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Multimedia Bureau Communication Strategy in the Process of Restoring the Image of the Republic of Indonesia Police to the Public (Case Study of Statement #Disapointedreporttopolice on Twitter)

Multimedia Bureau Communication Strategy in the Process of Restoring the Image of the Republic of Indonesia Police to the Public (Case Study of Statement #Disapointedreporttopolice on Twitter)

Hana Lestari, Hayu Lusiana

Postgraduate of Sahid University Jakarta


Received: 30 October 2024; Accepted: 12 November 2024; Published: 09 February 2025


Image is a condition that is very easy to recognize and remember by the public. Image is designed and maintained so that it always has positive values ​​and benefits. Every activity of an organization, community company or agency, image becomes a corporate culture that must be a shared responsibility in the activities of the organization, company, community or agency. Likewise with the existence of the Image of the Republic of Indonesia Police, as a place where the community asks for help, complaints and protection so that they feel safe and fair in being involved or experiencing criminal acts, fraud or intimidation. A good image will always be remembered and become the strength of an organization’s sustainability, while a bad image is very difficult for the community to accept and requires a precise communication strategy to restore it. Currently, the image of the Republic of Indonesia Police is experiencing a concerning condition, efforts are being made in this digital era, the police agency has formed a multimedia communication channel that can accommodate complaints from the public through social media. Researchers are intrigued to reveal this problem as a research and data collection method through in-depth interviews, conducting observations and literature. This research is a research with a descriptive qualitative approach.

Keywords: Organizational Image, Organizational Communication Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Police, Multimedia


The current national crime rate is still quite high every month in 2024. Based on crime data from the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, the crime rate up to July 2024 was 217,910 total cases received. In 2024 there were three highest cases, namely aggravated theft, minor theft, and assault. The large number of cases received but overall have not been handled properly has made the public uneasy with the performance of the police.

In line with the development of technology and communication as it is today, access to convey messages or responses is also increasingly open, namely through mass media and social media which we know as new media. The presence of Mass Media is increasingly recognized as having the power to shape opinions in the public space with a variety of information presented. Mass media with the principle of agenda setting packages any information as a commodity.

In reporting, the mass media is guided by the agenda setting formed by the editorial team. The media’s agenda setting is what then drives the direction of the news and the choice of angle, or even framing, of an issue presented by the mass media. Faced with this situation, it is inevitable that every organization is required to view the mass media as an institution that has a role in forming public opinion, both positive and negative. (Puspitasari, 2016:89)

This is because both media are considered to have an influence on the process of the results in the eyes of the public. Social media, especially Twitter and Instagram, are often used as mediators by individuals, groups and organizations as a means of expressing responses.

One of the information that interesting The attention of Twitter social media users in Indonesia is the phenomenon of the emergence of the hashtag #Disapointed Report To Police which began when a case of rape of three children was committed by their own biological father in East Luwu Regency in October 9, 2019, when a mother received a complaint from one of her children who complained that her feminine area was sore (Kompas, 2022).

The police had examined a number of witnesses after the victim underwent a Visum Et Reper tum at the Malili Health Center, East Luwu. The report was investigated by the police, but the process was strongly suspected of being full of manipulation and conflict of interest. It only lasted for two months since the mother filed the complaint, where the case was suddenly stopped unilaterally by the East Luwu Police on the pretext that there was not enough evidence to continue the case. In this case, the Police were considered negligent in carrying out their duties and functions as a law enforcement agency.

Not only did she not get justice, but the mother was accused of having a motive of revenge against her ex-husband. She was also accused of being mentally disturbed. The public believes that the Police have violated the Law and the Police Code of Ethics because they have revealed the identity of the victim’s mother and have not provided protection for her privacy.

