Volume IX Issue IX

Strategic Direction as a Determinant on Service Quality of Accredited Universities in Kenya
Godfrey Nyongesa, Doris Mbugua, Rose Boit September 2022 – Page No.: 01-06

Purpose- to determine the effect of strategic direction on service quality of accredited universities in Kenya.This study was guided by the positivist domain which is a major doctrine or theory in social sciences largely used in survey types of research. The study employed both cross-sectional research design and explanatory research design. The target population comprised the 74 public and private universities in Kenya. The sample size was 222 respondents. The main data collection tool was a questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that leaders of universities illustrated a high level of agreement on strategic direction. The result further showed that strategic direction has a positive and statistically significant relationship with service quality of accredited universities in Kenya. The practical implication is that the finding that strategic direction impacts service quality in Kenyan universities is in line with the trait leadership theory. The implication of the theory is that university leaders have the responsibility to motivate employees to perform, satisfying their needs and providing them assistance in attaining their goals. These are result oriented and are based on the long term vision and strategies that leaders put in place to provide a significant impact on everyone.

Page(s): 01-06                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 27 September 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9901

 Godfrey Nyongesa
PhD student, Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology

 Doris Mbugua
PhD student, Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology

  Rose Boit
PhD student, Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology

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Godfrey Nyongesa, Doris Mbugua, Rose Boit, “Strategic Direction as a Determinant on Service Quality of Accredited Universities in Kenya ” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.01-06 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9901

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Availability of safety measures and knowledge towards hazardous waste management among workers in scientific laboratories of two universities in Lebanon
Inaam Mahmoud NASRALLAH, Pascale René SALAMEH, Abbass Rida EL-OUTA, Assem Khalil ELKAK, Rihab Raif NASR, Wafa Toufic BAWAB September 2022 – Page No.: 07-16

Hazardous Waste Management (HWM) is critical to human health outcomes and environmental protection. A survey-based observational study was conducted in scientific laboratories of a public and a private university in Lebanon, where a total of 309 participants were recruited to evaluate the knowledge regarding safety measures to be applied when collecting and storing waste. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, Independent Sample T-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and ANOVA were used for comparing differences and associations among socio-demographic variables. Linear regression models were used to map predictors of knowledge score and its relationships with demographic variables as well as training on proper HWM.
A significant association (p<0.05) was found between knowledge score and job function, years‘ experience, educational level, professional status, work schedule, and training on HWM. Participants had adequate perceptions regarding the impact of HWM on health and the environment. Linear regression modeling revealed that knowledge score was significantly higher among bachelor level lab workers compared to those with doctoral degrees (p=0.043), full-time workers versus part-timers (p=0.03), and among public university participants compared to those of private university (p<0.001). It highlights the importance to improve the culture, attitude, and practice of proper HWM in scientific laboratories.

Page(s): 07-16                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 September 2022

  Inaam Mahmoud NASRALLAH
Doctoral School of Science and Technology (DSST), Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus, Hadath, Lebanon
Laboratoire de Biotechnologie des Substances Naturelles et Produits de Santé (BSNPS), Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus, Hadath, Lebanon

  Pascale René SALAMEH
Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus, Hadath, Lebanon
INSPECT-LB, Beirut, Lebanon
University of Nicosia Medical School, Nicosia, Cyprus, Lebanon

  Abbass Rida EL-OUTA
Observe Group for Clinical Research, Beirut, Lebanon-Department of Emergency Medicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon

  Assem Khalil ELKAK
Laboratoire de Biotechnologie des Substances Naturelles et Produits de Santé (BSNPS), Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus, Hadath, Lebanon

  Rihab Raif NASR
Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon

  Wafa Toufic BAWAB
Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus, Hadath, Lebanon

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Inaam Mahmoud NASRALLAH, Pascale René SALAMEH, Abbass Rida EL-OUTA, Assem Khalil ELKAK, Rihab Raif NASR, Wafa Toufic BAWAB , “Availability of safety measures and knowledge towards hazardous waste management among workers in scientific laboratories of two universities in Lebanon ” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.07-16 September 2022 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-9-issue-9/07-16.pdf

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Experimental Study of Use of Steel Fiber and Silica-Fume in High Strength Concrete
Koshish Rathore, Er. R.S. Shekhawat September 2022 – Page No.: 17-27

