International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)

International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
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Hyperplane-Open Weak Topologies In Rn

  • Chika Moore
  • Alexander Ilo
  • 320-324
  • Oct 2, 2024
  • Mathematics

Hyperplane-Open Weak Topologies in Rn

Chika Moore1., Alexander Ilo2

1&2Department of Mathematics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, P.M.B. 5025, Awka, Anambra State


Received: 26 August 2024; Accepted: 07 September 2024; Published: 02 October 2024


A general procedure of constructing hyperplane-open weak topology on Rn is exposed. The process also leads to the formulation of matrix-open weak topology on Rn.This is a very interesting discovery since we never expected that a matrix of points in the Cartesian plane could come out as an open set.

Keywords: Weak Topology, Hyperplane-Open Weak Topology, Vertical (or Horizontal) Line

Open Topology

Mathematics Subjects Classification (MSC) 2020: 54A05, 54A10


This paper resulted from an attempt to better appreciate the concept of weak topology by taking a constructive approach. We sought to construct concrete examples of weak topologies on concrete sets. This approach opens up for us a vast vista which we began to explore. We hope that what has been thrown open is rich enough to cater to the quest of a plethora of inquisitive minds.

Main Results: The Hyperplane-Open (or Line-Open) Weak Topologies in Rn

Throughout this work, R will denote the set of real, N the set of natural numbers, and Rn the product of n copies of R, for each n N

We know that in general, lines (curved or straight) are not open in the usual topology of the Cartesian plane R2. It is also known that lines—curved or straight—are open subsets of R2 when the discrete topology is assumed. Is there another topology on R2, coarser than the discrete topology, in which all lines (vertical or horizontal, short or long) are open? This question has neither been posed before nor answered in any waytill this moment. If such topologies exist, are they weak topologies and what does their landscape look like? We are here set to introduce another topology on R2 (and indeed on Rn) with respect to which lines (even if only straight lines) are open.

Let us recall that the usual topology of R2 is generated by the projection maps when the factor spaces of R2 are themselves endowed with their own usual topologies. Let us now start by bringing forth constructible and easy to visualize examples of weak topologies such as

  1. line-open topology on Rn,n >2;
  2. plane-open topology on Rn,n ≥ 3;
  3. hyperplane-open topology on Rn

Construction 1 Consider R2. Let the horizontal factor space be endowed the discrete topology (R,D) and the vertical factor space be endowed with the usual topology of R, (R,u). Then the coarsest topology on R2 with respect to which the projection maps p1 and p2 are continuous,is called the vertical line open topology of R2 because vertical lines (of all lengths) are among the basic open sets of this topology.

To appreciate the nature of this topology on R2,we recall that singletons {x} are open in the horizontal factor space, which we are to callR1. Therefore p1-1({x}) is a sub-basic open set in this weak topology on R2. Such a set is an infinite (in length) vertical line passing through the point (x,0) in the plane. That is,

p1-1({x0}) = {(x0, y) : y ∈ ℝ} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)

where x0 is any fixed real number along the horizontal axis. Hence, the basic open sets of this weak topology on ℝ2 include vertical lines of all lengths; the lines with finite length do not contain their endpoints as elements. To see this, we recall that a basic open set in the vertical factor space ℝ2 is an open interval (a, b). Thus, in the formation of this weak topology, this factor space will donate sub-basic sets of the form

p2-1({(a, b)}) = {(x, y) ∈ ℝ2 : a < y < b} . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)

which are infinite horizontal strips. The intersection of sets of type (2) with those of type (1) results in finite-length vertical lines, which are now the basic open sets of the weak topology.

Vertical lines are not the only open sets in this topology on R2. In the discrete topological factor space—the horizontal axis—every other type of set (apart from singletons) is still open. In particular, sets of the form (a,b), (a,b], [a,b), and [a,b] are all open. Hence the usual open rectangles, open circles, in short all open polygons, vertically half-open, half-closed and vertically closed rectangles in R2 are all open. It then follows that this weak topology is strictly stronger than the usual euclidean topology of the plane R2 and yet strictly weaker than the discrete topology of R2, since for instance singletons are not open in this topology.

