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Contribution Of Advertisement In Construction Of Identity.

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IX, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2321–2705

Contribution Of Advertisement In Construction Of Identity.

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Calcutta, India

IJRISS Call for paper


Identity –construction is a gradual process of unfolding of potentialities of self. Entire process is akin to socialization from the functional perspective. It is none the less important to mention that in today’s world media play the most prominent role in formation of identity. Advertisement is situated within a system of visual representation. Moreover, in every aspect advertisement has given some sort of messages. It would include the process of identity construction in its fold. Actually identity is constructed through the process of response of events, interactions, relationships and even situations. The role of advertisement is note worthy in this matter. Actually advertisement negotiates an identity. Impact of advertisements varies from one individual to another with respect to different interpretations. Traditional homogenous identity turns into heterogeneous through the intervention of ad world. Scope of uniqueness in identity increases the chance of presence of multiple directionalities. Now consumerism becomes the buzz word. In this information society identity is defined in consumerist term. Hence advertisement acts as a bridge through which a complete identity begins to maturate.


Contemporary livings entail manifold processes of contemplation with enormous opportunities of execution. Variations commence to take place from the very foundation of socialization. The spell of multiplicity continues through out the life in each and every sphere. Personality of individual is no exception. Henceforth the conceptualization related to identity has got a innovative dimension in this ever shifting era. Perception of self is known as identity in common parlance. Identity construction incorporates the process of gradual unfolding of potentialities though there can be some sparks of instant feelings. During the life long phase of identity construction several agents have to play significant role. All important agents like family, educational institutions, work place and mass media have designated role in shaping identity of an individual. In this information society, lifestyle becomes inseparable from mass media. Among all other resources of media advertisement deserves special attention for its overwhelmed and far reaching impact in the life of individual. In this paper an attempt is made to discuss the role of advertisement in creation of individual identity.

METHODOLOGY: The study is based on secondary sources like articles in journals and books. The concerned objectives of the study are – 1] To discuss the process of identity construction through advertisements and 2] To establish the link between advertisement in the process of identity construction.
PURPOSE OF RESEARCH : Contemporary world is governed by advertisements in several media. Mediated human life is holistically transformed the outlook of individual. Branding as a buzz word enters in the scenario with the solid foundation of cultural expansion with a connotation of globalization. The purpose of research moves around the focal point of consequential attribution of transformed self as well as identity in considering the effectiveness of advertisement. Truly the shaping of identity is influenced by advertisement directly as well as indirectly in the mediated life –world. Creation of identity essentially links with specific steps, today each and every step has direct connection with advertisement. Hence, the impact study involving the inter relationship between ad and identity becomes a serious issue of academic discussion. In terms of research orientation two issues are highly significant in the periphery of serious discussion. One is the implication of the procedural transformation of self with respect to the impact of advertisement (question focusing on ‘what’) . Simultaneously question arising on the inter connection between advertisement and identity of individual ( question regarding the issue revolving on ‘how’).