Steel Fiber is found to be the most suitable for increasing strength of concrete mix. Using Steel Fiber would increase some cost but it gives return many times of its cost as a increasing of Compressive strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength and as well as provide better stability against Earthquake as the need for greater importance as a drawn-out arrangement in the Indian concrete industry. In the present analysis, we have added steel fiber i.e. 0.5 % to 2.0 % of cement content in concrete mix for getting better test results. The focus of this research is to Increase strength of concrete mix in various manner for getting high heights in construction industry. This study examines the effect of using steel fiber with silica fume in High Strength Concrete Mix i.e. M 60. Total 270 concrete specimens were cast in this study. The specimens were prepared for the concrete mix of M 60 grade using w/c ratio 0.32. The effects on different properties of concrete with Steel Fiber added concrete mix were evaluated in this study. The specimens of concrete mixes were tested for compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and carbonation test. Test results of the samples show that the strength of concrete mix increases with the use of Steel Fiber added concrete mix as 0.5 % to 2 % of cement content in M 60 Design Concrete mix. It is also found that carbonation depth for Steel Fiber added concrete mix concrete mix is few more as compared to Normal OPC M60 Design concrete mix. The overall results of this study show that Steel Fiber added concrete performs well in various strength tests with some modification in the mix design

Page(s): 17-27                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 September 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9902

 Koshish Rathore
Civil Engineering Department of the College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan

 Er. R.S. Shekhawat
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan

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Koshish Rathore, Er. R.S. Shekhawat , “Experimental Study of Use of Steel Fiber and Silica-Fume in High Strength Concrete ” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.17-27 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9902

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Effect of sodium chloride salinity on germination and growth of pumpkin seedlings in Maseno (Kenya)

George T Opande, Buyela D. Khasabulli – September 2022 – Page No.: 28-33

Salinity is one of the most serious abiotic factors that limit agricultural productivity with an adverse effect on germination and growth parameters throughout the world. Sodium ions (Na+) and chlorides (Cl –) ions have been identified to turn agricultural land into unproductive lands unable to support the growth of plants for food and nutrient supplements which results in food insecurity. C. pepo L. plant is a fruit vegetable, a source of food, and nutrients, a medicinal and short seasoned crop that has not only been neglected but also is underutilized. The sodium Chloride salinity tolerance of C. pepo is not well understood; therefore this study was initiated to determine the effect of Sodium Chloride salinity on the germination and growth of C. pepo seedlings. Seed materials were purchased from the East Africa Seed Company (Kitale). They were carried in sealed labeled envelopes in the botany laboratory. The germination test was done using ten seeds under treatment of NaCl (Control 0, 35mM, 70mM, 105mM, and 140mM) using a completely randomized design. A growth experiment was set up in the greenhouse using varied salinity levels of NaCl (Control 0mM, 35mM, 70mM, 105mM, and 140mM). Growth parameters were collected after three days intervals for a period of one month. Chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll were estimated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test (p≤0.05) showed that germination was inversely affected by salinity treatment with complete inhibition at higher concentrations. Salinity was significantly different as concentrations increased. Since C. pepo L. could withstand salinity levels of upto70 mM with germination of up to 47%, farmers within saline areas or those who use irrigation water should use water that has a salinity concentration that is not beyond 70mM.

Page(s): 28-33                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 October 2022

 George T Opande
Sn Lecturer & Research Scientist, Kaimosi Friends University Dept. of Bio & Agri sciences, Kaimosi Kenya.

 Buyela D. Khasabulli
Sn. Technologist, SPBS, Dept. of Botany, Maseno University Kenya.

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George T Opande, Buyela D. Khasabulli, “Effect of sodium chloride salinity on germination and growth of pumpkin seedlings in Maseno (Kenya)” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.28-33 September 2022 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-9-issue-9/28-33.pdf

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A Huge 5kg-Intra-Abdominal Ancient Schwannoma with A Recurrence-A Case Report.

Michael Abiodun ADEYANJU – September 2022 – Page No.: 34-39

Introduction- This is a rare case of a recurrent huge intrabdominal Ancient Schwannoma, the size of which has not been reported before. This case report aims to enrich the literature on cases of undiagnosed abdominal masses.
Clinical features-The patient complained of huge abdominal distension, weight loss, and breathlessness of 4 months duration.
The important clinical findings were multiple cutaneous painless swellings, hyperpigmented patches on the trunk, and a mass occupying the whole of the abdomen.
Management-A diagnosis of visceral manifestation of neurofibromatosis was made to rule out an intra-abdominal malignancy. Preoperative Abdominal Computed Tomography (CT) scan revealed a huge intrabdominal mass while a CT-guided biopsy showed a Benign Mesenchymal tumor. He had an exploratory laparotomy, and the mass was totally excised. The recovery was uneventful, and the outcome was excellent. Histopathology showed that the tumor was a Schwannoma with no malignancy. However, 5 months after, the swelling recurred and he was eventually lost to follow up.
Conclusion- The rarity of Intra-abdominal Schwannomas and absent or non-specific signs and symptoms present the surgeon with a diagnostic dilemma. Preoperative Abdominopelvic CT scan, Ultrasound scan, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging are necessary imaging modalities. Complete excision at surgery reduces recurrence. Close follow-up is essential.

