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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Presence of Salmonella spp from Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) Sold in Ibadan, Nigeria

Olayinka Olabisi Ishola*, Seto Charles Ogunleye, Olayemi Akinsola Okunlade, Olufemi Bolarinwa Adedeji
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Salmonella spp. are classified as part of the non-indigenous bacteria of fish. They play an important role in fish spoilage and causing foodborne diseases in humans manifested as enteric fever, bacteremia, gastroenteritis, and/or death. Majority of 1.3 billion annual cases of salmonella cause human gastroenteritis resulting from the ingestion of contaminated food products. Salmonella isolation from food materials and its resistance to antibiotics are of great global public health concerns. This study, therefore, investigated the prevalence and antibiogram of Salmonella spp.from O. niloticussold in Ibadan. A total number of 156 samples consisting of gills (n=52), intestines (n=52) and skins (n=52) were collected from 52 O. niloticus from Egbeda, Ido, Ibadan North-East and Ibadan North-West Local Government Areas (LGA) for bacteriological analysis. Salmonella isolation and identification were performed using ISO 6579, 2017 standard methods and antibiogram was performed with agar disk diffusion method. Data were analysed using ANOVA and students t-test at p&lt=0.05. Overall prevalence of Salmonella of 12.5% was obtained (Gill= 8.3%; Intestine= 4.2% and Skin= 0.0%). Isolates exhibited multidrug resistance patterns comprising: 100.0% (Ceftazidime, Cefuroxime and Meropenem), 91.7% (Cefotaxime), 83.3% (Tetracycline), 50.0% (Cotrimoxazole), 33.3% (Ceftriaxone and Gentamycin), 25.0% (Chloramphenicol), 16.7% (Amikacin) and 8.3% (Ciprofloxacin). The prevalence of Salmonella sppin O. niloticussold to Ibadan populace indicates high levels of contamination and portends public health risks. High resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics signifies abuse and indiscriminate disposal of antibiotics and possible transmission of resistant genes to fish consumers.

Keywords: Salmonella, Antibiogram, and Oreochromis niloticus.


Aquaculture has been known as the fastest growing source of protein production for human consumption worldwide [1,2] whilst Oreochromis niloticus has been identified as the most cultured fish around the world [3]. The production and consumption of fish in Nigeria has been a major source of animal protein competing favourably with meat. Tilapia belongs to Cichlidae family of ray-finned fish, characterized by a single nostril on each side of the head, an interrupted lateral line, and lack of subocular shelf [4]. They inhabit a variety of water habitats [4] and true tilapias are native only to Africa and the Middle East [5, 6]. It is widely accepted in most parts of the country because of its unique taste, flavor and good texture. Tilapia is characteristically accepted worldwide for low saturated fat, calories, carbohydrates, and sodium contents, good protein source with micronutrients such as phosphorus, niacin, selenium, vitamin B12, and potassium

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