female-friendly public toilets in markets and motor parks in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria. Three objectives were formulated with three corresponding research questions. A Cross-sectional research design was used for the study. The study was conducted in Jos Metropolis. The population of the study consisted of all female buyers, sellers and travelers. Purposive sampling procedure was used to draw up the sample size population of 150 females for the study. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire. The data were collected through four research assistants. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic of frequency counts and percentages and were presented in Tables. The findings of the study revealed that pit latrines, VIP Latrines, pour flush were the types of public toilets available in markets and motor parks, all the identified items were confirmed as the qualities of female-friendly public toilets; the identified items were confirmed as barriers to accessibility of Females to Public Toilets in Markets and Motor Parks in Jos Metropolis. The study recommended among others that attention be given to the key components essential for toilets that girls and women can safely and comfortably use.

Page(s): 53-60                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 December 2020

 Da’am, E. H. Ph.D
Department of Physical and Health Education. Faculty of Education University of Jos, Nigeria

  Sani John Wungakah Msc.
Department of General Studies Plateau State College of Health Technology, Pankshin, 2020

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Da’am, E. H. Ph.D , Sani John Wungakah Msc “Assessment of Availability of Female-friendly Public Toilets in Markets and Motor Parks in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.53-60 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/53-60.pdf

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Chemical and Biological Screening of the Leaves of Stachytarpheta cayennensis (l. VAHL).
Okah Pius Otom, S.K. Okwute- December 2020 – Page No.: 61-67

Stachytarpheta cayennensis belongs to the family Verbenaceae; it is a species of flowering and is applied by many traditional healers to treat a host of diseases including diabetes, dysentery pain, wounds, eye infections, bacterial infections, chicken pox, measles, blood pressure, toothache and malaria. The leaf of Stachytarpheta cayennensis was studied to evaluate its chemical constituents and to confirm its traditional medicinal use. The phytochemical screening of the leaves of this plant revealed the presence of carbohydrates, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, saponins, alkaloids and flavanoids. The antimicrobial screening against some selected human pathogens; showed that the extract was sensitive to Escherichia coli, Staphilococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Micrococcus luteus and Candida albicans. The Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the steam distillate showed 32 peaks. This led to the identification of several compounds with valuable biological activities including enzo[d]isothiazol-3-one (C8H7O3) a disinfectant, a platelet aggregation inhibitor and a xenobiotic, dodecanoic acid (C12H24O2) which is an antibacterial agent and an algal metabolite, hexanol, (Z)-9-tricosene, phthalic acid, octade-9-enoic acid, heptacosan-1-ol. The Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed that the steam distillate is mainly composed of oxygenated hydrocarbons, predominantly esters and carboxylic acids, a few long chain hydrocarbons and alcohols. The crude methanol extract of the leaf was also subjected to antimalarial screening at daily doses of 200, 400 and 800mg extract/kg body weight of mice infected with plasmodium berghei in a four-day treatment. The percentages of suppression of the parasitaemia at the doses of 200, 400, and 800 mg extract/kg body weight were, respectively, 36.62%, 50.36%, and 61.06%. The findings on antiplasmodial activity of this plant justify the traditional use by local populations against malaria. The findings therefore, suggest that there is an indication that S.cayennensis leaves contain phytochemicals that may be linked to its beneficial effects on health. Thus, the isolation of the active compounds from this plant is suggested for possible antimalarial drugs.

Page(s): 61-67                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 December 2020

 Okah Pius Otom
Departmentof Chemistry, University of Abuja, Nigeria

 S.K. Okwute
Departmentof Chemistry, University of Abuja, Nigeria

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Okah Pius Otom, S.K. Okwute, “Chemical and Biological Screening of the Leaves of Stachytarpheta cayennensis (l. VAHL).” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.61-67 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/61-67.pdf

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The Effect of Board Structure on Firm Value with Profitability as an Intervening Variable
Tri Alpiani, Sutrisno – December 2020 – Page No.: 68-77