Page(s): 34-39                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9904

 Michael Abiodun ADEYANJU
Department of Surgery, Federal Medical Centre, Ebute-Metta, Lagos. Nigeria.

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Michael Abiodun ADEYANJU, “A Huge 5kg-Intra-Abdominal Ancient Schwannoma with A Recurrence-A Case Report.” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.34-39 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9904

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The Diversity of Mammals in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape, East Kalimantan

Sajidah Salsabila Annisa, Rachmat Budiwijaya Suba, Jusmaldi – September 2022 – Page No.: 40-45

The Wehea-Kelay landscape is an area with a tropical rainforest ecosystem which is the habitat for various types of mammals. Ecologically, the existence of mammal species plays role in maintaining the balance of the forest ecosystem, thus the balance of a forest ecosystem can be measured by the level of species diversity. The aim of this study is to determine the diversity, conservation status, relative abundance of mammal species, and the sepan conditions in the Wehea-Kelay landscape. The research was conducted from January to June 2020. The data collection method was the direct observation, signs searching, camera traps, and data analysis. The results of this study are 12 species, 9 families, and 4 orders of mammals were found. Based on the conservation status, 6 species as protected animals, 1 species is critically endangered, and 2 species are in appendix I. Overall, the highest relative abundance of mammals based on the presence frequency of the camera traps is M. muntjak and the lowest is T. kanchil. The species of mammals found based on the encounter rate in the Wehea Protected Forest were more than PT. Gunung Gajah Abadi, and the highest abundance of mammals is 1.67±1.529 individuals/km in Wehea Protected Forest and 1.00±1.00 individuals/km in PT. Gunung Gajah Abadi of H. malayanus. The feeding class of mammals found consisted of 9 species of Omnivores and 3 species of Herbivores. The sepan area in the Wehea Protected Forest is an area that must be conserved because it is a source of minerals for mammals.

Page(s): 40-45                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9905

 Sajidah Salsabila Annisa
Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University, Indonesia

 Rachmat Budiwijaya Suba
Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University, Indonesia

Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University, Indonesia

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Sajidah Salsabila Annisa, Rachmat Budiwijaya Suba, Jusmaldi, “The Diversity of Mammals in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape, East Kalimantan” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.40-45 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9905

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Interpretation of one verse of Byron’s cycle of “Jewish Melodies”

