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A Sociological Study on the Importance of Sex Education in School Children to Control Anti-Social Behaviors (from Walasmulla Divisional Secretariat, Hambantota District)

  • Wijethunga W. T. D.
  • Jayarathne S.D.Y
  • 969-1006
  • Nov 23, 2024
  • Education

A Sociological Study on the Importance of Sex Education in School Children to Control Anti-Social Behaviors (from Walasmulla Divisional Secretariat, Hambantota District)

Wijethunga W. T. D., Jayarathne S.D.Y*

Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.


Received: 08 November 2024; Accepted: 13 November 2024; Published: 23 November 2024


Sex is a topic that can be used to construct different interpretations for different sections of society in this country. The first statements about the need for sex education are unfamiliar to the eyes of the people of this country. Sex education in schools also aims to provide adolescents in the country with their age-appropriate sex education. It is questionable whether this sex education is still going well in schools. When you look at the daily news in Sri Lanka, rape, Reports of sexual offenses, such as child abuse, are on the rise. Often young children and adolescents are identified as victims. Accordingly, the main purpose of this research is to study the importance of sex education in school children to control anti-social behavior. And a particular purpose of sexual study of the relationship between the school teacher and the school student to the education , to investigate the contribution of the teacher and the curriculum of schools to control anti-social behavior, the recommendation of the existing school health education curriculum change should be how to identify and to recommend presentation , teacher education and the role of the community as well as the student , personality ,The study of how it affects discipline can be pointed out. The study Walasmulla school of schools Divisional Secretariat Division 13 schools out of 03 have been selected as a study area. The samples and / MV Northern Kanumuldeniya students of 32 million and / Oluara Bandaranaike students of 13 million and Kandebadda Secondary School of students 15 were part of the full sample of 60 is. Also, 4 teachers from three schools were selected and information was obtained using an interview schedule. Case studies have also been conducted using the information obtained from them. When asked if students have an understanding of what sex education is, all those selected from the overall census said they have an understanding of sex education. The percentage of students who have an understanding of the difference between health education and sex education is 41.7% and the percentage of students who do not understand the difference between health education and sex education is 58.3%. Also, 76.7% of the total samples stated that sex education of school children is important to control anti-social behavior. It is also clear from the information obtained from the teachers that school children should receive a complete sex education in school.

Keywords: Education, Students, Sexuality, Anti-social, Anthropology, Sociology. Teenagers


Statistics show that the number of young people having premarital sex is relatively high compared to decades ago. According to the Department of Health and the Family Planning Association, more than 100 unofficial abortions occur daily in Colombo alone. Doctors say that these are often done in secret clinics that do not have medical facilities, which increase the risk to life and the risk of developing various diseases later on. There can be a number of reasons for this condition (Athukorala, 2003; 4). It can be identified that this is due to anti-social sexual practices which are contrary to the accepted values of the society.

Based on the flexibility of sexuality, human sex life is fundamentally different from animal sex life. Human sexual behavior is not simply spontaneous like that of animals. There are variations on human sex life as well as pre-sexual experiences and relationships. The culture in which people live has shaped their sex lives. Scientists have shown that the sexual functions of humans and animals differ based on their hormonal activity. The sexual behavior of animals such as mice and cats is largely dependent on hormones. But it is clear that man’s sexual behavior is largely his mental necessity. Human sexual behavior is relative to time, age, and culture. Some so-called”normal” sexual behaviors in the West may be unconventional behaviors in Eastern countries such as Sri Lanka (Kankanamge, 2003; 145).

The study is very important in the Sri Lankan social context when focusing on anti-social behaviors. This is because what is called anti-social behavior varies from country to country. It is influenced by the social, cultural and religious factors of Sri Lanka, a South Asian country. Child and adolescent sexual intercourse, underage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, premarital sex, unmarried sex, etc. can be termed as anti-social sexual practices. Learning about sexually transmitted diseases and social illnesses is essential. But looking at society, people have little knowledge about it. In the present complex, as well as anomalous social system, the growth of anti-social behaviors of individuals is high (Corey, 2016; 1). Therefore, there is a need to socialize theoretical issues related to sex. Since school education is the easiest opportunity to provide education, there is an urgent need to pay attention to it.

Sex education is the study of human sexuality and responsibilities, the internal structure of the genitals, sexual behavior, sexual reproduction, minimum legal limits, health, rights, responsible sexual behavior, and birth control. The usual practice is to educate parents and adults about this at school programs as well as public health workshops. Sex education, which covers all the above areas, can be identified as a perfect sex education. School sex education is one of the most important methods of providing sex education (Hettiarachchi, 2017; 11). In this case, the school has a formal education, which increases its credibility. This formal and reliable education system avoids the problems that parents face in providing sex education to their child.

The role of schools is very important in sex education. Many in our country are of the view that the role of schools should be to provide textbook education to children. But the World Health Organization says literacy, physical and psychological education in schools as well as education about sex and gender is equally important. This will enable the majority of the children to socialize at least 75% – 85% as good healthy citizens. But this does not seem to be the case. In many parts of the world, between 75 and 85% of children between the ages of 3 and 13 are school-age children. These children need to be given timely skills and insights to make their transition to puberty a good one. They are then tempted to make the right decisions not only about their future but also about their sex life. Then it contributes to the well-being of the society. Considering all these factors, the most suitable place to provide sex education can be pointed out as school. This is because it is then easier to deploy teachers as a place where children of the required age can come together and as the most appropriate part to impart knowledge about sex and sexuality. Governments usually have to spend a lot of money to do this (UN, 2016¦ 115).

Sex is a topic that is not generally discussed in society. As a result, there is no social discourse on different issues and opinions related to sex. As a result, the transmission of knowledge about sex is very weak socially. Traditionally, in many cultures, sex was considered inappropriate for conversation, and young people were not made aware of sex. Awareness rising was traditionally left to the parents of the children and this was often postponed until their marriage. However, focusing on the world, the progressive learning movement that began in the 19th century led to school-based sex education with the introduction of social well-being into the North American school curriculum. Much of this information, which was spread at a very acute stage of sexual matters, was also deficient and unreliable, despite early efforts for school-based sex education. This lack of knowledge was further exacerbated by the prevalence of adolescent pregnancies in the West, especially after the 1960s. In an effort to prevent such pregnancies, governments in various countries have established sex education programs in the face of strong opposition from parents and religious groups (Tupper, 2013¦33).

Knowledge and understanding are essential in maintaining a good life. This knowledge and understanding is necessary not only for the society but also for the correct identification of oneself. With such knowledge and understanding that one acquires the right amount at the right time and at the right age, one is able to avoid unnecessary problems. Life is divided into several major stages according to age. Childhood, Youth was, young, middle and old age, as the main body and can indicate the opportunities classifieds different minds might change the nature of the runway. Youth and youth can be described as a very special occasion among all these occasions.  These changes are necessary for life and cannot be dismissed as unnecessary. Therefore, it is important to correctly identify the difference and shape the future life accordingly. It is a matter of urgency to get a proper understanding of it by reading the book and getting an explanation from parents and teachers.

What life will be like in the future depends on the activities that take place during the few years of youth and adolescence. The future is very secure if adolescents are able to function in this adolescence with self-awareness or the ability to properly choose the tasks they need to do today. It will be useful for all teenagers who are naturally interested in finding out all the details about the changes that take place in the body and mind. One of the benefits of avoiding unnecessary doubt and fear about this change. The most important benefit of this is the opportunity to avoid endangering life by succumbing to age-appropriate temptations without knowing the difference. Proper sex education in school is very helpful for this (Hettiarachchi, 2015; 10).

Sex is a topic that can be used to construct different interpretations for different sections of society in this country. It is also clear that this is a topic that has hitherto been confused and is becoming more and more confusing, as these interpretations are often built not on a scientific basis but on their own wisdom. The first statements about the need for sex education are unfamiliar to the eyes of the people of this country. Sex education in schools also aims to provide adolescents in the country with their age-appropriate sex education. It is questionable whether this sex education is still going well in schools.

Sex is very important to humanity and favorable sex affirms the well-being of man. Sex that so clear, despite many countries still does not provide proper sex education at school level and the EFC to provide sexual health education school level. The following are some of the reasons for this.

  • Teaching children sex and gender allows them to have sex before they reach the age of majority.
  • Being of the opinion that providing sex education is against our culture or religion.
  • Being of the opinion that sex education should be given to children, not the school, to be the head of their family.
  • Parents’ belief that sex education is inappropriate at school.
  • Attitudinal belief that sex education is appropriate for youth but not for school children.
  • The inability, incomprehension, backwardness and shame of teachers to provide sex education to children.
  • Because sex education is intertwined with other subjects, it is not necessary to teach it as a separate subject.
  • Wells ethnic education of children are abducted

In this way, due to the misconceptions in the society, children who enter adolescence miss the important knowledge about sex. As a result, the child may be embarrassed and embarrassed to be properly guided, leaving the family and the child to experience severe pain (Galappaththi, 2016; 59).