The role of the board as an internal mechanism for Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is needed to reduce agency conflicts. When the board plays a good role in managing GCG, the company will run effectively and efficiently, and be able to prosper the shareholders, as well as bring good effect on company performance, thereby increasing profitability. Increased profitability will indirectly increase the company’s stock price and the company’s value will increase.
This study aims to determine the direct effect of board structure consisting of the board of directors (BOD) and board of commissioner (BOC) on firm value, profitability on firm value, and to determine the indirect effect of board structure on firm value through profitability.
The sampling method used was purposive sampling, the object of this research was companies listed on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) from 2015-2019, with a sample size of 103 companies. The analysis tools used were Panel Data Regression and Path Analysis.
The results showed that the variables of BOC and profitability had a negative and significant effect on firm value. Meanwhile, variables of BOD has no significant effect on firm value. The board structure variable also has no significant effect on profitability. The results of the Path Analysis show that profitability is not able to be an intervening variable between BOD and BOC on firm value.

Page(s): 68-77                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 January 2021

 Tri Alpiani
Graduate Student in the Master of Management Program, Department of Management Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

  SutrisnoAssociate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Tri Alpiani, Sutrisno, “The Effect of Board Structure on Firm Value with Profitability as an Intervening Variable” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.68-77 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/68-77.pdf

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The Profile of Blood Sugar Level of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperlipidemia Patients Who Consume Oral Anti-Diabetic Drugs and Simvastatin in Some Community Health Centers in Makassar City
Rosliah, Elly Wahyudi, Hasyim Kasim- December 2020 – Page No.: 78-82

Metformin and glimepiride are oral anti-diabetic drugs used by diabetes mellitus patients, which aims to lower blood sugar levels, while simvastatin is an anti-hyperlipidemia drug with indications of lowering lipid levels in the blood. This study aims to determine the fasting blood sugar level during the use of a combination of oral anti-diabetic drugs and simvastatin drug for type 2 diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia patients in some Community Health Centers in Makassar City. This research is a descriptive non-experimental study with a treatment of data in a population of all type 2 diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia patients who consume oral anti-diabetic drugs and simvastatin. Data collection was conducted for a month, namely from January to February 2020, using medical record data and laboratory results of fasting blood sugar test. The research subjects consisted of 3 groups, namely metformin users (n = 39), glimepiride users (n = 13), and a combination of metformin and glimepiride users (n = 28). Changes in fasting blood sugar levels between metformin group, glimepiride group, and a combination of metformin and glimepiride group showed that during 3-month use of a combination of metformin and glimepiride, it was shown significant results (P = 0.017). This indicates that the use of a combination of metformin and glimepiride drugs is better at lowering the patients’ blood sugar level than those of a single therapy of either metformin or glimepiride. The tests were conducted to compare each group of drugs through observations in each month, and the results showed no significant difference. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no difference in any group of treatment.

Page(s): 78-82                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 January 2020

Clinical Pharmacy Study Program Hasanuddin University

  Elly Wahyudi
Pharmacy Faculty Hasanuddin University

  Hasyim Kasim
Pharmacy Faculty Hasanuddin University

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Rosliah, Elly Wahyudi, Hasyim Kasim, “The Profile of Blood Sugar Level of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperlipidemia Patients Who Consume Oral Anti-Diabetic Drugs and Simvastatin in Some Community Health Centers in Makassar City” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.78-82 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/78-82.pdf

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Da’wah Activities of Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah and its contribution to the Development of Islam in Northern Nigeria
Muhammad Dayyabu Abdulmumini, Dr. Aminu Alhaji Bala- December 2020 – Page No.: 83-88

In Northern Nigeria there are many religious organizations that are active in Da’wah work. Their impact is felt tremendously through organizing Islamic awareness seminars and preaching tours and building of Islamiyyah schools to boost Islamic education of the Muslims’ children and adult literacy needs. They have also built Mosques and Islamic centres for the overall religious needs of the society. This paper will highlight the impact of one of these Da’wah organizations known as Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah. The paper will discuss the establishment of the organization, its activities, method of Da’wah (propagation of Islam) towards the spread of Islam and its impact on the overall Educational needs of the Muslims in Northern Nigeria. The methodology adopted in conducting this research is field work and qualitative analysis of data from published and unpublished sources.