Tinatin Sikharulidze – September 2022 – Page No.: 46-50

The presentation of the historical aspects of the material created on this or that topic contributes to the thematic-fable complexes and the so-called: visual representation of the evolution of “wandering” stories. The story of the “wanderer” in the work of art appears against the background of intercultural relations. Therefore, in comparative discussion, translation studies further clarifies the essence of the original text. To clarify this thesis, we have selected the poem “By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept” written by the romantic poet, George Gordon Byron in 1815, which artistically, based on the Jewish story paradigm, generalizes and presents the traditions of Milton, Burns, Blake and the Blessed Nation.
The melodies created in the Jewish exile were echoed in the works of Haydn, Mozart, Paganini, and Liszt. However, their compilation and arrangement are linked to the English composer Isaac Nathan (1790-1864), who selected Byron’s texts for the melodies compiled in 1808. Although earlier this was tried by John Moore, but Nathan gave preference to Byron, whose first twelve songs were included in the collections of Hebrew melodies. Byron, who was interested in biblical subjects from the very beginning, deeply explored the issue of the fate of the Jews and, without regard to the basic principles of the Anglican Church and without disturbing them, developed a Jewish theme based on the Psalms. It is worth mentioning that he was sometimes opposed by publishers, composers or critics, but his poetic efforts could not be stopped and the theme of the oppressed nation took its place in his poetry. His interest in such topics and his sympathy for the oppressed nations of Europe earned him the title of Poetry Fighter for Freedom.
Byron analyzes the biblical, rigorous spirit and at the same time gives it a plain, simple text and artistic perfection. Two verses from the cycle of “Hebrew Melodies” are significant for us: “Oh! Weep for Those! ‘, “By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept”, whose Georgian translations belong to Ilia Chavchavadze and Akaki Tsereteli. Both poems are translated from an intermediate language and it should not be difficult to understand the translators’ interest – the shared fortunes of the oppressed Georgian and Jewish nations. Byron was not limited to the biblical story, he also paid attention to the oriental color, which further ensured the high artistry of the poems. With an artistic depiction of compassion for the oppressed and their sad fate, Byron always echoed the fate of his modern-day Italy and Greece.
The purpose of our article is to discuss the extent to which the Bible text in the poem “For the Hebrew Melodies” entitled “In the Valley of the Waters” was included in the 1815 volume of “Hebrew Melodies”. The second variant, which Isaac Nathan preferred, stood closer to Psalm 136 (137th in the Hebrew texts). Therefore, the second version in the cycle of “Hebrew Melodies” dates back to 1815, although it was published in the first version. The goal of the study is Byron’s biblical text and its Georgian translations’ different interpretation.
The poet quotes from the Bible the story line of Psalm 136 of the Jewish exiles from Jerusalem, in which the willows are hanging on the ropes symbolizing their melancholy: “If I forget you, Jerusalem, forget me.” Byron’s verse does not show the rage in the psalm, the rage in the heart against the enemies of Zion, and the fierce desire for revenge against the daughter of Babylon, who longs for the fate of the Jews.
It is already known which Russian translation Akaki Tsereteli and other Georgian translators used while translating Byron’s lyrics, in particular, Giorgi Tskaltubeli (1868) and Maia Nikoladze (2009).
We were interested in Akaki Tsereteli’s translation of Byron’s poem “By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept”. There are two versions of the translation that are dated at different times. First printed in 1865 In journal “Tsiskari” N2 , and the second – in newspaper “Iveria” N213 on October 3, 1901, . Both verses are written by “Byron”, which means the translations of Byron’s poems.
According to researcher Ketevan Burjanadze, out of the four Russian translations available at the time, Akaki Tsereteli’s translation is less relevant to any of them and is a more free and widespread version compared to Byron’s source text.
The article discusses the history of two translations of Akaki (1865, 1901). Both variants have similar content, only some stanzas and lines got corrected. According to researcher Makvala Kuchukhidze, the 1901 translation is a free translation based on Byron’s poem; We have also noted that both versions of Akaki Tsereteli’s translation are based predominantly on Psalm 136, which shows that the verse ends with an appeal for psalm vengeance : “Blessed is he who has grasped your heels and thrown you into the rocks.” The same idea is expressed in Akaki’s translation, though in the future.
The Georgian poet expanded the Byronic text in a peculiar way and expanded the psalm content as well, as it reflected the thirst for revenge of the Georgian man on the invader, as a result of which the poem acquired a publicist sound. Akaki’s translation follows Byron’s source text and expands on it with psalm quotes; Byron’s text speaks of the anguish of the Jews, somehow encrypting the enemy’s hypocritical request for the Jews to rejoice and sing about the days spent in Jerusalem. The translator enters the text with an indignant tone that it is impossible for the enslaved to chant the sacred chant of Zion. Judaism is subjugated by enemies, but it is forced obedience and not voluntary.
In view of all this, it can be said that the Akaki translation is more imitative and more closely related to the text of the Byron and the Psalm.

Page(s): 46-50                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9903

 Tinatin Sikharulidze
The Faculty of Humanities, PhD Candidate in Translation Studies, TSU, Georgia

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Tinatin Sikharulidze, “Interpretation of one verse of Byron’s cycle of “Jewish Melodies”” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.46-50 September 2022
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9903

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Factors Influencing Disengagement from Violent Extremism A Case of Majengo-Pumwani Slum, Nairobi-Kenya

Kennedy Ochieng Mwai, Reginald Nalugala – September 2022- Page No.: 51-58

In Majengo-Pumwani slum in Nairobi City County, Kenya, many youths who had joined Al-Shabaab terrorist group in Somalia have quietly sneaked back into the community thus presenting a security risk to the rest of the society. Therefore, this study investigated the factors for disengagement and rehabilitation from violent extremism in Majengo-Pumwani slum.
The study used mixed method research design involving interviews, focus groups and survey. The study used Krejcie-Morgan sample table to calculate the optimum sample size giving a confidence level of 90% with an acceptable margin of 5% error. Quantitative data was coded, entered and analyzed by means of both inferential and descriptive statistics using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data.
Data collection instruments used in this study are questionnaires from 195 participants, key informant interview guides from 3 participants and focus group discussions with 17 participants. Based on this calculation, a total of 217 respondents participated in this study (n=217).
The main finding showed that the desire by extremist individuals to begin normal lives away from violence would make them shun and disengage from terrorism thus catalyzing their rehabilitation. Thus, a structured framework is necessary for rehabilitating Al-Shabaab extremists in Majengo Pumwani slum.
The study advocates for practical policy interventions for the disengagement and rehabilitation of returnees. These policy interventions should include providing education and skills development to the returnees, community involvement in their rehabilitation as well as having well established legal and institutional measures for conducive disengagement process.

