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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
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Effectiveness of the Existing Strategies for Managing Marine Transportation Incidences and Socio-Economic Implications

  • Ogboeli, Goodluck Prince
  • Iyama, William Azuka
  • Onuegbu, Williams
  • Dollah, Chukwudi Oscar
  • Gbode, Lekia
  • Timothy, Nakara
  • 28-37
  • Dec 26, 2023
  • Transportation

Effectiveness of the Existing Strategies for Managing Marine Transportation Incidences and Socio-Economic Implications
Ogboeli, Goodluck Prince1; Iyama, William Azuka2; Onuegbu, Williams3; Dollah, Chukwudi Oscar4; Gbode, Lekia5 & Timothy, Nakara6
1,2,3,4 Institute of Geosciences and Environmental Management, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
5,6Rivers State College of Health Sciences and Management Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Received: 07 November 2023; Revised: 18 November 2023; Accepted: 21 November 2023; Published: 26 December 2023


The study investigated the effectiveness of the existing strategies for managing marine transportation incidence alongside socio-economic impacts in Nigeria. Four hundred copies of questionnaire were administered on the respondents drawn from all maritime regulatory agencies, including Nigerian Shipping Council, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, Nigerian Inland and Waterways, Nigerian Ports Authority and Maritime Police with the use of simple random technique. The Study affirmed availability of strategies for managing maritime transportation incidence in Nigeria however not in full usage hence these strategies are very ineffective. Socio-economic implications were obvious and there is need to curb the negative impacts through government deliberate actions and policies. It is pertinent to state that the study results admit the challenges arising from marine incidences, the non-implementation of existing strategies for management of marine related incidences by ministries, departments and agencies saddled with the responsibilities of maritime protection and management tends to be a major cause of most marine incidences. Hence, for a better maritime protection and management, there is need for these strategies adopted by different MDA’s to implemented and effectively monitor the trend. Hence study recommends enforcement of maritime management strategies amongst maritime based Ministries, Department and Agencies should be given top priority.

Keywords: Marine, strategies, effectiveness, transportation, incidences


According to Vouker (2014), marine accidents are events occurring in facilities which may potentially lead to injuries, destructions and even loss of lives. It encompasses accident in the sea or at port, quayside or anchorage, dockyards or shipyards etc. It is not necessarily only when the vessel or object involved in accident is sailing or stationary at the point and time of accident (MAIB, 2008). Nigeria is member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) which is an agency of the united Nations (UN), tasked with the regulation of the safety operations and instrumentation in world maritime industry (Nnadi, 2014). Nigerian inland water ways is about ten thousand kilometers (10,000km) and extensive coast line of about eight hundred and fifty-two kilometers (852km).  The territorial sea is based on the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea of 1982 and extending twelve nautical miles into the open seas, from the shorelines of the country, falling fully within the country’s exclusive economic zone (Nze, 2013; Nnadi, 2014). Nigerian coastal regions and internal waters runs extensive oil pipeline networks of over 7000km extending to the shores and numerous oil exploration and exploitation platforms. The economic inputs of the marine economy of Nigeria can be maximized given the capacities of the contributing factors as statistically known.

The economic contribution of this sub-sector has continually remained poor and below expected benchmarks due to marine hazards. This equally has economic and financial costs and implications which consequently hinder the maximization of the contribution of the maritime transport sub-sector to the national output (GDP) of Nigeria (Nwokedi et al., 2014). Nwokoro and Nwokedi, (2015) affirms the non-implementation of strategies in managing prevalent hazards which has concurrently posed threat to the maritime sector generally. This study therefore focusses on the effectiveness in managing maritime transport incidences vis avis impacts on socio-economic activities.

