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Physiochemical Parameters and Water Quality Index (WQI) of Ashaka Quarry and Environs, Bajoga LGA, Gombe State, Nigeria.

Physiochemical Parameters and Water Quality Index (WQI) of Ashaka Quarry and Environs, Bajoga LGA, Gombe State, Nigeria.

Dagare, A. M

Government Secondary School (GSS) Nangere, Yobe State.


Received: 06 July 2024; Revised: 26 July 2024; Accepted: 30 July 2024; Published: 04 September 2024


Physical and chemical characteristics of water are important parameters to be considered in water quality index. The study aimed to evaluate the physiochemical parameters and water quality of Ashaka quarry and Environs, Gombe State for domestic and industrial uses. To achieve these objectives, 15 water samples were randomly collected within and outside the quarry and taken to the laboratory for analysis to determine the concentration of the chemical elements. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to determine the concentration of the elements. Physical parameters determined were Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH and Temperature which were instantly measured in the field with electronic digital meters. Results of the physicochemical parameters showed that temperature was 26.5 ºC, pH 7.46, EC 387µs/cm, Calcium 8.83mg/l, Magnesium 7.51mg/l, Sodium 5.93mg/l, Potassium 5.66mg/l, Chloride 1.86mg/l, Sulphate 0.87mg/l and bicarbonate 15.09mg/l. Likewise, for the pollution index, Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Index procedure (WAWQI) was adopted due to its versatility and simplicity in the computation. Water Quality Index (WQI) obtained from the study area was 67.37 meaning the water is poor, unfit for drinking which require proper treatment before consumption but can be used for irrigation and industrial applications. Moreover, two categories of the pollution levels were obtained which were samples (SW1 – SW9, GW10, GW11 and GW12) categorized as “grade C” with status described  as poor water quality and water samples GW13, GW14 and GW15 categorized as “grade D” described as very poor water, unsuitable for drinking unless proper treatment is done. Descriptive statistics was used to interpret the results of the analysis. Proper monitoring is paramount to safeguard human health.

Keywords: Drinking water, Physicochemical, Quarry, Water Quality Index.


Provision of safe and clean drinking water is crutial for good living and scarcity of this resource is a serious challenge facing developing countries especially Africa. Study of freshwater involves examination of the physical and chemical composition of the water samples for good wellbeing. Use of polluted water for daily need such as bathing, cooking, drinking, washing and irrigation is a normal routine in developing countries with inadequate infrastructures and regulatory laws (Dasilveira et al., 2021; Ahmed and Alam, 2019. Anthropogenic activities like agricultural practice, industrial and mining pollute both surface and groundwater resources and pose threat to human health. Activities such as agriculture, mining, and blasting of limestone as a major raw material for cement production in Ashaka has resulted to both surface and groundwater deterioration as well as severe environmental degradation in that locality. Major water pollutants are bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals products, plastics, nitrates, phosphate, fecal waste and even radioactive substances. These do not always change the colour of the water because they are mostly regarded as invisible pollutants but have great impact on human wellbeing. Several diseases are linked to consumption of polluted water such as cholera, diarrhea, skin infection, typhoid fever, cancer, malnutrition etc. With regard to this, the quality of water of  Ashaka quarry and environ, Gombe State will be assessed using ten (10) physiochemical parameters for domestic and industrial applications using water quality index method.

Water Quality Index (WQI) is a method commonly used to calculate the level of pollution of both surface and groundwater from sets of data in to a single entity which was first developed by (Horton, 1965) to classify water quality. Horton, 1965; Tyegi et al, 2013 adopted the method based on rating of different water quality parameters, assisting in understanding the overall water quality status of a particular water source. It is an effective method used globally to determine the suitability of the water for drinking, irrigation and industrial applications. Many methods has been developed and yielded effective results by different national and international organizations to summarize water quality globally in an easily understandable format such as weighted Arithmetic water quality index (WAWQI), National Sanitation Foundation WQI (NSIWQI), Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment WQI (CCMEWQI), Oregon WQI (OWQI). But for the sake of this study, WAWQI was adopted due to its versatility and simplicity in the mathematical computation over other methods. WAWQI was employed by Brown et al., 1970 and widely used by many scientists to classify water quality for human usage based on rating (Hajar, 2019; Adeyemi et al., 2017, Abdulhameed, et al., 2010; Maheswaram and Elangovan, 2014; Useh et al., 2022. Mohammad et al., 2010; Ogbodo et al., 2020; Zayed, 2020).