Page(s): 83-88                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 January 2021

 Muhammad Dayyabu Abdulmumini
Department of Islamic Studies, School of Secondary Education (Arts and Social Sciences), Federal College of Education, Katsina, Nigeria

 Dr. Aminu Alhaji Bala
Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies. Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

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Muhammad Dayyabu Abdulmumini, Dr. Aminu Alhaji Bala, “Da’wah Activities of Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah and its contribution to the Development of Islam in Northern Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.83-88 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/83-88.pdf

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Assessment of Water Supply and Toilet Facilities in Selected Primary Schools of Kolo Creek Area, South-South Nigeria
Ojukwu, Chijioke K and Chukwu-Okeah, Gift O – December 2020 – Page No.: 89-94

The importance of adequate water supply and toilet facilities to good hygiene practices that leads to healthy individuals cannot be overemphasized especially for primary school pupils in rural communities. This study therefore assessed water supply and toilet facilities in selected primary schools in Kolo creek area of Nigeria. The cross sectional research method was used for this study. A total of 25 public primary schools were identified in the study area of which 16 schools representing 60% of the identified schools were sampled. 184 copies of questionnaires were administered to teachers of the sampled schools while focal group discussions were also held with the school pupils and some teachers of the sampled schools. The data collected were analysed using tables while the stated hypothesis for the study was tested using the chi-square statistical tool. The result showed that 75.5% of teachers in the study area were educated to the bachelor’s degree level and 85.16% have 10 years’ experience and over. The two major sources of water in the study area are river (30.9%) and borehole (30%). However, 75% of the respondents stated that daily water requirement in the study area is insufficient while 96.7% stated that there is a prevalence of water supply challenge. Pit latrine is the common type of toilet facility used in the study area. While 56.6% of the respondents stated that toilet facilities are not available, 75% stated that the functionality of the toilet facility is not adequate. The Chi-square calculated value of 13.96 being greater than the critical value of 3.481 rejected the null hypothesis therefore confirming that there is a relationship between toilet facility availability and functionality of the toilet facility. The study concluded that there is a prevalence of water supply and requirement challenge in the study area. Most of the available toilet facilities in the study area are not functional and therefore not adequate. These challenges pose great health risk to the pupils thereby impacting academic and extracurricular activities of the schools in the study area. It is therefore recommended that local authorities ensure provision, maintenance and regular inspection of water supply and toilet facilities in schools especially in rural communities to improve hygiene and ultimately academic performance. Regular hygiene education by stakeholders will create awareness and help break the cycle of diseases in the study area.

Page(s): 89-94                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 January 2020

 Ojukwu, Chijioke K
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 Chukwu-Okeah, Gift O
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Ojukwu, Chijioke K and Chukwu-Okeah, Gift O, “Assessment of Water Supply and Toilet Facilities in Selected Primary Schools of Kolo Creek Area, South-South Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.89-94 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/89-94.pdf

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Tutorial-Based Learning Strategy And Senior Secondary Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Attitude In Geometry
Daso Peter Ojimba, Zalmon Ibaan Gogo, Opurum Darlington Chetachi – December 2020 – Page No.: 95-99

The study investigated the effect of tutorial-based learning strategy on senior secondary students’ cognitive achievement and attitude in geometry in Obio/Akpor local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted the quasi-experimental research design with a population of 6,589 senior secondary class one students and a sample of 40 students. Purposive sampling technique was used to compose the sample in an intact class. Two instruments were used in the study for data collection which includes Geometry Test Item (GMI) and Geometry Attitude Inventory (GAI). The reliability coefficients of 0.91 and 0.82 were obtained for GMI and GAI respectively using Cronbach alpha. Four research questions were answered with descriptive statistics while four hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using analysis of covariance and Mann-Whitney test. Findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the cognitive achievement and attitude of students in geometry between those taught with tutorial-based learning strategy and direct instruction. The study recommended among others that Mathematics teachers should blend their face-to-face classroom instruction with CD ROM-based and web-based tutorial learning strategies to improve students’ cognitive achievement and attitude in Mathematics.