Theoretical Framework

This work was based on the Domino Theory which specifies that marine and industrial accidents could be due to either unsafe acts, unsafe conditions or the unavoidable causes (Henrick, 1959; Rasmusen & Svedung, 2002).  The domino theory posits that injury and or loss emanates from various factors including the accident itself resulting from an unsafe act committed by someone and / or a physical hazard. The Domino theory supposes that management take the role or blame for safety though with target on the responsible officer. Similarly, Haddon (2003) further enunciated such as ancestry and social environment indicating that negative traits leading persons to commit unsafe actions may be environmentally inherited or acquired one must have interacted. Secondly, results of fault from a person acting in unsafe manner due to negative traits acquired. Thirdly, is unsafe act or physical hazard / unsafe condition which directly result to accident and the fourth is accident which results in injury, damage and / or loss. Finally, the fifth is injury, damage and / or loss which is the consequence of accident.

Hypothesis Testing

Chi-square analytical tool is used to investigate whether distributions of categorical variables differ from another. It’s a measure for comparing expectations and testing relationship between categorical variables (Mmom, 2007). These shall be tested using Chi-square test (Hypothesis 1) and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for hypotheses 2, 3 and 4.

Formula for Chi-square test is stated below;

χ2=(ƒₒ – ƒₑ)2/ƒₑ……………………………………Equation 1


 ƒₒ = is the Observed Frequency in each category           ƒₑ = is the Expected Frequency in the corresponding category

df =  is the degree of freedom (n-1)                                    X2 = is Chi Square

Hypotheses 1: There is no statistically significant strategic impact for managing marine transport  incidents in Nigeria.

Hypothesis 2: There is no statistical significant strategic impact of marine transport on social activities in Nigeria

Hypothesis 3: There is no statistical significant strategic impact of marine transport on managing  economic activities in Nigeria

Hypothesis 4: There are no effective and existing strategies for managing marine   transportation incidences in Nigeria

Hypothesis 2, 3 and 4 were tested using the one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) at 0.05 significant level of difference.


Table 1: Strategies in place to manage maritime transport incidences in Nigeria

Items SA A D SD
1 Respondents perception on availability of strategies for managing maritime transportation incidences in Nigeria 138 (35.8%) 125 (32.4%) 77 (20.0%) 46 (12.5%)
2 Respondents’ perception on full usage of marine transport incidence management strategies in Nigeria 80 (20.7%) 50 (13.0%) 128 (33.2%) 128 (33.2%)
3 Respondents perception on Compliance to maritime transport incidence management strategies in Nigeria is Optimal 62 (16.1%) 59 (15.3%) 162 (42.0%) 103 (26.7%)
4 Respondents perception on effectiveness of Maritime transport incidence management strategies in Nigeria 66 (17.1%) 62 (16.1%) 150 (38.9%) 108 (8.0%)

 Sources: Researchers Field Report (2023)

Table 2: Social impact strategies in place to manage maritime transport incidences in Nigeria

Research Items SA A D SD
1. Does marine transport harm youths? 137(35.5%) 115(29.8%) 80(20.7%) 54 (14.0%)
2. Does marine transport erode social life in Nigeria? 140(36.3%) 130(33.7%) 52(13.4%) 64(16.6%)
3. Are the people more united by marine draught increase and operation? 130(33.7%) 150(38.9%) 73(18.9%) 13(3.4%)
4. Are the males more affected negatively by the increase in marine operation? 142(36.8%) 140(36.3%) 63(16.3%) 21(5.4%)
5. Are cultural value and traditional beliefs sustained by increase marine draught transport activities? 48(12.4%) 67(17.4%) 146(37.8%) 125(32.4%)

Sources: Researchers field report (2023)

The respondents observed that 35.5% (SA) and 29.8% (A) agreed that marine transport causes harm to the people as 20.7% (D) and 14.0% (SD) disagreed while 36.3% (SA) and 33.7% (A) agreed that marine transport erode social life 13.4 % (D) and 16.6% (SD) disagreed (shown in Table 2). Similarly, 33.7% (SA), 38.9% (A) agreed that the citizens are more united by the marine transport operations while 18.9% (D) and 3.4% (SD) disagreed. The males are more negatively affected by the marine operations as 36.8% (SA) and 36.3% (A) agreed while only 16.3% (D) and 5.4% (SD) disagreed. Conversely, cultural values and traditional beliefs being sustained by the increased marine transport activities recorded 12.4% (SA), 17.4% (A) agreed but 37.8% (D) and 32.4% (SD) as disagreed.

