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A Structural Equation Model on Job Performance of ICT Teachers in Region XI
- Melannie C. Ramayla
- 205-256
- Jun 27, 2023
- Education
A Structural Equation Model on Job Performance of ICT Teachers in Region XI
Melannie C. Ramayla
University of Mindanao, Philippines
Received: 10 May 2023; Revised: 23 May 2023; Accepted: 27 May 2023; Published: 27 June 2023
The aim of the study was to determine the best fit model of ICT teachers’ job performance employing organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values as its variables. Pearson r, multiple regression and Analysis Moment of Structure (AMOS) were used to determine the relationships among variables, influences of independent on dependent variables and best fit model for job performance. A total of 393 teacher-respondents from ICT schools in Region XI were identified through purposive sampling. The findings of the study revealed high levels of organizational behavior, leadership skills, ethical values and job performance. Further, organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values showed individual relationship with job performance. Organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values revealed single influence to job performance with ethical values being least influential. Importantly, the model that displayed direct causal link of organizational behavior and ethical values toward job performance and the interrelationships of organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values with was found to be the best fit model of the study. This study explored new knowledge and contributed to the limited literature linking organizational behavior and ethical values to job performance of ICT teachers.
Keywords: educational management, structural equation, job performance, ICT teachers, Philippines
Quality education and students’ performance depend on how teachers carry out their duties. Apparently, teachers play a significant role in students’ learning as they put school policies and principles into practice through teaching, which is essential in attaining quality education (Akiri, 2013). However, Delima (2015) cited several studies (Muzaale, 2008; Nabukenya, 2010; Umali, 2010; Abarca, 2015) which have established a decline in the performance of teachers as manifested in the poor academic results of the students. For years, students’ performance was used in several studies to measure teachers’ performance but not on probing the reasons for the poor performance of teachers. Moreover, in Africa it was found that one of the factors for the decline of teachers’ job performance is attributed to accidental teachers, who happen to be since they could not find any other job than teaching (Akpan, 2016). Also, a study in Nigeria found out that the job performance of ICT teachers on administration and professional development, pedagogy and level of knowledge is low (Badau&Sakiyo, 2013).
It is a fact that teachers can build or ruin the school curriculum; therefore, their competence and excellence for better service delivery needs to be assessed on a regular basis.Educational institutions cannot move forward in its institutional development without recognizing the capability of educators as stewards of learning and development. Hence, recognizing the need for adopting a gauging mechanism of their performance is essential to improve teachers’ quality.
For the past years, studies have increased focus on understanding what goes on in the workplace (organizational behavior) and understanding the forces that impact employee job performance. Nonetheless, job performance cannot be a substantial gauge for a teacher’s commitment and endeavor of both his or her career and the contribution to the institution’s advancement without leadership skills (Katz, 1955; Benedicto, 2021; Campos et al, 2020), organizational behavior (Clark, 2007; Kaifi & Noori, 2011; Robbins & Judge, 2013) and the influence of ethical values (Josephson Institute of Ethics, 2004; Showalter, 2013; Shanker, 2017). Many studies have established a relationship between job performance and organizational behavior (Clark, 2013; Adejumobi & Ojikutu, 2014; Uchendu, Anijabi-Idem & Nkama, 2014), on leadership skills and job performance (Doyle, 2022; Ahmed et al, 2022; Resources, 2020) and ethical values and job performance (Salahudin et al, 2016; Omisore & Adeleke, 2015; Meral et al., 2017 andAbun, Julian & Ballesteros, 2022).
Though these studies reveal impact on job performance, the findings disclose only separate contributions of leadership skills towards job performance, organizational behavior towards job performance and ethical values towards job performance. Hence, there are no studies that attempt to investigate on the combined influence of leadership skills, organizational behavior and ethical values on job performance of teachers in the Higher Education Institutions. In the context to better investigate leadership skills’ contribution and the influence of organizational behavior and ethical values to the essentiality of job performance amongst Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) teachers’ capability, hence, the conduct of this study.
It is with this standpoint that the researcher was drawn to establishthe effects oforganizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values to teachers’ performance in ICT schools as this could cause concern to the intended beneficiaries of this study. Results of this study could also be a means of the administration to develop mediation plans to improve the performance of teachers. Also, the researcher embarked in this study hoping to contribute to the limited literature showing relationships among the three variables beneficial to improving teachers’ performance and to the school as the facilitating entity.
Research Objective
The research aims to find the best fit model for job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao Region. Specifically, this research aimed to:
To determine the organizational behavior of ICT schools in Davao City as characterized in the organizational model they employ:
- autocratic;
- custodial;
- supportive;
To describe the leadership skills of the school administrators of ICT schools in the Davao Region as demonstrated in their:
- conceptual skills;
- human skills;
- technical skills.
