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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Factors Contributing to High Teenage Marriages in Chibombo District in Zambia: A Case of Mungule Ward in Katuba Constituency.

Victor Silumbwe
Department of Management Studies. DMI St. Eugene University, Zambia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to explore on factors contributing to high teenage marriages in Chibombo District: a case of Mungule ward in Katuba Constituency, particularly in Mutakwa, and Matchaya villages. The study sort to identify the drivers of teenage marriages and to establish the social, cultural and economic factors that promote teenage marriages.
The methods used to get sample area which has 48 villages included Simple random in which sampling was used to get 100 respondents who were female and male representing others in other villages. Moreover purposive sampling was also used to get answers from traditional leadership and members of the organisations from the respective village under the sampled area.
Research instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, interview guides and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) whereby girls, boys, parents and members of organisation that work within the study area were contacted to get the reality.
Then factors which contribute to early marriage among teenagers in Mungule ward in Katuba Constituency revealed to be; Inadequate sex education, Peer pressure, Conformity, Influence of mass media, Lack of transparency, Shame, Traditional practices and Unemployment.
It is recommended that Government through the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and the Ministry of Gender may conduct extensive outreach programmes concerning early marriage and HIV/AIDS infections especially by addressing the factors which contribute to early marriage and also involving teenagers in decision making that can change community mind set to abandon that practice.


1.0 Introduction

This chapter gives the background of the study. It provides the statement of the problem, research design as well as the research hypothesis. The purpose of the study is explained. The chapter also presents questions which will guide the study and the significance of the study. Lastly this chapter outline the scope of the study.

1.1 Background of The Study

Marriage is a social institution that unites people in a special form of mutual dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. As a social practice entered into through a public act, religious or traditional ceremony, it reflects the

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