Construction 2 Consider R2 but now with the horizontal factor space R1 endowed with the usual topology and the vertical factor space R2 endowed with the discrete topology. Then the horizontal line open topology results.

As with the vertical line open topology of R2, this open horizontal line topology is generated by the projection maps. It is also easy to see that this topology is finer than the usual topology on R2 and coarser than the discrete topology of R2. It can also be observed that these two topologies, on R2, are not comparable. The intersection of these two topologies is finer than the euclidean topology of R2.

Proposition 2.1 Let τv, τh and τu denote respectively the open vertical line topology, the open horizontal line topology, and the usual topology of the Cartesian plane R2. Then

  1. τu τv;
  2. τu τh; and hence
  3. τuτv τh.


1 and 2 are obvious from the discussions so far. This further implies 3. ⊙


We have just proved that the usual topology is weaker than the intersection of the vertical line and the horizontal line-open topologies on R2. Is the usual topology strictly weaker, or is it actually equal to this intersection? Answer: Since we cannot (at least for now) find any open set in this intersection which is not open in τu, our conjecture is that this intersection is actually equal to τu. There is however here a need for further researches to concretize this conclusion.

We are now on the process of working out the proof or disproof—which is not available now—of our conjecture above; the result however is what we hope to bring out soon or later in a subsequent publication of our researches in these areas. The reader should bear with us now, as we promise to later bring the conclusion (whatever it may be) of this conjecture. Also in doing this, we shall then expand the scope of the implication of what we have done in this research in order to compare and contrast it with what obtains in other weak topologies in terms of topological properties. In particular, we shall investigate the topological invariants that are preserved or altered under the kind of constructions we have done.

Construction 3 Let n ≥ 3 and let X = Rn be the product of n copies of R. Let the projection maps pi : X −→ Ri, for 1 ≤ i≤ n, be defined in the usual way by= xi, where  = (x1,x2,···,xn), for all ∈X. Let m factor subspaces (1 ≤ m < n) be endowed with discrete topology and let the remaining n − m factor sub spaces retain the usual topology of R. Then the hyperplane-open topology of X(= Rn) is the coarsest topology on Rn relative to which the projection maps are continuous.

In ℝ2, pi-1({xi₀}) is a straight, infinite line perpendicular to the ith axis, 1 ≤ i ≤ 2, a 1-dimensional hyperplane perpendicular to the ith axis; for any fixed point xi₀ in the ith factor space. In ℝ3, pi-1({xi₀}) is a straight, infinite plane (a 2-dimensional hyperplane) perpendicular to the ith axis, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3; for any fixed point xi₀ in the ith factor space. In ℝn (n ≥ 4), pi-1({xi₀}) is a hyperplane (of dimension n − 1), 1 ≤ i ≤ n; for any fixed point xi₀ in the ith factor space. However, if n − 1 factor spaces are endowed with the discrete topology, and the nth factor space with the usual topology, then the basic open set…


results in a one-dimensional hyperplane; a straight line (parallel to the nth factor space which has the usual topology). So, in the product X = Rn, lines are open in the hyperplane open topology if n − 1 factor spaces are endowed with the discrete topology (and the nth factor space has the usual or possibly any other topology on R).

For example in R3, exactly 2 factor spaces (only) have to be endowed with the discrete topology for lines to emerge really as open sets. If we give all three factor spaces of R3 the discrete topology, then the resulting open line topology would coincide with the discrete topology of R3. If only 1 factor space of R3 is given the discrete topology, then the resulting weak topology will have no lines as open sets. The weak topology will have 2-dimensional hyperplanes (planes) as basic open sets. This is because sets of the form

p1-1({x0}) = {(x0, y, z) : y, z ∈ ℝ} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)

are two-dimensional planes.


