International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Evaluation of Lower Usuma Dam Water Quality for Domestic Supply (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria
Emmanuel Samuel Danbauchi
Department of Geography and Environmental Management University of Abuja, Nigeria
Abstract: Dams are physical attempt of human being to reserved water for distribution in period of scarcity. Lower Usuma Dam was constructed to meet to the demand of quality water supply to the inhabitant of FCT, Abuja. This study evaluates the water quality of Lower Usuma dam for domestic supply. Qualitative research design was used for ten (10) samples that were collected covering specific points of procurement, processes and delivery of quality water supply which were analysed accordingly in a laboratory base on standard measurement for physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters. Using National Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) standard to evaluate water quality of Lower Usuma Dam, the result revealed acceptance in the physical and chemical parameters in a large extent but high concentration in bacteriological parameters above the maximum recommendation given by NSDWQ. Thus, the water quality of Lower Usuma Dam in Abuja has not met the acceptable standard for drinking at random but can be used for other domestic purpose.
Keywords: Abuja, Bacteriological, Chemical, Physical, Water quality, Usuma Dam
The availability of water is required in quantity and quality for the sustenance of human population, animals and agricultural. Most especially, human activities intensely increases much more than it had been in the past (Ujoh, Ikyernum and Ifatimehin, 2012. Despite advances in drilling, irrigation and purification, the location, quality, quantity, ownership and control of potable water remains of important concern. This is in light of the fact that the earth’s total stock of water resources are hardly increasing, but water demand continues to increase due to population increase even in the face of surface and ground water pollution.