Today’s youth are much more open to the world than they were two decades ago. There are even modern smartphones, tablets or computers for school-age children. With the advancement of the internet, it is not so difficult to bring the unknown knowledge of the world into one’s own hands. Here, teenagers use the internet to search for unknowns about sex due to their curiosity with their age. Because the Internet is infinite, there is a possibility of accurate knowledge as well as misinformation. These children may be tempted to watch pornography without even knowing the true meaning of sex. Assuming that this is the true state of sexuality in children, they are more likely to engage in anti-social sexual behavior and engage in age-appropriate activities (Kankanamge, 2003; 148). In Sri Lanka, sexual acts of sexual misconduct are rampant in Sri Lanka today. Although sex education has a special place in the Sri Lankan school system, it is important to look at why sexual offenses are so prevalent. Here is a timely study of how sex education in schools affects the control of anti-social sex-related activities.

Research problem

Rape Violence against Women a Minor Crime Any Sexual Exploitation Any kind of exploitation, insult, discrimination, etc., as soon as they are known in the media or in any other way, many people are accustomed to saying that men would not be tempted to engage in such acts if they received a proper sex education. . When you look at the news that is being reported in Sri Lanka on a daily basis today, the number of reported crimes of sexual misconduct such as rape and child abuse is high. Often young children and adolescents are identified as victims.

Table 2 .1: Number of victims of sexual offenses

Type of crime 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rape of women over 16 years of age 385 294 250 179
Rape of children under 16 years of age 1499 1006 1394 1339
Serious sexual abuse 749 610 716 533
Child sexual exploitation 50 43 49 75

(, 2019)

According to the annual crime statistics of Sri Lanka, the number of victims of sexual offenses is high. Most of these crimes are committed by minors. Looking at the above data from another point of view, it is possible to understand that the number of crimes reported annually as a normal feature of the society related to sex has changed in proportion to each year. Therefore, this crime control needs to be studied.

Social change may be the main reason for this. Moral degeneration has taken place since the time when people moved from a simple lifestyle to urbanization and inherited a more complex lifestyle. It affected the Sri Lankan social context as various crimes and their nature became more serious. Although sexual desire is a human physical need, women are often abused and persecuted due to abnormal sexual movements. It can also be confirmed that the physical, mental and social conditions of the individual affect such aberrant conditions.

Today, schools teach a curriculum on reproductive health for students in grades 7, 8, and 9. But this syllabus does not provide further education on menopause and sexually transmitted diseases. Sex education is not just about introducing the genitals and the reproductive system. It also applies to sexual behavior. Only by socializing the right knowledge will they be able to protect themselves from various gangs and propaganda targeting school children. It also connects children with the knowledge and sensitivity they need to cope with various forms of abuse. Many teachers show reluctance and shyness in providing sex education to their student community. Sometimes lessons that include the most important parts of the curriculum are skipped. Providing a perfect sex education is a difficult endeavor as teachers maintain a cultural censorship of themselves when teaching things in the current socio-cultural environment. It has become a shame to even utter the word sex. As a result, school children do not receive proper sex education. Hence the need for a transformative change in sex education. The need to provide sex education to school children has become a major problem.

Sex education is a very important part of the lives of teenagers. It can free young people from unwanted pregnancies, lack of sexual knowledge that leads to sexual abuse, STIs, and sexual crimes. Sex education provides the foundation for birth control, adapting to sex, and maintaining healthy relationships. According to all of the above, sex education develops the knowledge of relationships and sexuality and communicates the knowledge needed to make the right choices regarding sex and sexual health.

As mentioned above, although sex education is included in the curriculum taught in schools in Sri Lanka, what are the reasons for the problem of young people being subjected to various anti-social sexual practices and the problems faced by school children and teachers in sex education? Is sex education of school children important for controlling anti-social sexual behavior? Is the research problem of this study?

Research Objectives

The main purpose

  • To study the importance of sex education in school children to control anti-social behavior.

Special purposes

  • A study of the relationship between the school teacher and the school student in sex education.
  • Investigate the role of the school teacher and the curriculum in controlling anti-social behavior.
  • Identify how the existing school health education curriculum should be changed and make recommendations for it.
  • Teacher and student education and the role of society, Personality, discipline Employees Studies Effect

The practical significance of research

This study is important to identify the weaknesses in sex education in schools in Sri Lanka. This shows that a significant number of crime news reports in Sri Lanka are related to sex. School-age children and adolescents are often the victims and targets of these situations. This creates suspicion and fear among parents about protecting their children in society. Isolation There is a big problem with how to send their children to school without fear or suspicion to a tutoring class or to a relative’s house. This is where the people of Sri Lanka stand in terms of knowledge and understanding related to sex. This research aims to conduct a comprehensive study on the focus on sex education in the Sri Lankan education system, how vulnerabilities exist and where they need to change. Therefore, it is important to study the weaknesses of sex education in schools in Sri Lanka, which is a nationally problematic topic.

The availability of relevant studies in national policy making facilitates the accuracy and precision of policy making. Therefore, the findings and suggestions of the study on the weaknesses in sex education are very important for anti – social activities related to sex, which is a hot topic in Sri Lanka today. This study is of practical importance as a literary source in the study of how new policies should be changed for the responsible governmental institutions that formulate educational policies. The data and conclusions gained from this research will be of great benefit to institutes that specialize in sex education curricula, as well as new additions to the curriculum and the introduction of new teaching methods related to teacher teaching.

Research by researchers in Sri Lanka on the shortcomings of sex education in schools is very rare. Although research has been done internationally in this regard, the situation in a developing Asian multicultural and social country is much different. Therefore, this study is important as a research. This research is also important for the generation of subject-related knowledge. This study generates knowledge on what sex education is in schools, the trends and new dimensions of sex education, educational strategies, weaknesses in sex education in Sri Lanka and the areas that need to be changed.

Sociology is a field with a holistic approach. Sociology is the study of all the phenomena that exist in society. Sociology is the study of topics such as social institutions, family, social relations, social strata, sexuality, education, and social institutions. This research reveals a wealth of knowledge that is important for a wide range of disciplines related to subject psychology, including social psychology, educational sociology, counseling, sociology of sexuality, and cultural sociology. It improves the subject matter. This study is of practical importance as it will also contribute to the development of the subject of sociology, a field that offers successful solutions to the growing social problems.


Conceptual framework

The dependent variable as the independent variable area crossed to take the dependent variable is called a tie ` definition of variables and independent variables is known as tie ` books for variable factors.

Figure 1.2: Concept framework (Source: by Researcher, 2019)

Accordingly, the functional relationship between autonomous and dependent variables is as follows.

Y = f (X 1, X2, X3 …… Xn)

Hypotheses based on the above model can be constructed as follows.

H 0 = Sex education of school children does not affect the control of anti-social sexual behavior.

H 1 = Sex education of school children affects the control of anti-social sexual behavior.

As shown here, it can be pointed out that the control of anti-social sexual behaviors as a hypothesis of infidelity has nothing to do with the autonomous variable and that there is a relationship between the autonomous variable controlling anti-social sexual behaviors as an alternative.

Study area, compilation, sampling and sampling

Study area

Field of study belongs to Walasmulla Divisional Secretariat, Hambantota District. There are 27 Grama Niladhari Divisions in the Divisional Secretariat Division. Out of 13 schools in the Walasmulla Divisional Secretariat Division, 03 schools have been selected as study areas for study.


03 schools out of 13 schools belonging to Walasmulla Divisional Secretariat Division in Hambantota District were selected.

  • H / Kanumuldeniya North Navodya School
  • H / Oluara Bandaranayaka Secondary School
  • H / Kandebadda Secondary School

Colleges are those schools. Data for this study should be obtained from students of age groups who are receiving sex education, whereas the groups of students who are receiving sex education are students in grades 9, 10, 11. All three schools have 119 students of this age group and the total population is the same group of students.

Table 6 2: district Walasmulla schools Divisional Secretariat Divisions 9, 10, 11 numbers of students and teachers in grades

 School Number of teachers Number of students in grades 9,10,11 Number of health teachers
Harathuru Kanumuldeniya MV 49 64 2
Haramodarawana MV 49 55 1
H / South Kanumuldeniya KV 22 31 1
H / Kandebedda KV 20 29 1
H / Nathuwala KV 19 14 1
H / Rajapuragoda KV 20 15 1
H / Udadeniya KV 20 12 1
H / Oluara Bandaranaike KV 23 26 1
H / Modarawana Pvt 15 0 0
H / Lumbini Pvt 16 0 0
H / Wow Pvt 10 0 0
H / Morakandegoda Sri Dhammadassi PR 9 0 0
H / Thalahagamwaduwa Sri Rewatha PS 11 0 0

Sample and sampling

The sample was selected for research using the random sampling method of the probabilistic sampling method. Accordingly, the sample is as follows.

H / Kanumuldeniya North Navodya School How the students were selected
50 x 64 / 100 = 32
 H / Oluara Bandaranayaka Secondary School How the students were selected
26 x 50/100 = 13
 H / Kandebadda Secondary School How the students were selected
29 x 50/100 = 14. 5 = 15 (fall)

The samples and / MV Northern Kanumuldeniya students of 32 while H / Oluara Bandaranaike students of 13 million and Kandebadda Secondary School students of 15 million, which includes the full sample of 60 is. Study for three schools and / MV Northern Kanumuldeniya of teachers 2 while H / Oluara Bandaranaike of teachers 1 million and Kandebadda Secondary School of teachers 1 million teachers, 4 have been selected according to the requirements.


