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Sustainable Marketing Practices and Patronage Behavior of iPhone 13 Smart Phone.

  • OLISE Moses C
  • EKEH Angela Raluchukwu
  • OJIAKU Obinna Christian
  • 1473-1482
  • Jun 19, 2023
  • Business Management

Sustainable Marketing Practices and Patronage Behavior of iPhone 13 Smart Phone.

OLISE Moses C, EKEH Angela Raluchukwu, OJIAKU Obinna Christian

Department of marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe university, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria


Received: 07 May 2023; Accepted: 17 May 2023; Published: 19 June 2023


This research work is on the effect of sustainable marketing on student purchase behavior of iPhone 13. Sustainable marketing is the process of the creation, communication and delivery of consumption values to the consumer with a view to meet their needs and observe the requirements of environment preservation without jeopardizing the possibilities of meeting the needs of future generations. Consumer purchase behaviour is the selection and consumption of goods and services for the satisfaction of their wants. It is also the sum total of a consumer’s attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions regarding the consumer’s behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or service. iPhone 13 is a sustainable phone which many students use. Consumer purchase behavior and the Theory of Planned Behavior explains the relationship between some factors and human behavior, though not exhaustive. The aim of this study is to know the extent sustainable marketing affect student purchase behavior of iPhone 13, and this will be achieved using consumer attitude and green marketing tools (eco labeling, eco advertisement, eco branding) as variables to measure this study. Four hypotheses were formulated in line with the above objective. The population of the study was made up of undergraduate student of Nnamdi Azikiwe University. The sample size was calculated to be 400.  A structured questionnaire was used for collecting data for this research work. Both primary and secondary data was used for clarity. Multiple regression was used to test for the effect of the sustainable marketing variables on purchase behavior (student) with the aid of SPSS version 20. The researcher tested for the level of significance and effect of sustainable marketing on students purchase behavior on iPhone. The result showed that there is a statistically significant effect of sustainable marketing on student purchase behavior of iPhone 13. Recommendation was also made.

Key words: sustainable marketing, purchase behavior, eco labelling, eco advertisement, consumer behavior, consumer attitude, iPhone 13.


Sustainability combines concerns for the economy (profit), the environment (planet), and society (people). Even with the technology available now, the globe can still experience natural resource deficit in a matter of years. This issue was already a concern twenty years ago, but it is now far more serious. In a society where resources must be conserved, sustainability is a major concern, as indicated by the rising topics. The major environmental problems caused by consumption are twofold: depletion of resources and the pollution caused by manufacture and distribution (Abeliotis, Koniari, and Sardianou, 2010). The concept of sustainability is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives and consumers will reward businesses that operate honestly and strive for sustainable results. This has given rise to sustainable marketing which is a means to promoting responsible product that will not have a negative impact on the environment.

Sustainable marketing is relatively a new idea in marketing, and its crucial for the advancement of sustainability in both companies’ productions and consumer purchase behavior. It can also be seen as the promotion of eco and socially responsible products, practices and brand values. Sustainable marketing seeks to encourage sustainable consumer behavior and provide appropriate product with the purpose of achieving economic and environmental sustainability.

Sustainable purchase behavior is a decision process and activities people involve in purchasing and using an ecofriendly product. Over the years, apple has produced many series of iPhone. For every purchase made, there are factors that contributed to the decision made to buy the products. Most of these factors are uncontrollable and beyond the hands of marketers but they have to be considered while trying to understand the complex behavior of the consumers. This study is within the theme of consumer behavior which has been always of great interest to marketers. The knowledge of consumer behavior helps the marketer to understand how consumers think, feel and select from alternatives like products, brands and how the consumers are influenced by their environment, the reference groups, family, and salespersons and so on. There has been increase in the purchase of Apple iPhone 13 by students due to its picture quality and other features. iPhone 13 was introduced in the year 2021 as a sustainable or ecofriendly phone. iPhone CEO Tim Cook stated that iPhone held top market-share spots around the world, including in the US and Australia, where it was among the top five.

 For the sake of this study, the researcher has picked some variables in which to measure the effects of sustainable marketing over students purchase behavior. Research has shown that research showed that cooperate social responsibility and green marketing tools are the two major base for sustainable marketing. Cooperate social responsibility involves action taken when a company seeks to improve its environmental and social impact on the public. Theis steps taken by the company goes a long way to form consumers’ attitude. In this case apple took a cooperate social responsibility steps by producing iPhone 13, this goes a long way in forming students and consumer behavior towards the purchase iPhone 13, which will be disclosed in this study. Green marketing tools such as eco labelling, eco branding and eco advertisement is used by the company to market and to promote the use of iPhone among students.

