Volume VI Issue X

Heat Wave in the Context of Climate Change: A Cross Sectional Study on Awareness and Practices among Health Workers in North East Nigeria

Adah Ruth, Olusonde Oluseyi, Nashon Benjamin – October 2019 Page No.: 01-07

The most obvious evidence of global warming and climate change is the frequent heat waves experienced globally. There have been reports of increased morbidity and mortality associated with heat wave periods. Although heat wave as an effect of global warming is a worldwide phenomenon, very few studies on issues of climate change come from resource poor counties of the tropics. The recent heat waves experienced in Adamawa state Nigeria is of public health concern. The perception and practice of health workers during heat wave conditions not only affects their health but that of the public they serve. This study aims at determining health workers’ perceptions of cause of the heatwave, its effect on health and protective measures taken.
The study was adescriptive cross-sectional one conducted among health workers in Yola, Adamawa state during the April 2019 heatwave. Largely open-ended questionnaires were used to obtain data from 80 health workers (doctors, nurses, community health extension workers-CHEWs) working in different levels and agencies of the health sector. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 Univariate and bivariate analysis were carried out and the level considered statistically significance was set at p< 0.05. The results indicate that majority (68.8%)of health workers perceived that the increased environmental heat was associated with severe discomfort. A large proportion (72.5%) of health workers had cause to educate individuals on heat management but only few (25%) had good knowledge on heat related morbidity and 13.8% were aware of any existing guidelines on management of heat waves. Ignorance and misconceptions exist surrounding the cause and effects of the heat waves in the context of changing climate with the vast majority(90%) perceiving themselves as having no role to play in climate change. Trees and shades (29.2%) were the most frequently used methods for protecting self from heat at home, while few practiced increased fluid intake (7.1%). Almost a fifth (17.5%)of respondents practiced no method of keeping cool at work. On this basis, it is recommended that there be collaborative efforts by the state ministries of health and related agencies to expand the narrative of climate change to include the health threat. Involving health workers in communication, advocacy and managing the effect is required if the targets of the 13th SDG is to be achieved.

Page(s): 01-07                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 20 October 2019

 Adah Ruth
Department of Paediatrics, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos. Plateau State, Nigeria

 Olusonde Oluseyi
National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Abuja Nigeria

 Nashon Benjamin
Adamawa State Ministry of Health, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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Adah Ruth, Olusonde Oluseyi, Nashon Benjamin “Heat Wave in the Context of Climate Change: A Cross Sectional Study on Awareness and Practices among Health Workers in North East Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.01-07 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/01-07.pdf

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Environmental Noise Attenuation in Port Harcourt Metropolis Using Fences
Ogoro Mark and Obafemi Andrew – October 2019 – Page No.: 08-20

Whenever environmental pollution is mentioned, what comes to the mind of individuals, scholars and other concerned groups, are water, land and air pollution. Environmental noise as a form of pollution has always been downplayed in some countries while fences, buffer zones, acoustic panels, noise regulations were considered as measures to check noise pollution in other countries. Excessive noise often diminishes the quality of life for people who live in cities. This has resulted in the use of noise barriers as a means of reducing noise effect especially among busy route urban dwellers. The situation is not different as urbanization and human economic activities accelerating noise level has also increased. This has led to the adoption of possible measures to check noise i.e building of fences as barrier against the sound (noise) wave concerted effort is required to check and recommend the most preferred fences types that would attenuate noise level. The digital noise meter (EXTECH) instrument ‘Digital Sound level Meter with RS232’ was used to measure noise level in decibels dBA. Measurement also involved the use of measuring tape and digital camera. It is therefore recommended that most appropriate fences for noise attenuation be used in the bid to attenuate noise. Major findings of this work are that: different fences attenuate noise at different rate in decibel (dBA) and that some fences i.e half block and iron crossed bars do not attenuate noise significantly.

Page(s): 08-20                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 October 2019

 Ogoro Mark
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

 Obafemi Andrew
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

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Ogoro Mark and Obafemi Andrew “Environmental Noise Attenuation in Port Harcourt Metropolis Using Fences” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.08-20 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/08-20.pdf

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Environmental Benefits of Estate and Urban Green Architecture across Locations in Port Harcourt Conurbation, Nigeria
Ubani Princewill, Iyowuna Jonah, Naabura Macwillian Kingdom – October 2019 – Page No.: 21-28

Port Harcourt metropolis is the only developing town in Rivers state Nigeria with quality agricultural soil and other natural endowment. The enriched environment for all systems of agricultural practices attract some urbanites in agricultural sector and the indigenes believed that their resource particularly the soil had been abandoned from agricultural uses and its environmental advantages owing to over concentration of industrial and commercial activities. This study was necessitated to actually verify the claim. Therefore, environmental benefits of urban agriculture and food crops visibility questionnaire were administered in different income locations of the fruitful soil region. The collected sample were analysed using principal component analysis method, standard deviation and Duncan multiple correlation coefficient. The result for determination of urban agriculture environmental advantages held that visibility of food (0.49) and improving air quality (0.50) were considered as the supreme environmental benefits of urban agriculture. However, tree product/medical herb (20%), urban sustainability (13%), agrarian development (12%), soil capacity/incubation (09%) and climate change resilience (10%) were the classified environmental benefits of urban agriculture. In respect to variation, the analysis detailed that the environmental values of urban agrarian for high and medium income communities are the same but differs for low income communities at (p<0.05).The increase of poor environmental quality recorded in different income communities or location of urban communities may be attributed to non-inclusiveness of agrarian practices in urban governance. It is our ultimate opinion that the governments should adopt the establishment and regular maintenance of crop farms across the urban communities to ensure uniformity, availability of open green belt and encouragement of environmental aesthetics for all the communities. So that the 5% per cent space allotted for agriculture in every individual proposed urban land space can serve as a buffer, wind control measure, enhancement of quality air, natural landscape element and as well as visibility of food crops.

Page(s): 21-28                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 October 2019

 Ubani Princewill
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Ken Saro – Wiwa Polytechnic Bori, Nigeria

 Iyowuna Jonah
Department of Surveying and Geomatics, Rivers State University Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 Naabura Macwillian Kingdom
Department of Estate Management, Ken Saro – Wiwa Polytechnic Bori, Nigeria

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Ubani Princewill, Iyowuna Jonah, Naabura Macwillian Kingdom “Environmental Benefits of Estate and Urban Green Architecture across Locations in Port Harcourt Conurbation, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp. 21-28 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/21-28.pdf

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A Simulation of the Local Area Network Design for Use in the Department of Civil and Electrical/Electronics Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi Using the OSPF Routing Protocol

Peter A. Akor, Attai I. Abubakar, David Akhuwa – October 2019 Page No.: 29-33

This project deals with the open shortest path first (OSPF) design of a local area network (LAN) for use in the department of Electrical/Electronics and Civil Engineering using the Cisco Packet Tracer. The aim of this project is to allow systems and devices to be able to communicate with each other and should be able to provide desired information, to reduce isolated users and workgroups, physical systems and devices should be able to maintain and provide satisfactory performance, reliability and security, resource sharing. For these devices to communicate on different networks, the networks must be routed to each other. Therefore after routing is done the LAN will be tested using a ping message command to test whether the devices can communicate.