The level of public trust in the National Police has undergone several changes since 2022. In August 2022, the level of trust reached 54 percent, but had increased to 76.4 percent in October 2023. This change was due to the internal improvement efforts of the National Police carried out by the Chief of Police, General of Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo. (Tribrata, 2023)

Responding to this, the Chief of Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, askedSorryfor the deviations committed by its members, including those that later went viral in society. The Chief of Police ensured that his party was open to criticism and would take firm action. (, 2022)

The protest action through the hashtag #Dispointed Report to Police is an outpouring of public anger and disappointment towards the Police as a law enforcement agency in Indonesia which is considered incompetent in carrying out its duties and functions. In the hashtag phenomenon, various tweets expressed by the public tend to have negative connotations, some of which have the potential to be provocative and trigger hate speech.

This is because society believes that social media can be freely used as a medium to criticize and voice movements in seeking justice for anyone who does not receive it.

Researchers are interested in identifying what strategies the Indonesian National Police have implemented to restore their image. One of the main steps that must be taken is to increase transparency and accountability in handling cases, by providing clear and accurate information to the public.

In addition, fair law enforcement also needs to be emphasized, by ensuring that the legal process is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations and providing legal certainty to all parties involved (Dewi, 2017).

Strategy is essentially a plan to achieve a target. The target will not be easy to achieve if there is no strategy, because all actions require strategy, especially in communication targets (Effendy, 2000:36). However, to achieve the target, strategy is not just a guide that gives directions, but also shows the tactics.

Communication is a basic human activity. By communicating, humans can relate to each other both in daily life at home, at work, in the market, in society or wherever humans are. Muhammad (2011), there is no human being who is not involved in communication. According to Handoko (2008), communication is the process of transferring understanding in the form of ideas or information from one person to another.

Likewise in the police, communication activities follow the organizational communication flow.In relation to organizational communication, many experts have contributed to the understanding of the concept and practice of communication in the context of organizations. More detailed expert views on organizational communication and the importance of the role of organizational communication in the success of an organization.

Robbins and Judge (2021) explain that organizational communication is the process of sending information and messages from one individual to another in an organization, and also involves the process of sending and receiving messages that influence each other. Furthermore, Robbins and Judge also state that organizational communication includes all actions that allow information and understanding to be exchanged between individuals or groups in an organization.


Communication Strategy,is a guide to communication planning and management to achieve a goal”. This communication strategy must be able to show how its operations should be carried out practically, in the sense that the approach can differ at any time depending on the situation and conditions.

Furthermore, it is added with a statement from Cangara (2013:61) that “communication strategy is the best combination of all elements communication starting from the communicator, message, channel (media), recipient to influence (effect) which is designed to achieve optimal communication goals. According to Cangara (2013:61) communication strategy includes five stages, namely: Research, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, and Reporting.

In general, communication strategy is a concrete stage In a series of communication activities based on technical units for implementing communication objectives, the technique is a choice of certain communication actions based on previously determined strategies.

According to Cangara (2013:76), the communication strategy uses a five-step communication planning model using five stages, namely Research, Plan, Execute, Measure, and Report.

(1)Research(Research), the initial stage in which information is collected and analyzed to understand the context of communication. This includes analysis of the situation, audience, and environment.

(2)Plan(Planning), developing a strategic plan based on research findings. This includes target setting, message development, and media selection.

(3)Execute(Implementation), implementation of the communication plan in accordance with the strategy that has been developed.

(4)Measure(Measurement), assessing the effectiveness of communication strategies based on results and feedback.

(5)Report(Reporting), communicating results and evaluations to stakeholders and reporting on the successes and shortcomings of the communication strategy.

Organizational Communication

In the sense of the origin of the word communication from the word communicare, which means conveying an idea, idea or opinion. In line with the meaning of the word common which means similarity, it can be said that communication is related to conveying an intention in order to get similarity in ideas or views in an interaction (community).

Berlo in M. Mufid (2010) in his book: Introduction to Communication & Journalism, communication is a process that has main elements and accompanying elements, which are interrelated, namely: the main elements consist of the source, message, channel, recipient and the accompanying elements are response, effect/noise and environment.

