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Correlation Between Christian Education and Sociology: Theoretical and Practical Perspective

Correlation Between Christian Education and Sociology: Theoretical and Practical Perspective

Rosnila Hura

Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Abdi Allah


Received: 14 October 2024; Accepted: 24 October 2024; Published: 25 November 2024


The perspective of conflict theory, Christian education is often seen as a means to strengthen and destroy the social power structure. From this perspective, it seems that Christian Education does not provide positive value and impact in the social structure. If it is studied that basically Christian Education, as an education system based on Christian teachings, seeks to develop individual character, morality, and personality based on the values of Christian faith. Meanwhile, sociology focuses on the study of society, social structure, and social interaction in the context of culture and values that exist in society. From these two things, researchers examine how the principles of Christian education can interact with basic concepts in sociology, such as social norms, values, and roles in society. From these two things, researchers formulate several questions, namely: What is the correlation of Christian Education with social? And how is Christian Education applied in social life? Therefore the purpose of this research is to analyze the correlation between Christian education and sociology, both from a theoretical and practical perspective and how Christian Education is applied in social life. The method used in this research is the study of literature and qualitative analysis, by identifying relevant sociological theories and how those theories are applied in the context of Christian education. This research is expected to provide a correct understanding for educators that Christian Education has a close relationship between Christian education and sociology in terms of individual social character formation, moral value development, and its contribution to positive social change.

Keywords: Correlation, Christian Education, sociology, theory, social practice.


Christian education has become the focus of attention in the context of social theory, especially about how education can shape character and social norms. (Emile Durkheim. 2020) explains that education has fungis to maintain norms and values in society. In the context of Christian education, moral and ethical values are taught to form individuals who are not only academically educated but also have integrity and empathy. In the perspective of conflict theory, Christian education can be seen as a means to strengthen or destroy the structure of social power. However, this perspective can be denied that Christian education can function to challenge social injustice by shaping individuals who are aware of social issues and encourage social action. Even Marx gave an opinion that Education must exist to encourage and make people aware of obstacles and oppression in the structure of society.

Education is one of the main pillars in the development of society and individuals. The education system functions as the main vehicle to transform individuals from various backgrounds into educated, critical, and competitive citizens (Dilla Gusti Elfira., Silfia Hanani. 2024). Christian education contributes to increasing individual social involvement. Participation in religious education activities can strengthen a sense of community and increase trust in social institutions. Julian found that teenagers involved in education tend to have better social skills, such as empathy and cooperation (Juliani., Novi Sutia. 2022). Christian education not only focuses on academic teaching, but also on character development and social responsibility. Educated individuals are more able to understand and adapt to social dynamics. By integrating Christian values in education, educational institutions can encourage positive and inclusive social change. (Robert D. Putnam 2000) highlights the importance of social networks in building a strong community. Christian education can function as a platform for community development through programs that support collaboration and social integration.

Christian education and sociology are two fields that are often studied separately. Christian education focuses on the formation of character and morals based on Christian teachings, while sociology analyzes the social structure and behavior of individuals in society. This article aims to explore the correlation between these two fields and how Christian principles can affect and be influenced by sociological theories.

Case Example: Students in Christian private schools show a higher level of social concern. Many of them are involved in volunteer activities, such as organizing fundraising events for orphanages or underprivileged communities. Education that prioritizes the value of love and devotion inspires students to contribute positively to their surroundings. Teachings about love, justice, and devotion in the context of Christianity become an integral part of education. These values are practiced in daily life, so students learn to respect and treat others well. Unlike children in the church community, where strong moral values are instilled through sermons and church activities. However, the implementation of these values is often more theoretical and less supported by real actions in society. Church members understand the importance of living according to moral teachings, but are not directly involved in concrete social activities. As a result, there is a gap between the understanding of moral values and their implementation in social actions. These findings show that Christian education in the context of private schools is more successful in encouraging students to not only understand, but also practice moral and ethical values in their daily lives. Meanwhile, in the traditional church community, although moral values are strongly taught, there are challenges in their practical application in the social context. This highlights the need for a more integrated approach in education to create a broader social impact. Therefore, Christian Education cannot be separated from sociology, because the two are interconnected and interrelated.


