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Ideologies Celebrities Represent in Television Advertisement in Kenya: A case of Downy Lavender

Ideologies Celebrities Represent in Television Advertisement in Kenya: A Case of Downy Lavender


School of Education: Department of Languages, Literature and Communication

Gretsa University, Kenya


Received: 15 November 2022; Revised: 28 November 2022; Accepted: 03 December 2022; Published: 08 May 2024


This study focuses on the ideologies that celebrities convey in television advertisement in Kenya. Celebrity endorsements have become pervasive mode of communication in advertising. The idea is intended to shape consumer perceptions on purchasing decisions. Assessing the effectiveness of existing regulatory frameworks in ensuring responsible portrayal of ideologies by celebrities in television advertisement, is crucial for promoting ethical advertising practices. The study therefore analyzes the modes of signification (visual and verbal cues) to uncover the underlying messages communicated through the portrayal of Lulu Hassan (news anchor) in the advertisement of Downy Lavender. By adopting a multimodal discourse analysis approach, the study investigates the linguistic and visual strategies employed to construct celebrity personas to convey specific ideologies. The study examines how the celebrity is depicted in the advertisement and the messages the celebrity endorses to influence consumer attitude and behavior. The findings reveal that the celebrity is represented in the television advertisement of Downy lavender, to highlight themes such as luxury, sophistication, freshness, and trustworthiness. These depicts the ideologies of gender norms, attitude towards luxury, beauty standards, social status and aspirations for advancement. These findings contribute to understanding the complex dynamics of advertising in Kenya’s media landscape, using celebrities. The findings are intended to provide valuable insights to advertisers on creating content for advertisement.

Key words: Advertising language, celebrities, modes of signification, multimodal discourse and advertisement discourse.


The advertising language uses the concept of needs, ideas and desires in displaying the product intended to be introduced to the consumers through modes of signification. These modes are represented through celebrity endorsement to make communication more effective. This type of communication captures the wishes and hopes of the consumers as expressed in Alessandra (1993). The intention is to make the advertised product more appealing. The modes of signification used are however hardly familiar to targeted consumers. As a result, consumers rarely think about the nature of the advertising language as a form of a discourse and a system of language use. The advertising language may be taken as an entertainment rather than communication (Goddard, 1998). The discourse of the advertisement of Downy lavender is composed using lighting, camerawork, color, background, music, costumes, voices, actor and gestures which are entertaining though functioning as visual grammar, according to Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). This visual grammar is a form of communication which involves sharing and making the message common between the advertisement and the viewer of the advertisement as suggested by Pearson & Nelson (2000).

Advertently, Goddard (1998) in explaining the meaning of advertisement states that, advertisement means to turn towards. According to Dyer (2009), an advertisement is a way of promoting something in form of goods or services. This can be in form of words, pictures, sound and actions using certain media (Vilanilam & Verghese, 2004) which are analyzed and explained in this study. The advertising language is presented in the form of visual codes which influence how the readers work them out to create meanings from them, which forms the basis of argument in this study. By and large, Kelman (1961) claims that celebrity endorsement leads to changes in attitudes of consumers through an identification process. This endorsement makes consumers establish an identity associated with the celebrity. According to McCracken (1989), celebrities bring their own symbolic meanings to the endorsement process. As a result, cultural meanings residing in the celebrities pass to the products and consumers. However, it is not clear what ideologies celebrities represent, which the study concerns itself with. As claimed by Kamins (1990), using an attractive celebrity in the advertisement provides adaptive information. This might make customers to think that the brand endorsed by a celebrity will enhance the attractiveness as it does for the celebrity. Attractive celebrities will be more effective if they are used to promote attractiveness-related products, as the study seeks to find out in the television advertisement of Downy lavender.


The study adopts Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). This theory posits that meaning is expressed by semiotic categories such as proximity and distance. Multimodal discourse analysis describes and analyses texts as complete and coherent semiotic entity. It has expanded the study of language in a wider scope by involving other resources such as images, scientific symbolism, gesture, action, soundtracks and music which is evident in Downy lavender television advertisement. The creating and maintaining interaction tenet of Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory helps in investigating the ideologies represented by Lulu Hassan as a celebrity amidst modes of signification in the advertisement of Downy lavender. This tenet corresponds to the relationship among the designers, the objects represented and the viewers of the image. It also shows the viewers’ opinion of the symbolic things. In the process of realizing interaction, four main factors are considered such as: social distance, modality, contact and attitude. The study uses these factors to examine and explain the ideologies represented by the celebrity.


