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Academic Performance Reimagined: Insights from College Students during the Shift to E-Learning

  • Jean Rizza Dela Cruz, PhD, RN
  • Joselito Dela Cruz, MBA, MSIT
  • Rosa Ramirez, MAEd, LPT
  • 409-414
  • Feb 6, 2025
  • Education

Academic Performance Reimagined: Insights from College Students during the Shift to E-Learning

Jean Rizza Dela Cruz, PhD, RN., Joselito Dela Cruz, MBA, MSIT., Rosa Ramirez, MAEd, LPT

Higher Education Department, Olivarez College Tagaytay, Philippines


Received: 26 December 2024; Accepted: 01 January 2025; Published: 06 February 2025


This study analyzes the trends in academic performance of college students at Olivarez College Tagaytay from the pre-pandemic period (2019) to the post-pandemic period (2022). The primary aim is to develop an intervention scheme that ensures students’ grade outcomes accurately reflect the expected learning outcomes and competencies. Tathathira (2020) identifies four vital pedagogical considerations in e-learning: content, instructional methods, practice examples, and feedback. Educators need to incorporate critical thinking into learning materials to foster deeper understanding and engagement among students. Using a descriptive quantitative design and cross-sectional analysis, data were collected from 635 students across eight collegiate programs, revealing a mean academic performance rating of 1.51 – 1.75, categorized as superior. Notably, there was a significant increase in academic performance during AY 2020-2021, coinciding with the transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This unexpected improvement suggests that the shift in learning modality may have positively influenced student engagement and performance, possibly due to increased access to resources and support systems. Therefore, Olivarez College Tagaytay is recommended to continuously monitor student performance through regular assessments, adopt flexible learning modalities tailored to diverse learning styles, and implement authentic assessments that accurately measure competencies. These strategies are crucial for enhancing educational outcomes and ensuring students are well-prepared for future challenges in their academic and professional endeavors.

Keywords: Academic Performance, College Students, Olivarez College Tagaytay, cross sectional study


The COVID-19 health crisis not only brought unprecedented challenges to the healthcare system but also disrupted education and the operations of academic institutions due to extensive community quarantines. As of September 2021, over 800 million learners worldwide have been affected, with 1 in 5 unable to attend school and 1 in 4 unable to participate in higher education classes. Over 102 countries have also implemented nationwide closures (UNESCO, 2020). The Global Campaign for Education emphasizes the necessity of contingency plans to ensure the right to education during crises (GCE, 2020).

Amidst the pandemic, academic institutions globally recognized the urgent need to employ e-learning to deliver education. Banua (2017) discusses the determinants of performance of nursing graduates in the licensure examination, highlighting key factors that influence success. Educational leaders however facilitated the continuity of learning by training educators in information and communication technology, utilizing online platforms, and implementing alternative teaching strategies to achieve better learning outcomes.

Riegel et al. (2021) note that pedagogical changes and challenges emerge when the educational landscape is disrupted, compelling educators to adapt swiftly and design effective strategies for continuous learning. Subedi et al. (2021) argue that while e-learning presents a valuable opportunity to continue education, its effectiveness hinges on addressing the factors that influence it.

Tathathira (2020) identifies four vital pedagogical considerations in e-learning architecture: content, instructional methods, practice examples, and feedback. In terms of content, educators need to incorporate critical thinking into the learning materials provided.

However, Rotas and Cahapay (2021) warn that the current state of remote learning may exacerbate existing disparities and create barriers to effective online education. Conversely, Ramos et al. (2021) concluded that factors such as family interaction, increased parental supervision, and the ability to engage in hobbies alongside studies, as well as institutional support for students, may have positively influenced academic performance during the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period.

Therefore, this study aims to analyze trends in the academic performance of college students from the pre-pandemic period to the near post-pandemic period (2019-2022) and to develop a proposed intervention scheme that ensures students’ grade outcomes reflect the attainment of expected learning outcomes and competencies amidst the pandemic.


This study utilized descriptive quantitative design and cross-sectional analysis. A cross-sectional study design is a type of observational study or descriptive research that involves analyzing information about a population at a specific point in time. This design measures the prevalence of an outcome of interest in a defined population. It provides a snapshot of the characteristics of the population at a single point in time (Simkus,2023).

