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Remarks on the Limitations of the Third Romberg Integration Method in Numerical Extrapolation

  • Grace O. AKINLABI
  • George S. NDUKA
  • 664-669
  • Dec 13, 2024
  • Mathematics

Remarks on the Limitations of the Third Romberg Integration Method in Numerical Extrapolation

Grace O. AKINLABI1*, George S. NDUKA2

1Department of Mathematics, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria

2Department of Mathematics, Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author


Received: 20 October 2024; Accepted: 28 October 2024; Published: 13 December 2024


The Romberg extrapolation method (REM) is a powerful numerical integration tool that uses successive applications of the trapezoidal rule and Richardson extrapolation to obtain highly precise estimates of definite integrals. While the third Romberg extrapolates, in particular, produces a refined output by canceling higher-order error words, it has inherent restrictions in its use. This work investigates these limits, which include assumptions about function smoothness, computational complexity, and inefficiencies in dealing with discontinuities or highly oscillatory functions. Two worked examples are offered to exemplify the behaviour and performance of the third Romberg extrapolate in real applications, illustrating both its strengths and weaknesses.

Keywords: Third Romberg Extrapolate, Round-off Errors, Numerical Methods


Numerical integration, also known as quadrature, is an essential tool in applied mathematics, engineering, and physical sciences. It enables us to approximate the values of definite integrals when precise analytical solutions are difficult or impossible to get. This occurs frequently in real-world applications where functions do not have a simple closed-form integral or when the integrals require sophisticated physical models [1-4]. Over the years, a variety of numerical integration approaches have been created, ranging from fundamental methods such as the trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule to more complex adaptive techniques.
Romberg extrapolation stands out among these methods because it can greatly increase the accuracy of estimations derived using simpler quadrature methods. Romberg integration is based on the trapezoidal rule, a classical technique for estimating the area under a curve by dividing the integration interval into subintervals and adding the areas of trapezoids created between consecutive points on the function. While the trapezoidal rule is simple to use, it suffers from an error term that gradually reduces with smaller subintervals, particularly for non-smooth functions. [5-6].

To address this, Richardson extrapolation can be used to lower the error term gradually. Richardson extrapolation takes data from the trapezoidal rule at ever finer step sizes and combines them so that higher-order error terms cancel out, resulting in more accurate conclusions. Romberg extrapolation builds on this concept by applying various layers of Richardson extrapolation to a series of trapezoidal rule calculations. This results in an improved approximation of the integral with much lower error [7-9].

The third Romberg extrapolate represents the result after applying two successive Richardson extrapolations. This yields an approximation that has a much higher accuracy than the original trapezoidal estimates, especially for smooth and well-behaved functions where higher-order error terms can be effectively canceled. As such, Romberg integration is often regarded as one of the most efficient techniques for achieving high-precision numerical integration with a relatively low number of function evaluations [10-12].

However, despite its efficiency, the Romberg technique, particularly the third Romberg extrapolate, has several limitations. The method is based on the assumption that the function being integrated is smooth and continuous throughout the integration interval. When this assumption is not met—as in the case of functions with discontinuities, steep gradients, or high-frequency oscillations—the approach may struggle to produce correct findings. In such instances, the trapezoidal rule’s accuracy suffers, and Richardson extrapolation becomes ineffective since it cannot efficiently cancel higher-order mistakes. Furthermore, as the third Romberg extrapolates improves accuracy, it also increases processing complexity. Each additional phase of Richardson extrapolation necessitates more trapezoidal estimates, and the procedure may become computationally expensive, particularly for integrals spanning vast intervals or functions that are computationally demanding to assess. Furthermore, the method is prone to numerical instability, especially when working with functions with small values or requiring high-precision calculations. This can result in the accumulation of round-off errors, further reducing the accuracy of the extrapolated result [13-15].
This paper will investigate these limitations in depth, concentrating on the unique issues found when employing the third Romberg extrapolate. We will demonstrate the method’s effectiveness in practice under both ideal and challenging conditions using two worked examples. These examples will show both the method’s strengths, such as its rapid convergence for smooth functions, and its limitations, which include slow convergence or failure in the presence of discontinuities or oscillatory activity. We present a balanced review of the third Romberg extrapolate’s utility in numerical integration [16-19].



