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Analytic Approach for ICT Embedded in Technical Education

Analytic Approach for ICT Embedded in Technical Education

Olojuolawe Rufus Sunday

Vocational and Industrial Technology Education Department, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti, Nigeria


Received: 07 January 2025; Accepted: 11 January 2025; Published: 22 February 2025


The importance of Information and Communication Technology in driving the overall development of the global space is undeniable. Developed economies have been able to accelerate their growth and progress in this century through their advanced usage of technology. The integration of Information and Communication Technology tools has greatly enhanced research and educational development in these countries. However, Nigeria’s Technical Education programme seems to be facing challenges in this aspect. Despite the nation’s quest for technological advancement, it is evident that there is a need for improvement in this field to fully utilize the potential of Information and Communication Technology. The meta-analysis conducted on the journal articles regarding Information and Communication Technology adoption in technical education between 2012 and 2024 reveals that Nigeria and Africa are facing significant challenges in adopting this technology. The study, which was conducted using Google Scholar as the database, included 26 publications after applying the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. The findings of the study suggest that most researchers tend to focus on review studies without providing any specific recommendations for improving the adoption of Information and Communication Technology tool in Technical Education. This highlights the need for further research and efforts to fully integrate this technology into technical education in Nigeria and Africa.

Keywords: ICT, Technical Education, Meta-analysis, Adoption, Employment.


The relevance of Information Communication Technology adoption in the programme of technical education has broadly been canvassed (Ramadan & Chen, 2018; Saripudin, Juanda, Abdullah, & Ana, 2020; Yaakob et al., 2020)(Hassan et al., 2021). It seems no particular study has focused on the ICT model for the sustenance of technical education especially, in Nigeria. The majority are either reviews or perceptions about its relevance to Vocational and Technical Education.  Similarly, it seems most studies conducted on Information Telecommunication Technology are very broad and lack the specificity of the aspects that require adoption in a specific educational programme.

Consequently, this paper examines some of the methodological challenges faced in ICT adoption into Technical Education with a focus on its acceptance, and implementation strategies.  A meta-analysis of the methods used in the published journal articles in the field of technical education was conducted to bring out the strengths, country of origin, and region of publication.

The Search String consisted of a peer-reviewed journal article published between 2012 and 2024. This gave an insight into the existing methods used in conducting research in ICT in Technical Education and the frequency by nations and regions to establish the need for the study on the ICT Competence Model for Sustainable Development of Technical Education in Higher Institutions in Nigeria. The consistency in the search and collection of sources for the review was achieved using the Google Scholar citation index services. The database allows for explicit search strings for selecting relevant publications from across large collections of subject areas as shown in the framework.

 Keywords on the subject were carefully composed into search strings as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Search strings

Main search: ICT
Sub search 1: ICT + Technical Education
Sub search 2: ICT + Vocational Education
Sub search 3 ICT + Technical and Vocational Education


The purpose of this study is to assess the level of ICT tool adoption in technical education by countries and the methodology employed for the overall objective of conducting a general study in that captures the subject. This initial study involves a meta-analysis of the publications on relevant articles on ICT in Technical Education was conducted and analysed to bring out their strengths, weaknesses, methods, country of publication, and region. The process is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1:  ICT Competence Model in Technical Education Search Framework.

Figure 1:  ICT Competence Model in Technical Education Search Framework.

Source: Author.

A total of Nine Hundred and Fifty-one (951) articles were retrieved from the database based on the search conducted. The Google Scholar citation analytical tool was used for the analysis of the results of the search to reflect the publication by author, methodology, country of publication, and region of the world.