Chandler (2007) examines semiotics as the exploration of meaning-making and representation in cultural artifacts. This study posits that semiotics is essential for understanding how signs and symbols convey meaning within cultural products such as language, art, advertising, and more. It provides a framework for analyzing how individuals and societies construct and interpret signs to create and communicate meaning. This study supports the current study in analyzing modes of signification as meaning making in a communication. The analysis in Chandler does not investigate the ideologies represented in modes of signification as the current study does with concern to celebrity in the advertisement.

Consequently, Diaz (2011) looks at advertising and marketing. This study suggests that the idea of creating a need in the mind of an audience is often associated with the process of persuasion. Advertisers aim to influence consumers by presenting products or services in a way that makes them seem necessary or desirable. This study is relevant to the current study and provides parameters under which the current study bases its arguments, since it looks at how the advertisement persuade its viewers. However, its analysis does not investigate the ideologies represented by celebrities to persuade consumers as the current study does.

Additionally, McCracken (1989) discusses how superstars are employed in advertising to influence consumer behavior. He introduces the concept of “meaning transfer,” which posits that the meanings associated with a celebrity are transferred to the product they endorse. This transfer occurs because consumers connect the qualities and attributes of the celebrity with the product. This study is relevant to the current study since it investigated the use of superstars in an advertisement as the current study does. It is however different from the current study since it does not consider the use of superstar as a mode of signification as the current study does.


The study adopted the descriptive research design in describing the analyzed data which was collected from the informants, through questionnaire and focus group discussion. The design helped in investigating and interpreting data that was naturally seen, heard and perceived from the responses of thirty informants, who were selected through snowballing sampling procedure, from Bansi supermarket in Migori County, Kenya. Migori County is one of the forty-four Counties in Kenya. It is found in the Western part of the country, 368 kilometers away from Nairobi City.  It is a cosmopolitan County with a representation of Kenyan population. These thirty informants were a sizeable and controllable number that made the work manageable in terms of time and resources.  An informant was picked who recruited other acquaintances for the study, since it was hard to know who owns or views the television at the supermarket. These informants were shoppers of Downy lavender and television viewers. The researcher administered the advertisement of Downy lavender to these thirty informants through interview with the aid of interview schedule. McNamara (1999) states that the main task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees are saying. This article adopted this technique because it allowed interaction with the informants in eliciting responses that were relevant for the study. The respondents were not limited to a set of answers but were allowed to express their responses freely.

Ten interviewees further formed a focus group discussion to elicit more responses. Audio decoder was used to record the discussion that was later on transcribed to elicit data. The television advertisement of Downy lavender formed the stimulus for the analysis of data collected from the informants. The modes of signification in the advertisement helped to elicit secondary data for further inferences. These formed data for content analysis. The advertisement content was transcribed and described using Thibault’s (2000) model of multimodal transcription.


This section presents data on the content of the television advertisement representing Lulu Hassan used as a celebrity endorsement.

Television advertisement of Downy lavender

Lulu Hassan who is a Kenyan news anchor is in a plantation of lavender flowers (the camera zooms out her left-hand fingers feeling the touch of the lavender flowers). The camera zooms and flashes out the entire body of Lulu Hassan towards the screen dressed in a violet attire from the head to the toe, with similarity to the lavender flowers. She walks between the rows of lavender flowers. Lulu Hassan smells the sweet scent from the part of the dress wrapped around the neck and smiles broadly indicating sensual satisfaction). Oil drops from the lavender flowers in an oval shape, transforming into a bottle being filled with downy lavender.