Page(s): 29-33                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 October 2019

 Peter A. Akor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

 Attai I. Abubakar
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

 David Akhuwa
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

[1]. Peter A. Akor, Yilwatda M. Morkat, Attai I. Abubakar “Integrated Lan Design for the Department of Civil and Electrical/Electronics Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi Using the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.8 issue 9, September 2019, pp.58-62 URL: www.ijltemas.in/DigitalLibrary/Vol.8Issue9/58-62.pdf
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[5]. Latisha, Sugand Rao Rathod, Comparison of Dynamic Routing Protocols: RIP and OSPF, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) , 4( 6 ) 1530-1553

Peter A. Akor, Attai I. Abubakar, David Akhuwa “A Simulation of the Local Area Network Design for Use in the Department of Civil and Electrical/Electronics Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi Using the OSPF Routing Protocol” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.29-33 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/29-33.pdf

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Pesticides Use and Safety Compliance among Rural Maize Farmers; A Case of the Sunyani West District, Ghana

Josephine Yalley – October 2019 Page No.: 34-61

This pragmatic case study research investigates pesticides use and compliance with the recommended safety measures among less educated rural small holding maize farmers in the Sunyani West District of Ghana. Three hundred and ninety maize farmers were sampled across about three farming zones involving 15 rural communities in the study District. The types of pesticides used by maize farmers, their frequency of use and the number of pesticides used on their maize farms per the farming season as against the recommended dosage were assessed. A five-point Likert scale was used to assess farmers’ awareness of the health implications of pesticides use and it was revealed that respondents were aware of the health implications of pesticides used in the study area. Also, a perception index used to assess the perception of farmers on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) found that, farmers agree to the perception that the use of PPE is expensive and unavailable in the rural communities, financial status of rural farmers makes it difficult to purchase PPE for pesticide application and it is also important in pesticides application. However, respondents disagreed that PPEs cause discomfort to the user. A set of twelve compliance statements used to assess the extent of respondent’s compliance on the recommended safety measures also found that majority of farmers were in the medium to low compliance category indicating that there was evidence of low compliance of pesticides regulations among maize farmers in the Sunyani West District. Furthermore, the estimation of the ordered logit model revealed that primary, JHS/Middle, SHS/Technical and tertiary levels of education had a significant positive correlation on pesticides use. More so, farmer’s access to extension and credit facility was significant hence recorded a positive coefficient. This, therefore, implies that access to credit and access to an extension are also a significant determinant of pesticides compliance. The study therefore recommends that the government should support local industries to produce PPEs locally to make it more affordable and accessible. In addition to targeting the less educated farmers with innovative and effective flow of information dissemination and education on the proper use of pesticides.

Page(s): 34-61                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 October 2019

  Josephine Yalley
Faculty of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

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Josephine Yalley “Pesticides Use and Safety Compliance among Rural Maize Farmers; A Case of the Sunyani West District, Ghana” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.34-61 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/34-61.pdf

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Professional Development of Teachers
Saman Karim (CPE) – October 2019 – Page No.: 62-64

Professional development refers to the development of a person in his or her professional role. Educator advancement is the expert development an instructor accomplishes because of increasing expanded involvement and inspecting his or her educating method (Glatthorn, 1995, P. 41). The conception of professional development is therefore, broader than career development, which is defined as “The growth that occurs as the teacher moves through the professional career cycle” (Glatthorn, 1995, P. 41). Today, societies as engaging in building serious educational reforms and one of the key element o these reforms is the professional development of teachers. Societies are finally acknowledging that teachers are not only one of the variables that need to be changed in order to improve their education system, but they are also the most important change agents in these reforms.
In my view and as this paper reinforces great training strategies have critical positive effect on how and what students learn. Learning how to teach and working to become excellent teacher, is a long – term process that requires not only the development of very practical and complex skills under the guidance and supervision experts.

Page(s): 62-64                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 October 2019

 Saman Karim (CPE)
Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi, Pakistan

References are not available.

Saman Karim (CPE) “Professional Development of Teachers” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.62-64 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/62-64.pdf

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Psychometric Exploration of Congruence between Examinee Ambition and Performance in the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Chege Kimani Gabriel – October 2019 – Page No.: 65-68

According to Kenya’s Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (2008), there is poor management of national examinations. Cases of cheating in national examinations due to poor management of the processes- where leaked papers give some students and schools an unfair advantage over others – have become commonplace. Yet, placement to university is based on national exams. Developed countries use aptitude tests to make placement decisions. Such tests may be proposed for adoption in Kenya but only after establishing their relevance. The purpose of the study was to determine the possible relevance of such tests and in this particular study the researcher sought to find out whether the test taker’s ambition (for higher education) was significantly related to his/her performance in the Scholastic achievement testamong Kenyan students. The null hypothesis HO: There is no significant relationship between the examinee’s ambitions for higher education and performance in the Scholastic Achievement Test was tested. The study adopted the Ex-post facto research design. The target population comprised all the 2469 form four students in the twenty four (24) secondary schools in Eldoret town from which eight (8) schools were sampled using the stratified random sampling technique and a sample of 240 students was selected purposively from the eight (8) schools. The data was collected using a past Scholastic Achievement Test. The study data was analysed using ANOVA and it was conducted using SPSS 17 version 22 with the level of significance being α = 0.05. The Null hypothesis was rejected implying that there is a significant relationship between the examinee’s ambition for higher education and their performance in the Scholastic achievement test. Those with high ambition possess a high academic aptitude as indicated by their SAT scores. The implication of the results is that the SAT is unlikely to identify an examinee as having an aptitude for higher education and yet the individual has no ambition or interest in the same. Concerning the examinee ambition therefore, the study recommends that the test of aptitude be considered for adoption because it can be useful in Kenya in placing students who are keen to study further and who would not drop out due to lack of interest.

Page(s): 65-68                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 October 2019

 Chege Kimani Gabriel
Moi University, Kenya

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Chege Kimani Gabriel “Psychometric Exploration of Congruence between Examinee Ambition and Performance in the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp. 65-68 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/65-68.pdf

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A Study of Infrastructure and Utilities on Residential Estate Development in Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria

Hassan, Yakubu O.; Awotungase Abayomi S.; Olaitan, Peter A.; Adewunmi, Olamilekan; Talabi, Ibukun J. – October 2019 Page No.: 69-78

The study characterize residential estate development Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria, a case study of Ayangburen Jubilee Estate; it review the development policy framework in the study area; examining the implication of high density residential development on infrastructure provision in the study area, and explore appropriate planning interventions for a sustainable housing utilities and infrastructure with the corresponding development in the study area. Having analyzed the current state and possible future scenarios, this study identified population and development control, physical infrastructure upgrade, Sustainable designs, policy review, Green infrastructure integration and public participation as possible intervention and recommendations to help halt and reverse the negative changes in the study area.

Page(s): 69-78                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 October 2019

 Hassan, Yakubu O.
Post Graduate Student, Department Urban and Regional Planning, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria

 Awotungase Abayomi S.
Lecturer, Department Architecture Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Olaitan, Peter A.
Lecturer, Department Urban and Regional Planning, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Adewunmi, Olamilekan
Lecturer, Department Urban and Regional Planning, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Talabi, Ibukun J.
Lecturer, Department Architecture Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

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Hassan, Yakubu O.; Awotungase Abayomi S.; Olaitan, Peter A.; Adewunmi, Olamilekan; Talabi, Ibukun J. “A Study of Infrastructure and Utilities on Residential Estate Development in Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.69-78 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/69-78.pdf

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Modelling and Optimisation of Water Melon Seed Protein Isolate Coag-flocculation of Nworie River Water

Anagwu Festus Ifeanyi, Onukwuli Okechukwu Dominic, Menkiti Matthew Chukwudi, Obiora-Okafo Ifeoma Amaoge, Emurigho Tega Anthony, Ofoluwanyo Rosemary – October 2019 Page No.: 79-89