Page(s): 51-58                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9906

 Kennedy Ochieng Mwai
Institute of Social Transformation, Tangaza University College, Kenya

 Reginald Nalugala
Lecturer Tangaza University College, Nairobi, Kenya

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Kennedy Ochieng Mwai, Reginald Nalugala “Factors Influencing Disengagement from Violent Extremism A Case of Majengo-Pumwani Slum, Nairobi-Kenya” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.51-58 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9906

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Assessment of Water Quality in Different Inlet and Outlet Canals of Kurunegala Lake, Sri Lanka

Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage Shiromi Himalika Dissanayaka, Kithalawa Arachchilage Supun Prabodha, Karthigayini Sacthivel – September 2022- Page No.: 59-64

Kurunegala Lake is one of the major drinking water supplying tanks in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka. Water quality assessment is vital for the sustainable management of drinking water resources. This study evaluated the temporal variability of water quality in different inlets and outlet canals of Kurunegala Lake. Three major inlets and one outlet canals connected to Kurunegala were identified, and one sampling location was selected from each of these canals. Water samples data were collected from each selected location in a one-month interval for three years. Water quality parameters were determined in each water sample, such as pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Dissolved Oxygen Level (DO), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3–N), and Available Phosphorus (Av.P) concentrations. This study showed that pH, DO, NO3–N, and Av.P of some of the water samples tested were within permissible levels according to WHO & SLS drinking water standards, CEA act. The inlet and outlet canals showed a temporal and spatial variation in water quality parameters during the study period. The results conclude that there is an impact of surrounding land use on water pollution in inlet water canals connected to Kurunegala Lake. Therefore, a pollution management plan is required to prevent further pollution by conducting future research.

Page(s): 59-64                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9907

 Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage Shiromi Himalika Dissanayaka
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.

 Kithalawa Arachchilage Supun Prabodha
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.

 Karthigayini Sacthivel
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.

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Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage Shiromi Himalika Dissanayaka, Kithalawa Arachchilage Supun Prabodha, Karthigayini Sacthivel, “Assessment of Water Quality in Different Inlet and Outlet Canals of Kurunegala Lake, Sri Lanka” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.59-64 September 2022
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9907

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Detection of Surface Water Bodies and Cyanobacterial Blooms using Satellite based Remote Sensing

U.A.D.N. Anuradha, M.A.A. Karunarathne – September 2022 – Page No.: 65-69

For many environmental applications, accurate surface water maps are crucial. It is possible to construct surface water maps by merging data from multiple sources. Due to sensor limitations, complex land cover, geography, and atmospheric conditions, accurate surface water estimation using satellite imagery is still a difficult undertaking. In this study, Sentinel 1 images from Google Earth Engine (GEE) was used to derive a high-resolution water mask. To overcome the limitation of visible satellite images which is the presence of clouds, on this research was focused on using Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors, like Sentinel-1, which penetrate clouds and permitting to get a view of the earth surface, even when clouds are presence. To validate the proposed method, it was applied to three study cases which are located in different climate zones in Sri Lanka. In the meanwhile, this research implemented a time series of Sentinel 2 satellite images from GEE to monitor the distribution of cyanobacterial blooms on those lakes. Recent years have seen an increase in the frequency and severity of cyanobacteria in recreational lakes and reservoirs, which has become a serious concern for the public’s health and a serious environmental danger. Monitoring cyanobacterial blooms serves as the foundation for early detection and treatment. Therefore, the results of this study could be used as a benchmark for future environmental monitoring and management of these Sri Lankan lakes and reservoirs.

Page(s): 65-69                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9908

  U.A.D.N. Anuradha
Department of Electronics, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kulitapitiya, Sri Lanka

 M.A.A. Karunarathne
Department of Electronics, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kulitapitiya, Sri Lanka

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U.A.D.N. Anuradha, M.A.A. Karunarathne, “Detection of Surface Water Bodies and Cyanobacterial Blooms using Satellite based Remote Sensing” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.65-69 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9908

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M-Mode ultrasonography in ocular emergencies

Hadi Khazaei. M.D., M.S., M.C.R., G. Seethapathy, MS, MRCS, FRCS Ed, FRCOphth (London), Alireza Mobaseri. M.D., Danesh Khazaei, John D Ng. M.D, M.S – September 2022 – Page No.: 70-72

M-Mode, or time-motion display, allows a single beam to emit from the ultrasound transducer along a defined track in conjunction with a recorder that captures all motions that occurs along the path. This mode allows high temporal resolution, thus affording the examiner an excellent view of subtle motions. Clinically, this mode is ideal for capturing vessel diameter changes, movement of cardiac valves, and detecting fetal heartbeats.
The use of the M-mode or time-dependent intensity modulated ultrasound technique for ophthalmologic investigations are described here. This technique provides the investigator with a means for monitoring structural changes in the eye during physiologic or pharmacologic experimental conditions, or a combination of both, and is particularly useful in studying optically inaccessible structures. The technique has been used to study accommodation changes in axial length and lens thickness as well as the rate of such changes and to study vascular pulsations and choroidal thickness changes at the rear wall of the eye.