Data sources were from the Grade Weighted Average of 635 students from the eight collegiate programs 2019-2022. These data were taken from the student’s Office of the Registrar records.

The following statistical treatments were utilized to analyze the data:  Frequency distribution is an organized tabulation/graphical representation of the number of individuals in each category on the scale measurement. This is used to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of Grade Weighted Average (GWA) and percentage. This determines the proportion of a part of a whole, such as a given number of respondents, to the sample population (Salustiano,2009). Like frequency, this statistical treatment was utilized to describe the statistical value of the respondent’s GWA and determine its proportion to the sample population and mean. This is a descriptive statistic that is a measure of central tendency computed as an average score from the population (Salustiano, 2009). This was utilized to determine the variability (homogeneity or heterogeneity) of the students’ GWA when grouped according to their program. Additionally, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a parametric test used to compare the means of two or more groups of independent samples and to find out if there is no significant difference in the GWA of students when grouped per year (Broto, 2007).

A parametric test is used to compare the means of two or more groups of independent samples and to find out if there is no significant difference in the GWA of students when grouped per year (Broto, 2007).


Problem No. 1 What is the academic performance of college students of Olivarez College Tagaytay from 2019-2022?

Table 1 Academic Performance of College Students

Academic Performance Frequency Percentage (%) Verbal Interpretation
1.00 5 .01% Exceptional
1.10 – 1.25 126 3.48% Excellent
1.26 – 1.50 754 32.26% Highly Superior
1.51 – 1.75 1219 51.20% Superior
1.76 – 2.00 1007 0.47% Very good
2.10 – 2.25 529 26.38% Good
2.26 – 2.50 141 3.80% Average
2.51 – 2.75 18 4.858 Passed

Table 1 presents the academic performance of college students of OC Tagaytay from 2019-2022. Table 1 shows that most students got 1.51 – 1.75 in their academic performance, with a frequency of 1219 or 51.20% verbally interpreted as superior. Very few are on the extreme, with a frequency of 5 and 18 for academic performance of 1.00 and 2.51 – 2.75, respectively, verbally interpreted as exceptional and passed. Figure 1 indicates a standard curve, which signifies that students’ academic performance is closer to the mean average.

Moreover, the student’s academic performance at Olivarez College Tagaytay is very good. De Leon (2016) emphasizes the importance of academic performance in relation to licensure examination outcomes, suggesting areas for curriculum enhancement.

Figure 1. Academic Performance of College Students of Olivarez College Tagaytay

Figure 1. Academic Performance of College Students of Olivarez College Tagaytay

Problem No. 2 What is the academic performance of the students in Olivarez College Tagaytay when grouped according to their program?

Table 2 Students’ Academic Performance Per Program

Program GWA Verbal Interpretation
BSCRIM 1.86 Very Good
BSTM 1.59 Superior
BSIT 1.74 Superior
BSA 1.54 Superior
BSN 1.74 Superior
BEED 1.58 Superior
BSBA 1.75 Superior
BSHM 1.77 Very Good
Total Mean 1.70 Superior

Figure 2. Estimated marginal means of GWA for three years

Figure 2. Estimated marginal means of GWA for three years

Figure 2 shows the significant ascending pattern of the General Weighted Average (GWA) from the academic year 2019-2020 to the academic year 2020-2021 and a significant descending pattern in GWA from the academic year 2020-2021 to 2021-2022 for all the programs except BSA Program which manifests a reverse pattern in both years. This implies that the significant increase in the GWA during the academic year 2020-2021 may be attributed to the availability of all the resources online, both apps and tools for the assessment. This is supported by the study of Dela Cruz et al. (2021), who found that the online learning implementation of Olivarez College Tagaytay was fully implemented as rated by the students. Qualitative analysis shows that students were satisfied with the implementation of online learning. However, in the case of the BSA Program, the significant decline in GWA may be associated with the struggle to adjust to the new modality.

On the other hand, the significant descent in GWA among the programs in AY 2021-2022 may be attributed to the implementation of the gradual reopening of campus for the limited face-to-face. However, the reverse phenomenon significantly noted among BSA students may be influenced by their strong preference for in-campus face-to-face classes.