The Downy lavender bottle zooms out and the camera zooms in an eye which turns to be that of Lulu Hassan. The camera reveals the face from the shoulders to the head with the left hand touching the sides of the mouth, in a face appearing to be in a deep thought

Lulu Hassan smiles again looking sideways, holding the piece of cloths around the neck. She walks towards an entrance to a building with men and women in official attires around the table. Lulu Hassan walks across the flour and lavender flowers flow from her cloths at he back to the people in the room while smiling. People around the table smiles back looking at her. Lulu Hassan smiles again looking at the screen to face the television viewers. The camera zooms the whole body of Lulu Hassan with the Downy lavender bottle is between Lulu Hassan and lavender flower which changes to a sachet costing ksh 20.

This advertisement is presented in a table is a multimodal transcription according to Thibault (2000) model in analyzing the content in terms of: time in seconds, visual frame, kinetic action, soundtrack, phases and meta-functions. The unfolding visual events are complemented by an audio narration in a female voice at the background.

Table 4.1 Multimodal transcription of downy lavender television advertisement

0-3 Lulu Hassan who is a Kenyan news anchor is in a plantation of lavender flowers (the camera zooms out her left-hand fingers feeling the touch of the lavender flowers) Motion Music instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
3-6 The camera zooms and flashes out the entire body of Lulu Hassan towards the screen dressed in a violet attire from the head to the toe, with similarity to the lavender flowers. She walks between the rows of lavender flowers. Motion Instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
6-9 Lulu Hassan smells the sweet scent from the part of the dress wrapped around the neck and smiles broadly indicating sensual satisfaction) Motion Instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
9-12 Oil drops from the lavender flowers in an oval shape, transforming into a bottle being filled with downy lavender Motion Instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
12-14 The downy lavender bottle zooms out and the camera zooms in an eye which turns to be that of Lulu Hassan. The camera reveals the face from the shoulders to the head with the left hand touching the sides of the mouth, in a face appearing to be in a deep thought Static Instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
14-17 Lulu Hassan smiles again looking sideways, holding the piece of cloths around the neck. She walks towards an entrance to a building with men and women in official attires around the table Motion Instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
17-20 Lulu Hassan walks across the flour and lavender flowers flow from her cloths at he back to the people in the room while smiling. People around the table smiles back looking at her. Motion Instrumental Interpretational, Interactional
20-23 Lulu Hassan smiles again looking at the screen to face the television viewers. The camera zooms the whole body of Lulu Hassan with the downy lavender bottle is between Lulu Hassan and lavender flower which changes to a sachet costing ksh 20. Motion Instrumental Interpretation, Interactional

This table shows interaction between Lulu Hassan as a celebrity and other modes of significations such as colors, gestures, soundtrack and audio narration. The advertisement content is acted in terms of time in seconds, unfolding actions in static and motion to reveal interactional meaning for interpretation by television viewers.

Audio narration in a female voice

Lavender, a coming scent grafted from essential oil and inspired by the finest lavender. New Downy lavender concentrate, lasting so long than an expensive perfume and get you calm all day, filled with confidence to command any room. Try it now for only twenty Kenya shillings.

From the advertisement, the study finds the following ideologies represented by the celebrity for discussion: Gender norms, social status, attitude towards luxury, beauty Standards and aspirations for economic advancement.


The discussion is in line with responses from the informants. Modes of signification in the advertisement of Downy lavender are discussed using creating and maintaining interaction meaning tenet of Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory.  As expressed in Chandler (2007), the core purpose of modes of communication is meaning- making and representation of ideologies as the study examines. Any text (visual or written) is open for interpretation, because it is something we make meaning from (McKee, 2003).

Gender Norms

Gender norms are societal expectations regarding how individuals should behave, present themselves and fulfill roles based on their gender as culturally constructed. To elaborate on this point, the clip of the advertisement of Downy lavender was presented to the informants so as to find out their feelings and opinion on the celebrity presented using modes of signification. The informants were able to identify the celebrity as Lulu Hassan. Most responses showed that the television advertisement by Lulu Hassan on Downy lavender was exciting and invoked curiosity to use the product. Lulu Hassan is modestly dressed in beautiful clothes in similar colors as the brand of the product being advertised. The study then finds that Lulu Hassan is used as a celebrity to represent a beautiful lady who is mindful of proper laundry, a role played by females. Additionally, the celebrity in this advertisement is used to represent a proper charming language as evident by Lulu Hassan.