Inclusion and Exclusion

To reduce and and ensure that only the relevant review papers are available for the study, publications that met the following criteria were selected;  (i) papers published between 2018 and 2024, (ii) papers on technical education, vocational and technical education, (iii) documents that are either journal articles or textbooks, (iv) papers that discusses ICT in Technical Education. Excluded from the list are articles in the press, publications not written in English, and those articles that have been published before the year 2018. The manual selection was critically done to filter those articles that did not align with the scope of the study based on their relevance to the topic, contents, and abstract. 26 publications were finally selected for the full-scale study. During the study, a meta-analysis table was formulated to capture the data on the principal author, year of publication, county, region, name of the journal, the title of publication, and the method used for analysis. The Meta-Analysis conducted on ICT embedded in Technical Education is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Meta-Analysis for ICT Embedded in Technical Education.

S/No Author/Year Journal Paper Title Strength Methodology Country Region
1 (Jamil et al., 2023) Journal of Technical Education and Training Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023) 1-10 Digital Pedagogy Policy in Technical and Vocational Education The study agrees with the importance of technology in enhancing pedagogy in vocational and technical education. Fuzzy Delphi Technique (FDT) Malaysia Asia
and Training (TVET) in Malaysia: Fuzzy Delphi Approach
2 (Dumbiri & Nwadiani, 2020) Asian Journal of Vocational Education and Humanities Vol 1 No 2 Challenges Facing Application of E-learning Facilities in Vocational and They observed the importance of e-learning in advancing the course of instructional delivery in TVET. It noted that there was an acute shortage of facilities in the instructional delivery of e-learning in TVET in Nigeria. Electronic learning, or simply put E-learning may be described as a technological mediation and Digital empowered learning that utilizes hardware (e.g. PCs, tablets, printers, digital cameras, digital videos, scanners, overhead projector), software (e.g. operating system, cloud technologies, applications, writing, Editing, Ms. Office), and CD textbooks that fall in the category of courseware, e-contents, USB drives, and CDROM, whether from a distance or face-to-face learning to empower teacher-to-student interaction. Review Malaysia Asia.
4 (Rajarapollu et al., 2022) Volume No 35 Technical Education Digital technologies for both online and offline training are essential in this IR4.0 age to make sure that students are adequately equipped for the workforce. Students may access resources like Matlab and digital image monitoring on systems like Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom Room, or Collpoll. Review India Asia
5 (Lazarević & Lukić, 2016) Journal of Education and Practice 4(7) The Impact of Information and Communication Technology The focus was on the integration of ICT tools into TVET. The author emphasizes the importance of technology to the growth and teaching of TVET. Review Nigeria Africa
(ICT) on Vocational and Technical Students’ Learning
6 (Wahab et al., 2019) Jurnal Kejuruteraan dan Sains Kesihatan Information And Communication Technologies In Technical (ICTS) Given the nature and complexity of the TVET sector in economics, industry, and human resource development, ICT is a widely acknowledged technology that must be completely incorporated into all areas of education, particularly TVET including private or public sector. Review Malaysia Asia.
Journal of Engineering and Health Sciences And Vocational Education And Training (TVET) For Integration
Jilid 5 2021 Toward Knowledge Management
7 (JASMINE, 2014) INSC International Publishers Disruptive Technology, Industry 4.0, Advances in A comprehensive reading on the importance of ICT and its relevance Review USA America
Management, Information Technology, and Social Science
8 (Camilus Bassey & Michael Ushie, 2013) International Journal of Vocational and The role of ICT in skilled manpower development ICT significantly contributed to the growth of skilled labor, particularly in the areas of involving vocational-technical students, producing skilled ICT professionals, and establishing ICT human infrastructures. Quantitative study Nigeria Africa
through vocational-technical education among higher
Technical Education institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria Increased vocational technical instruction, quicker capacity building, and more computer literacy at Nigerian higher education institutions in Cross River State, among other things.
9 (Babalola et al., 2020) International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume3 Issue 1 Challenges of Effective Utilization of Information and Communication The paper discusses the challenges of ICT to TVET; lack of competence, poor access to resources inadequate training and re-training in ICT, poor. Quantitative study Nigeria Africa
Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning of Vocational and Technical Technical support from the government, erratic power supply, finances, and security. The paper concluded that
Education An enabling environment, finances, and technical support should be provided for a smooth transition to ICT.