Figure.1 Berlo's Communication Flow & Elements Model (2016)

Figure.1 Berlo’s Communication Flow & Elements Model (2016)

In the picture, Berlo said that communication is a process of transferring messages (verbal or non-verbal) between the sender/communicator to the receiver/communicant, using channels or media (direct, email, telephone, etc.) with the hope that the communicant understands and provides a response/feedback according to what is expected by the communicator. If there is a discrepancy in the contents of the message, it is necessary to investigate the presence of noise or interference as an effect of the message not being conveyed properly.

This form of interaction can not only be done individually but in the form of a large community, such as an organization, community group, association or association. The success of the communication process is determined by all the main elements (SMCR) and accompanying elements (response/feedback, interference/noise, environment)

It is worth understanding and knowing that the most important thing in the success of a business is determined by how well the communication process within the company or organization runs.

One of the most important things in understanding organizational communication is how we understand the approaches that can influence the mindset or perspective (point of view) towards an organization. Robbin & Judge (2015) said that an organization is a social unit or group that is consciously coordinated by two or more people and has a relatively continuous basic function to achieve a series of common goals.

This function has four things, namely: control function, information function, emotional expression function and motivation function. The communication function acts to carry out control and monitoring functions in controlling the behavior of organizational members. Pace & Faules (2001), organizational communication can be defined asthe display and interpretation of messages between communication units that are part of an organization.

There are two approaches related to the understanding of organizations, namely: objective and subjective approaches. Organizational communication is present as an umbrella that covers all organizational or company activities in achieving its vision and mission, such as: healthy industrial relations (organizational behavior), corporate governance (good governance) which is qualified, provides more benefits to the parties involved and a sustainable business future (sustainability).

Organizational Image

According to Cangara (2013:108), organizational image is the public’s perception of an organization, which is formed through various information, experiences, and interactions with the organization. This image reflects the values, identity, and reputation of the organization in the eyes of the public.

According to Kotler and Keller (2016:132) organizational image is the perception and impression that the public has about an organization, formed through experience and interaction. And according to Fombrum (2004:25) organizational image is an identity formed from stakeholder experience and organizational communication.

Based on the understanding of several experts, it can be concluded that the image of an organization is the result of public perception formed through various interactions and experiences. Understanding this image is important for organizations to build good relationships with stakeholders.

Aspects Emphasized by Cangara (2013:108):

  1. Communication: An organization’s image is greatly influenced by how the organization communicates with the public.
  2. Reputation: A good image is closely related to a positive reputation, which results from consistency between words and actions.
  3. Stakeholder experiences: Image is formed from the direct or indirect experiences of various stakeholders, including customers, employees, and communities.

Indonesian Republic Police Multi Media Bureau

The Multimedia Bureau of the Indonesian National Police Public Relations Division is a Bureau that was established on February 15, 2017. The Multimedia Bureau has the function and task of managing and administering internet-based information media, both social media and online media.

In its founding vision, the Multimedia Bureau is a Cyber ​​Public Relations posture that provides digital data information services to the police and the public, and provides services quickly and accurately so that public trust in media management is achieved.


The research method used is a qualitative research method. According to Sugiyono (2020:18) qualitative research methods are research methods based on post positivism philosophy, used to research natural object conditions, (as opposed to experiments) where researchers are key instruments, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (combination), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize the meaning of generalization.

Based on the expert opinion, it can be concluded that qualitative research is based on the philosophy of post-positivism. This research was conducted in natural conditions and using real facts that can actually be called naturalistic research. In qualitative research, data collection techniques are triangulation, a combination of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in qualitative research uses inductive data analysis.

In obtaining data, researchers prepare interview guides that will be conducted with informants who can answer research questions. According to Moleong, Purpose Sampling is a technique for taking samples of data sources with certain considerations. Moleong explains that this technique is used to collect as much information as possible from various sources and their buildings, with the aim of detailing the specificities that exist in a unique contextual mixed.


Based on the research results from the answers to interview questions that have been conducted.