Problem No. 3 is there a significant difference in the academic performance of the students when grouped according to academic year?

Table 3 Difference in the Academic Performance from Year to Year

Sum of Squares df F Sig Decision
Between Groups 5.77 2 35.952 0.000 Reject Null


P-value < 0.05 Reject the null hypothesis

The above data presents a p-value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 which means that the null hypothesis is rejected, there is a significant difference in the academic performance of the students in Olivarez College Tagaytay when grouped from year to year. Table 3.1 presents the Scheffe multiple comparison results. Soriano (2016) explores the relationship between academic performance and licensure examination outcomes, highlighting the importance of academic success in professional readiness.

Table 3.1 Scheffe Multiple Comparison tables for the academic performance and academic year

GWA Mean Difference Significance Decision
2019-2020 2020-2021 0.092 0.000 Reject Null
2021-2022 0.009 0.730 Accept Null
2020-2021 2021-2022 0.083 0.000 Reject Null

The Scheffe multiple comparison shows that Academic Year 2020-2021 significantly differs from Academic Year 2019-2020 and 2021-2022. This implies that students’ academic performance during AY 2020-2021 at the height of the pandemic has significantly increased despite the abrupt changes in the modality of learning delivery. Some factors may be attributed to this phenomenon; one is that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) appealed to the educational institution and the faculty to employ utmost leniency to the students since the transition was overwhelming. Academic dishonesty among students in online learning has also been a global concern. However, Oducado et al. (2021) concluded that factors such as interaction with family, more parental supervision, the possibility to perform hobbies and other activities in addition to study, and the method used by the educational institute to adapt to a non-face-to-face modality and all the support for the student’s requirements, may have influenced the improvement of the academic performances of students despite the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to the period before this.


This study aimed to analyze trends in the academic performance of college students at Olivarez College Tagaytay from the pre-pandemic period to the near post-pandemic period (2019-2022) and to develop a proposed intervention scheme that ensures students’ grade outcomes reflect the attainment of expected learning outcomes and competencies during the pandemic.

Employing a descriptive quantitative design and cross-sectional analysis, the data review from 635 students across eight collegiate programs revealed that academic performance from 2019 to 2022 was notably high, with a mean average grade ranging from 1.51 to 1.75. The trend analysis indicated a significant increase in academic performance during 2020-2021, coinciding with the transition from traditional to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study offers new insights into the academic performance of college students during the shift from pre-pandemic to post-pandemic learning environments. Contrary to initial expectations, the findings demonstrated a significant improvement in student performance during the academic year 2020-2021, as evidenced by the mean average grade of 1.51 to 1.75, which surpassed previous years. Several factors contributing to this improvement were identified, including increased parental supervision, opportunities for engaging in hobbies, and institutional support in adapting to non-face-to-face learning modalities. These factors suggest that the home environment and institutional support enhanced student performance during the pandemic.

Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of specific pedagogical strategies in e-learning, such as incorporating critical thinking into course content and the necessity for flexible learning modalities that accommodate diverse learning styles. These findings align with recommendations for enhancing online education and ensuring that learning outcomes are achieved despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The results highlight the need for ongoing assessment of academic performance and adopting flexible learning approaches to sustain and improve educational outcomes in the face of future disruptions.

Overall, this study contributes to understanding how students can adapt and excel academically in challenging circumstances, providing valuable insights for educators and policymakers in higher education. The general weighted average (GWA) increase during the academic year 2020-2021 may be attributed to the availability of various online resources, including applications and assessment tools. This assertion is supported by Dela Cruz et al. (2021), who indicated that the implementation of online learning at Olivarez College Tagaytay was rated positively by students. Qualitative analysis further revealed that students expressed satisfaction with the online learning implementation. However, the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) program experienced a significant decline in grades, likely due to difficulties adjusting to the new modality.

Additionally, Rosales et al. (2021) concluded that factors such as family interaction, increased parental supervision, opportunities for engaging in hobbies, and the educational institution’s adaptation to non-face-to-face modalities may have influenced the improvement in student’s academic performance during the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. It is recommended that future studies employ a mixed-methods approach using multiple cases, as this study was limited to a single institution, to gain a clearer perspective on the phenomenon.


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