Volume I Issue III
Optimization of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding on 6063 Aluminum Alloy on Taguchi Method Authors: K. M Eazhil, S.Mahendran, S.Ganesh Kumar—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /01-05 |
DSP based Control of BRUSHLESS DC Motor Drive Authors: Shivarajkumar D, Dr. Sanjay Lakshminarayanan—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /06-09 |
FPGA Based SPWM Technique for a Three-Level Inverter Authors: Saahithi. S, Dr. Sanjay Lakshminarayanan, K.N Prasanna—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /10-13 |
Scalability Comparison of AODV & DSDV Routing Protocols in MANET’s Authors: Richa Singla, Amit Chaudhary—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /14-20 |
A Study of Factors Affecting Solar PV Cell through Matlab/Simulink Model Authors: C. Marimuthu, V. Kirubakaran—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /21-25 |
Managed Network Security Services in the Cloud Authors: Dr. N.K. Joshi, Kamal Kulshreshtha—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /26-30 |
Factors Affecting Urban Land Value in Indian Cities – Chennai City as a Case Study Authors: Santhakumar Swamidurai—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /31-34 |
Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Controlling Three-Phase Multi-Motor Drive Systems in Gantry Cranes Using PLC and SCADA Authors: Vijaykumar V, Dr. Sidheshwar Prasad—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /35-50 |
Data Migration System for Heterogenous Databases Authors: Prof. B.J. Dange, Prof. A.V. Brahmane, Prof. S.N.Gunjal—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /51-55 |
Blackhole Attack against Routing Layer in MANET’s Authors: Priyanaka Malhotra, Amit Chaudhary—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /56-59 |
The Future of Cloud Computing Opportunities for Indian Cloud Computing Beyond 2020 Authors: Aiswarya Thomas, Kartikay Agrawal, Shary Jose, Ramesh Shahabadkar—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /60-63 |
Study of Restful Open API Authors: Kanika Wadhawan, Theresa Princy.R, V. Sreepriya, Ramesh Shahabadkar—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /64-71 |
Qualitative Study on Psychosocial Needs of Persons with Glioblastoma in India Authors: Raju Birudu, Paritosh Pandey, Arivazhagan A, Krishna Reddy NK, Vani Santosh—————- IJRSI/Volume I/Issue III/August 2014 /72-80 |