Use of the primary source

The primary source is data that the researcher verifies in relation to his or her field of research – this data is collected as fresh data for the researcher’s needs. This data is then coded and edited and used for research. As primary sources used for research

  • Questionnaire method
  • Interview method
  • Observation

The questionnaire system is expected to be used and data is obtained by handing out questionnaires to school children. Through the interview system, data was obtained from teachers, school children, parents, retired school teachers, principals, Pirivena education teachers, monks and private tuition class teachers. It also monitors the behavior of students and teachers by obtaining data through their emotional expressions.

Table 6 3: image data of the primary data collection and usage

The method used  Basic groups The nature of the data collected
Questionnaire method School children Teachers – Obtain information on research related knowledge, ideas and attitudes of school children and teachers.
Interview method Peer group School students Teachers Principals Pirivena Education Lecturers Ordinary people in the area – Inquire about the role of the teacher in the classroom and the views of teachers and students regarding anti-social behavior. – Inquire about the subject units covered by the students. – Discuss how students build relationships between the school and the community. – Discuss the teaching of subject matter in school.
Observation  School students Teachers – Obtaining data on the behavior of students and teachers through their statements.

(Prepared by the researcher)

This table illustrates the nature of the data used by the researcher for the target group.

Use of a secondary source

Books, journals, the Internet, articles, diaries, biographies, research reports, etc. are used as secondary sources for this study.


Quantitative data analysis

The researcher analyzed the data and analyzed the data with the help of the software Janjaka and GE.

Table 7 .4: the submitted information

Management Strategy Information submitted 
Maps Map showing the study area (using Geographic Information Systems software)
Graphs Whether sex education taught in schools is adequate Awareness of school children about sex education Development of sex education in schools The heterogeneity of teachers’ willingness to provide sex education Information on the developmental anomalies of sex-related crimes reported in the study area.
Tables Number of teachers teaching health education in schools in the study area Annual reported sex crimes in Sri Lanka Information such as the number of students studying sex education by year in the schools in the study area.
Kai type test Students’ preference for sex education in terms of gender.

In order to test the constructed hypotheses or hypotheses, a manual test has been carried out, especially under statistical methods. Using a questionnaire, data was obtained on the students’ preference for sex education in terms of gender, and the data obtained were used to perform a gender test. The data expected to be analyzed here are qualitative data and the values are given as follows to use the Liker scale to quantify that data.

  • high
  • Central
  • Under

The hypotheses have been tested based on the quantitative data thus constructed. The model used koi-square test Table 7.5 out of here.

Table 7 5: kai-square test model (the idea of school students)

The idea of school children Sexuality   high Central Under nc

Students’ preferences for sex education vary according to gender, such as H0. Hypotheses can also be formed that students’ preferences for sex education do not change according to gender, such as H1, which is calculated using the following formula.

X 2 = Σ (fo – fe) 2 / fe

Quality data analysis

Quality data is data that often refers to certain events, situations, or interpersonal relationships between people, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions — the researcher goes to the field of study and presents the ideas, attitudes, data contributors, etc. with a detailed approach has been.

Data Analysis


This chapter analyzes information obtained from students and teachers to study the importance of sex education in school to control anti-social behavior. Here the sample was selected for research using the random sampling method belonging to the probabilistic sampling method. Accordingly the sample is H / North Kanumuldeniya itself. The total sample is 60 including 32 students, 13 students from Oluara Bandaranaike College and 15 students from O / Kandebedda College. Finally, a statistical method of research, the Kai type test, performed a hypothetical test, assuming that the preference for sex education in the research differed between men and women. Study for three schools and / MV Northern Kanumuldeniya of teachers 2 while H / Oluara Bandaranaike of teachers 1 million and Kandebadda Secondary School of teachers 1 of the teachers 4 per requirement selected. Detailed information was obtained from the teachers using an interview schedule and case studies were also conducted based on the experiences of these teachers.

Analysis of data obtained from undergraduate students

Number of students who obtained information by school

As the size of the 10th and 11th year students in the schools varies according to the sample selected for the study, the students are selected to obtain proportional data according to the percentage of students so that each school has a fair chance.

Table 8.1: Number of students and percentage of information obtained by school

Name of the school Number of Students Percentage
H / Kanumuldeniya North Navodya School 13 21.7%
H / Oluara Bandaranayaka Secondary School 15 25%
H / Kandebadda Secondary School 32 53.3%
Total 60 100%

Source: Field Survey Data (2020)

Chart No. 8.1: Percentage of student size obtained by school information

Percentage of student size obtained by school information

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

According to the study Walasmulla Divisional Secretariat Division in the three schools and H / Oluara Bandaranayaka Secondary School students 13 million and H / Kanumuldeniya North Navodya School students 15 were also H / Kandebadda Secondary School students 32 students from the 60 selected for. In terms of percentage, 21.7% from H / Oluara Bandaranayaka Secondary School, 25.0% from H / Kandebadda Secondary School and 53.3% from H / Kandebadda Secondary School participated in these studies. In this case, the above percentages have been selected according to the proportional system to be fair to the sample considering the size of the students.

Students belonging to the sample according to gender

Separate information on gender is important when discussing sexual information. Here the students have obtained information in such a way that both parties are equal.

Table 8.2: Number of students and percentage of information obtained by gender

Pottery and Ceramics Pumice structure Student Number Percentage
Women 32 53.3%
Male 28 46.7%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Focusing on the gender of the students who obtained information for the study, 32 of the total sample were female students and the remaining 28 were male students. It is 53.3% and 46.7% as a percentage respectively.

Grade of education according to gender

Table No. 8. 3: Grade of education according to gender

Grade Total 
10 11
Women 14 18 32
Male 17 11 28
Total 31 29 60

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Studied in schools as a whole, in the analysis of students 10 students through grade 14 were the students of 17 people and the students of 31 to get information on the 11th grade through students 18 people and students, 11 students, including the 29 -member Information was obtained.

Gender of Data Contributors by School of Education

Table 8.4: Gender of Data Contributors by School of Education

School Gender Total
Women Male
H / Oluara Bandaranayaka Secondary School 8 5 13
H / Kandebadda Secondary School 8 7 15
H / Kanumuldeniya North Navodya School 16 16 32
Total 32 28 60

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020).

Study under the school of H / Bandaranaike Junior College students 8 and children 5 million in student 13 people, and H / kandabedda students Junior College 8 for students and 7 students so that over 15 million of the students in North Kanumuldeniya College 16 million The sample was selected as 32 students under the proportional sampling system as 16 students.

Number of students according to the grade of education

Chart No. 8. 5: Number of students according to the grade of education

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Table 8. 5: Size and Percentage of Students by Grade of Education

Grade Student Number Percentage
10 31 51.7%
11 29 48.3%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Accordingly, students in Grade 10 and Grade 11 were selected for the sample in relation to the topic being studied and 31 students out of Grade 10 were selected as a percentage which is 51.7%. Also, 29 students have been selected from grade 11 and the percentage is 48.3%.

sex education is about understanding what is the?

Understanding sex education is essential when asking students about sex education. Without such an understanding, the information obtained may be inaccurate. Therefore, the first thing to consider is whether they have an understanding of sex education. It charts No. 8. 6 are out.

Table 8. 6: Is there an understanding of what sex education is?

Response Student Number Percentage
Yes 60 100%
No 0 0

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Here, when asked if students have an understanding of what sex education is, all those who were selected from the overall census said that there is an understanding of sex education. Therefore, this can be pointed out as a very good situation to continue the study successfully.

means sex education

When asking students about sex education, it is important to ask what sex education means. The data obtained here are about what kind of understanding each student has about the features that exist in sex education. The students have been given the values of the multi-information analysis system Multiple Value Analyze has analyzed the percentage of the tractor system. It charts 8.7 as follows.

Graph No. 8. 7: What is meant by sex education?

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

  • Detailed study of male and female genitalia
  • Study of female-male sexual relations
  • Study of sexually transmitted diseases and sexual health
  • Study on human reproduction
  • all of the above

Table 8. 7: Sex education means

Response Percentage
Detailed study of male and female genitalia 15%
Study of female-male sexual relations 3.8%
Study of sexually transmitted diseases and sexual health 21.3%
Study of human reproduction 13.8%
all of the above 46.3%
Total 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Students’ responses vary when testing their understanding of what sex education is. According to Chart No. 3.7 above, the percentage of students who identify sex education as a subject that includes all of the above is 46.3% , which is the highest percentage ever recorded. The next highest percentage is shown in the study of sexually transmitted diseases and sexual health. Accordingly, 21.25% have stated this. In descending order, sex education is identified as a detailed study of the male and female genitalia, with a student percentage of 15.0%, and sex education as a study of human reproduction is 13.75%. Also, the percentage of students who identify sex education as a study of gender is 3.75%, the lowest percentage ever reported.

Length of understanding of the difference between health and sex education?

The field of health education in Sri Lanka is: The subject matter of the study is limited to sexuality. But in sex education, detailed sexuality is systematically studied. So there is a clear difference between the two. Whether students are aware of this difference graphs No. 8. 8 through have shown.

Table 8. 8: Is there an understanding of the differences between health education and sex education?

Response Student Number Percentage
Yes 25 41.7%
No 35 58.3%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

According to the study, 25 percent of schoolchildren have an understanding of the difference between health education and sex education, and 41.7% as a percentage. The number of students who do not understand the difference between health education and sex education is 35 and it is 58.3% as a percentage.

Difference between health education and sex education

Here are the detailed data analyzed. According to Chart 3.8, there are 25 students who understand the difference between health education and sex education and it is 41.7% as a percentage. The students pointed out that in health education, they learn about maintaining physical health, exercise, proper health habits, various sports, diet patterns, and so on.

