International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Environment Friendly Pest Control
Pooja M S, Shilpashree M, Srilakshmi B G, Sushma J, Swathi K
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
Abstract: – A pest is a animal or plant detriment to human or human concerns including crops, livestock and forestry. Pest cause damage to agriculture by feeding on crops or parasitizing livestock such as codling moth on apple or boll weevil on cotton.
There are 68000 insect species, 40000 species of fungus and many more microorganisms, the large proportion of which alter the normal development of plant. Food must be produced to sustain a growing world population. Globally one third of species are lost due to pests, weeds and diseases. According to a global pest damage record about 38% of cereals, 32% of irish potato,45% of vegetables and 29% of citrus, grapes and other fruits are damaged due to pests. Eradicating of pests using chemically composed pesticides causes damage to agriculture and are not safe for consumers.
Hence we proposed project with title ‘ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY PEST CONTROL’ which is solar driven and uses piezoelectric transducer and ultrasonic repeller device to repel the pests away from the crops.
Since we use solar power and sensor crop management becomes much simpler and economical. The solar energy system and low power repeller circuit driven by harvested solar energy has been employed in the proposed system to replace the use of chemical repellents. The sun tracking system has been employed to improve the efficiency of solar panel to recharge the batteries which are capable of driving the repeller during night time. The proposed repeller system will be ON for 11 hours (6 P.M- 5 A.M). The proposed system consumes very low power of 0.735W and covers the large area of 255 square meters.
Environment monitoring is an IOT application which helps to monitors the environment condition of any locality or surrounding and the condition can be viewed by everybody with the help of internet. This application is more effective, rapid in providing environment conditions. It helps the individuals or government to take remedial actions if the condition of the environment becomes abnormal.
1.1 Introduction
Agriculture in India is still carried out in conventional way and lags behind in integrating modern technologies. Around 55% of Indian population has been engaged in agriculture and allied activities which constitute only 15% of GDP so it becomes much important for the stockholders involved to come out of the conventional agricultural practices and modernize the agriculture using technology.