WAWQI index method use the most commonly measured physicochemical characteristic and classify the water quality according to its degree of purity (Tygai et al., 2013).  It was used to determine the composite effects of individual parameters on the overall water quality and as strong tool for water quality monitoring in different nations for protection and preservation of water use (Ani and Fasakin, 2016; Wu et al., 2020). To make things easy, WQI reduces a large amount of information on physiochemical aspects to a simple expression that is easily interpreted by technicians, environmentalists and general public universally. Water quality needs to be closely assessed and maintained for achieving socioeconomic development and environmental preservation (Zayed et al., 2021).

Study Area And Geology

The study area (Fig. 1) lies in the Upper Benue Trough (Gongola Arm) situated in the Northeastern Funakaye LGA, Gombe State (Nigeria) which lies on latitudes 10°51’N & Longitudes 11°25’E. The road gives access to Ashaka Cement Plc via Gombe – Potiskum highway  about 16 Km away from Bajoga town. Gombe State is bordering Bauchi and Jigawa states to the west Plateau, Taraba and Adamawa to the south, Yobe and Borno to the east.

Source: GIS expert extracted from goggle map (2018)

Source: GIS expert extracted from goggle map (2018)

The study area falls within the Upper Benue Trough which comprised of two different sub-basins; the N-S trending Gongola sub-basin and the E-W trending Yola sub-basin (Yandoka et al., 2014; Guiraud and Maurin 1992; Guiraud, 1990). Ashaka Quarry belongs to Gongola arm with three (3) exposed sections of different Formations and thicknesses. The Formations were the transitional Yolde Formation overlain by Pindiga Formation containing the mineral deposit of interest (limestone) about 8m with large lateral extent in the quarry inter-bedded with thin shale beds and overlain by Gombe Formation. On the other hand, Yola Sub-basin consist essentially of volcanic plugs of various sizes and shapes with their vents irregularly distributed typifying volcanic activities unrelated to any specific control and the rocks are thought to have formed from the late Cretaceous to recent times (Adekeye and Ntekim 2007).

The Basin is considered as an intracontinental Cretaceous Basin about 1000km in length stretching in a NE-SW direction and lying unconformably upon the Precambrian Basement (Benkhalil et al, 1989) and better known due to field work of the geologic survey of Nigeria (GSN). Study of Cretaceous systems and inland basins was dated back to early 1950’s when oil exploration began in the nation (Nwojiji et al., 2013). Benue Trough generally is separated from the Chad basin by the Zambuk ridge which runs roughly north eastwards from about Gombe town through Zambuk to Biu plateau (Offodile, 1976).

The origin and tectonic evolution of the Trough was related to a pull apart basin that was initiated during the separation of African and south American continent (Wright, 1968; Burke and Dewey, 1973; Olade, 1975; Fitton, 1980; Benkhelil, 1982a). It’s the failed arm of RRR triple junction following the opening of the South Atlantic in the Cretaceous (Burke et al., 1971). King, 1950 considered it as a rift – bounded basin while Carter et al.,1963 interpreted the origin of the  Upper Benue Trough in terms of rift faulting and folding associated with basement flexuring while Stonely, 1966 proposed the basin as a graben-like structure. Another vital information obtained on the basin apart from the field work were data from wells drilled by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation NNPC (Nwajide, 2013). The sedimentary sequence infilling the study area includes continental and marine deposits ranging from Upper Aptian to Paleocene in age (Mboringong et al., 2013). The stratigraphic units consists of Bima Sandstone, Yolde Formation, Pindiga Formation, Gombe Formation and Kerri – Kerri Formation (Abubakar, 2006).