Subsequently, the intention of the advertiser in applying gender norm, is to make the message on the product associated with the celebrity make viewers retain their loyalty to the products being advertised. Celebrity is used as a resource person to represent ideas that excites, making the information reach television viewers on the existence of a product. This finding is in agreement with Diaz (2011) which states that, the advertisements not only give information about the products but also create a need in the mind of an audience. Moreover, the findings indicate that television viewers interact with the information given by the celebrity during the advertisement while learning on the values of new products in the market. Viewers get attracted to the narration made by the celebrity. Lulu Hassan is used to communicate to female viewers on the need to use Downy lavender for a sweet scent on their garments.

In essence, the celebrity in the advertisement makes narration and conveys the idea of action as indicated by Lul Hassan. She forms a vector, following the direction of her glances. In the context of Kress and van Leeuwen’s Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory, a vector refers to a directional force within an image or visual representation that guides the viewer’s interpretation. Lulu Hassan looks at the gentle ladies and men on her way during her motion while advertising (goals). The intention is making a causal relationship with television viewers, to make an offer for them to choose the advertised product. Advertisers use celebrities to create to their targeted consumers the need for using their products and the value in the services they offer through their products. They also use celebrities to demonstrate to their targeted consumers their gender norms on how to use their products. All these are intended to enhance the image of the product being advertised hence creates the power to entice television viewers in being loyal to the advertised product. Television viewers become aware of the product and make an attempt of buying it. In the advertisement, gender norms are used to shape behaviors, attitudes, and opportunities for both men and women, influencing various aspects of life such as work and relationships. In the advertisement of Downy lavender, Lulu Hassan is used to outline how ladies are expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct themselves based on societal perceptions of their assigned sex.

Attitude Towards Luxury

Luxury refers to something expensive that provides pleasure but is not essential for survival. The advertisement of Downy lavender was presented to interviewees, and they were asked to mention how they felt about the presentation of Lulu Hassan. They were also asked to make comments on the images they could visualize in the advertisement. Responses from interviewees indicated that they were attentive to the images complemented with utterances in the Downy lavender television advertisement. They could listen, judge and get the information being put across, especially from the celebrity. From the responses, the study finds that, Lulu Hassan (Citizen news anchor in Kenya), creates a discourse of a scented Downy lavender which is a fabric conditioner, compared to a perfume adored for good smell and freshness. Lulu Hasan in the attire resembling the color of lavender flowers is used to make an announcement to television viewers, on how cheap this luxurious product can be as low as Ksh. 20. The intention is to use the societal status of Lulu Hassan to make television viewers have a positive attitude towards Downy lavender.

Advertently, celebrity is used in this advertisement to encompass the experiences or services associated with the elegance and refinement refreshment of Downy lavender. This is intended to make viewers not see it as a product beyond basic necessity. This is intended to generate a positive attitude towards the product. This finding supports the claim in McCracken (1989), which suggests that superstars are considered as memorial, entertainers or representatives of the business organization. Celebrities are used as spokespersons of the advertisers. Their endorsements influence consumers’ mind set in being loyal to the brand being advertised with the target of increasing the sales. This sentimental creation and intervening influence on the brand being advertised has power to create an attitude in television viewers as expressed in Lutz et al. (1983). For instance, Lulu Hassan is used in the television advertisement of Downy lavender as a celebrity to craft the interesting event indicating the effects of using Downy lavender. The zooming of the camera is also applied in creating informal relationship between the participant’s (Lulu Hassan) narration in the advertisement and the targeted consumers. As envisaged in Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory, a participant refers to any element that plays a role in the communication process, contributing to the meaning-making within a visual or multimodal text. The advertisement also uses close-up shots at some points to create intimate relationship with the viewers so as to be fond of the product being advertised.