Page(s): 95-99                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 January 2020

 Daso Peter Ojimba
Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

  Zalmon Ibaan Gogo
Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

  Opurum Darlington Chetachi
Topline Schools, Elelewon, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Daso Peter Ojimba, Zalmon Ibaan Gogo, Opurum Darlington Chetachi “Tutorial-Based Learning Strategy And Senior Secondary Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Attitude In Geometry” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.95-99 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/95-99.pdf

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The Impact of Career Risk on Productivity in The Construction Sector of Libya: A pilot study
Juma Aseed Mohamed Buajela, Sadun Naser Yassin Alheety – December 2020 – Page No.: 100-108

The Construction sector impacts virtually all aspects of our lives – home, leisure, school, and workplace. The construction is an integral part of creating and maintaining an acceptable standard of living in Libya, yet the Construction sector faces extraordinary health and safety challenges. Construction employees are paying dearly for the opportunity to earn a living. These challenges and the means to meet these challenges need attention. Libya is being one of the developing countries and its different Construction sectors are substantial components of the economy. Although the Libyan construction sector rapidly grew and developed rapidly, they still face challenges that affect their competitiveness. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate Career Risk on Productivity in The Construction Sector of Libya as A pilot study. The context of this study was the construction industries in Libya. A total of 40 responses from employees were drawn from construction firms in Libya. This was achieved using a probability type sampling in which stratified random sampling was applied. The quantitative method has been selected using the empirical study with a designed questionnaire comprised of 38 questions and involved 40 respondents comprising of the Administrative, Construction worker, and Supervisors. The data analysis is divided into three phases: initial data analysis – the pilot study, statistical analysis to develop a model and to test the study hypothesis. All stages of data analysis use the method of Structural equation modelling. The results showed that Career Risk is not significantly at the level of 0.05, the p-value is .719 which is greater than .05. Therefore, a hypothesis which assumes Career Risk has a positive impact on Organizational Productivity was rejected. The most implication for this study, Theoretically, the main drive of this investigation was to evaluate Career Risk on Productivity in The Construction Sector of Libya. Human resource management literature shows a link between Career Risk and organizational productivity. One of the most important recommendations of the study since Career Risk was an international notion besides requires to be considered for further investigations throughout a great amount of broader environmental well as researched within the scope of a greater and more comprehensive populace, it is recommended to future researchers to gather data from other research contexts, and to some other industries so that hidden variables can be identified as well as a comparative analysis can be carried out.

Page(s): 100-108                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 13 January 2020

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71204

 Juma Aseed Mohamed Buajela Department of Management, Al-Madina International University, Kualalumpur-Malaysia

  Sadun Naser Yassin Alheety
Department of Management, Al-Madina International University, Kualalumpur-Malaysia

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Juma Aseed Mohamed Buajela , Sadun Naser Yassin Alheety, “The Impact of Career Risk on Productivity in The Construction Sector of Libya: A pilot study ” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.100-108 December 2020 DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71204

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Fish Nutrition: plant source as an alternative
Alfred, O. Shaahu, A. Jibung, G.G. Amon, T.E. Msaakpa, T. S. Orban, D. A. and Egwenomhe, M – December 2020 – Page No.: 109-115

The aquaculture sector is potentially the world’s most important fish food provider for human consumption. Fish nutrition plays a major role in aquaculture as it influences the growth of stock for production. Fishmeal, which is the most conventional protein source, is a very expensive protein source in fish feed production. The increasing cost of fishmeal is due to the decrease in marine supplies and increase in demand from various other sectors of feed industry. Therefore aquaculture is looking for alternative suitable protein sources, which could replace this limited resource. This has resulted on the ongoing search for suitable alternatives that are befitting without compromise. Plant protein has been the only easy alternative that is readily available and is also lower in cost when compared to fish meal. This review focuses on five major plant protein source namely soybean, rapeseed, sesame seed, cotton seed and sunflower which have been suggested by several researchers and have the needed potentials in terms of protein content and can be used to supplement if not replace the role of fish meal in fish nutrition so as to reduce the cost of feed and also boost the income of farmers.