Thermometer, pH meter, multi conductivity meter, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, 50 mL burette, 25 mL pipette, 250 mL conical flasks, retort stand were used. The following reagents were also used for the analyses: Na-EDTA, NH4Cl, Erichrome Black-T, Aqueous ammonia, HCl. Doubly distilled, de-ionized water in the preparation of all solutions in the experiments. Water samples collection was done using 750cl Polythene plastic containers, which were pre-rinsed with nitric acids and soaked in distilled water for some hours to kill germs.

To achieve this objectives, nine (9) surface water and six (6) groundwater samples were randomly collected from different locations of the study area and analyzed for major physiocochemical parameters in National Centre for Petroleum Research and Development (NCPRD) Bauchi State using the American Public Health Association (APHA) procedures. The samples were properly labeled, sealed, and taken in an iced packed cooler to the laboratory for Physiochemical analysis using Atomic absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS Model 210 VGP). American Public Health Association (APHA) standard procedure for water and waste water was used using high grade chemicals.

Ten (10) parameters including EC, pH, temperature, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, HC03 and S042- were used to characterize the water quality for domestic and industrial uses. Concentrations of the elements analyzed were compared and interpreted with Nigerian standards for drinking water permissible limits of National Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) and World Health organization (WHO) standard. Descriptive statistics was used for the data interpretation.

Weighted arithmetic index technique proposed by Brown et al., 1970 was considered for evaluation of the water quality. The method involves two steps. Firstly, it required computation of the unit weight (Wn) for each parameter and secondly, determination of quality rating score (Qn) for all the parameters except pH= 7 which was calculated by dividing the concentration of each parameter by its specific standard multiply by 100. Assessment of the water quality is paramount to human health and socioeconomic development. WQI is mathematically calculated using the following equations:

Step 1.

Wn = K/Sn ……………………………………………………………….. (1)


Wn is the weighted unit of nth water qualiy parameter

K is the constant of proportionality,

Sn is the standard permissible value for the nth water quality parameter

K = 1/∑1/Sn ………………………………………………………… (2)

Step 2.

Qn = [Vn/Sn] – [Vi/Vi] x 100 ……………………………………… (3)


Vn is the actual amount of parameter observed

Vi is the ideal value of the parameter, Vi = 0, except for pH = 7

WQI = ∑QnWn/∑Wn ……………………………………………. (4)


Qn is the quality rating of the nth water quality parameter

Wn is the unit weight of nth water quality parameter


Table 1. Statistical description of the sampled water

Parameter pH Temp EC K Na Mg Ca Cl HC03 S04
N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Min 6.52 25.8 20 2.01 3 1.02 1.9 0.68 8.75 0.35
Max 8.46 27 1360 10.3 11.03 20.61 23 3.87 24.53 1.43
Sum 111.88 397.8 5800 84.95 88.89 112.63 132.5 27.84 226.31 13.11
Mean 7.458667 26.52 386.6667 5.6633 5.926 7.508607 8.8333 1.856 15.0873 0.874
Std error 0.60128 0.084628 103.7157 0.62957 0.628929 1.257922 1.43701 0.25006 1.093491 0.081526
Variance 0.384612 0.107429 161352.1 5.9455 5.93328 23.7355 30.975 0.93801 17.9358 0.99697
Standard Deviation 0.620171 0.327763 401.6869 2.43834 2.435833 4.8719 5.5655 0.96851 4.23507 0.31574

Source: Using Excel (2013)