Treatment of surface water by coagulation/flocculation was investigated in this research using protein isolate of water melon seed known as Water Melon Coagulant (WMC) with the aim of removing turbidity and colour in the water sample. Bench-scale nephelometric jar tests were performed to remove turbidity and colour from the water sample collected from Nworie River (NR) in Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria. Process factors were initially varied to investigate their effects on the coagulation/flocculation process adopting one-factor-at-a-time approach. Thereafter, the experiment was designed within a narrower region of search for optimality of the process variables. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed in the experimental design, adopting the rotatable Central Composite Design (CCD) option. ANOVA results showed that turbidity and colour removal efficiencies in WMC-in-NR system are well represented by quadratic models. The turbidity removal efficiency model yielded p-value of 0.0001 at 5 % significance level, coefficient of determination,  of 0.9563 and adjusted  of 0.9126. The adequate precision, representing the signal-to-noise ratio was found to be 14.976, sufficiently above the benchmark of 4. This implies that the quadratic model can be used within the range of variables in the design space. The coefficient of variance which indicates the ratio of the standard error of estimate to the mean value of the observed model was reasonably low at 2.79 %. This value is well below the required maximum of 10 %, clearly pointing to the reproducibility of the models. For colour removal efficiency model, the indices used for the judgement were p-value of 0.0001 as obtained,  of 0.9879, adjusted  of 0.9759, signal-to-noise ratio of 35.692 and coefficient of variance of 2.10. Process optimization results gave optimal process parameters values of 250 mg/l dosage, pH of 7.26 and 35 minutes settling time. At this point, the optimal turbidity and colour removal efficiencies were 94.87 % and 84.66 % respectively. It is concluded that while water melon-derived coagulant is very effective in the removal of turbidity and colour from surface water, the process at room temperature is described by a quadratic model.

Page(s): 79-89                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 October 2019

 Anagwu Festus Ifeanyi
Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria

 Onukwuli Okechukwu Dominic
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

 Menkiti Matthew Chukwudi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

 Obiora-Okafo Ifeoma Amaoge
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

 Emurigho Tega Anthony
Department of Food Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria

 Ofoluwanyo Rosemary
Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria

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Anagwu Festus Ifeanyi, Onukwuli Okechukwu Dominic, Menkiti Matthew Chukwudi, Obiora-Okafo Ifeoma Amaoge, Emurigho Tega Anthony, Ofoluwanyo Rosemary “Modelling and Optimisation of Water Melon Seed Protein Isolate Coag-flocculation of Nworie River Water” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.79-89 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/79-89.pdf

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The Impact of Indian Banking Sector- A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Merged Banks- A Study
Dr. V.Venkateswara Rao, D.Pushpa Sri – October 2019 – Page No.: 90-94

Indian economy is known for its perseverance, over the years it has faced continuous fluctuation, global economic depressions and recent reforms of the Government with ease. The Indian Banking sector has its own reputation in the international level for maintaining its stability, even though the global economic environment and the emerging trends in financial sector pose challenges. A merger is simply the combining of two business entities to form a larger one but with no explicit change in ownership. This is in contrast to an acquisition where one business entity takes ownership control over another by paying for the ownership privilege in cash, stock, or other means. In the case of state owned banks that are being merged now, where the government is the majority shareholder, there will be no change in ownership but merely a restructuring of how these banks how these banks are organized.
Today, the Banking industry is counted among the rapidly growing industries in India. It has transformed itself from a sluggish business entity to a dynamic industry. The growth rate in this sector is remarkable and therefore, it has become the most preferred banking destinations for international investors. A relatively new dimension in the Indian banking industry is accelerated through mergers and acquisitions. It will enable banks to achieve world class status and throw greater value to the stakeholders. The main objective of this paper is to analyze whether the bank has achieved financial performance efficiency during the post merger & acquisition period specifically in the areas of profitability, leverage, liquidity, and capital market standards. This study is testing the impact of merger and acquisition of banks and provides insights about their role in performance.

Page(s): 90-94                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 26 October 2019

 Dr. V.Venkateswara Rao
Professor in Management, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India

 D.Pushpa Sri
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India

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Dr. V.Venkateswara Rao, D.Pushpa Sri “The Impact of Indian Banking Sector- A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Merged Banks- A Study” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.90-94 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/90-94.pdf

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Teachers’ Views on Use of ICT in Facilitating Teaching and Learning in Tanzania

Shima Dawson Banele – October 2019 Page No.: 95-101

Teachers’ views replicate readiness and attitudes which could be taken in introducing any new education intervention in this instance ICT use in facilitating teaching and learning. Tanzania Secondary School teachers had different views greenlight the acceptance or rejection of ICT in classroom practices. Explanatory descriptive design was followed in conducting the study at Kibaha district, Pwani Region, Tanzania. Interpretivist paradigm was followed in getting the meaning through interpretation of teachers’ opinions as was originated from themselves. The study elements involved 25 teachers’ selected using probability simple randomly technique to form 5 groups each comprised 5 elements to collect qualitative data which were thematically analyzed.

Page(s): 95-101                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 26 October 2019

 Shima Dawson Banele
The Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education, P.O. Box 23409, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Shima Dawson Banele, “Teachers’ Views on Use of ICT in Facilitating Teaching and Learning in Tanzania” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.95-101 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/95-101.pdf

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Output Growth Decomposition in Nigeria Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis 1960-2018
Olufunke O. Ilemobayo – October 2019 – Page No.: 102-107

Nigerian agriculture has relied on land area expansion and not optimal land use, due to population pressure. Thus agricultural production has moved into marginal lands, characterized by poor output. There is however a paucity of research on output growth as most studies emphasized only production. Hence output growth decomposition in Nigeria agriculture were investigated. Secondary data were sourced from FAOSTAT covering 1960 to 2018.Variables used include agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP), land, labour, fertilizer and tractors. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test was carried out on stationary dataset. Stochastic Frontier Model, Output Decomposition and Multiple Regression Models at 0.05 was used. ADF tests indicated that variables were not stationary at their level but became stationary at first difference, output at 5% and others at 1%, indicating no spurious regression results. Key parameters of the stochastic function were positively significant. Fertilizer had 0.2376, land 0.2234, labour 0.2032 and tractors 0.1681. Agricultural production showed decreasing return to scale having a coefficient of 0. 8283, and inefficiency level with Technical inefficiency (TEI) of 0.1754. Output growth rate was 3.52(100%), it was decomposed into input growth contributed (14.8%, TFP contributed 62.8%, and residual added 22.4%.

Page(s): 102-107                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 26 October 2019

 Olufunke O. Ilemobayo
Department of Agricultural Extension and Management, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria

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Olufunke O. Ilemobayo “Output Growth Decomposition in Nigeria Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis 1960-2018” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp. 102-107 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/102-107.pdf

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Profit Efficiency of Pig Producers in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Abiyong, P. A., Abu, G.A., Odoemenem, I. U, Biam, C.K. – October 2019 Page No.: 108-114

The study analysed the profit efficiency among pig producers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to collect data from one hundred pig producers. Primary data were generated using structured questionnaires and personal observations for 2015 production year. Data were analysed using gross margin, Cobb Douglas Stochastic profit frontier function, maximum likelihood estimates and factor analysis. Pig production was profitable with a return per naira invested of 69% and gross margin of N8,426.30 per pig. The result of profit efficiency showed that feeds and labour coefficients were 0.13 and 0.19 respectively and were significant at 1% level. The study found out that profit efficiency varied from 0.01 to 0.99 with a mean profit efficiency of 52.35%. On the other hand, profit inefficiency increased with the use of the following variables, education, farming experience, household size, gender, pen age and conflict while age and co-operative membership decreased profit inefficiency. The result of the chi- square (x) confirmed that farm and farm-specific characteristics significantly affected profit inefficiency at 5% level. It is recommended that all the variables responsible for profit inefficiency should be adequately addressed through good and experienced management.