In light of the discussion above, the current study seeks to answer the following research questions:

  1. what extent does consumers attitude affect consumer purchase behavior of iPhone 13?
  2. what extent does eco labelling affect consumer purchase behavior of iPhone 13?
  3. what extent does eco branding affect consumer purchase behavior of iPhone 13?
  4. what extent does environmental advertisement affect consumer purchase behavior of iPhone 13?


Related Theories and Previous Studies

Kotler, Philip, & Kevin Lane Keller (2006) defined sustainable marketing as a highlight on identifying and satisfying the needs of the consumers and businesses today and continuing that in the future. They further made it clear that a smoothly operated marketing system with consumers, companies and public policy makers functioning jointly with social responsibility and market ethics is required for sustainable marketing. Heck & Yidan (2013) examined the effect of sustainable marketing and brand equity on consumer purchase behavior. The study found out that Sustainable marketing is crucial in removing obstacles to sustainable consumption by equipping customers with the information, drive, and resources they need to use and dispose of products sustainably. Kochina Kristina (2019) examined consumer buying behavior and consumers’ attitude on sustainable production and consumption in the Food and Beverage Sector. using the theory of planned behavior, findings shows that Subjective norms, Control on availability, Perceived consumer effectiveness and Attitude were found to have significant impact on purchase intention. Purchasing intention also affect purchasing behavior significantly. The study contributed in understanding the relative importance of determinants affecting the purchase intention for environmentally sustainable products. Furthermore, Seretny Marek &Seretny Aleksandra(2012), explained that the underlying philosophy of “Sustainable Marketing”, which Kotler calls Marketing 3.0, seems to be a business model that could meet the people’s needs, increase the efficiency of the development of global society, create new jobs and raise the level and quality of life for today and tomorrow. He also stated that in the first instance, marketers are responsible for promoting sustainable consumption, which was placed as a key challenge for the global community at the Earth. Sustainable marketing is not only related with the production and the delivery of the firm, but also it is related to the environment. In the researchers view, green marketing and cooperate social responsibility are merely tools to implement sustainable marketing. Corporate social responsibility represents companies’ ability to promote community growth and development as well as voluntarily eradicate activities that are not in conformity with public interest.  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can have a positive impact on society and help to build a healthier community, but it can also be a part of a successful company marketing plan. The positive impact of cooperate social responsibility of a company towards the community helps to develop the customers or consumers attitude, by this I mean that cooperate social responsibility is one of the major factors that builds consumer attitude and hunger towards environmentally friendly products. The green tools are eco labelling, eco branding and eco advertisement.

Definition and features of independent variables.

The researcher’s independent variable in this study are attitudes, eco labelling, eco branding and eco advertisement.

i. Attitude.

Attitudes is the sum of all our knowledge, attitudes, prejudices, positive and negative that we think of when we consider the is also referred to as general consumer feelings of favorable or unfavorable experience towards the use sustainable product. It consists of a group of beliefs about the behavior and the expected outcomes of the behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977). According to the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen and Fishbein, it states that people consider the implication of their action before engaging in their behavior. Vermeir and Verbeke (2006) argued that having a positive attitude toward sustainable products is basic in stimulating sustainable purchase. Attitude deals with perceived knowledge and Paladino (2010) perceived knowledge plays a crucial part in the buying decisions of consumers concerning sustainable products. There has been a past argument which says that positive attitudes toward environmental protection, fair trade, and local production are also major facilitators of sustainable purchasing. According to certain studies, customers are more unsure about the products to choose since they have inadequate information and don’t grasp the effects of their decisions.  Students purchase attitude towards a particular product predicts their intention to buy. Consequently, the first research hypothesis is:

Hypothesis 1: Student attitude has a significant effect on students purchase behavior of iPhone 13.

ii. Eco labelling.

This is one of the significant sustainable marketing tools used in sustainability which help in the identification of sustainable products. Labels consist of a range of small pieces of paper, up to very complex diagrams that are included as a part of the goods packaging(Delafrooz et al., n.d.). Environmentally friendly labelling has two effects on customer behavior. First, they make sustainable products a valued attribute at the moment of sale. Second, they allow customers to compare prices the normal and the sustainable product. Steffen Schmidt, Sascha Langner1, (2019) mentioned three factors impact brand knowledge transfer: sufficient ecolabel brand fit, early ecolabel recognition time, and distinct implicit and explicit knowledge acquisition. Second, using ecolabelling in packaging to integrate implicit and explicit sustainability into brand knowledge appears to be an effective branding approach. study, has shown that awareness of eco-label has a positive effect between the knowledge of a green product and consumer’s intention to purchase(Delafrooz et al., n.d.).