Page(s): 70-72                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9909

 Hadi Khazaei. M.D., M.S., M.C.R.
Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, 97239, USA

 G. Seethapathy, MS, MRCS, FRCS Ed, FRCOphth (London)
Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, 97239, USA

 Alireza Mobaseri. M.D.
Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, 97239, USA

 Danesh Khazaei
Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, 97239, USA

 John D Ng. M.D, M.S
Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, 97239, USA

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[13] Hadi Khazaei. M.D., M.S., M.C.R.*, Alireza Mobaseri. M.D, Danesh Khazaei, John D Ng. M.D, M.S, Dr. G. Seethapathy, MS, MRCS, FRCS Ed, FRCOphth, “ORBITAL Ultrasonography a diagnosis tool in early cellulitis” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 7, pp.127-130 July 2022
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Hadi Khazaei. M.D., M.S., M.C.R., G. Seethapathy, MS, MRCS, FRCS Ed, FRCOphth (London), Alireza Mobaseri. M.D., Danesh Khazaei, John D Ng. M.D, M.S, “M-Mode ultrasonography in ocular emergencies” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.70-72 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9909

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Organizational Resilience and Change Management: Inputs to Management Effectiveness

Ivylou M. Flores – September 2022 – Page No.: 73-112

Management effectiveness influences the overall performance of an organization. This may be shown by achieving organizational goals and employee satisfaction even when change occurs. Organizational changes may involve changes in an organization’s structure and strategy that may be planned in advance or may be implemented because of a sudden shift in the environment. Alongside dealing with these distractions, change management helps an organization to implement strategies for inducing change, controlling change, and helping employees to adapt to change.
The organization understudy is the Department of Trade and Industry Laguna Provincial Office (DTI Laguna). This study describes organizational resilience and change management as inputs to management effectiveness. More specifically, it determines the assessment in organizational resilience in terms of capital resilience, strategic resilience, cultural resilience, relationship resilience, and learning resilience and the assessment in change management in terms of project management and corporate culture. Likewise, it determines if there is a significant relationship between assessment in organizational resilience and change management. Moreover, it proposes an action plan based on significant findings as inputs to management effectiveness.
The study uses a quantitative method of research to gather information on organizational resilience and change management. The entire population of the organization understudy is small; thus, the participants of the study are all 62 employees of DTI Laguna, including the management and support staff. The data gathering instrument is divided into three major parts (profile of the respondents, a questionnaire on organizational resilience using a 4-point Likert scale, and a questionnaire on change management using a 4-point Likert scale) and is tested for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha. An online survey tool (Google Forms) is used to gather the information.
The results are analyzed by a trained statistician using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences tool for frequency distribution and percentages, weighted mean, and ANOVA.
Based from the results, the employees agree on the assessment in organizational resilience in terms of capital resilience, strategic resilience, cultural resilience, and learning resilience. Employees strongly agree on the assessment in organizational resilience in terms of relationship resilience. There is a significant difference between assessment in organizational resilience in terms of strategic resilience, cultural resilience, relationship resilience, and learning resilience when grouped to length of service. There is a significant difference between assessment in organizational resilience in terms of capital resilience, strategic resilience, cultural resilience, and learning resilience when grouped to monthly income.
Moreover, based from the results, employees agree on the assessment in change management in terms of project management and corporate culture. Corporate culture was ranked first. There is a significant difference between assessment in change management in terms of project management and corporate culture when grouped to length of service and monthly income.
There is a significant relationship between assessment in organizational resilience in terms of capital resilience, strategic resilience, cultural resilience, relationship resilience, and learning resilience and assessment in change management in terms of project management and corporate culture.
The researcher recommends that the Office of the Provincial Director may want to increase connections with employees by devising online bulletin boards wherein employees’ thoughts (pulse survey perhaps) may be posted. Also, they may want to organize an in-house “mentor me” program wherein an open communication may be facilitated between the management and the employees. The quality management team may want to revisit the implementation of monthly staff meeting and quarterly management reviews to maintain management effectiveness. The Administrative and Finance Management Unit may want to further improve the level of trust of employees to the management by devising an online shared portal of status of funds that is to be updated from time to time.
Future researchers may do a similar study or may use other variables not included in this study. More so, they may want to compare two or more government agencies to know if they will come up with the same results.