  1. We observe that m has to be strictly less than n in the last construction since otherwise we would get the discrete topology of Rn.
  2. What actually happens is that if we endow 2 factor spaces of R3 with the discrete topology and the remaining 1 factor space with the usual topology of R, then the line-open (weak) topology results. If we endow 1 factor space of R2 with discrete topology, then these open lines will all be parallel to one axis of R2; parallel to the vertical axis if the horizontal factor space is endowed with the discrete topology, and vice versa. In R3, with 2 factor spaces given the discrete topology, all the open lines will be parallel to the only 1 factor space retaining the usual topology, and perpendicular to the plane of the two other factor spaces.

Construction 4 Let X = {x1,x2,x3,···,xn} be any finite set of real numbers, and let 2X be the power set of X. Then {R,2X} is a topology on R, called (and introduced in this work as) the X-topology on R. The point-open weak topology on Rn is the weak topology, on Rn, generated by the projection maps when the factor spaces are each endowed with the X-topology.


We observe that actually some points of Rn (as singletons) are open in this weak topology while the others are not. This is why we call this the point-open weak topology of Rn. For example, let X = {x1,x2}; then 2X = {∅,X,{x1},{x2}} and the X-topology on R is {∅,X,{x1},{x2},R}. Let the factor subspaces R1 and R2 (horizontal and vertical respectively) of R2 be, each, endowed with this X-topology. Then the only singletons open in the weak topology of R2, generated by the projection maps this time, are



p1-1({x2}) ∩ p2-1({x1}) = {(x2, x1)},

p1-1({x2}) ∩ p2-1({x2}) = {(x2, x2)}.

If, say, all three factor spaces of R3 are given this particular X-topology, then the only open singletons of R3 in the resulting weak topology would be

{(x1,x1,x1)},{(x1,x1,x2)},{(x1,x2,x1)},{(x2,x2,x2)},{(x2,x2,x1)},{(x2,x1,x2)},{(x2,x1,x1)}, {(x1,x2,x2)}, a total of only 8 singletons in .

We also note that some matrices of coordinate points (grid points) in the Cartesian plane R2 are open sets in this X-topology induced weak topology.

For example, we observe that


= {(x1,y) ∈R2}{(x2,y) ∈R2} = two vertical infinite lines and


= {(x,x1) ∈R2}{(x,x2) ∈R2} = two horizontal infinite lines.


p1-1(X) ∩ p2-1 = p1-1({x1, x2}) ∩ p2-1({x1, x2}) = {x1, x2} × {x1, x2}

= {x1,x2} × {x1,x2} = {(x1,x1),(x1,x2),(x2,x1),(x2,x2)}; a 2 × 2 matrix of four coordinate points. The matrix M is shown below.

Construction 5: Let ℝn be the Cartesian product of n copies of ℝ. Let X ⊂ ℝ be any proper subset of ℝ. Let τX = 2X ∪ {ℝ} be the X-topology on ℝ. Let m (m < n) factor spaces of ℝn be endowed with this X-topology on ℝ, and the remaining n − m factor spaces be endowed with the usual topology of ℝ. Then from the factor spaces having the X-topology, pi-1({xi₀}) is a hyperplane of dimension n − m, for each 1 ≤ i ≤ m < n. Their intersections

i=1m pi-1({xi₀}) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)

are hyperplanes of dimension n − m. If n = m + 1, so that n − 1 = m, then the intersection (3) would be a 1-dimensional hyperplane (i.e. a straight line) in Rn. If n = m+2, then (3) would be a 2-dimensional hyperplane. And so on.


Since X is a proper subset of R, 2Xis not equal to the discrete topology of R. Hence the X-topology τX on R is strictly weaker than the discrete topology of R. Therefore, even if all the factor spaces of Rn are given this X-topology on R, the resulting weak topology on Rn (generated by the projection maps) would still be strictly weaker than the discrete topology of Rn. And then some singletons (probably infinitely many) of Rn would be open in the hyperplane-open weak topology on Rn. These singletons are sets of the form

\( \bigcap_{i=1}^{n} p_i^{-1} \left( {x_{(i_0)}} \right) \quad \text{. . . . . . . . . . (4)} \)

where xi₀X R. It is important to compare and make the contrast between (3) and (4).


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