Hypothesis 2: Eco labelling has a significant effect on students purchase behavior of iPhone 13.

iii. Eco branding

The American Marketing Association define a brand as “a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or the combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of a competitor. An environmentally friendly brand is a name, symbol, or design for environmentally friendly items. Using environmentally friendly brand elements can help buyers distinguish them from other non-sustainable products. Emotional brand benefits are a key driver of consumers’ actual purchase behavior change toward eco-friendly products. According to Hartmann et al, there are several different emotional brand benefits, including benefits connected to well-being, auto-expression through socially visible consumption, and benefits relating to the environment. For marketers and market analysts, understanding customer brand choice is crucial. Brand equity is the term for this result. Brand equity is characterized as information that influences how consumers react to marketing in various ways. Similar to how environmentally friendly products are promoted, environmentally friendly products that generally emphasize the environment should be utilized to showcase the status of sustainable products.

Hypothesis 3: Eco branding has a significant effect on students purchase behavior of iPhone 13.

Iv. Eco advertisement.

Sustainable green marketing initiatives advanced, especially in the area of environmental advertising, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The majority of businesses have opted to use environmental advertisements in the media or newspapers to market their products to consumers who are environmentally conscious, in line with the growth of sustainable movements around the world and the public’s awareness of environmental issues. The goal of environmental advertising was to influence consumers’ purchasing decisions by enticing them to make environmentally friendly purchases and drawing their attention to the benefits of doing so.

Hypothesis 4: Eco advertisement has a significant effect on students purchase behavior of iPhone 13.

Conceptual Farmwork

Based on the literature review, research hypotheses, and research objective, the conceptual framework of this study is developed and shown in Figure 1.

Research Framework (Researchers own Conceptualization, 2023).

Previous studies on sustainable marketing have examined various personal, psychological and social factors influencing consumers’ eco- logically and socially conscious purchasing, but none of the studies has explored the knowledge (eco labeling, eco branding, eco advertisement, attitude of the students) dimension of students on sustainability which is the back born of their intentions to purchase sustainably.

Consumer Purchase Behavior

Consumer purchasing behavior is defined as: final consumer behavior during the purchase(Delafrooz et al., n.d Delafrooz, N., Taleghani, M., & Nouri, B.). it is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society (Retrieved August 10, 2022).it is also refereed to the sum total of a consumer’s attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions regarding the consumer’s behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or service. (Ramya, N., & Ali, M.,2016) defined Consumer buying behaviour as the selection, purchase and consumption of goods and services for the satisfaction of their wants. One of the factors that aids in fulfilling marketing objectives is an awareness of consumer purchasing behaviour; without this information, it is challenging to attract new clients.


A questionnaire survey using the convenience sampling approach was conducted in collecting data from undergraduates at Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A pre-test was performed, and the reliability of the instrument was determined using the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. the overall Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the survey instrument is 0.831. this shows that the instrument(questionnaire) used for data collecting is a good tool. The total of 400 student were respondent that participated in the study. The students were 18 to 30 years of age, and their demographics are presented in Table 1. For collecting necessary information, the researcher designed a measuring instrument (structured questionnaire) based on the scale items of previous studies. Respondents (students) were asked to understand the questions carefully and give their views on the questionnaire so that readability and clarity will further be improved and used. The research instrument (questionnaire) was divided into two sections (Section A and Section B). Section A aimed to elicit information about the respondents’ bio-data. Section B deals with the subject matter at hand. The bio data is captured under the following heading gender, educational level, sponsors occupation, level of income of sponsors. While section B measured the construct of sustainable marketing using the five-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, strongly agree, agree). Respondents are required to tick the boxes depending on how much they agree or disagree with each question. multiple regression will be used to analyze data and to test for the direct/ indirect effect of software called IBM SPSS version 20. The responses of the respondents were put in tables with their frequencies and percentages. Linear regression is used to know there is any effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable using a known data.


The number of students that responded to the survey are 400. 97.2% of the questionnaire were returned while 2.78% of the questionnaire were missing or not returned. This is clearly stated in table 1.

Table 1 Distribution and Collection of copies of the Questionnaire

Section 1 Quantity Percentage (%)
Returned copies of Questionnaire 391 97.2
Unreturned copies of Questionnaire 9 2.78
Total copies of questionnaire distributed 400 100

Table 2 shows regression analysis outcomes that indicate the relation of attitude, eco labelling, eco branding and eco advertisement (independent variables) on consumer purchasing behavior (dependent variable). The values of multi-correlation coefficients (R) can lie between -1 and +1. According to the model summary of multi regressions in Table 2, the multiple R is 0.835, this means that there is a positive or highly linear relationship between sustainable marketing elements and consumer purchase behavior.

As can be seen in Table 2, R-square is equal to 0.69 approximately 70% of the total variability in the student purchase behavior is explained by student attitude and green marketing tools (eco labelling, eco branding, eco advertisement).