The research method used in making the article entitled “Correlation Between Christian Education and Sociology: Theoretical and Practical Perspective” is to use literature studies. In accordance with the understanding of literature studies, this article was made and researched by conducting research through the literature that the author found. The literature that is researched is in the form of journals, books, and scientific works. The researcher read the literature found, understood it, and analyzed it in my mind. In these literatures, of course, there are various theoretical and practical studies of Christian Education and Sociology as well as analyzing the Correlation between the two from a theoretical and practical perspective.


Christian education aims to develop students’ character and morals. In sociology, this approach is in accordance with the theory of functionalism, which emphasizes the importance of education in maintaining social norms and values. Education can also be seen through the lens of conflict theory, where Christian education can function to challenge or strengthen the existing power structure in society. Empirical data that surveys show that individuals who receive Christian education are more likely to be involved in social activities. Research by Jeniffer shows that participation in religious education can increase community trust and involvement (Jeniffer Pelupessy Wowor. 2021).

Discussion from a theoretical perspective that from this thought is Christian Education not only transmits religious teachings, but also helps to form individuals with high social awareness. This is in line with the sociological view that educated individuals are more able to adapt to social changes (Herman Sjahthi Ekoprodjo. 2024). Seen from the Integration of Social Values, Educational Institutions need to integrate Christian values in the educational curriculum to help reduce social tension and promote harmony between individuals in society. While the discussion from a practical perspective is the first, community development where Christian education institutions play a role as community development centers, offering programs that support social integration and building networks between individuals. Second, related to Social Intervention where Christian Educators who understand the sociological context can design a curriculum that not only focuses on academics, but also on the moral and social development of students (Nel Noddings. 2010).

Moral and Ethical Values in Christian Education.

Christian education in relation to sociology is very important. Christian education teaches moral values such as love, justice, and compassion that are rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. These values not only shape individual behavior but can also affect social norms and community structure (Michael J. McFarland and Other 2011). Moral and ethical values in Christian education play an important role in shaping individual character and behavior. In the context of sociology, these values can affect the way individuals interact with society and how social structures are formed and maintained. This article explains the moral and ethical values in Christian education and their correlation with sociology, as well as their potential impact on understanding and social change.

Moral and Ethical Values in Christian Education are certainly very clear and detailed in the Bible, including:

  • Love (Agape).

Affection gets a high position and even has a central value in Christian teachings. In the Bible, affection (agape) is described as unconditional and sincere love for others (1 John 4:7). Christian education teaches that individuals should love their neighbor as themselves (Mark 12:31). The impact on sociology can be seen from social norms and pro-social behavior, where compassion affects social norms by emphasizing the importance of empathy and pro-social actions. In sociology, pro-social behavior such as sharing and helping can be understood as the result of internalization of Christian compassionate values. Another impact is seen from solidarity and community, where the concept of compassion can strengthen solidarity in the community. Emphasis on affection can encourage active involvement in social activities and community service. (Konstantina Giorgos Elsayed, n.d.) Christian education teaches the value of compassion and caring for others, as taught in Matthew 22:39 and Galatians 5:13. These values motivate individuals to care and help those in need, which contributes to efforts to overcome social problems such as poverty and injustice.

  • Justice and Equality.

Justice and equality are important moral values in Christian teachings, which are often associated with the teachings of Jesus about fighting for justice for the oppressed (Micah 6:8). Christian education teaches that everyone has the same dignity before God. The impact on Sociology is the first, Social Justice Theory. The value of Christian justice can affect the theory of social justice in sociology by emphasizing the need for a fair and equitable social system. This can be reflected in advocacy for policies that reduce injustice and social inequality. Second, the influence on Social Structure. Christian education can affect social structure by encouraging social reforms that focus on welfare and equality. (Rawls 1999) Christian teachings about justice (Isaiah 1:17) provide a moral basis to overcome social injustice and inequality. Christian education often includes discussions about social responsibility and how to fight for justice in the context of daily life.

  • Honesty and Integrity.

Honesty and integrity are values that are emphasized in Christian education, with the teaching of not lying or deceiving (Proverbs 12:22). Christian education teaches the importance of living according to consistent moral principles. The impact on Sociology is first, social norms and ethics. Honesty and integrity affect social norms that support trust and cooperation in society. In sociology, these values can affect social interaction and the development of ethical rules in groups and institutions. Second, social trust. Individual integrity can strengthen trust in social relationships, which is important for social stability and function.