Page(s): 109-115                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 January 2020

  Alfred, O.
Department of Fisheries, University of Benin, Nigeria.

  Shaahu, A.
Soybean Research Programme, National Cereals Research Institute, Badeggi, Nigeria
Plant Breeding and Seed Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

  Jibung, G.G.
Department of Agricultural Technology, Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, Plataeu State, Nigeria
Plant Breeding and Seed Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

  Amon, T.E.
Soybean Research Programme, National Cereals Research Institute, Badeggi, Nigeria

  Msaakpa, T. S.
Plant Breeding and Seed Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

  Orban, D. A.
Department of Agriculture, College of Education Katsina-Ala, Benue State, Nigeria.

  Egwenomhe, M Department of Fisheries, University of Benin, Nigeria

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Alfred, O. Shaahu, A., Jibung, G.G., Amon, T.E. Msaakpa, T. S. Orban, D. A.and Egwenomhe, M, “Fish Nutrition: plant source as an alternative” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.109-115 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/109-115.pdf

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Challenges Faced By Pupils with Disabilities in Accessing Primary Education In two Selected Inclusive Education Piloting Schools in Livingstone District

Benson Zemba & Ferdinand M. Chipindi – December 2020 – Page No.: 116-126

The study aimed to examine the challenges faced by pupils with disabilities in accessing primary education at two selected inclusive education piloting primary schools in Livingstone district of Southern Province. The researchers adopted a descriptive case study approach with a qualitative perspective. Data were analysed using the thematic approach. The study found that the views of most school stakeholders were predominantly positive, reflecting an acceptance of the inclusive status of the schools. The absence of significant negative attitudinal barriers, improvements in school accessibility, progress in teacher training and the production of locally made Inclusive Education (IE) modules are noticeable areas of achievement. The study concludes that despite the presence of various exclusionary factors, the two schools have made some observable headway towards the improvement of inclusive learning for children with disabilities. The study puts forward various recommendations for IE implementation and future research in Zambia.

Page(s): 116-126                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 January 2020

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71205

  Benson Zemba
University of Zambia

  Ferdinand M. Chipindi
University of Zambia

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Benson Zemba & Ferdinand M. Chipindi, “Challenges Faced By Pupils with Disabilities in Accessing Primary Education In two Selected Inclusive Education Piloting Schools in Livingstone District” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.116-126 December 2020 URL: DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71205

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Analyze the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Performance at International Schools in Sri Lanka Using Structural Equation Model
Priyanga Anuradha Senadheera – December 2020 – Page No.: 127-131

Performance management plays a major role in human resource management and it is widely used method to evaluate the employees in an effective manner. Performance management was measured through different variables. In this study measurement of performance, training and development, setting standards and organizational culture are used to evaluate the teachers’ performances.
When considering the private education system in Sri Lanka, most of the Principals, Vice Principals and Sectional Heads in the School Network are retired principals or vice principals from the public sector but they are not specialized in the discipline of Human Resource Management.
Most of the international schools do not conduct quality performance appraisals and training (Cambridge and Edexcel training). This will not be enough to identify the performance of the teachers. Further, Setting performance standard is very important when considering the performance management of the teachers. In addition, Organizational culture plays a major role when considering the performance of the teachers.

Page(s): 127-131                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 January 2020

 Priyanga Anuradha Senadheera
Graduate School Of Management, Aldersgate University, Philippine (Through AIMS College, Sri Lanka)

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Priyanga Anuradha Senadheera, “Analyze the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Performance at International Schools in Sri Lanka Using Structural Equation Model” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.127-131 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/127-131.pdf

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Phenotypic Characterization of Burkholderia Pseudomallei Isolates In Fishes In FCT, Abuja Using MicrobactTM GNB 24E Identification Test Kit System
Nabilah B., Mailafia S. and Olabode HOK December 2020 – Page No.: 132-137