10 (Sylvester et al., 2019) African Journal of Education and Practice, 4(1) An Assessment of The Potential of ICT in The use of ICT in technical education is beneficial, as is the availability of reasonably priced infrastructure, training for teachers to help spread knowledge and skills, and raising awareness of the potential presented by ICT as a teaching tool for the technical Quantitative study Kenya Africa
Improving The Quality of Teaching and Learning
of Kenya’s Technical Education The field of education is equally essential. Although ICT as a teaching tool is an asset, it does not. take the role of traditional instruction and practical, hands-on skills.
11 (Kattimani & Naik, 2012) DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 32, No. 6 E-Learning Technology in the ICT Era: Application to Technical Education The following web formats are accessible: • Web Formats Review India
• Animations in 2D and 3D Asia
Interactive coding, voiceovers, video snippets, and an easily downloadable format
The following video formats are available:
• In-person classes
• Tablet writing; • PowerPoint presentations; • Chalk-and-talk
• Interactive codes
12 (Shamim & Raihan, 2016) International Journal of Vocational and Technical Effectiveness of Using ICTs to Promote Teaching and The research revealed that Quantitative Bangladesh
Education learning in technical education: Case of Bangladesh Integration of ICTs in the teaching and learning process will make teaching and learning very easy,
Interesting, and time-saving than that of traditional way of teaching-learning. Asia
13 (Rashevska & Kiianovska, 2023) Improving blended learning in higher technical Cloud-based information Document analysis Ukraine Europe
education institutions with mobile and and communication technologies (ICTs) are very important in instructional delivery.
cloud-based ICTs
14 Rana Hammad Hassan, Malik Tahir Hassan, Sheraz Naseer, IEEE Access ICT Enabled TVET Education: A Systematic The findings of this systematic literature review reveal that the integration of ICT technologies and their application across various components and functional areas of the TVET training cycle is notably low, especially in areas such as monitoring and evaluation, career guidance and job placement, trainee assessment, and teacher training. The TVET Technology index indicates that there is a significant need for greater emphasis on the adoption of IoT, Robotics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, and other similar technologies within all TVET training programs. Technologies associated with industrial revolutions 4.0 and 5.0, such as AI, robotics, cloud computing, big data, and IoT, should be incorporated throughout the entire TVET training cycle. Systematic review South Korea Asia
Zafran Khan, And Moongu Jeon (2012) Literature Review
3. Latest ICT technology areas like Machine Learning,
Simulation, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Interactive Whiteboards, Video Conferencing3. The latest ICT technology domains such as Machine Learning, Simulation, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Interactive Whiteboards, Video Conferencing, 3D Modeling, DevOps, Social Media, and Recommender Systems should be integrated into all TVET training programs.
4. There is a need for more industry-specific research within TVET to facilitate technology integration, ensuring the development of a skilled workforce that aligns with current market trends and requirements.
5. The ICT integration for monitoring and evaluation, assessment, career guidance, and curriculum in TVET is essential.\
6. At present, TVET training primarily relies on a conventional classroom setting. In today’s world, virtual education and open learning are being implemented across various platforms such as COURSERA, Udemy, EdX, MIT OpenCourseWare, Microsoft Education, Oracle Education, and Intel Education. There is a need to embrace comparable approaches in TVET education to increase training, encourage information exchange, and build the capability of the skilled workforce. Since online and virtual training technologies are widely used in all educational sectors, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, it is imperative that these approaches be integrated and evaluated in TVET education as well.
15 (Bello et al., 2013) World Applied Sciences Journal 23 (2) ICT Skills for Technical and Vocational Education Graduates’ Employability The paper highlights the challenges ahead of TVET with emphasis on textbooks conference papers journal articles and conference proceedings. Review Malaysia Asia
Given how quickly ICT is evolving in the workplace and how sophisticated it is, as well as how it is used in all facets of economic activity, any human resource preparation program, such as TVE, needs to realign its curriculum. As a result, this challenges TVE programmes to have the ICT skills required for employment in the current dynamic workplace.
It recommends the procedures for strengthening the TVET curriculum.
ICT in TVET requires knowledge of the ICT revolution, globalization and sustainability, emergency knowledge of society, and quick obsolescence of knowledge.
16 (Yaakob et al., 2020) Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(6) Backward and Forward Reviews on Technical and It assesses the past and future of TVET in Malaysia and proposes the adoption of ICT to catch up with the global trend. Review Malaysia Asia