Table 2 Model summery.

Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .835a .698 .697 32.788

Source: Researchers computation using SPSS version 20

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) in Table 3 is used to test whether the overall regression model is a good fit for the data. The table shows that the independent (eco labelling, eco branding, eco advertisement) statistically significant predicts dependent variable (students purchase behavior). F= 673.863, p (0.00) < 0.05 (i.e., regression model is a good fit). which means that the four sustainable marketing elements are significant to students purchase behavior.

Table 3 ANOVA of multiple regression

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2897766.959 4 724441.740 673.863 .000b
Residual 1255668.030 1168 1075.058
Total 4153434.989 1172

Source: Researchers computation using SPSS version 20

The coefficient table is one of the important tables that could be used to explain the relationship between sustainable marketing and consumer purchase behavior and to test the hypothesis.

Table 4 Coefficient of Multiple Regressions.

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for


Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 5.162 2.713 1.903 .057 -.161 10.486
Attitude -.076 .022 -.118 -3.368 .001 -.120 -.032 .212 4.728
Eco labelling -.030 .015 -.056 -2.054 .040 -.059 -.001 .352 2.838
Eco branding .575 .028 .712 20.428 .000 .520 .630 .213 4.693
Eco advertisement .719 .018 1.090 40.672 .000 .685 .754 .360 2.775

Source: Researchers computation using SPSS version 20

Therefore, the multiple regression equations of this study are:

Students attitude -0,076, eco labelling -0.030, eco branding 0.575, eco advertisement 0.719 =Students purchase behavior.

As can be seen in Table 4 based on significance (Sig.) column, the p-value for each sustainable marketing element is greater than 0.05 which means that all sustainable marketing elements have contributed to explaining the variance of the dependent variable (consumer behavior) so the hypothesis is supported.

Constant 5.162, is the predicted value of the dependent variable. The multiple regression equations represent that consumer purchase behavior (dependent variable) changes by 5 unit, as the student’s attitude, eco labelling, will change negatively with (0.076 and 0.030 respectively) while eco branding and eco advertisement will change with -0.575 and -0.719 in the same direction of consumer purchase behavior.


According to the results of our respondent most of the students already knows what sustainability and sustainable purchase is and this formed their attitude towards the purchase of iPhone 13. From the survey, student with sustainable mindset has a positive attitude towards purchases iPhone 13 with the intention to get a good phone that is energy efficient which iPhone 13 is one of them. This supports our H1 that is students attitude affects their purchase behavior. Findings indicate that student’s attitude towards sustainable products  affects their purchase behavior which is similar to (Iranmanesh & Najafabadi, 2015). Eco labelling is the basic element of sustainable marketing from students’ point of view. This support our H2, which states that eco labelling affects students purchase behavior. This is similar to the research carried out by (Sammer & Wüstenhagen, 2006) and contradictory to that of (Delafrooz et al., n.d.). Our findings shows that eco branding affects students purchase behavior, this supports our H3. The study is supported by Delafrooz et al, whom in his study showed eco branding as an element with the least impact among all the green marketing elements. Eco advertisement affects consumer purchase behavior, this supports our H4. Similarly, Jarine (2014) saw eco advertisement as an essential tool to communicate environment conscious message and green identity to their product. Delafrooz saw it as the most essential tool that affect purchase behavior. The significant impact of environmental advertising on consumers’ purchase behavior supports past research (Norsiah et al., 2020), which revealed a positive significant relationship between eco advertising and consumer behavior. Furthermore, Atkinson and Rosenthal, (2014) agrees with study as it highlighted the importance of credibility and trustworthy in structuring environmental advertising messages to the customers.

Several marketing implications were observed in this study. It has provided insight on appropriate tools used in to enhance sustainable marketing by Apple company. An effective advertising strategy is also necessary to raise customer awareness of sustainable products (iphone 13).  Government should support such initiatives to educate its citizens about the benefits of eco-friendly products and their market availability, assuring the continuous conservation of the natural environment.

Several constraints were discovered. Despite the fact that this study offered existing literature on sustainable marketing qualities on purchasing behavior, it has the potential to be duplicated for future studies in different research contexts. Furthermore, future study may necessitate the identification and investigation of additional predictive variables that influence sustainable consumption behavior. Finally, a qualitative methodological approach could be used in future study to provide potentially greater data in resolving the aforementioned difficulties.


This study aims to investigate the awareness of students on sustainable marketing and whether they are taking into consideration sustainable marketing activities when they are making purchasing decisions of iPhone 13 or not. Eco labelling is the basic element of sustainable marketing from the student’s consumer point of view. As shown in the results, all sustainable marketing elements have significant relationship to students purchase behavior. While this study has shown that the students are not so comfortable with the high price of iPhone 13 even as a sustainable phone.


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