The study was carried out to determine the phenotypic characters of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from fresh water fishes sold in FCT using culture, isolation and complete biochemical identification followed by confirmation with MicrobactTM GNB24E identification system. Out of a total number of about 400 samples collected from different fishes (257 from Tilapia zillii, 77 from Clarias gariepinus, 58 from Lates niloticus, and 8 from Alestes nurse). Biochemical characterization revealed that 40 isolates were confirmed as Burkholderia pseudomallei. All the isolates (100 %) were positive to, catalase, hydrogen sulphide, voges proskauer and motility tests others showed varying percentage of reactions to other biochemical tests. The isolates were then subjected to confirmatory test using the MicrobactTM GNB 24E kit which revealed that 25 isolates were Burkholderia pseudomallei. The results were subjected to descriptive statistics using percentages, ratios and tables. Burkholderia pseudomallei isolated had an overall prevalence rate of 6.25 %. The prevalence rate among fishes were Alestes nurse (50 %), Lates niloticus (11.11%) and Tilapia zillii (7.60%). Based on spread in various areas in Federal Capital Territory (FCT) , Burkholderia pseudomallei was higher in Bwari (8.75 %), followed by Gwagwalada with 8.33% and lower in AMAC (5.34%). This research is the first to expose Burkholderia pseudomallei from fishes in Gwagwalada. There is need for radical studies on this organism in other to determine its role as a biological chemical weapon in Nigeria.

Page(s): 132-137                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 20 January 2020

 Nabilah B.
Department of veterinary microbiology, faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Abuja, Nigeria.

  Mailafia S
Department of veterinary microbiology, faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Abuja, Nigeria.

  Olabode HOK
Department of veterinary microbiology, faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Abuja, Nigeria.

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Nabilah B., Mailafia S.and Olabode HOK, “Phenotypic Characterization of Burkholderia Pseudomallei Isolates In Fishes In FCT, Abuja Using MicrobactTM GNB 24E Identification Test Kit System” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.132-137 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/132-137.pdf

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Evaluation of the Nigerian Senior Secondary Education Mathematics Curriculum Implementation

Zalmon Ibaan Gogo, Daso Peter Ojimba, Uranta God’sfavour Adauko – December 2020 – Page No.: 138-147

This research study evaluated the Nigerian senior secondary education Mathematics curriculum implementation in Obio/Akpor local government area of Rivers State using the Stufflebeam’s Context Input Process Product (CIPP) evaluation model. Evaluation survey design was adopted for the study with a population of 18,087 senior secondary school students and 72 Mathematics teachers from the 20 public senior secondary schools in the area. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 390 students and 60 Mathematics teachers making 450 samples with the aid of Taro Yamane formula. The researchers developed Context, Input, Process and Product Curriculum Evaluation Model Questionnaire (CIPPCEMQ) was the instrument for data collection. The CIPPCEMQ has a reliability coefficient of 0.71 obtained by test-retest method. The study was guided by four research questions and four hypotheses. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the Government, private individual, cooperate group and the community were involved in the implementation of the senior secondary education Mathematics curriculum in the area but available input variables and the quality of the instructional process did not significantly contribute to the effective implementation of the senior secondary education Mathematics curriculum as the curriculum objectives (product) were not being achieved. Also, the joint contribution of the context, input and process variables did not contribute significantly to the effective implementation of the Mathematics curriculum. The study therefore recommended adequate provision of the learning resources and improvement in the quality of the instructional process to guarantee effective implementation of the senior secondary education Mathematics curriculum in the area.

Page(s): 138-147                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 January 2020

 Zalmon Ibaan Gogo
Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

  Daso Peter Ojimba
Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

  Uranta God’sfavour Adauko
Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Zalmon Ibaan Gogo, Daso Peter Ojimba, Uranta God’sfavour Adauko, “Evaluation of the Nigerian Senior Secondary Education Mathematics Curriculum Implementation” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.138-147 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/138-147.pdf

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Shape of the Briquetting Press Tool as an Important Parameter during Solid Biofuels Production
Peter Križan, Miloš Matúš, Juraj Beniak, Jozef Bábics – December 2020 – Page No.: 148-155