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia:
The Evolution and ICT-Driven Future Prospect
17 (Ramadan & Chen, 2018) International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2) Teachers’ Perceptions Of ICT Integration In It stresses the importance of ICT in facilitating effective teaching and learning systems. The use of whiteboards and projectors were emphasized in the study. Qualitative Sudan Africa
TVET Classes: A Case Study In Khartoum State Sudan
18 (Zafar, 2019) International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 7(4) Role of Information Communication Technology ICT has made learning possible and better for everyone, everywhere, and from all backgrounds. Review India Asia
(ICT) in Education and its Relative Impact
▪ According to the study, implementing complementary organizational innovations has significantly improved student performance, accomplishments, and learning. They now possess new abilities, competences, a cooperative mindset, team-building techniques, and project management know-how.
▪ According to the report, ICT has promoted professional learning by transforming traditional education into a knowledge economy. encouraging teachers and giving them the tools they need to help the underprivileged. By adeptly utilizing cutting-edge technology, educators have become more imaginative, cooperative problem solvers as well as adept and socially conscious professionals.
▪ According to the study, ICT-based learning environments have improved students’ collective abilities and skills and increased the level of activity, collaboration, creativity, integrativeness, cooperation, and evaluation among students, learners, and educators.
It has become more appropriate, relevant, and authentic
and effective in the realization and implementation of the pedagogy of constructivism that generated greater responsibility for learning for students.
▪ The study found that educators, policymakers,
Administrators and teachers are using ICT tools and resources and collaborating with other educational participants researchers, families, cultural and professional institutions and other
stakeholders and eliminating inefficiencies, digital divide, inequality, and stretching beyond the walls of traditional classrooms and promoting everywhere and all the time learning and making
effective assessments by analyzing individual abilities, needs, interests, and overall strength and weakness of a students
19 (Onah et al., 2020) International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 13, Number 7 (2020), Evaluation of the Impact of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Mathematics Computer-Assisted Quasi-Experimental Nigeria Africa
and Physics Students’ Achievement: Implication for Industrial Technical Instruction (CAI) significantly improved mathematics and
Education Physics students’ achievement. This finding has implications for
Industrial Technical Education for the fact that improved
achievement of students in mathematics and physics subjects at
Secondary education level will enable them to have an interest in
industrial technical education at higher education
20 (Mrs. Shalini & Dr. Deepti Dimri, 2022) International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities, 4(6) An Overview Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers significant resources for enhancing the quality of education around the world and broadening access to educational opportunities. It explores the advantages of ICT in education as a whole. Review India Asia
21 (Hashim et al., 2019) Journal of Technical Education And Training Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019) Knowledge Construction Process in Open Learning System Results revealed that an open learning system has helped TVET Quantitative Malaysia Asia
among Technical and Vocational Education and Training Practitioners to perform the tasks in online group discussions. The interaction that exists in online group discussions has
(TVET) Practitioners triggered active participation among TVET practitioners and in turn, this enabled the tasks to be completed within the
given time frame.
24 (Lytvyn et al., 2020) Education and Information Technologies Theoretical foundations and practical approaches The experiment demonstrated that implementing the developed methods for the informational training of skilled workers, as well as utilizing pedagogical software tools in technical vocational schools and training vocational school teachers in the use of ICT, enhances the professional competence of graduates. Experimental Ukraine Europe
25 Nwauzi Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology Constraints to Effective Utilization of Information, Communication ICT skills are important for the effective implementation of technical education. Teachers and students should be competently trained in ICT usage. Quantitative study Nigeria Africa
and Technology (ICT) in Technical Colleges in Rivers State, Nigeria
Kirian, KelechiO. Chiorlu, Divine 2021)
26 (Rajarapollu et al., 2022) Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, ICT – A Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Activities in Various courses like digital signal processing, India Asia
Volume No 35, January 2022 Technical Education Digital image processing and digital electronics have been
analyzed on various scales.