Table 2.  Calculated mean for water quality rating of all the samples collected

S/N Parameter Wn = K/Sn Observed Value (Vn) Ideal Value (Vi) WHO Limits (Vs) Vn – Vi Vs – Vi Qn Qn*Wn  
1 pH 0.424457 7.46 7 8.5 0.46 1.5 87.764 37.25
2 Temp 0.144315 26.5 0 25 26.5 25 154.8 2.234
3 EC 0.014432 387 0 250 387 250 106 15.297
4 K 0.300657 5.663 0 12 5.663 12 11.773 0.566
5 Na 0.018039 5.926 0 200 5.926 200 15 1.082
6 Ca 0.048105 8.833 0 75 8.833 75 0.744 0.010
7 Mg 0.072158 7.509 0 50 7.509 50 2.965 0.053
8 Cl 0.014432 1.856 0 250 1.856 250 47.166 14.180
9 HC03 0.012026 15.087 0 300 15.087 300 0.218 0.002
10 S04 0.00902 0.874 0 400 0.874 400 503 0.06
WQI = ∑QnWn/∑Wn  = 70.74/1.05 = 67.37

Source: Brown et al., 1970

Table 3 Categories of Water Quality Index (WQI)

S/N WQI Status Grading Description
1 0 – 25 Excellent A Drinking, irrigation and industrial use
2 26 – 50 Good B Drinking, irrigation and industrial use
3 51 – 75 Poor C Irrigation and Industrial use
4 76 – 100 Very poor D Irrigation
5 Above 100 Unsuitable for drinking E Require proper treatment before use

Source: Modified (Brown et al., 1970, Wekesa and Otieno, 2022)

Table 4 Results of the surface water quality status of each sampling location

S/N Sites Codes Site Name WQI Grading Status of WQI Possible Use
1 SW1 Quarry 70.51 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
2 SW2 Quarry 69.22 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
3 SW3 Quarry 69.85 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
4 SW4 Juggol 64.97 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
5 SW5 Behind Estate 52.66 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
6 SW6 Juggol 65.96 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
7 SW7 Juggol 67.79 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
8 SW8 Airport Road 60.43 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
9 SW9 Bajoga Road 58.90 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial

Source: Modified after (Brown, 1970)

Table 5: Results of the groundwater water quality status of the sampling location

10 GW10 Outside Quarry 53.93 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
11 GW11 Jalingo 65.74 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
12 GW12 Trailer park 53.64 C Poor water quality Irrigation and Industrial
13 GW13 Jalingo 82.17 D Very Poor water quality Irrigation
14 GW14 Jalingo 81.47 D Very Poor water quality Irrigation
15 GW15 Jalingo 84.73 D Very Poor water quality Irrigation

Source: Modified after (Brown, 1970)


A statistical summary indicating minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of the physiochemical parameters was also made. Table 1 revealed that the minimum and maximum value of pH was 6.52 and 8.46, temperature was 25.8 to 27 °C, electrical conductivity was 1360 to 5800s/cm, potassium was 2.01 to 10.3mg/l, sodium was 3 to 11.03mg/l, magnesium was 1.02 to 20.61mg/l, calcium was 1.9 to 23mg/l, chloride was 0.68 to 3.87mg/l, bicarbonate was 8.75 to 24.53mg/l and Sulphate was 0.35 to 1.43mg/l.

Table 2 shows the overall water quality index (WQI) computed to determine the potability of the samples analyzed in to a single value. The result (67.72) shows that the water were categorized under two grades “C and D” Table 4 and 5 which were described as poor and very poor water being suitable for irrigation and industrial purposes but unsuitable for drinking unless properly treatment is done before consumption. This might have resulted from the anthropogenic activities taking place in the cement factory for years.

Presence of Ashaka water treatment plant within the factory is saddled with purification of the polluted water before distributing it to homes so as to reduce threat to human health. Surface water sample SW1 – SW9 and groundwater sample GW10 – GW 12 were classified as grade “ C” and referred to as poor water suitable for irrigation and industrial used while GW13 – GW15 are of grade “D”  with very poor water status. It can only be used for irrigation purpose due to higher values of WQI obtained. Quality rating (Qn=0), indicates total absence of pollutants, while Qn ranging between 0 – 100 means the pollutants are within the standard limits and in case of Qn > 100 shows that the pollutants are above the permissible limits (Gungoa, 2016).