Beauty Standards

Beauty standards refer to societal norms that dictate the ideal physical appearance, often influencing perceptions of attractiveness. Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory envisages the analysis of beauty standards through various modes of communication such as visual, verbal, and gestural elements. On the same note, the advertisement of Downy lavender was presented to the interviewees then they were asked the most attractive element in the advertisement. They were able to identify the color used in the advertisement describing the brand. The colored graphics and the images blended with the utterances at the background of the advertisement creatively. From the responses of the interviewees, the study finds that the concentration of violet color of lavender flower is used in the advertisement to appeal to the eye. Lulu Hassan is dressed in such color to add to her beauty and make the advertisement attractive and interesting to television viewers.

Moreover, the use of color creates the image of the brand which the celebrity advertises identical. The graphics are constructed through the use of written text with adjectives to describe the product so as to create visual pictures in the mind of television viewers, in regard to the brand (visual grammar according to Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2006). The intention is to make the television advertisement of Downy lavender blend with the adjectives Lulu Hassan uses to describe the product, such as finest and essential.  This is intended to make the targeted consumers believe that Downy lavender is a very effective fabric conditioner.  The use of modes of signification such as color, images and soundtrack also create pleasurable feelings towards the brand being advertised. Soundtrack is used to appeal to the sensual feelings of television viewers.

Further still, the study finds that the celebrity (Lulu Hassan) is presented amidst attractive visual elements to enhance her beauty so as to provoke the feelings of the television viewers. This is intended to influence the viewers to like the product being advertised. This finding is in line with the finding in Jaitly & Gautam (2021) claiming that, customer’s perception and attitude are much influenced via visual elements, since they are more capable of communicating to a niche segment. Celebrities are used to make the advertising message sensitive to the emotions. Television viewers are also provoked psychologically and emotionally to be fond of the brand by the effect of the soundtrack played at the background of the advertisement, alongside the narration made by the celebrity. The copyrighter of Downy lavender blends the celebrity with soundtrack to tie together the sequence of visual images and series of dramatic episodes in the advertisement, in order to enhance strong feelings towards the product being advertised. The soundtrack also mediates celebrity with the disjointed images to make television viewers go through happy moments as they follow the Downy lavender the celebrity advertises.

In addition, Lulu Hassan is dressed in violet-colored clothes in the television advertisement to affect how television viewers would view and perceive the advertising message. The celebrity uses violet color to create the visual equity between Downy lavender and lavender flowers. This is intended to influence moods and feelings of television viewers towards the Downy lavender (product being advertised). According to Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006), color is identified as a grammatical element to realize textual meaning in images. Color is therefore intentionally used to make television viewers relate the brand being advertised with a happy mood, as facially expressed by Lulu Hassan in the advertisement of Downy lavender. The violet color gives the brand a visual prominence to targeted consumers. Alongside the narration by the celebrity, the color applied expresses a co-variate tie to link the cohesive features of the advertisement intended to be pleasant in the sight of the viewer.

Social Status

Social status refers to the position or rank of an individual or group within a society’s hierarchical structure. It is determined by various factors such as wealth, education and occupation. The advertisement of Downy lavender was presented to the interviewees then they were asked how they feel about the recitation made by Lulu Hassan concerning Downy lavender, the soundtrack used, the violet color applied and the movement of Lulu Hassan alongside lavender plantation as the narration about the Downy lavender unfolds. The responses reveals that the advertisement appeared unique and enticing to the interviewees. They were attentive and curious to the next cause of action of the celebrity in the advertisement. They also got impressed by the eloquence and dress code of Lulu Hassan. The study then finds that Lulu Hassan is presented as educated and rich due to her eloquence and dress code which appeared elegant. This elevates her social status among television viewers to influence them in buying what she advertises. This finding is in agreement with the finding in Apejoye (2013) which suggests that celebrity endorsed advertisement has a significant influence on purchasing intention. Further, other modes of signification alongside the celebrity were intended to sustain the attention spun of the television viewers to the end of the advertisement made by the celebrity. This was meant to lead the television viewers into getting the whole story about the advertisement as narrated by the celebrity. Lulu Hassan is presented in an admirable way as a role model to create a narrative of how Downy lavender possesses sweet fragrance so strong to be ignored by those you come across. This is witnessed when Lulu Hassan passes by in a room with people seated around a table. The people stopped whatever they were doing to follow Lulu Hassan with their eyes as they smelled the sweet smell emanation from Lulu Hassan’s attire. Her social status is depicted in the television advertisement of Downy lavender in order to manipulate the psychology of the viewers. Social status is therefore used as a stimulus for the advertised product to create pleasant emotions in television viewers.