The main aim of the study is to establish the need for ICT adoption in the teaching and learning of Technical Education in Nigeria. Consequently, the study objective is to identify the ICT adoption gaps in Nigeria, especially concerning the teaching of Technical Education compared to other climes. Therefore, the systematic review was constructed into pictorial drawings/charts as the representation of the study relying on the Excel tool. Emphases were placed on methods, Origin of publication, and the Region of publication to draw the inferences. The results of these constructs are shown in Figures 2 to 5.

Figure 2: Continental Publication Rate.

Figure 2: Continental Publication Rate.

Findings show that most publications on the use of ICT in teaching and learning Technical Education are prevalent in the Asian continent with a percentage of 55 percent to her closest rival of the African continent shares 30 percent as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.  No wonder Asia is regarded as the technological hub of the world. Africa needed to do more by strengthening its technological base to be able to match what is going on around the world. The adoption of ICT skills in Nigeria would no doubt promote the employability skills of the students.(Olojuolawe & Adeoluwa, 2022; Olojuolawe et al., 2019; World Economic Forum, 2016). The ICT skills are important to ensure that the students are adequate for the industry. It is of note that today’s jobs are driven by technology and no continent should claim ignorance of this.

Figure 3: Percent Continental Publication.

Figure 3: Percent Continental Publication.

Figure 4: Country Publication Rate.

Figure 4: Country Publication Rate.

Malaysia and India have the highest number of publication among the 13 countries of the world whose journal articles matches the need of the study as revealed in Figure 4. Although it could be said that Nigeria made a very good stride in this regard, it is yet to be seen whether the feat is good enough to justify its technological know-how. A deeper analysis of the 5 publications though, quantitative and experimental failed to identify any ICT tool that is good for teaching Technical Education. Thus, the outcome seems to be broad and theoretical. The global trend today is that employers lay more emphasis on what an employee can achieve with skills such as technological skills, management, analytical and the rest. The basic skills that a technical student must possess to be job-ready were clearly stated in the structural classification of employability skills (Olojuolawe, Bt, Amin, Latif, et al., 2019; Olojuolawe & Amin, 2019).

Figure 5: Authors’ Research Methods Adoption.

Figure 5: Authors' Research Methods Adoption.

Figure 5 indicates that varying research techniques were used by the researchers in this study. A greater number of the articles were review papers with a 56% adoption. This is more than the average of the total. The question now is, do we have to agree that “review” is better when conducting studies into ICT and Technical Education or that it is much simpler and easier?

These questions beg for answers. However, research has shown that the adoption of a single research method such as qualitative makes a study lack sensitivity to context and limits the ability to capture process and change (Blenker et al., 2014; Creswell, 2013a; Legg-Jack, 2014; Noble & Smith, 2015; Shukla et al., 2014). It is on record that the integration of both qualitative and quantitative research methods would produce a better research outcome in terms of depth, undisputable source of data, and validation of best practices (Creswell, 2006, 2013b; Creswell & Creswell, 2013; Creswell John. w, 2014; Harrison & Reilly, 2011; Ivankova, 2014; Morgan, 2017; Wetzel & Carstensen, 2014).


The study revealed that much has to be done in identifying the ICT tools essential for teaching and learning Technical Education in Nigeria. Similarly, the majority of the studies were review studies. This has taken out the benefits of mixed methods research that guarantees depth and validation. Therefore, Nigerian and African researchers are enjoined to vary their methods and ensure that a more holistic study is conducted regarding the Information and Communication Technology adoption in Technical Education. This stands to serve the interest of the learners in employment generation, the parents, and the society in crime control and Gross Domestic Product growth (GDP).


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