RSIS International

The Crisis in Yemen and Security Implications in the Middle East

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

The Crisis in Yemen and Security Implications in the Middle East

Sylvester Ekpudu

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Abstract:-This paper examined the Yemen crisis with a view to ascertaining its implication on the Middle East. The theory that was used for the study was the Institutional theory. The paper addressed issues that have to do with conceptual clarifications such as; the concept of security and regional crisis. The study adopted ex-post factor research design as the research design while data for the study was through secondary sources such as journal article, text books magazine newspapers and institutional documents and the content analysis method was adopted in the analysis. The findings of the paper among others revealed that the organized crime, corruption, terrorism and challenges of aid delivery have arisen as a result of the Yemen crisis and consequently it has affected the region in terms of humanitarian crisis which have made citizen of Yemen move to countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman and Djibouti. The finding of the paper further showed the security implications of the Yemen crisis on Iran and Saudi Arabia has for all intent brought about the proliferation of small arms, smuggling and piracy have affected the countries in the region. The paper recommended among others that the international community must make every effort to end the conflict in Yemen by developing mechanisms and strategies which would take into account the interests of all parties involved in this conflict and effective control of the circulation of small arms be ensured through the establishment of coherent legal and regulatory framework to control the circulation of small arms.

Keywords: Security, regional crisis, middle east, humanitarian crisis, terrorism


The current conflict in Yemen has roots dating back to 2004, but which greatly escalated in the autumn of 2014 when the rebel group known as the Houthis intensified attacks on the Yemeni government and President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi. This situation has made the Republic of Yemen faces various security challenges, persistently endangering its unity and stability.