Page(s): 108-114                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 October 2019

 Abiyong, P. A.
Department of Extension and Management, Samaru Kataf Campus, Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria, Nigeria

 Abu, G.A.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

 Odoemenem, I. U
Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

 Biam, C.K.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

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Abiyong, P. A., Abu, G.A., Odoemenem, I. U, Biam, C.K. “Profit Efficiency of Pig Producers in Kaduna State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.108-114 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/108-114.pdf

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Floating Admittance Matrix Modelling Approach to BJT
Dr. Meena Singh, Pragati Prerna – October 2019 – Page No.: 115-120

The floating admittance matrix (FAM) approach is an elegant method that provides unified approach to analysis of different terminal functions such as impedances, and gains or ratios of voltages, currents and powers of both active and passive network with ease. The zero sum property of the floating admittance matrix provides a check to the researchers to proceed further or re observe the first equation itself. All transfer functions are represented as cofactors of the floating admittance matrix of the circuit.

Page(s): 115-120                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2019

 Dr. Meena Singh
Assistant Professor in Electronics Department, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, India

 Pragati Prerna
Department of ECE University Polytechnic, B.I.T. Mesra, Ranchi, India

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Dr. Meena Singh, Pragati Prerna “Floating Admittance Matrix Modelling Approach to BJT” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.115-120 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/115-120.pdf

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Chemical and Organoleptic Characterization of Vernonia Honey
Gemechis Legesse Yadeta – October 2019 – Page No.: 121-124

Vernonia amygdalina honey is one of the important mono-floral honey in Ethiopia where the plant grows widely. In this study Vernonia honey samples were collected from potential honey producing districts of West Wollega, Jimma and Ilu Abba Bora zones of Oromia regional state. Melissopalynological analysis was conducted for the samples to confirm their botanical origin. Aroma and taste were evaluated using blindfold assessment of experienced tasters. Colour was graded using p-fund color grader. Granulation starting time was recorded by inspecting the samples every two days visually and granulation pattern was also judged by close observation of the crystallizing samples. Chemical characterization was conducted following the Codex Alimentarius (2001) protocol. The results indicated that V.amygdalina honey is a moo-floral honey with high pollen frequency (mean 84.45%), its peculiar color, aroma, taste and uniform and fine crystallization pattern. The chemical profile generally showed that the honey meets national and international standards: the mean moisture content (18.87%), mean mineral content (0.28%), mean total reducing sugars (70.4%), mean sucrose level (2.03%), mean value of 24.75meq/kg free acidity and mean HMF value of 15.52mg/kg. Therefore, this honey needs due attention so that the beekeepers harvest it and process separately and maintain its natural characteristics to be promoted for improved production and better marketing.

Page(s): 121-124                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2019

 Gemechis Legesse Yadeta
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Holeta Bee Research Center, Holeta P.O. Box 22, Ethiopia

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Gemechis Legesse Yadeta “Chemical and Organoleptic Characterization of Vernonia Honey” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp. 121-124 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/121-124.pdf

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Mineral Compositions of Sugarcane Juice Cultivated in Papalanto, Ogun State, Nigeria

Afolayan Olubisola Arike, Afolabi Oluwabukola Racheal, Kayode Omowumi Titilola and Kayode Azeez Abideen Abolanle – October 2019 Page No.: 125-126

Papalanto, Ogun State is one of the locations where sugar cane (Saccharium offinarium) is grown and largely cultivated in Nigeria. Mineral compositions of the sugarcane juice in this area is not yet reported. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the mineral content of the sugarcane cultivars in Papalanto, Ogun state, Nigeria. The result of the study shows that calcium is present in both the NPK-treated sugarcane (that is, fertilizers was used for this cultivar) and the untreated sugarcane (no fertilizers added) samples at about the same level. Concentrations of zinc and potassium were found to be significantly higher in the NPK- treated sugarcane samples than the untreated samples. The findings of this research work suggest that the mineral contents of the NPK-treated sugar cane are higher than their untreated counterpart. Consumption of the NPK-treated sugarcane by the people of the area and beyond should therefore be encouraged. Further work is required to detect and explain the biochemical basis for the high mineral contents of the NPK-treated sugar cane.

Page(s): 125-126                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2019

 Afolayan Olubisola Arike
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, P.M.B 50, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria

 Afolabi Oluwabukola Racheal
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, P.M.B 50, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria

 Kayode Omowumi Titilola
Department of Biochemistry, Landmark University, P.M.B 1001, Omu Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria

 Kayode Azeez Abideen Abolanle
Department of Chemical Sciences, Anchor University, P.M.B 001 Ipaja, Lagos State, Nigeria

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[3]. Ahmed, (2013). “Growth and function of the sugarcane root system”, Field Crops Research, 92(2-3) 169-183.

[4]. Godwin, (2013).Mill Mud Case Study in Mackay:An Economic Study on RecyclingSugar By-Products for theMackay Region, CRC Publication Series, CRC Sustainable SugarProduction James Cook University, Townsvil

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[6]. Jordral-Segado A.M., Navarro-Allarcon., H.Lopez- Ga De La Serrana., (2016). Calcium and Magnesium Levels in Agricultural soil and sevage sludge in an industrialarea from Southeastern Spain: Relationship with Plant(Saccharium officinarum)disposition. Soil & sedimentation contamination 15:307-377

Afolayan Olubisola Arike, Afolabi Oluwabukola Racheal, Kayode Omowumi Titilola and Kayode Azeez Abideen Abolanle “Mineral Compositions of Sugarcane Juice Cultivated in Papalanto, Ogun State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.125-126 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/125-126.pdf

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Impact of Advanced Organisers on the Performance of Students in Linear Differential Equations: A Case of Mukuba University, Kitwe District, Copperbelt Province, Zambia

Evans Musonda – October 2019 Page No.: 127-131

This study was done in order to show the impact of Advanced Organisers on the performance of students in Linear Differential Equations. The dismal performance of Second Year Students in Introduction to Analytical Geometry and Calculus (MAT 220) and Linear Differential Equations in particular at Mukuba University has been a thorny issue. To solve this problem a study was conducted by the Researcher. The study population included all Second Year students doing Introduction to Analytical Geometry and Calculus (MAT 220) pursuing a degree programme at Mukuba University. The study was based on one research question and two hypotheses. The research method used was an Experimental Design. The sample size was 60 students comprising 40 male and 20 female students. The Shapiro-wilk test was used for this purpose because of the small sample size. The two groups were made from a homogeneous class at random. Particular, 30 students were assigned to the Experimental Group and 30 students to Control group. These two groups were subjected to a pre-test. The experimental group was lectured using the Advanced Organisers while the Control group was lectured using Conventional methods. The analysis of data was done with the help of SPSS, considering the mean, standard deviation. Then an Independent sample t-test was conducted at alpha (α) = 0.05 to analyse the results of the pre-test and post-test scores. The study showed there was statistically significant difference in the post-test scores for Experimental group (Mean = 67.5, standard deviation = 19.5) and the control group (Mean = 49.8, standard deviation = 19.8), P = .001. Therefore, using Advanced Organisers when lecturing Linear Differential Equations was found to have an impact on students’ performance.

Page(s): 127-131                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2019

 Evans Musonda
Mukuba University, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, P.O Box 20382, Kitwe, Zambia

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Evans Musonda “Impact of Advanced Organisers on the Performance of Students in Linear Differential Equations: A Case of Mukuba University, Kitwe District, Copperbelt Province, Zambia” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.127-131 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/127-131.pdf

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Man-machine Interaction System for the Paraplegics using Eye-Tracking Technique

F. O. Aranuwa, M.A. Busari, A.O. Ige, J.E. Efiong – October 2019 Page No.: 132-137

Over the years, the paraplegics have relatively found it difficult using computer systems as a result of their physical conditions, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa. They have been solely relying on third party to achieve any form of computer interactions. Meanwhile, researchers at different levels have proposed and use of different mechanisms such as: electroculogram (EOG), videooculography (VOG), video-based infrared (VIR) and sclera search coil methods overtime to assist the paraplegics. However, studies have shown that these approaches are not efficient as they were mono-directional and require other aids to complete their actions. Additionally, most of the aids are not affordable and could be dangerous to human health. Therefore, this work presents a man-machine interaction mechanism using quadrilateral eye-tracking technique, involving 3-tier eye-gaze algorithm to enhance paraplegics’ interactions with any system. The pupil-center/corneal reflection method was used to determine where the user is looking on the screen. A window based system interface platform was developed and implemented on visual C# with camcorder integrated to monitor the movement of the user’s eye. The system was effectively demonstrated and enabled user to read, type and make phone calls. The approach was found to be more robust when compared with existing methodologies in terms of efficiency, flexibility and time taken to process an action. Based on the good performance of the system, it is therefore recommended that the Federal government of Nigeria will sustain this development to assist the paraplegics in the country.