Page(s): 73-112                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9910

 Ivylou M. Flores
Master in Business Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna, Philippines

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Ivylou M. Flores, “Organizational Resilience and Change Management: Inputs to Management Effectiveness” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.73-112 September 2022
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9910

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Cost, Returns and Constraints to Catfish Production in Lokoja Metropolis of Kogi State and Yenagoa Metropolis of Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Ologidi, P.O, Amaegberi H., and Onuche, U. September 2022 – Page No.: 113-117

This study examined the cost, returns and constraints to catfish production in Lokoja and Yenagoa metropolis in Kogi and Bayelsa state respectively, with the aim to ascertain the similarities and differences in the cost, returns and constraints of the two metropolises. Lokoja Metropolis has a population of 300 farmers and Yenagoa 370 farmers. A total of 90 catfish farmers from Lokoja and 110 from Yenagoa metropolis were surveyed using random sampling. Profitability analysis was done using gross margin analysis (GM), benefit cost ratio (BCR) and a mean position analysis utilising a 3-point Likert scale in ordering the biasness of the constraints. The study revealed Gross margin and benefit cost ratio to be N596.6 with a standard deviation of 68.9 and 2.2 for Lokoja metropolis and N692.95 with a standard deviation of 69.0 and 2.23 respectively for Yenagoa metropolis. The major constraints for both metropolises are inadequate finance, high cost and poor quality of fish seed, lack of adequate land, high cost of fish feed, inaccessibility to credit, high cost of hired labour and poor extension services. Recommendations from the study include Catfish farmers should form cooperatives/farmers/association to be a bloc to pool resources, ideas and gains. The government should inject the needed subsidies to boost the growth and development of cat fish production in Nigeria.

Page(s): 113-117                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 13 October 2022

 Ologidi, P.O
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Africa, Toru Orua, Sagbama, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

 Amaegberi H.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Africa, Toru Orua, Sagbama, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

 Onuche, U.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Africa, Toru Orua, Sagbama, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

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Ologidi, P.O, Amaegberi H., and Onuche, U. , “Cost, Returns and Constraints to Catfish Production in Lokoja Metropolis of Kogi State and Yenagoa Metropolis of Bayelsa State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.113-117 September 2022 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-9-issue-9/113-117.pdf

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Assessment of The Determinants of Wellness Seeking Behaviour Among Adults in Imo and Abia States, Nigeria
Uka-Kalu Chioma Ezinne; Oparaocha, E.T. September 2022 – Page No.: 118-127

The rationale for this research was to assess the determinants of wellness seeking behaviours among adults in Abia and Imo States, Nigeria. The research was guided by three null hypotheses. Specifically, the research was directed to ascertain whether there is significant effect of demographic factors on wellness seeking behavior among the adults in Imo and Abia States, whether there is significant effect of health service-based factors on wellness seeking behaviour among the adults in Imo and Abia States and if there is significant effect of socioeconomic factors on the wellness seeking behaviour among adults in Imo and Abia States. The study sampled 2,400 adults in total and 1,200 adults in each state using multi-stage and random sampling technique. The study was underpinned by one theory, which is: Health Belief Model. From the study results, the following were noted: there is a significant effect of health service-based factors on wellness seeking behaviour among the adults in Imo and Abia States, there is a significant effect of demographic factors on wellness seeking behavior among the adults in Imo and Abia States and there is a positive significant effect of the socioeconomic factors on the wellness seeking behaviour among adults in Imo and Abia States.

Page(s): 118-127                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 October 2022

 Uka-Kalu Chioma Ezinne

 Oparaocha, E.T.

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Uka-Kalu Chioma Ezinne; Oparaocha, E.T. , “Assessment of The Determinants of Wellness Seeking Behaviour Among Adults in Imo and Abia States, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.118-127 September 2022 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijrsi/digital-library/volume-9-issue-9/118-127.pdf

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Guidelines for Manufacturing Waterproof Partition Boards Using the Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) Waste from the Boatbuilding Sector

A.D.H.T. Wijerathne, M.T.T. Ranjan, U.I.K. Galappaththi – September 2022 – Page No.: 128-134

The manufacturing and disposal stages of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) boats become very significant since they generate environmentally hazardous waste. Although most boat manufacturers have upgraded their facilities to minimize waste, the amount of waste generated is directly proportional to the size of the FRP boats. One option for dealing with the waste generated by the FRP boatbuilding industry is to use FRP recyclate for the production of waterproof partition boards. Under the current research, eleven specific manufacturing guidelines for developing waterproof partition boards using recycled FRP waste were developed. Waterproof partition boards were made from crushed flakes from discarded FRP boats and manufacturing stage waste. The crushed FRP flakes of the disposed of boats and manufacturing stage waste were used as raw materials to produce partition boards, and a mechanical shredding process was employed to produce recyclates. The approximate thicknesses and the aspect ratios of the recyclates used to manufacture partition boards were 0.5–2 mm and 0.04–0.3, respectively.