The aim of the present paper is to present an analysis of the shape of a briquetting press tool on parameters in the pressing chamber that directly influence the resulting quality of solid biofuels. In nowadays the pressing tools and densification machines producers are step by step improving the theory of structural parameters effect. But each is dealing only with the individual situation regarding the producing tools. Meaning of this study is to present the general view on this important issue. Theoretical analysis points out the importance of dimensioning parameters of the pressing tools during briquetting and hence the necessity to consider in the engineering the direct influence of the tools shape and dimension design on the quality of solid biofuels. Authors would like to present the importance of volume-surface ratio which influence the tool wearing and production process. According to the knowledge from practice the effect of pressing chamber comicalness and effect of pressing chamber shape is calculated with using the volume-surface ratio. These calculations were applied on various shaped chambers and also original author´s design of pressing chambers were compared with usually used shapes of briquetting chambers.

Page(s): 148-155                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 January 2021

 Peter Križan
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nam. Slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava

  Miloš Matúš
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nam. Slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava

  Juraj Beniak
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nam. Slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava

 Jozef Bábics
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nam. Slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava

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Peter Križan*, Miloš Matúš, Juraj Beniak, Jozef Bábics “Shape of the Briquetting Press Tool as an Important Parameter during Solid Biofuels Production” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.148-155 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/148-155.pdf

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Images of Women in God’s Bits of Wood: The Perspective of Sex Role Stereotype

Dr. Jive Lubbungu- December 2020 – Page No.: 156-160

This paper discusses the image of women in Sembène ‘s God’s Bits of Wood from the feminist standpoint. Sembène Ousmane (1962) posits that women can take up leadership positions in the midst of a male-oriented and dominated society. Sembène defies the stereotype that women cannot be leaders and do not possess organizational capacity through his presentation of female characters such as Penda. The author’s portrait of the revolutionary idea of the prostitute (Penda) as a political activist raises a degraded woman to respectability and dignity, in contrast to Ekwensi’s Jagua Nana, who does not rise above her degradation. Sembène is a resolute advocate of women’s rights and demonstrates that women are legitimate partners in the struggle for social justice. He supports the integration of women in the struggle against the exploitation of the masses. God’s Bits of Wood, therefore, is an artistic work in which the Marxist ideology of equality of people of different social classes coincides with the ideology of women as an entity not subservient to man.

Page(s): 156-160                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 27 January 2020

 Dr. Jive Lubbungu
Department of Literature and Languages, Kwame Nkrumah University

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Dr. Jive Lubbungu, “Images of Women in God’s Bits of Wood: The Perspective of Sex Role Stereotype” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.156-160 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/156-160.pdf

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The Pull and Push Factors of Rural-Urban Teacher Transfer: A Case of Isoka District of Muchinga Province

Ginno M. Sichilima and Ferdinand M. Chipindi- December 2020 – Page No.: 161-168

This study investigated the factors that push teachers away from rural schools and pull them towards urban and peri-urban schools. The study used ethnographic research techniques to explore the factors that influence teacher transfers from rural to urban spaces in Isoka district of Northern Zambia. We used purposive sampling to locate and interview teachers and administrators to provide insights into the pull and push factors of teacher transfer. The study uncovered a plethora of reasons for these phenomena. The factors included how the study participants negotiated their relationships with colleagues or superiors. Our research, thus, recommends that the District Education Office in the area needs to be considerate during teacher deployment and placement to suitably place teachers where they can be most productive and settled to avoid transfers.

Page(s): 161-168                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 January 2021

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71206

 Ginno M. Sichilima
University of Zambia

  Ferdinand M. Chipindi
University of Zambia

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Ginno M. Sichilima and Ferdinand M. Chipindi, “The Pull and Push Factors of Rural-Urban Teacher Transfer: A Case of Isoka District of Muchinga Province” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.161-168 December 2020 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2020.71206

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Effect on Rheological Properties of Concrete Using Manufactured Sand

Jeevan Kumawat, Er. R.S. Shekhawat- December 2020 – Page No.: 169-173

A few choices have come up for the industry to bank one of which manufactured sand or M-sand, as it is called, is discovered to be the most appropriate one to supplant river sand. M-sand has grabbed the eye of the construction industry and environmentalists alike for its quality and the base harms it causes to nature. Utilization of M-Sand can radically lessen the expense since like river sand, it doesn’t contain impurities and wastages are nil since it is made with present day modern technology and machinery. When the M-sand turns out to be more famous in the construction industry, the interest for river sand and illegal sand mining would descend, A very much handled produced sand as a half or full substitution to river sand is the need of great importance as a drawn-out arrangement in Indian concrete industry until other suitable alternative fine aggregate is created. In the current examination, a correlation of the Compressive qualities of River Sand and M-sand is finished with the hundred percent substitution of river sand by M sand.