Page(s): 132-137                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 November 2019

 F. O. Aranuwa
Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba–Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria

 M.A. Busari
Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba–Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria

 A.O. Ige
Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba–Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria

 J.E. Efiong
Wesley University, Ondo City, Ondo, Nigeria

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F. O. Aranuwa, M.A. Busari, A.O. Ige, J.E. Efiong “Man-machine Interaction System for the Paraplegics using Eye-Tracking Technique” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.132-137 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/132-137.pdf

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Stress today has become a natural phenomenon. It occurs in various forms. Every work place and organization are experiencing the alarming increase of the negative effects and problems on their workers. This study therefore compares the level of stress of teaching and non-teaching working mothers in tertiary institutions in Anambra State. The study employed descriptive survey design and one hypothesis which was tested at 0.05 level of significant. The population of the study was 2,911 working mothers in the five tertiary institutions in Anambra State. A sample of 630 working mothers (representing 22% of the population) was drawn through proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Instrument titled Levels of Stress Inventory (LSI) was constructed, validated and used for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was estimated using split half and value got was 0.76. Six hundred and thirty (630) copies of questionnaire were correctly filled, retrieved and used for analysis. t-test was used to test the hypothesis. The findings of this study revealed that there is significant difference between the level of stress of teaching and non-teaching working mothers in tertiary institutions in Anambra State. Based on the findings, recommendations were made which includes that counsellors should introduce stress management strategies for working mothers in tertiary institution to curb their stress. Also, management of tertiary institutions should endeavour to recruit more workers and provide recreational facilities for their staff to relieve tension.

Page(s): 138-140                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 November 2019

 Akuezuilo, Juliana Azuka
Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

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Akuezuilo, Juliana Azuka “Comparative Study of Level of Stress among Teaching and Non-Teaching Mothers in Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.138-140 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/138-140.pdf

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Extraversion and Neuroticism Personality traits as Predictors of Marital Adjustment among Married Teachers in Awka Educational Zone

Veronica Nkiruka Nkechukwu, Ngozi E. Anyikwa – October 2019 Page No.: 141-145

The inability of couples to understand and appreciate the individual differences associated with personality traits which account for variation in behaviours tend to worsen the problem of adjustment in many marriages. The purpose of this study is to investigate extraversion and neuroticism personality traits as predictors of marital adjustment among married teachers in public secondary schools in Awka Educational Zone in Anambra State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Correlational research design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 822 married teachers was drawn from 31 out of 61 public secondary schools in the zone (with a population of 1252 married teachers) through simple stratified random sampling of disproportionate nature. Two instruments: Structured personality trait assessment questionnaire (PTAQ) and marital adjustment scale questionnaire (MASQ) were used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the Restructured Personality trait Assessment scale (SPTAS) facets was extraversion, 0.878; neuroticism, 0.859, while that of marital adjustment scale was 0.92. Simple regression analysis was used in answering the research questions and testing of null hypotheses. The findings of the study showed that extraversion and neuroticism personality traits are not significant predictors of married teachers’ marital adjustment. It was recommended, among others, that premarital counselling and workshop/seminars be organized from time to time for intending and married couples, for the understanding of individual personality traits and marital adjustment and also to assist couples to be well adjusted in their marriages.

Page(s): 141-145                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 November 2019

 Veronica Nkiruka Nkechukwu
Department of Guidance and Counselling, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Akwa, Anambra State, Nigeria

 Ngozi E. Anyikwa
Department of Guidance and Counselling, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Akwa, Anambra State, Nigeria

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Veronica Nkiruka Nkechukwu, Ngozi E. Anyikwa “Extraversion and Neuroticism Personality traits as Predictors of Marital Adjustment among Married Teachers in Awka Educational Zone” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.141-145 October 2019  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/141-145.pdf

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Hematological and Blood Glucose Regulatory Properties of Methanolic Extract of Capsicum Annuum (Chilli Pepper) in Rats
Nkpurukwe C.I., Odia, K.M, Bekinbo, M. T. – October 2019 – Page No.: 146-148

The aim of the study was to determine the effects of methanolic extract of Capsicum annum (chilli) on haematological parameters and blood glucose level in wistar rats. A total of 30 male rats were used. The animals were divided into five groups of five animals each.  Group 1 served as control and was not treated. Groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were treated with 5mg/kg; 10 mg/kg; 15mg/kg and 20mg/kg respectively of the capsicum annum extract. All administrations were done orally for four weeks. At the end of the study, blood samples were obtained from the animals by cardiac puncture method. After specified laboratory screenings and statistical analysis of the values obtained, the result revealed that there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in white blood cell count of groups 4 and 5, however, group 2 showed significant decrease compared to the control. On WBC differentials, monocyte levels for groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were found to be significantly (p<0.05) reduced.    The red blood cells (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were significantly elevated (p<0.05) as well as the haematocrit levels. However, the platelets values of all treated groups showed significant (p<0.05) decreases in groups 3, 4 and 5(i.e. 10mg/kg, 15mg/kg and 20mg/kg dose treated groups respectively). Groups 3, 4 and 5 had significant (p<0.05) decreases in blood glucose level. In conclusion, the methanolic extract of Capsicum annum (chilli) can be considered safe to boosts haematological profile and moderate doses have the potential to attenuate blood glucose level in Wistar rats.

Page(s): 146-148                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 04 November 2019

 Nkpurukwe C.I.
Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 Odia, K.M
Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 Bekinbo, M. T.
Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

[1]. Adebayo, A.H; Abolaji, A.O; Opata, T.K; and Adegbenro, I.K (2010): Effect Of Ethatnolic Leaf Extract of Chrysophyllum Albidum G. on Biochemical and Haematological Parameters of Albino Wistar Rats. Afri. J.Biotech. Vol (94): 2145-2150
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Nkpurukwe C.I., Odia, K.M, Bekinbo, M. T. “Hematological and Blood Glucose Regulatory Properties of Methanolic Extract of Capsicum Annuum (Chilli Pepper) in Rats” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.146-148 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/146-148.pdf

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Antibacterial Activity of the Ethanolic Root Bark Extract of Plumbago zeylanica (Linn.)
A. B. Ogunleye and J. O. Akinneye – October 2019 – Page No.: 149-154

This study was carried out to investigate the antibacterial activity of the ethanolic root bark extract of Plumbago zeylanica against seven bacteria isolated from two dumpsites in the city of Akure. Agar well diffusion method was used for this study. It was revealed that the ethanolic root bark extract of Plumbago zeylanica seems promising since it showed antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria (both Gram positive and Gram negative). From this study, it was recorded that the antibacterial activity of the extract increased with increasing concentration i.e. the concentration of 0.5g/ml showed the highest antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria. The highest zone of inhibition of 12.57mm was observed in Serratia spat the concentration of 0.5g/ml. Upon completion of this study, it is therefore recommended that more research work should be carried out on this plant in order to develop alternative antibacterial drugs for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria.