And according to them sex education does not study such a thing. They point out that sex education is a detailed study of sexuality, such as puberty, the male and female sexual system, birth control (family planning), sexual health (sexually transmitted diseases, etc.), healthy sexual relations, and sexual counseling. That is done.

What other sectors are able to learn about the school other than sex?

When it comes to focusing on sex education, sex education comes in both formal and informal forms. The school provides a formal form of sex education. Although formal education is the most valuable asset in education, informal education also plays a significant role. Accordingly, the chart number 5.9 below shows the contribution of the media in obtaining sex education to school children in an informal manner.

Chart No. 8. 9: Other areas where you can learn about sex other than school

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Table 8. 9: Other sections where you can learn about sex other than school

Response Percentage
Family 15%
Information Technology Media 7.6%
Adults 4.5%
Internet 34.1%
Peer groups 29.5%
Other 9.1%
Total 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

According to the study, 15.2% of students in the family had an understanding of sex outside of school and 7.6% of the media had an understanding of sexuality outside of school. Also, 4.5% of adults are aware of sexuality and 3.41% are sexually active on the Internet. In addition, 29.5% of peers gain an understanding of sexuality, while 9.1% of other groups gain an understanding of sexuality. The vast majority of sexual knowledge is gained through the Internet. Also, peer groups, family, other media, respectively, have contributed to this, with the least contributing being adults.

Difficulties in the classroom in learning certain subjects related to sex

Sri Lanka is an Eastern country. There is a lot of cultural, religious and moral diversity. Therefore, under the influence of these facts, sexuality is a topic that is hidden in the Sri Lankan context. There is never a public debate. In this environment, learning about sex in school can lead to various difficulties. The data points showed voters about the possible difficulties that charts No. 8. 10 below out.

  1. Difficulties facing their peers
  2. Difficulties facing the teacher
  3. Not aware of certain subject matter
  4. There are various contradictions between the knowledge gained externally and the knowledge learned from the syllabus

Table 8. 10: Difficulties in the classroom in learning certain subject matter related to sex

Response Percentage
Difficulties facing their peers 42.1%
Difficulties facing the teacher 33.6%
Not aware of certain subject matter 15.9%
There are various contradictions between the knowledge gained externally and the knowledge learned from the syllabus 8.4%
Total 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

The study sex with some of the subject matter of tuition in overwhelm whether the students responding to assess the sexuality related issues of tuition in students to 42.06% who said it embarrassing to face virgin than friendly and the percentage of students who have difficulty to face the teacher to 33.64% of Is. Also, the percentage of students who did not understand certain subjects was 15.9% and the percentage of students who thought that there were various discrepancies between the knowledge gained from outside and the knowledge learned from the syllabus was 8.4%. The difficulty faced by the majority of students here is the difficulty faced by peers.

Does the teacher show shyness when teaching about sex?

This is due to the cultural, religious and moral diversity that exists in Sri Lanka, as discussed earlier. Here this condition can also be referred to as a backward personality trait. If the teacher has high personality traits, he does not show shyness in teaching about sex in this way. Through this, students lose the right sex education. The study of the shy teacher in the teaching of issues related to sexuality and data subscribers in the schools in their health education curriculum of graphs 8. 11 look for shows.

Table 8. 11: Does the teacher show shyness when teaching about sex?

Response Frequency Percentage
No 28 46.7%
Yes 23 38.3%
Sometimes 9 15%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

According to the study, 23 students reported that teachers in schools were shy when teaching about sex, compared to 38.3%. Twenty- eight students reported that the teacher did not show shyness when teaching about sex, which is 46.7%. Nine students reported that the teacher was sometimes shy when teaching about sex, with a percentage of 15.0%.

Does the teacher miss certain lessons in teaching about sex?

The role of the teacher is a very important determining factor in sex education. The sex education knowledge that students receive varies within the personality of the teacher. In shyness a teacher can skip lessons related to sex. Teacher and students who participated in the study in response to a study regarding avoid sexual contact and graphs 8. No. 12 has shown continued.

Table 8. 12: Does the teacher skip certain lessons in teaching sex-related topics?

Response Frequency Percentage
No 41 68.3%
Yes 19 31.7%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

It is not uncommon for teachers to be shy when it comes to teaching sex. It is often seen in such cases that lessons related to sex are skipped. According to the study, when asked by students about teachers skipping sex-related lessons when teaching, 19 students reported that teachers skip certain lessons when teaching about sex, which is a percentage of 31.7%. Also, 41 students pointed out that the teacher does the lessons related to sex without missing a beat. It is 68.3% as a percentage.

Is it possible to discuss sexual matters with a health teacher?

As pointed out earlier, the teacher is an important factor in teaching about issues related to sex. It is very important that there is a good relationship between the teacher and the student in this subject. This is very important not only in health education but also in learning other subjects. In learning about sex, you need to be able to hear and understand what the teacher does not understand. Based on data received from students participating in this study, the Table 8. 13 are out.

Table 8. 13: Is it possible to discuss sexual issues with a health teacher?

Response Frequency Percentage
No 18 30%
Yes 42 70%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

It is not uncommon for students to be reluctant to discuss sexual issues with teachers because of the shyness of children. However, in this study, 18 students stated that when discussing whether it is possible to discuss sexuality with a health teacher, 18 students stated that they could discuss sexuality with teachers. It is 30.0% as a percentage. Also, 42 students pointed out that they could discuss issues related to sex with the health teacher. That number can be expressed as a percentage of 71.0%. This suggests that sexual orientation can be discussed with the teacher.

you find it difficult to learn about sex in front of the opposite sex (women / men)?

Chart No. 8. 14: Is it difficult to learn about sex in front of the opposite sex (women / men)?

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Table 8. 14: Does learning about sex in front of the opposite sex (women / men) make you uncomfortable?

Response Frequency Total
Women Male
No 9 21 30
Yes 23 7 30
Total 32 28 60

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

It is important to study the difficulties students face in learning about sex in the classroom. Accordingly, in examining the extent to which learning about sex in front of the opposite sex (female / male) is difficult, 9 students have pointed out that they can learn about sex without any difficulty. Also, 23 students pointed out that learning about sex in front of the opposite sex makes them uncomfortable. Also, 21 students pointed out that learning about sex in front of the opposite sex does not make them uncomfortable. But seven students pointed out that learning about sex in the face of the opposite sex can be embarrassing.

Learning about the opposite sex in front of the opposite sex (women / men) where they are subjected to various jokes from the opposite sex?

This is a common feature of mixed schools, and is characterized by the inevitable embarrassment of one party. This is one of the main factors affecting sex education and can directly affect the lack of proper sex education. Is that so? Not about the graphs 8. No. 15 is represented by.

Table 8. 15: Learning about the opposite sex in front of the opposite sex (women / men) where they are subjected to various jokes from the opposite sex?

Response Frequency Total
Women Male
No 9 21 30
Yes 23 7 30
Sometimes 14 1 15
Total 32 28 60

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

According to the data, 12 students were found to be ridiculed by the opposite sex, 6 students were ridiculed and 14 students were sometimes ridiculed. It was also pointed out that 25 students were not teased by the opposite sex, 2 students were teased by the opposite sex and 1 student was sometimes teased by the opposite sex.

Is there enough knowledge in health education?

There is no sex education system in Sri Lanka that directly discusses issues related to sexuality. There is a health education system in place in Sri Lanka and there is an urgent need to find out whether there is adequate education in the curriculum related to sex. The data has been presented on the students of the voters of the study data in table No. 8. 16 are out.

Table 8. 16: Is there adequate knowledge in sex education through health education?

Response Frequency Percentage
Do not know 18 30%
No 29 48.3%
Yes 13 21.7%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Health education provides students with some degree of sexual knowledge. Accordingly, when researching whether there is sufficient knowledge in health education through health education, 18 students point out that there is no understanding of whether there is adequate knowledge in health education. It accounts for 30.0% of the total sample. Also, 29 students show that the knowledge gained through health education is not enough and it is 48.3% of the total sample. Also, 13 students point out that health education provides adequate knowledge. It is 21.7% of the total sample.

Are there areas in health education that you feel need to be taught further?

It focuses on students’ understanding of the health education curriculum. Accordingly, the information provided by the students is analyzed under the Multiple Value Analyze method and the percentages are given. The graphs 8.17 by the response from the students have been submitted according to percentages of informers.

Graph No. 8. 17: Are there areas in health education that feel that further teaching is needed?

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases
  2. Ways to facilitate personal affairs (after adulthood)
  3. Information related to the menstrual cycle
  4. Controlling sexual feelings
  5. Ways to Get Rid of Sexual Abuse
  6. Maintaining teen relationships
  7. Laws related to sexual behavior
  8. Sexual counseling

Table 8. 17: Are there areas in health education that you feel need to be taught further?