Page(s): 169-173                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 February 2021

 Jeevan Kumawat
M.Tech student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur

 Er. R.S. Shekhawat
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur

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Jeevan Kumawat, Er. R.S. Shekhawat, “Effect on Rheological Properties of Concrete Using Manufactured Sand” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.169-173 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/169-173.pdf

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Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Reared Clarias Gariepinus in Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria

Shittu, A.I. and Oguntoye, V- December 2020 – Page No.: 174-176

Growth of fish is dependent on a wide range of positive or negative impacting factors. This study aimed at determining the length-weight relationship of the reared Clarias gariepinus and assess the physicochemical parameters of the pond water samples collected at the fish farms. Length-weight relationship of C. gariepinus among the two ponds was not significantly different. The value of “a” was estimated to be 0.03 and exponent “b” was 1.63 (R2=0.5873) for pond 1 and the value of “a” was-1.67 and exponent “b” was 2.74 (R2=0.851) for pond 2. The exponent “b” was significantly different (p<0.05) for fish samples in pond 2. The fish samples in both ponds showed negative allometric growth pattern respectively, with positive relationships. The relative condition factor showed that samples of C. gariepinus were greater than 1, with mean values of 1.12 for pond 1 and 2.17 for pond 2. There were slight differences in the physico-chemical parameters measured in the two ponds used for the study; mean temperature were (24.0 and 22.30C), mean pH (7.5 and 7.9), mean transparency (65cm and 52.5cm), mean conductivity (124.1µS/cm and 219.5µS/cm), mean DO (6.8mg/l and 8.5mg/l) and the mean TDS (118.3mg/l and 135.2mg/l) for ponds 1 and 2 respectively. The physico-chemical parameters of pond water samples were all within acceptable limits compared to WHO limits. The results showed that the fish samples for both ponds were in good conditions, the fish samples showed negative allometric growth pattern and this may attributed to many factors such as poor feeding or unsuitable habitat. There should be awareness among local farmers on the importance of using good water quality for fish-farming as this enhances the growth of the fishes.

Page(s): 174-176                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 February 2021

 Shittu, A.I.
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State

 Oguntoye, V
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State

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Shittu, A.I. and Oguntoye, V, “Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Reared Clarias Gariepinus in Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.174-176 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/174-176.pdf

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Is PES A Panacea To Poverty Reduction And Environmetal Resources Conservation? A Case of Oyo State Rural Poor Farming Households Farm Settlers Perspectives

Adesiyan, O.I.- December 2020 – Page No.: 177-183

This study examined the perspectives of poor farming household farm settlers on the necessity of Land ownership Rights (LOR) as a condition for the environmental resource conservation. Previous studies argued that without property rights the poor will not be willing to participate in the environmental resource conservation. In this regards, the study argues that a Credit-based Payment for Environmental Services (PES) has the potential to tackle rural poverty and agricultural land degradation simultaneously, without the poor having absolute ownership rights of the agricultural land. To this end a choice experiment is employed to design the multi-attributes of PES. Findings of this study revealed that PES is a viable mechanism for rural poverty reduction and agricultural land conservation. The study discovers that tenancy security of the land for the occupants is sufficient to attract the poor to participate in land conservation programs, and not the absolute land ownership rights as argued by previous literature.

Page(s): 177-183                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 February 2020

 Adesiyan, O.I.
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

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Adesiyan, O.I., “Is PES A Panacea To Poverty Reduction And Environmetal Resources Conservation? A Case of Oyo State Rural Poor Farming Households Farm Settlers Perspectives” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.7 issue 12, pp.177-183 December 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-7-issue-12/177-183.pdf

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