Page(s): 149-154                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 November 2019

 A. B. Ogunleye
Department of Biology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

 J. O. Akinneye
Department of Biology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

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A. B. Ogunleye and J. O. Akinneye “Antibacterial Activity of the Ethanolic Root Bark Extract of Plumbago zeylanica (Linn.)” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.149-154 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/149-154.pdf

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Influence of Education Level of Parentson their involvement in Pre-Primary Children’s Science Skills Acquisition in Kitui County, Kenya
Kianga Njagi, Dr. Maureen Mweru – October 2019 – Page No.: 155-160

The aim of this study therefore was to determine whether the education level of parents influences involvement in their pre-primary children’s science skills acquisition in pre-primary schools in Mumoni Sub County, Kitui County Kenya. The study was based on Epstein’s Theory of Parental participation. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and the target population was 1457 subjects comprising of 149 early childhood teachers and 1308 parents of pre-primary school children. Simple random sampling was employed to select 45 teachers and 132 parents of the pre-primary children who were included in the study. The instruments for data collection included questionnaires for teachers and parents. Prior to data collection, the researcherconducted a pilot study in two schools in Mumoni Sub County that were not included in the final study. The quantitative data were coded and entered in the computer for analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21 for windows.Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, means and percentages were employed to analyze quantitative data obtained from the field. The study established that parents with no formal education inadequately engaged their children in science learning at home and inadequately supported their children’s science learning. This study therefore, recommends raising the level of parent’s education through capacity building, through adult literacy programmes, community empowerment programmes aimed at improving family incomes and diversifying and strengthen family guidance and counseling programs to mitigate divorce among other family disintegration triggers.

Page(s): 155-160                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 08 November 2019

 Kianga Njagi
Kenyatta University, Kenya

 Dr. Maureen Mweru
Kenyatta University, Kenya

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Kianga Njagi, Dr. Maureen Mweru “Influence of Education Level of Parentson their involvement in Pre-Primary Children’s Science Skills Acquisition in Kitui County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.155-160 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/155-160.pdf

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Relationship between Self-efficacy and Academic Buoyancy among form three Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Migori County, Kenya
Rosemary Akinyi Olendo, Dr. Wawire Chrispus Koinange, Dr. Doyne Mugambi – October 2019 – Page No.: 161-170

The study explored the relationship between self-efficacy and academic buoyancy among form three students in Migori County. A mixed methods design was adopted for the study. The sample comprised 252 girls and 217 boys drawn from both public and private schools within the County. A student questionnaire and an interview schedule were used to collect data from the participants. Data on students’ academic achievement was collected through document analysis of their past academic records. Analyses of the obtained data were done using both descriptive and inferential analysis. The study revealed that more students were on the high level of self-efficacy (59.1%) and more students had a moderate (39.1%) level of academic buoyancy. It was further revealed that self-efficacy predicted students’ academic buoyancy and additionally, that there was no significant gender difference among the participants in both constructs. The study recommended that stakeholders employ interventions aimed at bolstering students’ level of self-efficacy, since it is amenable to change, in order to improve academic buoyancy.

Page(s): 161-170                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 08 November 2019

 Rosemary Akinyi Olendo
PhD Student, Department of Educational Psychology, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100, Kenya

 Dr. Wawire Chrispus Koinange
PhD, Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100, Kenya

 Dr. Doyne Mugambi
PhD, Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100, Kenya

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Rosemary Akinyi Olendo, Dr. Wawire Chrispus Koinange, Dr. Doyne Mugambi “Relationship between Self-efficacy and Academic Buoyancy among form three Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Migori County, Kenya ” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.161-170 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/161-170.pdf

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Extraction of Zeolite from Flyash for Removal of Hardness from Borewell Water
P. P. Wani – October 2019 – Page No.: 171-174

The environmental issues regarding hardness of water are growing day by day and has brought the requirement of eco-friendly and as well as economical alternatives for its removal. Our work focused on the treatment of water only for removal of hardness. The material selected, should be such a bulk amount waste, so its usage, not only counteract the expensiveness issue but also helps to tackle waste management for that particular waste. Fly Ash is such an alternative which is cheap, as waster material of power plant, has multipurpose use in treatment of hard water. Though the use of Fly Ash is high in concrete technology and concrete products yet the quantity generated is such that it waste disposal is yet an issue. As fly as contains SiO2, Al2O3, and calcium oxide which resembles the compostion of zeolite, which can be extracted and used for removal of hardness of water economically and solve much more problem of solid waste disposal

Page(s): 171-174                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 November 2019

 P. P. Wani
Gokhale Education Society’s R.H. Sapat College of Engineering, Management studies and Research, Nasik 422005, Maharashtra, India

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P. P. Wani “Extraction of Zeolite from Flyash for Removal of Hardness from Borewell Water” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.171-174 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/171-174.pdf

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Spatial Analysis of Effect of Location on Prices of Transacted Property in Ile-Ife, State of Osun, Nigeria Using GIS Tools 2017-2018
Awotungase Abayomi S., Fagbemi Kayode B., Hassan Yakubu O., Olaitan, A.P., Ibrahim-Adedeji K.B.; Talabi, J.I., Apete-Adebola Lateefah A – October 2019 – Page No.: 175-179

This study analyses the effect of location on price of selected transacted property in Ile-Ife, State of Osun, Nigeria using GIS, with a view to providing information for property owners and government that will guide them in future transactions. By assembling cases of land transactions in the study area from March 2017 –February 2018, this study analyses the connection between physical accessing of sites, the spatial location of their local environment, along with vacant land prices of the respective sites. This finding provides powerful connection between variations in the regulatory environment around the study area and the prices specifying raw land as an input to residential or commercial advancement. However, the study relates variations in land prices to the prices paid by prospective buyers in the study area.

Page(s): 175-179                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 November 2019

 Awotungase Abayomi S.
Department of Architecture Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Fagbemi Kayode B.
Department of Architecture Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria

 Hassan Yakubu O.
Post-graduate Student, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria

 Olaitan, A.P.
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Ibrahim-Adedeji K.B.
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Talabi, J.I.
Department of Architecture Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

 Apete-Adebola Lateefah A
Department of Quantity Surveying, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria

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Awotungase Abayomi S., Fagbemi Kayode B., Hassan Yakubu O., Olaitan, A.P., Ibrahim-Adedeji K.B.; Talabi, J.I., Apete-Adebola Lateefah A “Spatial Analysis of Effect of Location on Prices of Transacted Property in Ile-Ife, State of Osun, Nigeria Using GIS Tools 2017-2018” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.175-179 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/175-179.pdf

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Impacts of Intrinsic Motivational Tools on Job Commitment of Employees in Selected Private University in South Western Nigeria
Samuel Adewale Oladiipo, Stephen Olugbenga Afolabi, Johnson. O. Laosebikan, Damian Brownson Nwachukwu- October 2019 – Page No.: 180-193

This research study seeks to investigate the motivational factors that induce employees’ commitment in an organization. Many organizations are facing challenges on motivational factors that will induce their employees to be more committed to their jobs. Employees that are not well motivated will find it difficult to discharge their duties as expected by their employers. The vital predictor of commitment is motivation, which motivates employees to spend time and energy in the organizations. Employees’ commitment is a very vital element to boost job performance. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study used stratified sampling to categorize respondents and ensure that each member of the population was given equal chance of being selected for study. Questionnaire was administered for data collection. In all 374 participants were selected for the study. The data were analyzed using various statistical techniques. Mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression and correlation analysis.