  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness is an important value in Christian teachings, where forgiveness is considered as a way to reconciliation and peace (Matthew 18:21-22). Christian education offers unique perspectives and strategies in overcoming problems, both self-conflict and conflict with others, where all of these become negative experiences that can trigger problems in social relationships. So Christian Education builds the capacity to overcome and recover through forgiveness, so that by experiencing forgiveness it can restore community and social relationships. (Susanna Katryn dan Kawan-kawan 2021) Christian education teaches to forgive other people’s mistakes and try to repair broken relationships. The impact on Sociology is first, conflict resolution. Forgiveness can affect the way people handle conflicts and differences. In sociology, a forgiveness-based approach can be applied to promote peaceful conflict resolution and the restoration of social relations. Second, social recovery: The concept of reconciliation can play a role in community recovery after conflict or social tension, with an emphasis on healing and relationship recovery. Christian education teaches bringing humans to spiritual growth both from vertical and horizontal aspects. The change in the vertical aspect is the renewal of a person’s relationship with Allah which is strengthened through the word of God and prayer. While horizontal change is characterized by the practice of faith in relationships with others.

Correlation between Christian Moral Values and Sociology

Christian moral values are part of Christian Education teaching. The influence of Christian moral values on Social Theory is that Christian Education can enrich social theory by including moral and ethical values as important components in social analysis. For example, theories about social solidarity and justice can be influenced by Christian teachings that emphasize compassion and social justice (Jonathan H.Turner., Leonard Beeghley. 2009).

Practical Implications in Society are that Christian moral values affect various aspects of social life, such as the development of social policies, community activities, and service practices. Christian education encourages the active involvement of the church, as well as educators in an effort to implement a social life that reflects the values of compassion, justice, and forgiveness (Robert D. Putnam 2000). Moral and ethical values in Christian education, such as compassion, justice, honesty, and forgiveness, have a significant correlation with sociology. These values affect social theories, norms, and social practices, and can provide additional perspectives in the analysis and solving of social problems. The integration of Christian values in the study of sociology can produce a more holistic and in-depth approach to understanding society and individual behavior.

Christian Education as a Social Factor

Christian education is not just an ordinary teaching, but can also be a social factor. Christian education as a social factor can be seen as follows:

  • Christian Education and Social Change.

Christian education contains the teaching of Christian Faith which aims for students to experience an encounter with God and get to know the tradition of life as believers, namely living in love. Believing in it and doing it as a form of faith that he got from God through grace (Winata Sairin 2010). Christian education can play a role in social change by encouraging values such as justice, compassion, and forgiveness. Christian education programs often involve community service for positive social change. Christian education that prioritizes social values can contribute to social reform by advocating for fairer and more equitable policies. The role of Christian Education in the social movement is to promote justice and welfare, which can be analyzed through a sociological lens (Heni Maria., Intan Laurens., Hartrini Patoo. 2023).

  • Christian Education and Community Engagement

Community involvement through Christian education can strengthen social networks and relationships between individuals. Churches and Christian educational institutions often play an active role in community activities and social services. The impact on sociology is the strengthening of the community. Involvement in community activities driven by Christian education can strengthen social cohesion and promote social involvement. Community activities and social services carried out by Christian educational institutions such as churches, Christian schools and other Christian institutions can be analyzed to understand the impact on social structure and community welfare. The sociological perspective on religion provides important insight into how religion, including Christianity, affects social structure, norms, and individual behavior. Even the values taught in Christian education can affect various aspects of social life, from work ethics and social justice to the formation of identity and community involvement. By understanding the relationship between Christian education and sociology helps us see how religious principles can shape and be influenced by social dynamics in society.

Integration of Christian Education in Social Theory

Social theory can be enriched by including Christian values, such as the concept of social justice and community service. The principle of compassion in Christian teachings can affect theories about social solidarity and welfare. The influence of Christian Education on social theory can be seen that the correlation with the sociology of Christian Education affects the way individuals understand and interact with the social world around them. The moral and ethical values taught in Christian education not only shape individual behavior but can also affect social theories that explain the structure and dynamics of society.