Table 3: Strategic Impact of managing marine transportation incidences on economic activities in Nigeria

Research Items SA A D SD
1. Does marine transport increase employment rate? 141(36.5%) 125 (32.4%) 71(18.4%) 49 (12.7%)
2. Are there negative impacts of marine transport on the Nigerian economy? 161(41.7%) 129(33.4%) 65(16.8%) 31(8.0%)
3. Are the citizen gainfully employed? 78(20.2 %) 96(24.9%) 145(37.6%) 67(17.4%)
4. Are there signs of the impact of marine transport in the area, Nigeria? 115(29.8%) 130(33.7%) 126(32.6%) 15(3.9%)
5. Are negative impact on the fishing occupation? 122(31.6%) 26(32.6%) 110(28.5%) 28(7.3%)

Sources: Researchers Field Report (2023)

Table 3 showed that 36.5 % (SA) and 32.4% (A) agreed that marine transport increases employment rates while 18.4 % (D) and 12.7% (SD) disagreed. The presence of negative impacts of marine transport incidences on the economy was agreed by 41.7% (SA) and 33.4% (A) while 16.8% (D) and 8.0% (SD) disagreed. Gainful employment from marine incidence activities was agreed 20.2% (SA) and 24.9% (A) while 37.6% (D) and 17.4% (SD) disagreed. Impacts of marine transport recorded 29.8% (SA) and 33.7% (A) as agreed while 32.6% (D) and 3.9% (SD) as disagreed. The fishing occupation being negatively impacted recorded 31.6% (SA) and 32.6% (A) while 28.5% (D) and 7.3% (SD) as disagreed.

Table 4: Effectiveness in managing maritime transport incidences impacting socio-economic activities

Items SA A D SD
1 Respondents’ perception on maritime transport incidences impacts on socio-economic activities in Nigeria 123 125 (32.4%) 68 (17.6%) 70 (18.1%)
2 Respondent perception on maritime transportation incidences as negative tool in Nigeria 136 128 35.2%) 72 (33.2%) 50  (13.0%)
3 Respondents perception on marine incidences and massive relocation of international oil companies from Nigeria 157 128(40.7%) 57 (33.2%) 44 (11.4%)

Sources: Researchers field report (2023)

Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 gives graphical relationships of social, economic and socio-economic effectiveness on marine transport incidences respectively.

Figure 1: Strategies put in place to manage maritime transport incidences in Nigeria

Figure 1: Strategies put in place to manage maritime transport incidences in Nigeria