Consequently, the social status of Lulu Hassan is utilized in advertising Downy lavender to influence how the targeted consumers should perceive the Downy lavender product. The musical recitation that Lulu Hassan employs to describe the Downy lavender, ‘scent like a sweet-smelling perfume that last longer for a calm day filled with confidence to command the room,’ is intended to create a sign of reality in the narration events of the advertisement to the television viewers. The movement of Lulu Hassan dressed in a purple attire (royal attires) in resemblance with lavender color in a room having gentlemen and women, commanded them to be attentive to her passing by in a sweet scent due to the used Downy lavender fabric conditioner. This action is intended to make a realistic impression to the television viewers. The aim is to make television viewers visualize the image and smell of Downy lavender in the advertisement. The social status of celebrity is used to capture the attention of targeted consumers hence be attracted to the product being advertised for purchasing decision. Further, the soundtrack at the background in the advertisement boosts the image of Lulu Hassan in presenting the sales message emotionally.

Aspirations for Advancement

Aspirations refer to the desires, goals, and ambitions individuals have to improve their social standing. Lulu Hasan is presented in the advertisement of Downy lavender, as a strong woman with confidence and focused. The direction of the glances she makes, forms vectors as envisaged in creating and maintaining interaction tenet of Multimodal Discourse Analysis Theory. The vectors target the goal which in this case are the men and women in the room Lulu Hassan is commanding with the sweet smell of Downy lavender. The intention is to give the television viewers an offer relation (to choose Downy lavender). The aim is to influence television viewers’ decision in purchasing advertised product. The dress code of Lulu Hassan depicts her as a modest woman who is visionary and an aspiring role model. This is intended to create willingness to buy the product she is advertising. The design of the attire of Lulu Hassan in resemblance with the color of lavender flowers is intended to create a real image of lavender flowers, which have got sweet fragrance, to the television viewers. The image associates the fabric conditioner to the smell of lavender flowers in order to influence the purchasing decision of the television viewers.

By and large, the composition of Lulu Hassan, bottle containing Downy lavender and lavender flower zooms so close to the screen towards the end of the advertisement, making Lulu Hassan to be at a higher level for television viewers to see her from a low angle. Her image is depicted this way due to her social position in the society (a television news anchor) hence holds power in relation to television viewers. This technique is employed by the advertiser of Downy lavender to bring viewers under submission with regards to the prominence of the product being advertised, since it is perceived to be used by a prominent person. In return, viewers are to be persuaded to find no need of being left out of the purchasing decision. The camera then zooms the images backwards away from the screen for clear vision. This supports the idea in Johannessen (2017), denoting that a richly faceted multimodally constituted communicative artefact is for semantic reading. The composition of the images at the end of the advertisement as championed by Lulu Hassan is intended to express attitude and enact interaction by informing television viewers of the need to buy Downy lavender which could be found with as low as Ksh. 20.


This study concerns itself with ideologies celebrities represent in television advertising message, by focusing on Lulu Hassan who advertises Downy lavender. The findings reveal that celebrities are strategically employed to convey specific ideologies and aspirations to the audience. The findings therefore underscore the multifaceted nature of celebrity endorsements, highlighting how they can reflect and reinforce societal norms, beauty standards, attitude towards luxury, social status and aspirations for advancement. In the case of Downy Lavender advertisements, Lulu Hassan is presented as an aspirational figure, embodying notions of elegance, sophistication, and domestic bliss, which align with the brand’s messaging.

Moreover, the study sheds light on the power dynamics inherent in celebrity endorsement, where the influence of celebrities extends beyond product promotion to shaping perceptions of social status, lifestyle aspirations and identity construction. In essence, it is evident that television advertisements featuring celebrities play a pivotal role in disseminating and perpetuating ideologies which can influence consumer behavior as well as shaping societal narratives. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for advertisers and consumers alike in navigating the complexities of the using celebrities in television advertisement.


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