Response Percentage
Sexually transmitted diseases 10%
Ways to facilitate personal affairs (after adulthood) 7.5%
Information related to the menstrual cycle 14.9%
Controlling sexual feelings 9.1%
Ways to Get Rid of Sexual Abuse 14.9%
Maintaining teen relationships 9.5%
Laws related to sexual behavior 17.8%
Sexual counseling 16.2%
Total 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

When asked about students’ feedback on whether there are further areas in health education that need to be taught, students who feel the need to further teach about sexually transmitted diseases make up 10.0% of the total population and how to facilitate personal work (i.e. after adulthood). Etc. The percentage of students who feel the need to teach further is 7.5%. Also, 14.9% of students feel that information about the menstrual cycle should be included in health education. About 14.9% of the total sample of students said that health education should be included in the subject on ways to avoid sexual abuse. 9.5% of the total samples suggest that adolescent education should be included in health education and 17.8% suggest that health education should include knowledge of sexual behavior laws. 16.2% point out that sex counseling should be included in health education.

Does the teacher teach the syllabus in an orderly manner throughout the period?

Table No: 5.18 Does the teacher teach the syllabus in an orderly manner throughout the period?

Response Frequency Percentage
No 9 15%
Yes 51 85%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

When asked if the teacher teaches the syllabus in an orderly manner over a period of time, 51 students said that the teacher teaches the syllabus in an orderly manner throughout his / her period, which is 85.0% of the total sample. But 9 students said that the teacher did not teach the syllabus in an orderly manner during the proper period. This is 15% of the total sample.

To have health education and whether you have enough knowledge on human sexuality will?

The very word ‘health education’ implies that human health issues are discussed in the syllabus. It also includes issues related to sex, and it is questionable how adequate it is for today’s youth. The idea of subscriber’s data graphs 8. No. 19 is out.

Table 8. 19: Do you think health education gives you enough knowledge about human sexuality?

Response Frequency Percentage
No understanding 9 15%
No 34 56.7%
Yes 17 28.3%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Many people are of the opinion that health education does not provide perfect sex education. Accordingly, a study has been conducted on whether health education provides adequate knowledge about human sexuality. Accordingly, 9 students have no idea whether they are getting adequate knowledge about human sexuality through health education and it is 15.0% of the total sample. Also, 34 students point out that health education does not provide adequate knowledge about sex. It is 56.7% of the total sample. But 17 students point out that health education provides adequate sex education. It has a percentage of 28.3%.

What are the advantages of the decoded receive accurate sex education?

Here are the detailed data analyzed. What are the benefits of correct sex education as a direct question from the students who contributed to the research? Has been asked. Considering all the answers received from the students, the benefits of proper sex education can be listed as follows.

  • Being able to feel good, good relationships.
  • Being able to be a well-disciplined person.
  • Being able to learn to protect you from sexual abuse.
  • Not being able to have an unnecessary fear of changes in the body.
  • Being able to learn to respect others in gender differences.
  • Minimize the possibility of collecting distorted information from inappropriate media.
  • Focusing on unprotected sex.
  • To minimize things like getting pregnant at a young age.
  • Being able to control sexual feelings.
  • Being able to get rid of anti-social activities taking place in the society.

Etc. Data contributors have shown that many of the most important benefits come from having the right sex education.

Do men and women like to study separately in sex education?

Gender is a very crucial factor in sex education. Among the various difficulties in learning about sex are the idea that sex education should be separate for men and women. This is often due to the personality weaknesses of the students. However, the trend in this regard was important to get the views of this data can be obtained separately from the students on the charts 8. No. 20 is out.

Table 8. 20: Do men and women like to study separately in sex education?

Response Frequency Total
No Yes
Women 26 6 32
Male 24 4 28
Total 60 10 60

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Do men and women like to study separately in sex education? When asked about the school, 26 students said they did not want to study separately as men and women in sex education. It is 81.25% of the total number of students. Six students also stated that they would like to study separately in gender education. It is 18.75% of the total number of students. Also, in sex education, 4 students prefer to study separately as gender, which is 14.28% of the total number of students. There were 24 comments from students who did not want to study separately in gender education. It is 85.72% of the total number of students.

Anti-social education is also important to control the sexual behavior?

Chart No. 8. 21: Is education about sex important for controlling anti-social behavior?

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Table 8. 21: Is education about sex important for controlling anti-social behavior?

Response Frequency Percentage
No understanding 8 13.3%
No 6 10%
Yes 46 76.7%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

There is some connection between anti-social behavior and sex education. The anti-social behavior to control the number of students the school is not aware of the importance of sexual education students 8 which is a percentage of % 13.3 this year. Six students also point out that sex education in school children is not important for controlling anti-social behavior, which is 10.0% of the total sample. Also, 46 students in the sample pointed out that sex education of school children is important to control anti-social behavior. It is 76.7% of the total sample.

You aware of anti-social behavior?

To study the importance of sex education in school to control anti-social behavior, it is important for students to have an understanding of what is meant by anti-social behavior. Examining the data wonderful information about the Graph No. 8.22 is represented by.

Table 8. 22: Awareness of anti-social behavior

Response Frequency Percentage
No 13 21.7%
Yes 47 78.3%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

When asked about student awareness of anti-social behavior, the number of students who are not aware of anti-social behavior is 13, which is 21.7% of the total sample. Also, 47 students are aware of anti-social behavior, which is 78.3% of the total sample.

What is anti-social behavior?

Here are the detailed data analyzed. What are the anti-social behaviors as a direct question from the students who contributed to the research there? Has been asked. Considering all the responses received from the students, the following are some of the behaviors that they think are anti-social.

  1. Management Rape of women
  2. Minor abuse
  3. Watching pornographic videos
  4. Pregnancy at an early age
  5. Performing abortions
  6. Having sex at an early age
  7. Having romantic relationships at an early age
  8. Addiction to drugs etc.
  9. Harassment of women

Older behaviors were cited by school students who provided data as anti-social behaviors.

8 .26 Health Education curriculum instead of the correct compliance Sex think you should be through the school of?

Health education system has been in operation in the school system of Sri Lanka for a long time. Through this the students received an education on limited sexuality. Therefore, it is important to ask students whether there should be a syllabus-based sex education in school. Accordingly, the information obtained from the data subscribers is shown in Chart No. 8. 23.

Table 8. 23: Should sex education in accordance with the correct curriculum be received at school instead of health education?

Response Frequency Percentage
No 7 11.7%
Yes 53 88.3%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

Sex education cannot be found in the current school curriculum and instead only health and physical education can be found. When asked about the need for sex education, the number of students who think that sex education should be given in school under the correct syllabus instead of health education is 7. It is 11.7% of the total sample. Also, instead of health education, there are 53 students who think that sex education should be in accordance with the correct syllabus. It is 88.3% of the total sample.

Do you think you have a behavioral discipline as a schoolboy in sex education?

Table 8. 24: Do you have a behavioral discipline as a schoolboy in sex education?

Response Frequency Percentage
No 4 6.7%
Yes 56 93.3%
Total 60 100%

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

When asked about the sex education of school children, the number of students who do not think about why a school student has a behavioral discipline in sex education is 4, which is 6.7% of the total sample. But the number of people who think that there will be behavioral discipline as a schoolboy in sex education is 56. It makes up 93.3% of the total sample.

The desire for sex education varies according to gender

Using the questionnaire, data was obtained on the students’ preference for sex education in terms of gender, and the data obtained from it were used to perform a gender test as follows. The data analyzed here are qualitative data.

  • high
  • Central
  • Under

Hypotheses are tested based on the quality data constructed accordingly. The hypotheses are tested on the assumption that the students’ preference for sex education in the schools used for the study varies according to gender, that is, puberty.

H0 – Full according the willingness will change in the students for sex education.

H1 – Full according the willingness that does not change the will of the male students in sex education.

Table 8.28 Table of hands test data

Sexuality high Central Under nc
Male 18 12 8 38
Women 3 5 14 22
nr 21 17 22 60

(Source: Field Survey Data, 2020)

The hypotheses are tested according to the 0.05 Versace level using the following equation.

X 2 = Σ (fo – fe) 2 / fe

𝑓 o 𝑓 e (𝑓 o – 𝑓 e) (𝑓 o – 𝑓 e) 2 (𝑓 o – 𝑓 e) 𝑓 e
18 13.3 4.7 22.09 1.7
12 10.7 1.3 1.69 0.16
8 13.9 – 5.9 34.81 2.5
3 7.7 – 4.7 22.09 2.87
5 6.2 – 1.2 1.4 0.22
14 8.1 5.9 34.81 4.29

X 2 = Σ (o – 𝑓 e) 2 / 𝑓 e

    = 11.74 //

Movable value

d f = (c – 1) + (r – 1)

d f = (3 – 1) + (2 – 1)

𝑑 𝑓 = 2 * 1

𝑑 𝑓 = 2 //

The theoretical value of the kai type is 5.991 for the kinetic value and the 0.05 vascular levels. The calculated computational value for the practical problem of research is 11.74. Since the computational value exceeds the theoretical value of the table, there is sufficient evidence to refute the hypothesis of infallibility. Accordingly, the hypothesis of inferiority in this hypothesis test denies that students ‘preferences for sex education do not change according to gender, while it acknowledges that students’ preferences for sex education vary according to the alternative gender.

Analysis of data obtained from teachers

Awareness of what anti-social behaviors are as a teacher.

In Sri Lanka, sexual acts of sexual misconduct are rampant in Sri Lanka today. Although sex education has a place in the Sri Lankan school system, it is important to look at why sexual offenses are so prevalent. Therefore, it is important to know how sex education in schools affects the control of anti-social activities.