Page(s): 128-134                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9911

 A.D.H.T. Wijerathne
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka

 M.T.T. Ranjan
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka

 U.I.K. Galappaththi
Far-UK Ltd., Nottingham, United Kingdom

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A.D.H.T. Wijerathne, M.T.T. Ranjan, U.I.K. Galappaththi, “Guidelines for Manufacturing Waterproof Partition Boards Using the Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) Waste from the Boatbuilding Sector” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.128-134 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9911

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Simulation and Construction of Fingerprint Vehicle Starter System Using Microcontroller

Samson Dauda Yusuf , Ahmed Dalhatu, Ibrahim Umar, Abdulmumini Zubairu Loko – September 2022 – Page No.: 135-144

The rising number of vehicle thefts is becoming an issue particularly in Nigeria where the security system is porous. Vehicle security system has become very important and vital in providing personal security for our cars. In this study, simulation and construction of a fingerprint vehicle starter system was carried out using Arduino Uno ATmega328 microcontroller. The circuit was simulated using Proteus ver8.0 via Arduino compiler programming language using embedded C language. The stages of the circuit consisting of regulated power supply, fingerprint module, microcontroller, LCD, motor output driver, and buzzer unit. The hardware prototype of the circuit was constructed on a PCB board and performance evaluated test was carried out with 150 trials in 5 stages, with 4 authorized users and 1 unauthorized user. The specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of the device was calculated. Results shows that, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 96%, 97% and 97%. This implies that finger print vehicle detector will correctly accept and give access to 96% authorized users, correctly deny 97% unauthorized users, but will fail to accept 4% authorized users, and give access to 3% unauthorized users. Also, vehicle starting using the constructed device is only successful for authenticated users and we are 97% sure. Evaluation carried out under the measured performance metrics were able to be compared and analyze distribution scores of both authorized and unauthorized users with satisfactory result. The device can be recommended for vehicle security and other similar operations.

Page(s): 135-144                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9912

 Samson Dauda Yusuf
Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria

 Ahmed Dalhatu
ICT/Technical Service Department, News Agency of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria

 Ibrahim Umar
Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria

 Abdulmumini Zubairu Loko
Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria

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Samson Dauda Yusuf , Ahmed Dalhatu, Ibrahim Umar, Abdulmumini Zubairu Loko, “Simulation and Construction of Fingerprint Vehicle Starter System Using Microcontroller” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.135-144 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9912

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Assessment of the Need for Polygamy Among Men in Southern Sierra Leone, A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Regina Baby Sesay, Sheku Seppeh – September 2022 – Page No.: 145-161

The belief system of most Sierra Leoneans is highly glued to their culture, religion, and tradition. As a result, most Sierra Leoneans regard polygamy as a legal married institution. However, in recent years, civilization and western religions, like Christianity, have not only forbidden the act of polygamy among married men but have also highlighted some of the cons (or disadvantages) of their involvement in the act of polygamy. This has gradually changed the belief system of most Sierra Leoneans and has resulted in a gradual decline in the number of wives adored by most provincial men. As a result of the decline in the number of wives acquired by married men, the acquisition of numerous girlfriends and concubines (also called side chicks) by most provincial men has risen in recent years. The reason for this uncontrollable desire for involvement in the act of polygamy by most provincial men is yet to be investigated. To maintain a peaceful society in relation to the institution of marriage, the need to understand the main drive (or reason) behind polygamy is vital. This research work, therefore, aims at identifying the main factors influencing the need (or desire) for polygamy among provincial men in the southern part of Sierra Leone. To achieve this, a two-stage cluster sampling methodology was adopted to randomly select 600 men from the selected chiefdoms in the Moyamba district. Considering the research objective and the latent nature of the dependent and independent variables involved, a structural equation modeling methodology was used in the analysis to identify the main factors influencing the provincial men’s need or desire to be involved in the act of polygamy. Out of the four structural equation models used in the analysis, model 2 with dependent latent variable,” intention” and independent latent variables: “Attitudes” and “Subjective Norms” (like social recognition, ethnicity and desire for children) was found to be more plausible with outstanding fitness as it passed all the fitness tests including the chi-square test. The result of the empirical analysis using the structural equation models showed that there are positive and significant relationships between the dependent latent variable, “polygamy” and each of the independent latent variables, social norms, and perceived behavioral control. The result also showed that a positive and significant relationship existed between the dependent latent variable “intention” for polygamy and each of the independent latent variables: subjective norms, attitude, and perceived behavioral control.

Page(s): 145-161                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 October 2022

DOI : 10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9913

 Regina Baby Sesay
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Technology, Njala University, Njala, Sierra Leone

 Sheku Seppeh
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Technology, Njala University, Njala, Sierra Leone

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Regina Baby Sesay, Sheku Seppeh, “Assessment of the Need for Polygamy Among Men in Southern Sierra Leone, A Structural Equation Modeling Approach” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) vol.9 issue 9, pp.145-161 September 2022 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2022.9913

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