In implementing the police communication strategy, they first conducted a survey by creating content on social media to obtain the data needed as analysis material for the police cyber team in determining the number of likes and comments that still use #Percuma Lapor Polisi in every content upload made on the social media of the National Police Public Relations Division. In the planning indicator, planning in the communication strategy is very important. The planning carried out by the National Police Public Relations Division is by first determining the target audience for communication to be carried out and also determining the media channels to be used.

The part that carries out communication strategy planning is carried out by the Head of General Handling and Public Information Bureau. In the implementation indicator, the implementation of the communication strategy carried out by the Polri public relations division is by creating content on social media to interact with the public on social media. The published content is all police activities or tasks that are being carried out so that the public can see the performance of the police.

In the measurement indicator, the success of the communication strategy carried out using the Engagement Rate on social media. The parameters that are the focus on social media are from feedback from the public by looking at the analysis of comment sentiment. And in the reporting indicator, the reporting presented by the Polri public relations division is in the form of tables, graphs, or diagrams to provide a visual depiction of the measurement results.

The reporting presented is obtained from data on responses from the public which tend to be more negative or positive, such as detailing the specific objectives of the measurement, such as to evaluate the effectiveness of communication and its impact on public trust.

Based on the research results from the answers to interview questions that have been conducted, The Police’s efforts to restore its image by implementing communication strategies that have been implemented can be seen using several indicators.

In the indicator personality, the National Police immediately took action on the problems that occurred by conducting an internal evaluation and making various improvements that were considered to be shortcomings in the performance of the National Police. The steps taken by the National Police to improve performance are by being more responsive and transparent in handling a case that occurs. In addition, the National Police also uses social media to be able to interact directly with the community so that they can involve the community to actively participate in the supervision process and provide input regarding police performance.

In the indicator reputation, The Indonesian National Police have taken various steps by opening public dialogue through the media including press conferences involving media such as television stations so that the information provided can be conveyed to the wider community. In the press conference, the Indonesian National Police have opened a discussion room for the audience to ask questions about related issues or the performance of the Indonesian National Police so far and all questions will be answered in the press conference.

With these activities, the Police can make these activities a place to clarify various negative issues regarding the performance of the Police so that they can improve the image of the Police in the eyes of the public. In the value indicator, the Police always conveys a message in its communication that the Police are always ready to accept criticism from the public for the sake of the good performance of the police in the future. With the impression that the Police are not anti-criticism and always improve their performance, the public perception of the police image will be more positive.

Researcher, 2024

Source: Researcher, 2024

And in the indicators corporate identity The communication strategy that has been carried out so far has seen results, this is proven by the results of research and development which explain that the image of the police has experienced a positive increase. The public also hopes that with the increasing perception of police performance, the Police will continue to commit to internal reform and improve services to the public to avoid incidents of handling cases that are not in accordance with public wishes so that negative sentiment can be avoided and does not make the image of the Police decline again.


In conclusion, this study explains about Multimedia Bureau’s communication strategy to restore the image of the Police in the #dis apointed report to police case on Twitter. The communication strategy carried out by the Police Public Relations Division is carried out in a structured manner starting from research, planning, implementation, measurement and reporting. In the communication strategy research, the Police first conducted a survey by creating content on social media to obtain the data needed as analysis material for the police cyber team.

After obtaining data from the research conducted, the National Police made a communication strategy plan that would be carried out by first determining the target of the communication to whom and also determining the media channels to be used. Then, from the planning, the implementation was carried out by creating content on social media to interact with the public on social media.

The published content is all police activities or tasks that are being carried out so that the public can see the performance of the police. After the implementation is carried out, measurements can be made with the success of the communication strategy carried out using the Engagement Rate on social media. Finally, the reporting resulting from the communication strategy carried out is presented by the Polri public relations division in the form of tables, graphs, or diagrams to provide a visual depiction of the measurement results to evaluate the effectiveness of communication and its impact on public trust.


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