The study of the Sri Lankan social context is very important in focusing on anti-social sexual behaviors. This is because what constitutes anti-social behavior varies from country to country. Sri Lanka, a South Asian country, is influenced by socio-cultural and religious factors. Having sex with children and teenagers, underage pregnancies, juvenile delinquency, premarital sex, unmarried sex, etc. can be termed as anti-social behaviors.

Accordingly, the researcher used an interview schedule to collect data from teachers studying health and physical education. Many teachers there pointed out that anti-social behavior,

  • Management Rape of women
  • Child abuse
  • Early pregnancy
  • Informal abortion at an early age
  • Having sex at an early age
  • Having romantic relationships at an early age
  • Harassment of women

was pointed out as anti-social behaviors where many teachers were of the opinion that these anti-social behaviors could be categorized as based on sexuality and crime.

Whether the teacher has difficulty teaching certain lessons related to sex education.

It is not uncommon for a teacher to experience some difficulty in teaching certain subjects related to sex education. Accordingly, since all the three schools studied are mixed schools, a number of difficulties faced by the teacher in the classroom are pointed out here. Accordingly, the teachers pointed out that the teacher is embarrassed by the questions asked by the students while teaching the lessons related to sex. It was also pointed out that this would cause some inconvenience and that the students would not answer the questions asked by the students and that the teachers would not be able to handle the class. They also point out that the main problem here is the inability to understand the issues related to sex in the syllabus. Also, one of the main problems faced by teachers is that children try to misunderstand a subject by trying to understand it indirectly. It has also been pointed out that many students find it amusing to make fun of such sexual matters.

Allegations of anti-social behavior by children in the school where they work

When dealing with children in school, a teacher can be seen to be friendly. Various problems faced by the children, problems can be identified and referred to the way teachers. Such problems are often hidden from children and teachers are made aware of them in the community and in the school environment. However, such cases can be identified through a good teacher-student relationship and the counseling service currently in operation in schools. We can also identify how students discuss problems with the teacher in the classroom. When asked if children in schools have been accused of anti-social behavior, the researcher said that at present, children are exposed to such anti-social behaviors in the school environment. Below are a number of anti-social behaviors identified by teachers.

  • Child abuse
  • Viewing pornography on cell phones and computers
  • Sexual abuse

He pointed out that old anti-social behaviors were heard while working as a teacher. In the field of study, teachers pointed out that the lack of a complete sex education can lead to a variety of sexually transmitted diseases and psychological, physical and social problems. Sri Lanka’s youth population is only 44 billion. About 50% of them do not have proper sex education and we can see tragedies such as unwanted adolescent pregnancies due to lack of proper education, sexual transmission, physical stress and obstruction.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of such behaviors

According to the information obtained from the teachers, the teachers have pointed out a number of factors that have contributed to the occurrence of the aforementioned anti-social behaviors. Accordingly, as a contributing factor to the emergence of anti-social behavior in the schools studied,

  • Lack of sex education
  • Problematic situations in the family background and lack of parental attention and guidance on children
  • Misinformation received by the media
  • Mobile phone use
  • Identify associations with incompatible people, etc.

Among the above factors, the lack of sex education has been pointed out by all the teachers in the schools studied as the main reason. The family in the problematic situations that parents lack of attention in children, the lack of guidance for their children, parents abroad, the children put in unsafe places, parents of affected factors mainly children’s anti-social behavior reasons, such as jobs or focus Here they point out that it directly and indirectly affects.

Importance of providing sex education to students as a teacher.

Proper education in reproductive health provides direct or indirect solutions to protect against sexual and reproductive health problems, child and female abuse, and mitigation of sexually transmitted diseases. Accordingly, in considering the above, the teachers pointed out that the school is the most formal and responsible institution to provide proper education on sexual and reproductive health. The medical opinion on health is that good results can be achieved by teaching these subjects as a subject in school. Sexual and Reproductive Health School Curriculum should be introduced as a long-term solution to reduce and prevent child abuse by providing sex education to children through their peer groups. Or the temptation to obtain false information. These include underage pregnancies, birth control, sexual abuse, and declining infant mortality rates. It also points out that the number of women in the society turning to prostitution is declining.

  • Developing adolescent knowledge and attitudes regarding sexual and reproductive health.
  • Growing awareness of risky sexual behaviors or sexually transmitted diseases due to holistic sex education provided in school or outside.
  • Being able to stay away from such risky methods.
  • Being able to minimize existing sexual problems.

Etc. They point out the importance that can be gained through sex education.

Adequacy of subject matter related to sexuality included in the subject of Health and Physical Education.

During the discussion, the teachers commented that the issues related to sexuality in the subject of health and physical education was not sufficient in relation to the topic of the researcher. Accordingly, they point out that children should be given adequate sex education. The teachers pointed out that the following subject matters should be included in the subject of sex education.

  • Introduction to Reproductive Health
  • Reproductive system
  • Problems associated with adolescence
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Overcoming sexual challenges
  • Maintaining hygiene related to the menstrual cycle
  • Parental responsibilities
  • Family planning for a better family life
  • Sexual Behavior and Law

Is there a counseling service in operation in the school? Is responsible.

The counseling service is available only at the H / Thru Kanumuldeniya school, the three schools studied by the researcher, while the other schools, H / Oluara Bandaranaike Kenosha Vidalia and Kandebedda Kenosha Vidalia are not functioning.

Personality traits to be developed in the teaching of sex education as a teacher

As a teacher, it is very important to look at the personality traits that need to be developed in providing sex education. The teacher must develop personality traits in the classroom process, which is unique in that it is important in the teaching process to develop within the teacher the unique personality traits that the teacher must develop in the delivery of sex education. This is because, unlike in a normal subject, sex education discusses sexual issues, which can cause embarrassment, fear, and communication difficulties for both the teacher and the student. Therefore, the teacher must develop personality traits that are unique to sex education. Furthermore, since sex education is provided in front of both men and women, the teacher must ensure that sex education is provided to the students without any inconvenience. Accordingly, the teachers who provided the information pointed out a number of key personality traits that a teacher should master.

  • Correct communication
  • Absence of cobwebs
  • That of directness
  • Accurate knowledge
  • Patience
  • Listening

Etc. can be identified here.

The relationship between teachers and students in the teaching of sex education

The role of the teacher should have a genuine interest in solving the problems of their students, providing solutions to their problems, giving compassionate advice and directing them into the educational process. The teacher should always make sure that he thinks about the students in relation to himself. Primary teacher is essential to a kind. The reason for this is the lack of attention paid to what unpleasant people say. It is important to emphasize to the children what the teacher is teaching in a respectful manner. We need to focus on speech and behavior not only in school but also outside of it. If you teach kindly, you will often find a decent generation of students. Since sex education is provided here, it is very important for the teacher to work on developing good personality traits apart from the usual teaching. The teachers pointed out that it is very important to build a respectful and good relationship with the students. He also pointed out that it is important for the teacher to build a good rapport with the children so that they can inquire about the subject matter of the children as well as the sexual problems in the personal life of the students.

Socio-cultural barriers affecting the provision of sex education to school children

Teachers who are data contributors here point out that parents often do not offer to educate their children about sex based on morality. In school, you can often see people moving forward, skipping or skipping lessons about sex, under the guise of morality and culture. Many teachers are of the opinion that by neglecting or neglecting their parental responsibilities, the younger generation will lose the opportunity to learn about sex. Their view is that in a Buddhist cultural context, sexuality is viewed with a narrower perspective than in the Western cultural context. This can lead to various problems in adolescents who do not have the right sexual orientation at the right time. In addition, issues related to sex as a social barrier remain an adult-only topic. Some have pointed to the empty social attitude that sex is something that is not talked about in public. Although this is less prevalent nowadays, that attitude seems to emerge at times. They further point out that many adolescents may lose the confusing and inconsistent information about sex during their transition from childhood to adulthood, where sex education provides the information needed to live a safe, productive and fulfilling life. They also point out that this creates an urgent need to provide young people with the information they need to live a safe, productive and fulfilling life. To make informed decisions about their social and gender youths through providing comprehensive sex education, well-being of family life, gender-based violence, inequality, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, such as risk-free good lifestyle county social and cultural Teachers have also pointed out that overcoming obstacles is a great help.

How Sex Education Anomalies in Western and Sri Lanka Affect the School

Developed countries provide children with a full and formal knowledge of sex from an early age. In countries with an open educational background, parents impart that sexual knowledge to children at school as well as at home in countries with an open cultural background. Despite educating children about sex at school and at home, children in today’s advanced society are searching for sexuality through the internet, mobile phones and various print media. The gender education gap in Western countries and Sri Lanka may vary by culture. It is further pointed out that it takes some openness in the provision of sex education in Western European countries and takes a hidden form in Sri Lanka.

Students and what role parents to extend sex education?

According to the morals and culture of Sri Lankan society, sexuality is a topic that is not openly discussed between parents and children but by adults. Many teachers are of the opinion that if parents do not provide a proper foundation for sex education, the child may acquire knowledge about it from friends, inappropriate individuals, television, movies, newspapers, and the Internet. It has been pointed out that the knowledge of sex that parents receive from their children is not a deep knowledge and should be practiced systematically from an early age. They further point out that it should simply be a foundation for the sex education that comes from school. They point out that providing sex education for children can be a major challenge for parents. The majority of them are of the opinion that some parents are ashamed to talk to their child about this and consider it an inappropriate act. The teachers further stated that apart from these views, it is the responsibility of the parents to contribute to the building of a good society by imparting proper sex education to the children from an early age.