 Figure 2: Effectiveness of Marine on Social Activities

 Figure 2: Effectiveness of Marine on Social Activities

Figure 3: Impact of Marine Transport on Economic Activities

Figure 3: Impact of Marine Transport on Economic Activities

Figure 4: Effectiveness of Marine Transport on Socio-Economic Activities

Figure 4: Effectiveness of Marine Transport on Socio-Economic Activities

The effectiveness of the existing strategies for managing marine transportation disaster are shown in Table 1 revealing the availability of strategies for managing maritime transport incidences in Nigeria. The result shows that 35.8% strongly agreed, 32.4% agreed, 18.9% disagreed while 12.2 % strongly disagreed. Thus, respondents agreed that there are available strategies for managing maritime transportation incidences in Nigeria. Research has showed the existence of long-term objectives, goals, and strategies for managing maritime transportation incidences in Nigeria (Kandt, 2002; Chen et al., 2011; Trigeorgis & Reuer, 2016). Indeed, Lindenau and Bohler-Baedaker (2014) suggest that these strategies relate to the basic decision-making processes, which drives the planning, implementation, and control activities within the maritime organization.  Viewing from a business and management perspective (Oehmichen et al., 2016), ‘strategic change’ within an industry results from the dynamic macro environment and industrial sector. This management strategies provide an opportunity for firms within the industry to change or innovate, in order to have and maintain overriding rivalry (Porter, 2008; Barney & Hesterly, 2012). In addition, it suggests that firms that understands the structure and level change that are needed become more competitive compared to their rivals within the industry in which they operate (Babatunde & Adebisi, 2012). The empirical evidence from existing literature and prior studies on business turbulence and development in the global maritime industry reveal that the industry has gone through a series of reforms, which have contributed significantly to industrial development in many emerging economies, including Nigeria (Ogunniyi & Igberi 2014; Emenyonu et al., 2016). Currently, Nigeria remains at the top of emerging economies in Sub-Saharan Africa resulting from her massive reserves of crude oil and other natural resources (Butcher et al., 2012; World Bank, 2017).

Furthermore, full implementation of strategies for managing maritime transport incidences in Nigeria are available, however, 33.7% disagreed, 30.6% strongly disagreed, 20.7% strongly agreed while 12.7% agreed on this. Thus, its implication is that there are strategies in place however they are not in full usage. Previous studies on the Nigerian maritime industry identified potential gaps in the performance and competitiveness in the last decade such as in the decline vis-à-vis the global maritime industry (Ogunniyi & Igberi, 2014; Bello-Olowookere, 2011). This caused a lot of challenges concerning the significance of the theory and practice of strategies for managing maritime transportation incidences in Nigeria in sustaining firm competitiveness within the Nigerian maritime industry. The pressing need to address these complications gives the motivation for this study. Study showed optimal compliance to available maritime transport strategies in Nigeria. The result showed that 42.0% disagreed, 26.7% strongly disagreed, 16.1% strongly agreed while 15.3% agreed. Thus, the available strategies are not complied with optimally.

Change is an inevitable factor within any of modern organizations, individuals, societies, and political establishments (Aderamo, 2012). Many organizations still battle with the inputs and challenges of the change concept in typical work environments (Aluko, 2013). According to Aroh et al., (2010), varied factors contribute to the failure of a new change management practice within an organization (Aroh et al., 2010). In the argument of Odularu and Aluko (2014), they considered that the psychological state of an employee could be a determinant factor for the failure or success of a new organizational change. Makinde (2005) further argued that these psychological elements can only be achieved in a corruption-free business environment or society. Considering a developing nation like Nigeria, employers impose their own ideas and understanding of a new change on their employees, without considering their opinions, contributions, emotional attachment or the impact of this new change on their lives and their jobs (Olarewaju & Folarin, 2012). In other words, this signifies that organizations and managers in this part of the world find it difficult to understand the psychological needs of their employees, when it comes to promoting change and reform within the organization (Ndikom, 2013). Participative attributes and traits of leadership enables employees to have strong emotional sense of belonging (Bormann & Rowold, 2016).

However, the effectiveness of maritime transport incidence management strategies in Nigeria showed that 38.9% disagreed, 28.0% strongly disagreed, 17.1% strongly agreed while 16.1% agreed. Thus, the result showed that maritime transport incidence management strategies are not very effective in Nigeria.  Effective service quality and management strategy, according to Damachi and Zhaosheng (2005) is specifically seen as ‘‘an umbrella construct with distinct dimensions’’, although there is no real consensus as to what these dimensions might be. Various scholars have suggested several dimensions of quality service and management strategies. Technical difficulties entails the breakdown of navigational equipment such as the loss of steering system that could result to collision or grounding, pipe burst and hose burst that can cause explosion, propulsion power failure, unintentional blackout etc (Okoroji, 2013). Anyanwu (2014b) asserts that equipment or technical malfunctions cannot be overlooked as it forms part of the vital causes of marine accidents which is accepted as more often as these technical breakdowns happen without prior warnings and formed a major threat to maritime management strategy.  Faturachman, et al. (2013) observed that 11% of the marine accidents are due to technical failures. However, Okoroji (2013) believes that system failures caused by technical breakdowns should be categorized as part of human error as most of the time, it is either the manufacturers’ factory lapse or erroneous installation.

