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The Woman’s Face In Uqūd Al-Lujain: Study of Misogynist Hadith

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Woman’s Face In Uqūd Al-Lujain: Study of Misogynist Hadith

Muhammad Fuad Zain
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto, Jl. Jend. A Yani No 40 A Purwokerto 53126

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The book of Uqūd al-Lujain fi Bayan Ḣuqūq al-Zawjain by Shaykh Nawawi al-Jawi al-Bantani is a thin book in the field of fiqh-tasawuf which is often taught in NU madrassa’s which discussabout husband-wife relations, consist of four chapters. In each chapter there are several verses of the Qur’an, hadith, opinions of scholars and Sufi stories that are mostly quoted from the Ihya, ‘Umdat, al-Jawāhir, Syarh Nihayah, al-Asmu’iy, and al-Zawajir. The depiction of a woman’s face in the Uqud al-Lujain that women’s position as the second being after men. This depiction can be seen from the role of women who only carry out domestic activities [cooking, make up, andgiving birth] or sleeping companions. This culture was formed in the beginning of Islam, so that in the present era it is necessary to read and re-understand the books that are less relevant to the times. Regarding whether the traditions in the Uqud al-Lujain contain misagonists or not need to read with hadith criticism and understanding of the hadith.Here Sheikh Nawawi seems to be more inclined to only use hadith criticism, so that there are many traditions that are less positioned more for more women in domestic life.

Keywords:woman’s face; Uqūd al-Lujain; misagonists; husband-wife relations.


The book of ‘Uqūd al-Lujain fi Bayan Ḣuqūq al-Zawjain by Shaykh Nawawi al-Jawi al-Bantani is a thin book in the field of fiqh-tasawuf which is often taught in madrasa and Islamic boarding schools in Nahdlatul Ulama, this book is also mentioned in the Arabic dictionary al-Munjid(Ma‘lūf, 1987). This book discusses a lot of husband and wife relationships which are presented in four chapters. In each chapter there are several verses of the Qur’an, hadith, opinions of scholars and Sufi stories which are mostly quoted from the book of Iḥya al-Ghazali, Umdat, al-Jawāhir, Syrian Nihayah, al-Asmu’iy, and al -Zawajir. However, in the reduction of the proposition, especially the hadith and asar of Shahaba, Shaykh Nawawi rarely explains the position or credibility of the hadith.
In the scientific tradition of Nahdlatul Ulama, usually the parents before marrying their children they provide household unification, that is found in the Uqud al-Lujain. It is hoped,by studying this book, their lives will be happy, peace, love and affection mawaddah, mercy and avoid from divorce. Although the divorce in Islam is permissible for the right reasons, as the hadith narrated by Ibn Umr“Abghad al-halal alā Allah al-ṭalāq [the most lawful deeds hated by Allah are divorces]”(Daud, 1990).

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