Case study

Case Study – 1

  • Name of the school – H / North Kanumuldeniya MV
  • Teacher’s Name – Mr. Jayewardene
  • Teacher age – 49
  • Subject taught by the teacher – Health and Physical Education

Many things have happened at this school. In some cases I even have to go to the police. No matter how many parents are informed, the number of such cases is increasing day by day. Since there are both male and female students in our school, it is often the first relationship that is reported the most. One of the most talked about incidents of teachers’ parents recently was their love affair with a Grade 11 student named Kasson and a Grade 10 student named Anjali. These events became public knowledge of the village. This girl in grade 10 is very good at extracurricular activities as well as book knowledge. But Kasson, a Grade 11 student, is not so keen on learning. For several days both students were severely reprimanded, but they did not stop. Later their parents brought them to the school and warned them both, but both of them continued to do this and the principal had to face a big problem regarding school discipline. Therefore, the principal instructed the parents to bring the parents of both students back to the school and remove one student from the school. He said that his daughter who is studying in grade 10 will be expelled from school. Later she was admitted to Udadeniya Junior College. It was learned that she had tried to commit suicide while working in this school. Less than a month later, the two children left home and are now three months pregnant. There are many such incidents in our school.

* This is the fantasy come.

An in-depth analysis of the above incident reveals the weakness of the school of sexuality enjoyed by school children. It is normal to have these thoughts with the changes that take place in the body during adolescence. During this time, adolescents are experiencing a transitional period. There he looks curiously at the external changes and hormonal changes that take place in the body. They have no experience or ability to control those emotions. This can lead to different age-appropriate activities. They often think that what they are doing is the right thing to do. There is so much to learn about sex. But their feelings are so strong at this point that they have no idea what is right. Such anti-social behaviors can be controlled through proper and systematic sex education from an early age.

Case Study – 2

  • Name of the school – H / Oluara Bandaranaike Junior College
  • Teacher’s Name – Mr. Vinita
  • Teacher age – 52
  • Subject taught by the teacher – Health and Physical Education

Because our school is a junior school, there are very few children. There are fewer boys than girls in every class. But recently, while rehearsing for intercollegiate sports at school, something I saw from the girl spread throughout the village. That’s because of a job done by a Grade 11 kid and a Grade 10 kid at school. A Grade 10 girl had seen the three boys watching a pornographic video on a phone in a corner of the school grounds. The frightened girl told her classmate about it. And then to the Miss Principal in charge of the class. After that the phone was taken into the custody of one principal. Then when the teachers were talking to the three children they said that they had brought these phones for a few days. Then the principal brought their parents to school. Then they said they knew nothing about this. Kids don’t even know they have phones like this. Later the principal picked up the phone and suspended the child for several days.

Considering the above incident, it appears that the situation is based on the weakness of sex education. Here, students can create a distorted mindset by getting used to watching pornography. They may not be able to go to normal society and have a proper sex life in the future. They think that sexual knowledge is what is in the scenes. It is often possible to become mentally deranged by thinking that what is in such scenes is real. It is through this that people with the perverted lusts that are often heard in society are born. Abuse of women in public transport, rape, and these events can lead to anti-social behavior, such as Focus on the younger child abuse.

Case Study – 3

  • Name of the school – Kandebedda Kenosha Vidalia
  • Teacher’s Name – Mrs. Kusumalatha
  • Teacher age – 46
  • Subject taught by the teacher – Health and Physical Education

Giving sex education to school children is very important. Teenage boys and girls can avoid many of the mistakes that can be made by providing an education that is primarily about sex. As this school is a rural school, they have a basic level of knowledge about sex. Sexual knowledge should be imparted early on in the family where the child is growing up. Then if there is a sex education in the school, the knowledge provided will be strengthened. One of the experiences I had at our school was that when a Grade 7 girl had her first menstrual period during school hours, that girl was unaware of it. She is mentally debilitated because of the other students in the classroom who make fun of her. Not only that, but the incident also caused her not to come to school later. The main reason for this was the lack of sex education for children in grades 6 and 7. Another reason is that parents do not inform their children about puberty in their families. Later, the teachers went to the student’s house to bring the child to school, instructed her to bring her back to school and informed all the students in the classroom. I also pointed out to them that such incidents should not be ridiculed and that women and men should be aware of this.

This incident is also a situation that has arisen in the absence of proper sex education. This event is an inevitable and important event in a woman’s life. This means that the world is ready to give birth to a child. This is not something anyone should just joke about. This condition is caused by a lack of proper knowledge in children regarding menstruation. Needless to say, the girl who faced this incident was devastated by this. Sex education provides an insight into the physical changes that take place in both women and men during this time.

Case Study – 4

  • Name of the school – H / North Kanumuldeniya MV
  • Teacher’s Name – Mr. Samantha
  • Teacher age – 50
  • Subject taught by the teacher – Health and Physical Education

Parents are like a shadow to their children. Parents need to constantly check on their children. I still remember an incident in 2009 when I first came to work at this school . There was a love affair between two Grade 10 students and teachers as well as parents had to face many problems. Both of these Grade 10 students made great sacrifices for education as well as for extracurricular activities. But the love affair between the two students took place not only in school but also in tuition classes and soon the two disappeared at the same time. The police were also informed of the disappearances of the two students. However, the teachers of the school as well as the parents of the two students inquired about the two but could not find any news about them. About two weeks later, the student returned to their home. But by now everyone in the village and everyone in the school knew about this incident. Later there was a problem regarding the re-admission of this student to the school. There the principal of our school informed the parents that this student could not be admitted back to the school. The parents pleaded for their daughter to be admitted to the school. However, the principal reiterated that the student could not be re-admitted to the school. The parents have admitted the student to another school far away. How much could this have affected the student’s life ?

This, as mentioned earlier, is a consequence of the weakness of sex education. There is usually an age at which young people get married. There are rules in this regard. This is also a situation that has occurred due to the feelings of adolescence in young people. A student’s future could be completely ruined in a quick decision made without any understanding of the relationship between love and sex . Sex education provides direct or indirect education on adolescent relationships and sexual control. Through this, the future of the young people who are going through a transitional period will have a unique role to play in getting them on the right path. This makes it clear that there should be a proper curriculum sex education in schools.



This chapter analyzes data from students and teachers to study the importance of sex education in school to control anti-social behavior and draws conclusions. It is based on data and information obtained from school students and teachers. Accordingly, the following conclusions can be drawn. Based on the information obtained from the students using a questionnaire in this study, the following conclusions can be drawn. An understanding of sex education is essential when asking students about sex education. Without such an understanding, the information obtained may be inaccurate. Therefore, the students were asked if they had any knowledge about sex education and all the students who contributed to the data said that they have an understanding of sex education, so it can be concluded that the students have some knowledge in this regard.

Student responses vary from student to student on what is called sex education. To study in detail where male and female sexual organs on , women – the study of gender relations , the study of the sexually transmitted diseases and sexual health , all of the elements of the study of human reproduction study, the number of students the majority of that can be called sex education is 46.3 % Has stated. But there are a relatively similar percentage of people who respond separately to the above elements. Therefore, in the opinion of the students, the study of all the above aspects can be identified as sex education. The field of health education in Sri Lanka is taught in schools and there is a limited range of topics related to sexuality. But in sex education, detailed sexuality is systematically studied. So there is a clear difference between the two. When asked about the students’ perception of this difference, the students responded in the same way that both responses, both perceived and non-existent, received similar percentages. Thus, she concluded that students do not have a clear understanding of health education and sex education. According to them, the difference between health education and sex education is that the students learn about maintaining physical health , exercise , proper health habits , various sports , diet patterns, etc. in health education, and sex education in sex education. A detailed study of puberty , the male and female genital system , birth control methods (family planning methods) , sexual health (sexually transmitted diseases, etc.) , healthy sexual relations , and sexual counseling.

According to the information received about other media that provide sex education to school children, it can be identified that the internet, which is mostly an electronic means of communication, is taking a leading position. Peer groups then contribute to this. Sex education is one of the most important and essential part of a person’s life. Therefore, even though students need an accurate sex education, children can absorb theories and facts about wrong sex in such informal ways. Sexuality is a hidden topic in Sri Lankan society. There is never a public debate. In this environment, learning about sex in school can lead to various difficulties. Data contributors have pointed out that students may have difficulty encountering peers when learning about sex. Also, some people have difficulty coping with the teacher. Accordingly, some teachers show embarrassment in teaching the teacher about the issues related to sex in their health education subject as the school students who are the data contributors in this study. It can also be seen that this has led teachers to skip certain lessons. However, the ” No ” said the group ” Yes ,” said the statement, although less than those caused by teachers, it can be concluded that a significant level. Here it can be concluded that the prevailing cultural , religious and moral diversity in Sri Lanka is due to the backward personality traits of the teacher and if the teacher has high personality traits in teaching about sex in this way. Does not show shyness. Also , about 70% of the data subscribers said that they could discuss sexual issues with the teachers and that a large percentage of the students said that the teachers teach the syllabus in an orderly manner throughout the entire period. It can be pointed out that this is a positive feature related to the development of future sex education.