To determine the level of ethical values of school administrators in ICT schools in the Davao region as exhibited in their:
- trustworthiness;
- respect;
- responsibility;
- fairness;
- caring;
To assess the level of job performance of the teachers in terms of :
- level of knowledge;
- instructional effectiveness;
- administrative skills;
- professional responsibility, ethics and interpersonal relationships.
To identify the significant relationship between:
- organizational behavior and job performance of ICT teachers;
- leadership skills and job performance of ICT teachers;
- ethical values and job performance of ICT teachers.
To determine the significance of the combined and singular influence of organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values of school administrators on the job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao Region.
To find the best fit model of Job performance of ICT teachers.
The null hypotheses of the study were tested at .05 level of confidence that:
- There is no significant relationship between:
- organizational behavior and job performance of ICT teachers
- leadership skills and job performance of ICT teachers
- ethical values and job performance of ICT teachers
- There is no variable that can predict the job performance of ICT teachers.
- There is no model that best fit to the job performance of ICT teachers.
Review of Related Literature
Insights and opinions of authorities on significant related topics that have substantial contributions to the conceptualization of this study are presented below. This part contains the review of related literature and studies conducted in international and local settings that have important contributions to the conceptualization of the present study. This section is divided into four parts. First, the discussion and analysis will focus on organizational behavior of Clark (2007) and its four models which are autocratic, custodial, collegial and supportive; second will underscore on leadership skills model by Katz (1955) which includes conceptual skills, human and technical skills; and third will be an explicit discussion on ethical values of Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004) which focuses on the core ethical values that involves trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship; and finally, the last part will focus on the teachers’ job performance adopted from Charles Country Public School Teacher Performance Evaluation Criteria with its key indicators that emphasizes on evaluating the teachers level of knowledge, instructional effectiveness, administrative skills and professional responsibility.
Organizational Behavior
Organizations are assemblies of intermingling and interrelated human and nonhuman resources working toward a shared purpose within the context of structured relationships. However, they vary in the quality of the systems they create and uphold and in the outcomes they attain. Each member of the organizations has a distinctive behavior that shapes the behavior of the organization (Pradeev, 2015).
The study of Bentayao-Baguio (2010) supposed that organizational behavior affects the thoughts, feelings and actions of the people working in the organization and the employees’ feelings, thoughts and actions also affect the organization they are working for. Hence, organizational behavior is a field of investigation that involved both types of influence: work organizations on its human resources and human resources on work organizations. A positive organizational behavior increases the motivation of employees to perform better.
Likewise, grasping organizational behavior permits healthier employee relationships, more credible outlooks and improves enhances job performance. Ivanko (2013); Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn (2011) and Praveeh (2011) said that organizational behavior is a discipline that studies how entities, groups and organizational structure influence the behavior within organizations, to improve performance. On the other hand, Lamb-Deans, (2012) claimed that as a field of study, it centers on the person and his behavior within the perspective of the working environment in an organization. Thus, the study of organizational behavior enables leaders and employees to understand and explain individual and group behavior to identify measures on handling it and increasing job performance.
Similarly, the studies of Davis (2010), Root (2011),Stanghini (2016), Stalin (2016) and Clark (2015) disclosed that organizations operate with four major structures called autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial. Autocratic model rely on power, while custodial model depends on economic resources, supportive model operates through leadership and collegial model is on partnership and teamwork, which originated and flourished during the industrial revolution. Leaders in this type of organization function in McGregor’s Theory X (Clark, 2015) who assumed that workers had inherent dislike for work and lacks responsibility, thus, in this type of management there is control, coercion, and threat of employees with punishment to achieve desires.
Management thinks that they know what is best and that the workers are obliged to obey directives, since some environment needs a strong leader who makes the decision to accomplish desired outcomes quickly and efficiently. In the same note, Kendra (2015) also purports that the manager in this model has formal, official, authority over employees.
Hence, since organizational behavior is regimented and always wavering, school heads should be more considerate (Newstrom, 2007);Newstrom&Davis, 2010); Iqbal, 2010). Along these lines, Bentayao-Baguio (2010) disclosed that for managers to handle the new employees and the complication that the new environment may bring, they must learn how to understand attitude and behavior of individuals and groups in the organization. It is evident that managers should not only learn the hard skills but the soft skills as well for them to be effective and efficient in their jobs. Veering to the organizational and interpersonal facets of each of these workplace issues empowers employees to practice the required skills consistently and customarily.