Page(s): 180-193                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 November 2019

 Samuel Adewale Oladiipo
Department of Social and Management Sciences, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

 Stephen Olugbenga Afolabi
Department of Social and Management Sciences, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

 Johnson. O. Laosebikan
Department of Social and Management Sciences, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

 Damian Brownson Nwachukwu
Department of Social and Management Sciences, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

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Samuel Adewale Oladiipo, Stephen Olugbenga Afolabi, Johnson. O. Laosebikan, Damian Brownson Nwachukwu “Impacts of Intrinsic Motivational Tools on Job Commitment of Employees in Selected Private University in South Western Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.180-193 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/180-193.pdf

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Spatial Analysis and Distribution of Hotels and Tourism Centres in Ado-Ekiti
Agbayekhai J. P, Ishola K. O, Jegede P. A, Oyinkolade P.S- October 2019 – Page No.: 194-206

Location is a key conception in tourism sector analysis. Location of tourism and recreation plays a critical role for physical and mental health and contributes substantially to human well-being. The aim of the study was to analyze the spatial distribution of the recreation and tourism in Ado-Ekiti. This study analyzed the distribution of hotels and tourism centres in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State and the service available in the hotels and the significance of the tourism centres. The study advocated the relevance for a database containing information about the hotels and tourism centres in the area. The study made use of data from both primary and secondary sources. The handed (Global Positioning System) GPS receiver was used to capture the geographic coordinates of the hotels and tourism centres. The list of registered hotels and their addresses were obtained from internet sources while personal interview was carried out to gather data on the services provided by the hotels. A total of sixty-three (63) hotels and five (5) tourism sites were surveyed. It was detected that the hotels in the 2 star categories are the highest category in Ado-Ekiti. It was also observed most of these hotels were situated along road network. Furthermore, the study revealed that the prices of the hotels accommodate every socio-economic class of people. It is therefore recommended that hotel facilities should be upgraded for optimum performance that can meet desirable international criteria.

Page(s): 194-206                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 November 2019

 Agbayekhai J. P
Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

 Ishola K. O
Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

 Jegede P. A
Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

 Oyinkolade P.S
Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

[1]. Baba S. (2016).Spatial Distribution and Service Delivery of Hotels in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria. Unpublished Dissertation in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of M.Sc. Degree in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. (Online) available at http://kubanni.abu.edu.ng/jspui/bitstream/123456789/8741/1/SPATIAL%20DISTRIBUTION%20AND%20SERVICE%20DELIVERY%20OF%20HOTELS%20IN%20KADUNA%20METROPOLIS%2C%20NIGERIA.pdf (Accessed on July 30, 2019).
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Agbayekhai J. P, Ishola K. O, Jegede P. A, Oyinkolade P.S “Spatial Analysis and Distribution of Hotels and Tourism Centres in Ado-Ekiti” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.194-206 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/194-206.pdf

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Teacher-Factors Related to Counselling Strategies affecting Guidance and Counselling in Lower Primary School in Uniformed-Forces Based Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya
Adelaide Atakha Asenahabi, Dr. Margaret Mwangi- October 2019 – Page No.: 207-211

The main aim of this study was to establish the teacher counselling strategy-related factors affecting guidance and counselling in lower primary school pupils in uniformed forces-based schools in Nakuru County. The research adopted a descriptive survey. The study sample included all the five (5) head teachers of the study schools, five (5) teacher counsellors and (30) lower primary school class teachers of the study schools. Qualitative data was obtained from the open-ended questionnaires and the interview while quantitative data was derived from the closed-ended questionnaires. The results were presented using descriptive statistics such as frequency distributions, percentages and tabulations while qualitative data was presented using texts and verbatims. The results of the study indicated that lack of appropriate strategies for counselling of lower primary school pupils, the heavy workload and other non- guidance and counselling duties such as subject teaching and training of pupils in co-curricular activities hinder provision of guidance and counselling service in lower primary schools. The study concludes that teacher counsellors do not use a variety of strategies when counselling pupils. The study recommended that schools should use play activities such as sand play in guiding and counselling the lower primary school pupils; resources need to be availed to enhance provision of the guidance and counselling services to pupils effectively; teacher counsellors should be exposed to frequent training to acquire new and varied competencies and strategies for counselling lower primary school pupils, head teachers and class teachers should fully be supportive to counselling in the uniformed –forces based schools.

Page(s): 207-211                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 13 November 2019

 Adelaide Atakha Asenahabi
School of Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya

 Dr. Margaret Mwangi
School of Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya

[1]. Ajowi, J. O., & Simatwa, E. M. (2010). The role of guidance and counseling in promoting student discipline in secondary schools in Kenya: A case study of Kisumu district Educational Research and Reviews, 5(5), 263-272.
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Adelaide Atakha Asenahabi, Dr. Margaret Mwangi “Teacher-Factors Related to Counselling Strategies affecting Guidance and Counselling in Lower Primary School in Uniformed-Forces Based Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.207-211 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/207-211.pdf

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The Crisis in Yemen and Security Implications in the Middle East
Sylvester Ekpudu- October 2019 – Page No.: 212-220

This paper examined the Yemen crisis with a view to ascertaining its implication on the Middle East. The theory that was used for the study was the Institutional theory. The paper addressed issues that have to do with conceptual clarifications such as; the concept of security and regional crisis. The study adopted ex-post factor research design as the research design while data for the study was through secondary sources such as journal article, text books magazine newspapers and institutional documents and the content analysis method was adopted in the analysis. The findings of the paper among others revealed that the organized crime, corruption, terrorism and challenges of aid delivery have arisen as a result of the Yemen crisis and consequently it has affected the region in terms of humanitarian crisis which have made citizen of Yemen move to countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman and Djibouti. The finding of the paper further showed the security implications of the Yemen crisis on Iran and Saudi Arabia has for all intent brought about the proliferation of small arms, smuggling and piracy have affected the countries in the region. The paper recommended among others that the international community must make every effort to end the conflict in Yemen by developing mechanisms and strategies which would take into account the interests of all parties involved in this conflict and effective control of the circulation of small arms be ensured through the establishment of coherent legal and regulatory framework to control the circulation of small arms.

Page(s): 212-220                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 13 November 2019

 Sylvester Ekpudu
Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Sylvester Ekpudu “The Crisis in Yemen and Security Implications in the Middle East” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.212-220 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/212-220.pdf

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Relationship Between Amount of Homework and Performance in Mathematics among Public Day Secondary School Students in Hamisi Sub-County, Kenya
Obuya S. O. Peter, Francis C. Indoshi and Tony O. Okwach- October 2019 – Page No.: 221-227

Various endeavors have been employed to improve performance in mathematics in Hamisi Sub-County including homework which teachers give to students at various amounts to no avail. Performance in mathematics is still the lowest not only in the county but also in the entire region. Appropriately managed homework may not have been exploited as research done so far has not established the amount of homework which impacts positively on the performance of secondary school students in mathematics. Existing literature indicates that teachers give various amounts of homework tasks based on their own discretion yet little is known about how much homework task is beneficial to learners in terms of improved performance in mathematics. In this study, questionnaires and document analysis guide were used to collect quantitative data which were then analyzed by use of frequencies, percentages and Pearson moment correlation coefficient. Qualitative data were analyzed by creating thematic categories and reported as verbatim excerpts. The study revealed that students assigned 21-30 mathematics questions staggered through different days within a week performed better than those assigned more or less questions for the entire topic but as a single assignment done within a period of one day. The findings of this study may be useful to the Ministry of Education, school managers and administrators to develop a policy on homework as a tool for enhancing performance in mathematics and other subjects instead of leaving its management exclusively at the discretion of teachers.