Romberg extrapolation relies on successive applications of the trapezoidal rule to approximate the integral of a function f(x) over an interval [a, b]. The trapezoidal rule is computed for successively smaller step sizes

h_1 = \frac{b-a}{n_1}, \quad h_2 = \frac{b-a}{n_2}, \quad h_3 = \frac{b-a}{n_3}, \dots

where \( n_1, n_2, \dots \) are powers of 2. The results are then used to eliminate error terms through Richardson extrapolation [20-22].

The general Romberg formula at step k for the column of extrapolates is given by:

R_{k,j} = \frac{4^j R_{k+1,j-1} – R_{k,j-1}}{4^j – 1}. \tag{1}

For the third Romberg extrapolate, this process is applied twice, refining the trapezoidal approximations through two levels of extrapolation.

Trapezoidal Rule Approximation

Given a function \( f(x) \), the trapezoidal rule for step size \( h \) is:

T(h) = \frac{h}{2} \left[ f(a) + 2 \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} f(x_i) + f(b) \right], \tag{2}


  • \( h = \frac{b-a}{n} \)
  • \( x_i = a + i \cdot h \)

The Romberg table begins by applying this rule for different step sizes.

It is worth noting that, as a numerical integration approach, the Third Romberg Extrapolate can be used well in conjunction with semi-analytical methods such as the Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) and the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM). This combination improves the accuracy of integral assessments during the iterative solution procedure [23–28]. Such an approach is especially useful for complicated differential models with difficult analytical integration, resulting in higher convergence rates and precision—particularly when dealing with nonlinear terms or boundary conditions [29-32].

Limitations of the Third Romberg Extrapolate

Despite its strengths, the third Romberg extrapolate has notable limitations, these include smoothness requirement, oscillatory, and rapidly varying functions, computational cost, and sensitivity to round-off errors. We make reference to the following hints [16-23].

Smoothness Requirement

Romberg extrapolation assumes that the integrand f(x) is sufficiently smooth, typically requiring continuity and differentiability over the integration interval. If  f(x) has discontinuities or sharp changes, the convergence of Romberg extrapolation slows significantly, or the method may fail to improve the accuracy at all.

Oscillatory and Rapidly Varying Functions

Highly oscillatory or rapidly varying functions present significant challenges for Romberg extrapolation. The trapezoidal rule, which forms the basis of Romberg’s method, relies on linear interpolation between integration points. For functions that exhibit frequent oscillations or sharp variations, this interpolation becomes inadequate, as the method fails to capture the intricate behavior of the function between points. As a result, the error associated with the trapezoidal approximation becomes larger, leading to less accurate estimates of the integral, even after Richardson extrapolation is applied.

In these cases, the higher-order error terms, which Romberg extrapolation is designed to reduce, remain significant and difficult to eliminate. This reduces the overall efficiency of the method, as the convergence rate slows down or fails entirely. Instead of achieving rapid convergence, the third Romberg extrapolate may produce inaccurate results for oscillatory functions, as the underlying assumption that the error diminishes predictably with finer step sizes no longer holds. In such cases, alternative methods, such as Gaussian quadrature or specialized techniques for oscillatory integrals, may be more appropriate for accurately approximating the integral.

Computational Cost

The Romberg method’s reliance on multiple function evaluations increases its computational complexity, especially as higher-order extrapolates are computed. For each level of Richardson extrapolation, additional trapezoidal estimates must be generated, which means performing more function evaluations at progressively finer step sizes. The third Romberg extrapolate, in particular, involves several layers of these recursive calculations, leading to a substantial increase in the total number of function evaluations required. This can become particularly burdensome when the function being integrated is costly to evaluate or when the integration is performed over a large interval.