When studying the difficulties faced by students in learning about sex in the classroom, the majority of students pointed out that learning about sex in front of the opposite sex (male / female) make it difficult for them to learn about sex in front of the opposite sex. But there is an opposite of this when it comes to focusing on students. There, the majority of students pointed out that learning about sex in the face of the opposite sex are not difficult. Thus it can be concluded that students are at a somewhat backward mental level in sex education. It is also possible to identify the cause of this by being teased by the opposite sex while learning certain facts. The majority of these are students and very few are subjected to this kind of teasing. This also confirms that attitudes of gender educators towards sex education are changing. When asked by school children whether they would like to study separately as genders in sex education, the majority said they did not want to study separately as genders in sex education. It is 81.25% of the total number of students . Six students also stated that they would like to study separately in gender education. There is no sex education system in Sri Lanka that directly discusses issues related to sexuality. There is a health education system in place in Sri Lanka and there is an urgent need to find out whether there is adequate education in the curriculum related to sex. According to the study, data contributors suggest that a higher percentage of students who respond to ” no ” and “do not know ” responses to health education than those who do not receive adequate sex education. In addition, data from students revealed sexually transmitted diseases , ways to facilitate personal activities (after puberty ) , information about the menstrual cycle , control of sexual feelings , methods of avoiding sexual abuse , adolescence , and rules related to sexual behavior . Issues such as sex counseling can be considered as new additions to the school curriculum.

The very word ‘health education’ implies that human health issues are discussed in the syllabus. It also includes issues related to sex, and it is questionable how adequate it is for today’s youth. According to the data of subscribers means 50% more points in the health education that not enough knowledge about sexuality and that 15% about the lack of understanding regarding the matter further. Thus, it is clear that health education does not provide adequate sexual knowledge. The right to be a sense of connection good as sex education benefits the information obtained to consider all questions from the students , being able to be a person of good discipline , being able to learn to protect the sexual abuses , unnecessary fears not to be on the body caused by changes , being able to learn to respect others in the gender difference , to minimize the possibility of gathering information distortion of compatible media , unprotected sex to approach , to prevent such pregnancies small but wants to , sexual desires that could be , in the community It can be concluded that getting proper sex education has many important benefits such as being able to get rid of the anti-social activities that take place.

What is meant by anti-social behavior in the study of the importance of sex education in school to control anti-social behavior ? According to the information received from the students, a large percentage of them have stated that they are aware of anti-social behaviors. Thus, according to the students in anti-social behavior, as identified on rape , child abuse , pornography, video streaming , reduce teenage pregnancy , abortion , age sex , less holding older romantic relationships , drugs, etc. abuse , women abuse of Etc. It can be concluded that the identified anti-social behaviors as a whole are the most commonly identified anti-social behaviors in the society. When asked about the sex education of school children, the students are of the opinion that sex education provides a behavioral discipline to school children.

Data were obtained on the students’ preferences for sex education in terms of gender, and the data were used to test the Kai type. Accordingly, the hypothesis of inferiority in this hypothesis test denies that students ‘preferences for sex education do not change according to gender, while it acknowledges that students’ preferences for sex education vary according to the alternative gender. The theoretical value of the Kai type is 5.991 with 2 moving values and 0.05 Vesuvius level . Relation kai square value computation practical issue 11.74 million. Since the arithmetic value exceeds the theoretical value of the table, there is sufficient evidence to refute the hypothesis of infidelity. Therefore, it can be concluded that the preference of students for sex education varies according to gender.

Based on the information obtained from the teachers using an interview schedule in this study, the following conclusions can be drawn. Here, according to information received by the teachers and anti-social behavior as rape , child abuse , underage pregnancy , underage irregular abortion , age sex , with at least a romantic relationship , can conclude that identifies etc. abused women. Many teachers were of the opinion that these anti-social behaviors could be categorized as sexual and criminal. According to the researcher’s study, it is common for a teacher to feel some discomfort when teaching certain lessons related to sex education. Accordingly, since all the three schools studied are mixed schools, there are a number of difficulties faced by the teacher in the classroom. Accordingly, the teacher is embarrassed by the questions asked by the students while teaching the lessons related to sex. It can be concluded that the reason for this is that the students do not answer the questions asked by the students, the teachers are not able to handle the class, the children try to misunderstand something indirectly and the students make fun of such sexual matters.

It can be identified here that children have been subjected to anti-social behaviors in the school environment used for the study and some have resorted to anti-social behaviors. And child abuse , mobile phones , computer through watching pornography , sexual abuse and anti-social behavior can be identified as being anti-social behavior are from the school. Teachers have pointed out a number of factors that contributed to this. Accordingly, the factors that influenced studied in schools for the anti-social behavior , sexual education, lack , background in a problematic situation and the parent’s attention and guidance for the lack of children , the media gets wrong information , use of mobile phones , compatible with persons associated Can be identified. Among the above factors, it can be concluded that lack of sex education is the main reason. The importance of educating students about sex as teachers is that the School Curriculum for Sexual and Reproductive Health should be introduced as a long-term solution to reducing and preventing child abuse, and that providing sex education can prevent children from being tempted to obtain false information from their peer groups. This includes underage pregnancies, birth control, sexual abuse, and low infant mortality. It can also be concluded that sex education reduces the number of women in society who turn to prostitution.

Is there a counseling service operating in the schools used for the study? Of the three schools studied by the researcher, only one counseling service is active at H / Uthuru Kanumuldeniya school and the other schools are H / Oluara Bandaranaike Kanishta Vidyalaya and Kandabedda Kanishta Vidyalaya. Sex education discusses sexual issues, which can cause embarrassment, fear, and communication difficulties for both the teacher and the student, and the teacher should develop personality traits that are unique to sex education. The teacher should also ensure that sex education is provided in a way that does not cause inconvenience to both men and women. Accordingly, the key personality traits that a teacher should master should be identified here. The right to communicate, nervousness piping, directs that, knowledge, patience, can conclude that listening to the teachers, etc. should be in features.

In a Buddhist cultural context, sexuality is viewed with a narrower perspective than in Western cultural contexts as socio-cultural barriers to the provision of sex education to school children. This can lead to various problems in adolescents who do not have the right sexual orientation at the right time. In addition, issues related to sex as a social barrier remain an adult-only topic. Some have pointed to the empty social attitude that sex is something that is not talked about in public. Although this is less prevalent nowadays, that attitude seems to emerge at times. Providing sex education to children can be a major challenge for parents. The majority of them are of the opinion that some parents are ashamed to talk to their child about this and consider it an inappropriate act. Apart from these views, it is the responsibility of the parents to contribute to the building of a good society by imparting proper sex education to the children from an early age by making it their responsibility.


Based on the findings of this research, the following suggestions can be made.

  • Parents need to lay the groundwork for sex education for their children from an early age.
  • The mother or father should teach the children the basics they need to know about sex at the right age.
  • Parents need to give children an understanding of social values from an early age.
  • Students should be made aware of sexuality before teaching in schools to dispel any unreasonable fears about it.
  • Sex education should be provided to children under a formal curriculum in school.
  • The age limit for sex education should be further expanded.
  • Sex counseling should be included in the school curriculum.
  • The curriculum should be changed to physical and sex education instead of health and physical education.
  • Special training should be provided for teachers of sex education.
  • Sex education should include age-appropriate sex-related issues.
  • Teachers should engage in the teaching process with a high level of personality when teaching sex education.
  • Teachers must be careful in the use of words in teaching.
  • Teachers need to respond carefully to students’ problems, regardless of gender.
  • Parents need to be made aware of the importance of providing sex education to their children.
  • Schools should recruit teachers with expertise in sex education and sex counseling.
  • Develop a counseling program to discuss and address students’ sexual and personal issues.
  • Establishment of awareness programs on anti-social behavior in schools and in rural areas.
  • Raising awareness about the importance of sex education through the media.
  • To formulate new rules and regulations to control anti-social behavior.
  • Working to eradicate the misconceptions created in society regarding sex.
  • Preventing school children from learning misinformation online by not giving them smart phones.
  • Keep an eye out for outdoor groups and friends with which children associate.

In addition, based on the information obtained from this study, a syllabus for a textbook related to sex education to be provided to school children can be suggested as follows. Subjects that should be included in the Reproductive Health Teaching Handbook for School Children

1.0 Introduction to Reproductive Health

1.1 Adolescents

1.2 Adolescent girl

1.3 Adolescent boy

2.0 Reproductive System

2.1 Female reproductive system

2.2 The menstrual cycle

2.3 Male Reproductive System

3.0 Adolescent related problems

3.1 Identification factors for late adolescence

3.2 On the myth of the male reproductive system

4.0 Sexually Transmitted Diseases

5.0 Maintaining hygiene related to the menstrual cycle

5.1 Tools that can be used regarding menstrual hygiene

5.2 Disposal of eco-friendly sanitary ware

5.3 Methods of changing sanitary ware

5.4 Maintaining public actions related to personal hygiene

5.5 On the myth of menstrual hygiene

6.0 Ways to maintain personal hygiene

6.1 Procedures to be followed for personal hygiene

6.2 Shaving the face for the first time

7.0 Challenges faced by students during adolescence

7.2 Making love relationships

7.2 Watching pornographic movies

8.0 Introduction to Human Sex

9.0 Overcome Sexual Challenges

9.1 Sexual arousal and control

9.2 Direct or indirect sexual arousal

9.3 Prevention of sexual abuse (sexual harassment)

10.0 Building existing relationships in adolescence

11.0 Parental Responsibilities

12.0 Family Planning for a Better Family Life

13.0 Sexual Behavior and Law

14.0 Sexual Counseling


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