On the effectiveness for the existing strategies for managing marine transportation disaster in Nigeria, the study revealed that there is availability of strategies for managing maritime transportation incidences in Nigeria. It was also evident from the study that there are strategies in place however they are not in full usage. Table 1 on optimal compliance to available maritime transport strategies in Nigeria result shows that 42.0% disagreed, 26.7% strongly disagreed, 16.1% strongly agreed while 15.3% agreed. Thus, the available strategies are not duly complied with optimally. Also, on maritime transport incidence management strategies being very effective in Nigeria, the result showed that 38.9% disagreed, 28.0% strongly disagreed, 17.1% strongly agreed while 16.1% agreed. Thus, the result shows that maritime transport incidence management strategies are not very effective in Nigeria. Scanlon (2003) examined the role of transportation systems for rapid and mass evacuation in times of crisis.   They estimated the total business-related losses to be very high more than $6.5 billion, of which transport related interruptions amounted to more than $1.5 billion or more than 27% showing high level of none compliance to management strategy.

Conclusively, the calculated Chi-square value of 31.414 is greater than the critical value of 21.03 at the given level of significance hence rejecting the null hypothesis of no significant difference (Table 1). Arising from this therefore, we uphold the alternate hypothesis which states that there is statistically significant impact of marine transport incidence on socio-economic activities in Nigeria. Similarly, using the ANOVA result for Table 2, the f-ratio value was 3.281 at p-value of .0482. Since the p-value was less than .05, the result is significant hence the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that there is significant impact of marine transport on social activities within operational zones of maritime in Nigeria. This was also corroborated by the impact of marine transport on the economic activities in Nigeria as f-ratio value was 11.55 at p-value of .0003 which indicated that the null hypothesis be rejected (Tables 3 and 4). This also implied that there is significant impact of marine transport on economic activities in Nigeria.

In as much as human error serves as a leading cause of marine accidents, equipment failure and bad weather have also played their role in the causation effect of marine accidents impacting heavily on livability. From the results in Table 3 and 4 on the impact of managing maritime transport incidence on the socio-economic activities in Nigeria there was a clear agreement that maritime transport incidences affect and impacts the socio-economics activities in Nigeria. Effectiveness in managing maritime transport incidences impacting socio-economic activities was on the low side showing negative response. The study went further to reveal that marine incidences have brought about massive relocation of international oil companies from Nigeria which has shown poor effectiveness in managing these marine incidences. This agrees with earlier reports that identified the impact of maritime transport incidence on the socio-economic activities in Nigeria leading to deforestation, pollution, diseases, and death (Ibaba, 2005; Orabator et al., 2005; Ikelegba, 2008; Ezem, 2012; Olasupo, 2013).                                          


Over the years, transport related incidence especially those in the maritime environment have caused severe damages economically and socially to both users and operators in the industry owing to inability of the ministries, departments and agencies saddled with the responsibilities of maritime protection and management to implement the strategies for managing marine transport incidence.

Review of the effectiveness of the existing strategies for managing marine transportation incidence affirmed availability of strategies for managing maritime transportation incidence in Nigeria however not in full usage hence these strategies are very ineffective. It is pertinent to state that admits the challenges arising from marine incidences, the non-implementation of existing strategies for management of marine related incidences by ministries, departments and agencies saddled with the responsibilities of maritime protection and management tends to be a major cause of most marine incidences. Hence, for a better maritime protection and management, there is need that these strategies adopted by different MDA’s needs to be implemented and effectively monitored.  Enforcement of maritime management strategies amongst maritime based Ministries, Department and Agencies should be given top priority.


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