Table 3 described different categories of the Water quality rating scale in terms of status, grading and possible use. It is a global standard that formed the basis for computation of Water Quality Index (WQI) for both surface and groundwater assessments (Brown et al., 1970, Wekesa and Otieno, 2022). Table 6 shows the concentration of chemical elements analyzed in comparison with Nigerian and International standards for drinking.

Table 6. Comparison of the Physiochemical parameters with World Health Organization (WHO) and National Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) Standards.

Site Codes Site Name Coordinate pH Temp (°C) EC (µs/cm) K Mg/L Na Mg/L Mg Mg/L Ca Mg/L Cl Mg/L HC03 Mg/L S04 Mg/L
SW1 Quarry 10°55700’N 11°27.750’E 7.78 26.7 480 6.1 5.0 9.62 11.2 0.93 13.72 0.63
SW2 Quarry 10°56.056’N 11°27.201’E 7.91 26.7 600 5.0 4.11 9.21 12.9 2.63 16.93 1.25
SW3 Quarry 10°56.341’N 11°28.300’E 6.88 26.8 340 8.2 5.01 5.8 8.2 1.87 21.66 0.87
SW4 Juggol 10°56.201’N 11°28.072’E 7.80 26.5 80 5.03 5.06 5.42 7.5 1.54 13.13 0.35
SW5 Behind Estate 10°57.086’N 11°28.071’E 6.89 26.6 20 2.01 5.0 3.23 3.0 2.14 11.63 1.06
SW6 Juggol 10°55.967’N 11°29.427’E 7.99 26.5 80 5.16 3.02 4.4 6.6 0.92 9.25 0.93
SW7 Juggol 10°56.141’N 11°30.232’E 8.37 26.7 100 5.08 3.0 4.39 6.8 0.68 8.75 0.57
SW8 Airport Road 10°56.601’N 11°30.838’E 6.80 26.2 140 5.11 5.01 5.01 5.3 2.77 17.25 0.66
SW9 Bajoga Road 10°50.900’N 11°30.301E 7.50 26.7 240 3.05 3.3 1.02 1.9 1.14 15.93 1.17
GW10 Outside Quarry 10°56.600’N 11°28.651’E 6.84 26.7 80 3.1 7.12 5.61 5.1 3.25 24.53 0.98
GW11 Jalingo 10°55.177’N 11°28.487’E 6.85 26.4 420 6.3 8.0 8.63 6.7 2.56 18.11 1.43
GW12 Trailer park 10°55.683’N 11°28.512’E 6.52 25.8 80 3.01 6.07 5.21 5.6 3.87 14.29 0.81
GW13 Jalingo 10°55.299’N 11°28.252’E 8.46 27.0 700 9.0 11.03 10.63 11.6 1.25 12.59 1.22
GW14 Jalingo 10°55.063’N 11°28.301’N 7.49 26.6 1360 8.5 9.2 20.61 17.1 1.06 13.67 0.43
GW15 Jalingo 10°55.500’N 11°27.552’E 7.80 25.9 1080.0 10.3 8.96 13.84 23.0 1.23 14.87 0.75
Average 7.46 26.5 387 5.66 5.93 7.51 8.33 1.86 15.09 0.87
WHO, 2011 6.5 -8.5 25 – 28 1000 12 200 50 100 250 300 400
NSDWQ, 2015 8.5 28 1000 250 100 250 100

Source: Field work (2015). WHO, 2011, NSDWQ, 2015.


WQI of all the samples collected from Ashaka quarry and Environs has been categorized in to two grades, namely “C and D”, unsuitable for drinking but applicable for irrigation and industrial uses. This could be probably due to the impact of mining operation and other anthropogenic activities taking place in the locality. Introduction of pollutants in to water source has great impact on the environment and human health, This calls for systematic monitoring of the groundwater for guarding the health of the people in the area.


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