The computational cost of the third Romberg extrapolate is further compounded when dealing with complex or expensive functions, such as those requiring intensive numerical simulations or evaluations of complex mathematical models. In these cases, the added precision gained from higher-order extrapolations may not justify the increased computational expense. Additionally, as the interval size grows, the number of necessary function evaluations increases dramatically, making the method impractical for certain applications, where faster or more efficient numerical integration techniques, like adaptive quadrature, might be preferred.

Sensitivity to Round-off Errors

The third Romberg extrapolate, while effective for improving the accuracy of numerical integration, is particularly sensitive to round-off errors due to its iterative nature. Each level of Richardson extrapolation involves subtracting trapezoidal estimates that are close in value, which can amplify small numerical inaccuracies in floating-point arithmetic. This sensitivity increases as finer step sizes are used, causing even minor rounding errors to grow larger through successive extrapolations.

The accumulation of these errors becomes problematic when computing higher-order extrapolates, such as the third Romberg extrapolate. Small inaccuracies introduced in earlier stages of the trapezoidal rule can compound through the multiple layers of Richardson extrapolation, leading to numerical instability. In some cases, this results in catastrophic cancellation, where significant digits are lost during subtraction, further reducing the precision of the final result.

This issue is exacerbated when the function being integrated has small values or when high-precision results are required. For functions with values on the order of 10-6 or smaller, the limitations of floating-point representation can result in large relative errors. When these small values are fed into the Romberg table, the extrapolated results may fail to converge, as the round-off errors overwhelm the accuracy gains from Richardson extrapolation.

To mitigate these round-off errors, strategies such as using higher-precision arithmetic, limiting the depth of extrapolation, or employing adaptive methods can help maintain stability. These approaches reduce the risk of numerical instability and improve the accuracy of the Romberg method when faced with functions requiring high precision or containing small values.

Considered Worked Cases/Examples

To illustrate the limitations discussed, this section presents two worked examples that demonstrate the challenges faced by the third Romberg extrapolate under different conditions, highlighting how these limitations impact the accuracy and efficiency of the method.

Case 1: Integration of a Smooth Function

Consider the integral:

I = \int_0^1 e^x \, dx. \tag{3}

The exact solution is:

I = e – 1. \tag{4}

Using Romberg extrapolation, we compute the third extrapolate for this integral.

  1. Trapezoidal rule estimates are computed for step sizes \( h_1 = 1, h_2 = 0.5, \) and \( h_3 = 0.25 \).
  2. The first-level Richardson extrapolation eliminates the \( O(h^2) \) error, and the second-level extrapolation refines the approximation further.

The result in this case is presented as follows:

  1. The third Romberg extrapolate yields an estimate with an error on the order of \( 10^{-6} \), demonstrating rapid convergence for this smooth function.

Case 2: Integration of a Discontinuous Function

Now, consider the integral:

I = \int_0^1 \text{sgn}(x – 0.5) \, dx. \tag{5}

where sgn(x-0.5) is the sign function, which is discontinuous at x=0.5.

Applying the same procedure as in the previous example, we compute the trapezoidal rule estimates and perform two levels of Richardson extrapolation.

The results in this case are presented as follows:

I. The third Romberg extrapolate fails to significantly improve the accuracy of the integral due to the discontinuity at x=0.5.

II. The method converges very slowly, and the error remains large even after multiple refinements.

Concluding Remarks

The third Romberg extrapolate is a powerful tool for numerical integration, particularly when dealing with smooth, well-behaved functions. However, it encounters limitations when applied to functions with discontinuities or rapid oscillations, and the computational cost can be prohibitive for large-scale problems. The method’s sensitivity to round-off errors also makes it less suitable for high-precision requirements. While Romberg extrapolation provides excellent accuracy in ideal conditions, alternative methods such as Gaussian quadrature or adaptive integration techniques may be more effective for challenging integrals.
In summary, while the third Romberg extrapolate is a powerful tool for improving the accuracy of numerical integration, it is highly sensitive to round-off errors, particularly in cases involving small function values or high-precision requirements. Users must be cautious when applying the method to ensure that numerical instabilities do not weaken the potential benefits of extrapolation.


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