RSIS International

Effects of Variable Pressure Gradient on Magnetohydrodynamic Flow between Parallel Plates considering Variable Transverse Magnetic Fields

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Effects of Variable Pressure Gradient on Magnetohydrodynamic Flow between Parallel Plates considering Variable Transverse Magnetic Fields

Priscilla Twili Kimanthi., Isaac Chepkwony
Department of mathematics and actuarial sciences, Kenyatta Universit, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract- Analysis of the effects of applying variable pressure gradient to a Magnetohydrodynamic fluid flowing between two parallel plates under the influence of variable transverse magnetic fields are investigated. The study involves a steady, incompressible hydromagnetic fluid flowing through parallel plates. The upper plate is considered porous moving in the opposite direction to the fluid flow while the lower plate remains stationary. The results obtained shows that velocity profiles decreases whenever Reynold number, magnetic number or suction parameter is increased. As the pressure gradient is increased, velocity of the flow increased but temperature decreased. Also, increase in suction number yields to increase in temperature profile.

Index Terms- Magnetohydrodynamic flow, porous parallel plates, variable pressure gradient, variable transverse magnetic fields.


Liquids and gases are commonly referred to as fluids. Incompressible fluid flow between parallel plates normal to them is referred to as Hartmann. Hartmann number is defined to as the ratio of electromagnetic force to the viscous force experienced by fluid flow through magnetic fields. Under magnetic fields, the flow of an electrically conducting fluid induces electric currents and therefore Lorentz force is developed.
Manyonge, et al (2012) investigated two dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic poiseuille flow of incompressible steady fluid. The fluid was flowing between porous channel influenced by slanting magnetic field and uniform pressure gradient. The analysis obtained showed that velocity distribution decreased as magnetic field strength increased. Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic couette flow between infinite porous plates where the lower plate was considered porous past sloped magnetic field with heat transmission was analyzed by Joseph, et al (2014). They found out that energy losses were reduced by high magnetic field. Singh (2014) studied steady laminar flow of viscous incompressible fluid between two parallel infinite plates with constant pressure gradient. The results showed that increase of inclination of magnetic field decreased velocity profile.