Social integrity and its influence on Christian Education can be found from the thoughts of some people who build social theories. First, Social Solidarity Theory. Émile Durkheim in “The Division of Labor in Society” explains the concept of social solidarity as a bond that connects individuals in society. Durkheim distinguishes between mechanical solidarity, which exists in traditional societies with uniform norms, and organic solidarity, which exists in modern societies with complex specialization and interdependence(Emile Durkheim. 2014). The Influence of Christian Education. Christian education often emphasizes the values of solidarity and caring for others. Principles such as compassion, forgiveness, and service can strengthen social solidarity in the Christian community. Christian education encourages active involvement in community activities, which can strengthen social ties and solidarity in society. As a result, the strengthening of Organic Solidarity is created. Christian education that emphasizes service and devotion can strengthen organic solidarity by encouraging cooperation and social support among individuals with different roles in society. In addition, community and cohesion can be created. Church activities and Christian education programs can increase social cohesion in the community.

Second, Social Justice Theory with its pioneers are John Rawls and Social Justice. John Rawls in “A Theory of Justice” put forward the principle of justice as fairness, which includes the principle of equal opportunity and the principle of difference that benefits the least fortunate. Rawls proposed “the blind of ignorance” as a method to assess justice, where individuals make decisions without knowing their own social position. Christian education often teaches the values of justice and equality, inspired by Jesus’ teachings about loving others and fighting for justice as recorded in the book of Matthew 5:6. These principles can affect how individuals view and apply the theory of social justice in a practical context. The impact can be seen on “Social Justice” advocacy. Christian education that emphasizes social justice can influence advocacy for more just social policies, in addition this principle of justice and equality also affects empathy and welfare: The values of empathy and compassion in Christian education can increase understanding of how social policies can be designed to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged (Rawls 1999).

Third, the Social Conflict Theory with its followers is Karl Marx and Religion as a Tool of oppression. Karl Marx saw religion as a tool of oppression or discrimination used by the ruling class to maintain power and appease the working class. Karl Marx argues that class conflict is taken as the central point of society. The conflict between capitalists and proletarians is central in society. Various kinds of conflicts assume the form of increased consolidation to chaos. The capitalists have grouped the population into only a handful of people. The bourgeoisie has created the productive force of all generations in previous history. But those classes are also opposite to each other. Society is divided into two large classes, namely the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. According to Marx, religion functions as an “people’s opia” that diverts attention from social injustice and inequality (M.Wahid Nur Tualeka. 2017). The influence of Christian Education on this social conflict is that Christian Education can play a role in deconstructing or strengthening the existing social structure. On the one hand, Christian teachings can strengthen the status quo by supporting conservative and hierarchical values. On the other hand, Christian principles of justice, compassion, and service can encourage social reform and criticism of unfair structures. The impact of the influence of Christian Education on this social conflict theory is that Christian Education can criticize Injustice. Christian education that emphasizes justice and forgiveness can function as a tool to challenge social injustice and fight for social change. On the other hand, the influence of Christian Education can play a role in Social Reformation. Christian education programs that focus on social ministry can support social movements that fight for changes in social structure.

Implications of Christian Education on Social Theory

Seen from Christian Education and Social Theory Development, it can be seen that Christian education can enrich social theory by including relevant moral and ethical values in social analysis. Christian education emphasizes the importance of living according to high moral standards (Purwoto, Paulus, Hardi Budiyana 2020). For example, a Christian value-based approach can provide additional perspectives in theories about social solidarity, justice, and conflict. Thus the moral values taught in Christian education can inspire the development of social theories that are more focused on welfare, justice, and community service. In addition, Christian Education can provide criticism of social theories that are considered inadequate in explaining moral and ethical issues in society. Christian education can influence social practice (Purwoto, Paulus, Hardi Budiyana 2020) by encouraging involvement in community activities, social service, and social policy advocacy. This is related to how social theory is applied in a practical context to solve social problems.


Christian education affects social theory by including relevant moral and ethical values in social analysis. Christian principles about compassion, justice, and forgiveness can enrich theories about social solidarity, social justice, and social conflict. Christian education not only shapes individual behavior but can also provide additional perspectives in the development and application of social theory. Understanding the influence of Christian education on social theory helps us see how religious values can affect social structures and social practices in society.

So, the correlation between Christian education and sociology shows that education not only affects individual development, but also shapes social structure. By integrating Christian values in education, we can create educated individuals and contribute positively to society. Therefore, it is important for educators to understand the social dimension of the education they offer.


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