Page(s): 221-227                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 November 2019

 Obuya S. O. Peter
Department of Educational Communication Technology and Curriculum Studies, Maseno University, Kenya

 Francis C. Indoshi
Department of Educational Communication Technology and Curriculum Studies, Maseno University, Kenya

 Tony O. Okwach
Department of Educational Communication Technology and Curriculum Studies, Maseno University, Kenya

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Obuya S. O. Peter, Francis C. Indoshi and Tony O. Okwach “Relationship Between Amount of Homework and Performance in Mathematics among Public Day Secondary School Students in Hamisi Sub-County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.221-227 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/221-227.pdf

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Nutritional Status of Under Five Children Attending State Hospital Okitipupa Ondo State
Akande, Y.O, Abata, G. D, Mosimabale, M.M, Babalola, A.O, Abata, E. O- October 2019 – Page No.: 228-230

This study was carried out to assess the nutritional status of children under 5 year in Okitipupa. A total number of 340 children were assessed using anthropometric indices. The result revealed the age distribution of the respondent base on gender which 9.8% were within the age range 1¬-10 months, 20.9 % within 11-20 months, 16.3 % within 21-30 month, 14.4 % within 31-40 months, 13.1 % within 41-50 months, 25.5 % within 51-60 months for male also 18.9 %, 17.1 % 9.6 %, 23.5 % and 16.5 % were with the age range of 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 41-50 and 51-60 months for female moreover that only 36.47 % said their baby were currently on exclusive breastfeeding, furthermore 24.2 %, 14.4 %, 13.0 %, 27.5 %, 9.8 %, and 11.1% were Normal, Stunting, Wasting, Underweight, Overweight and Obese for male respectively while 22.05 %, 16.7 %, 13.82 %, 21.76 %. 10.29 % and 15.29 % were Normal, Stunting, Wasting, Underweight, Overweight, and Obese for female respectively. Conclusively there is high level of malnutrition, especially stunting among the under five children and this could be due to the mother not practicing exclusive breastfeeding, low level of income and unemployment rate among the parent which needs intervention and Federal government of Nigeria, (NGO), while the Nutrition Society, Association of Nigeria Dietitian should encourage mothers to practice exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.

Page(s): 228-230                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 November 2019

 Akande, Y.O
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

 Abata, G. D
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

 Mosimabale, M.M
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

 Babalola, A.O
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

 Abata, E. O
Department of Chemistry Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

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Akande, Y.O, Abata, G. D, Mosimabale, M.M, Babalola, A.O, Abata, E. O “
Nutritional Status of Under Five Children Attending State Hospital Okitipupa Ondo State” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.228-230 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/228-230.pdf

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Effect of Point of Sales (POS) Utilization on Effective Demand for Agricultural Commodities in Stores and Supermarket in Akure Metropolis, Ondo State, Nigeria
Ojuotimi E. Mafimisebi, Tolulope P. Akinbobola, Taiwo E. Mafimisebi, Monday M. Ugbedeojo, Bukola E. Olarinde- October 2019 – Page No.: 231-235

Point of Sales (POS) was one of the promising e-payment methods introduced by the monetary regulatory body (CBN) in Nigeria, following its capability of curbing many challenges of financial bodies and the economy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of point of sales (POS) utilization on effective demand for agricultural commodities in stores and supermarket in Akure Metropolis. Multistage sampling procedure was used in selecting one hundred and sixty (160) consumers paying for agro-commodities through POS for the study. Data were collected through the use of structured interview schedule and were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression. The study identified convenience as the main reason for utilizing POS and also found sex, age, household size, monthly income and effect of POS as factors influencing effective demand of agro-commodities using the POS. The study however concludes that the use of POS increases the demand for agro commodities.

Page(s): 231-235                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 November 2019

 Ojuotimi E. Mafimisebi
Department of Agricultural Extension & Management/ Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria

 Tolulope P. Akinbobola
Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology/ Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

 Taiwo E. Mafimisebi
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics/ Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

 Monday M. Ugbedeojo
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics/ Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

 Bukola E. Olarinde
Department of Agricultural Extension & Management/ Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria

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Ojuotimi E. Mafimisebi, Tolulope P. Akinbobola, Taiwo E. Mafimisebi, Monday M. Ugbedeojo, Bukola E. Olarinde “Effect of Point of Sales (POS) Utilization on Effective Demand for Agricultural Commodities in Stores and Supermarket in Akure Metropolis, Ondo State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.231-235 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/231-235.pdf

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Effectiveness of Composites of Corn Cobs, Coconut Husks and Breadfruit Peels in Purifying Selected Paint Effluents
O. I. Ogidi, J.N. Okereke, E.A. Anyalogbu- October 2019 – Page No.: 236-248

Due to the varying degrees of chemicals used in paint industries, the resulting effluent contains appreciable concentrations of toxic metals and inorganic anions which reduce the quality of the receiving streams, aquatic life and adverse effects on human health. This research aimed at determining the effectiveness of composites of Corn cob, Coconut Husk and bread fruit peels in purifying selected paint effluents through the assessment of their physicochemical properties before and after treatment using column adsorption technique. The experimental conditions observed were pH 4 and 8; adsorbent doses of 1g and 2g. Standard laboratory techniques involving the use of Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometric method were adopted to determine the physicochemical properties of the effluent samples. The physicochemical results showed that the composites were effective in the removal of total solid, turbidity, colour, phosphate, nitrate, chloride, copper and cadmium while the values of COD, BOD, Lead and sulphate recorded noticeable increase on the treated effluent samples. The best experimental conditions according to the adsorption capacity were pH 4 and 1g adsorbent dose. The efficiency removal for heavy metal and inorganic anions in the effluent samples after treatment was in this order: Cl- ˂ Cu˂ NO3– ˂ PO4- ˂ Cd. Considering the values of R2 for the models fits to the experimental data, it can be concluded that all models can be used reasonably well to describe the behaviour of the adsorption of cadmium, copper, chloride, nitrate and phosphate, except for the partly negative values of Bohart – Adams and Thomas models. This research work shows that the use of corn cob, coconut husks and breadfruit peels as composite is more effective in reducing the concentrations of physicochemical properties of paint effluents.

Page(s): 236-248                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 November 2019

 O. I. Ogidi
Department of Biochemistry, Federal Polytechnic Ekowe, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

 J.N. Okereke
Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

 E.A. Anyalogbu
Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

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O. I. Ogidi, J.N. Okereke, E.A. Anyalogbu “Effectiveness of Composites of Corn Cobs, Coconut Husks and Breadfruit Peels in Purifying Selected Paint Effluents” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.236-248 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/236-248.pdf

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A Comparative Study of the Patterns of Hate Speeches During Presidential Campaigns in Nigeria and the United States of America
Waya, David Tarhom Ph.D, Ugwuanyi John Ph.D, Ogbonna Alozie C.- October 2019 – Page No.: 249-258

This study compared the patterns of hate speeches uttered in the 2015 and 2016 presidential electioneering campaigns in Nigeria and USA. The total of 28 hate speeches was sourced from online posts and analyzed using the Dijk’s model of Critical Discourse Analysis. The narratives of the hate speeches were on the question of party affiliation, religion, ethnicity/racism, personality/trust, health, education, and gender/sexual orientations. The examined hate speeches are linked to socio, economic, cultural and political realities in the respective countries. The speeches uttered by Nigeria politicians portrayed the state of intolerance in political differences, question of personality/trust or health status while in the USA, the gladiators focused more on religious intolerance, gender/sexual orientations and personality/trust of the individual candidates. Meanwhile, no attack was recorded on gender, hence the candidates were of the same sex in the case of Nigeria. Comparatively, the candidates in USA recorded more hate speeches than their supporters unlike in Nigeria. The paper therefore recommends issue-based campaigns in order to avoid possible violence often associated with hate speeches in political contests and debates.

Page(s): 249-258                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 November 2019

 Waya, David Tarhom Ph.D
Department of Linguistics and Nigerian languages, University of Nigeria

 Ugwuanyi John Ph.D
Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria

 Ogbonna Alozie C.
Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria

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Waya, David Tarhom Ph.D, Ugwuanyi John Ph.D, Ogbonna Alozie C. “
A Comparative Study of the Patterns of Hate Speeches During Presidential Campaigns in Nigeria and the United States of America” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.6 issue 10, pp.249-258 October 2019 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-6-issue-10/249-258.pdf

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