Moreover, the study of Rathi (2012) affirmed that organizational behavior is an immense field to study as it has diverse elements that are connected to each other like a chain. These elements include motivation, communication and leadership. Likewise, he also pointed out that the most important component to any successful organization are the leaders in the organization. In the same way, the study of Bentayao-Baguio (2010) pointed out that an organization cannot be effective without studying organizational behavior as it should be established within the organization. A careful study of organizational behavior would unravel that motivation; communication and leadership contribute to employee’s job satisfaction. She also pointed out that organizational behavior is also a study of individual and group behavior, organizational structure and organizational processes. They examine these areas akin to personality and perception, attitudes and job satisfaction, group dynamics, politics and the role of leadership in the organization, job design, and the impact of stress on work, decisionmaking processes, the communication chain and company culture and climate (Bentayao-Baguio, 2010).
Likewise, Stapleton (2014) underlined that organizational behavior’s three powers have advantages and disadvantages. Such as legitimate power, which is often ignored by employees who do not respect the individual who fulfills the role. Referent power, on the other hand, only influences those workers who are persuaded by the charismatic leader. Lastly, expert power base on the individual’s experience and learning, is a positive power, however, only to those individuals that the manager can convince that their leadership skills yonder expertise. This can also be described as those individuals who attempt to use power in the organization often resort to political tactics to do so. As such, they blame others for mistakes, start alliance, and only praise co-workers and subordinates if it benefits them especially in achieving their goals and if they can get a good impression from them. Which only shows that they exercise all possible scheme to gain friends and motivate people (St. Scholastica, 2016; Marder, 2017).
Leadership Skills
School administrators are important people in the education system. They face different issues every single day. Each one of them has their own theory on educational leadership that involves an array of subjects which they deal on a daily basis (Oneill, 2013). For this reason, several theories of leadership tried to summarize the characteristics to make a good and effective leader and on how to define a person who has the potential to direct a company and or its people efficiently. One of the major theories in leadership is the skills-based leadership theory by Robert Katz (1955) which suggests that effective leaders possess certain skills that they have established (Virkus, 2009; Pennsylvania State University, 2013).
On the other hand, Burkus (2010) believed that the leadership skills theory also known as managerial skills emanates from the leadership traits approach theory. Comparable to trait theory, skills theories are leader-centric and is fixated on the individualities that leaders must possess for them to be effective. Hence, the two main theories to develop from skills approach are Katz’s (1955) three-skill approach and Mumford’s (2000) skills model of leadership who has developed three competencies of an effective leader. As such, a school can only be as resilient as the leadership of the administrators that govern it. Being a school administrator is an unrewarding career and it goes with making intricate choices. Nevertheless, an effective leader can change the visage of a school and the benefits of establishing student’s progress.
In the same note, Nadarasa and Thuraisingam (2014) also exposed that the principal’s constructive leadership behavior and the decision-making practice had an influence teachers’ interest development towards intra-school activities, commitment, job satisfaction and work performance. For this, it can be said that the organizational success depends on the leader’s ability to maximize the performance of its workforce.
A good leader recognizes the value of its workers and its role in attaining organizational goals. A good leader also put value in motivating the employees as this is essential in realizing these objectives. Hence, a good leader must possess the skills to become effective as embodied in Katz’s (1955) Three-Skills Approach (Technofunc, 2012).
As such, leadership skills are generally regarded as competencies that can be learned and developed for an effective leadership. The skills approach should be considered as an extension to leadership traits, as it focuses on the personality of a leader and to large extent, forms the basis of people-skills. This is an inkling that a leader holds evident knack that allows him or her to be the leader (Pennsylvania State University, 2013). It was Katz (1955) who contributed the Three Skills Model in 1955, which comprises Technical, Human, and Conceptual (Pennsylvania State University, 2013; Northouse, 2015). It was also pointed out that technical skills are the expertise and adeptness that a person must possess in a specific aspect; while, Human skill is ones capacity to work well with people and conceptual skills are capability of one person to perform well with concepts and ideas (Northouse, 2015).
Likewise, the study of Gupta (2013) pointed out the responsibilities of leaders do not come from mere observations of what leaders do, but instead on the goal they are expected to achieve. Consequently, the next step to achieving these goals is to identify the skills required to accomplish the job of a leader. These skills are derived from the work of Robert Katz in 1955, who postulates that a good leader must possess conceptual skill, human skill and technical skill.
The first skill, Conceptual Skill, is the ability to work with abstractions and hypothetical notations, ability to deal with ideas and concepts that have potential to shape the organization in the future. People with conceptual skills have good imagination and ability to simulate their creativity with the process of synthesis and analysis. These are cognitive abilities, whether they are natural or learned/acquired with time. Conceptual skills are central to creating a vision and strategic plans for an organization (Cordone, 2011; Ghalandari, 2012; Northouse, 2015).
Meanwhile, human skill as ones capability of working with people is far from technical skill which is the leader’s ability to working with things (Katz, 1955), which is also called the “people skills.” These are the abilities that aid leaders to effectively work with subordinates, peers, and superiors. As such a person who has this skill naturally is regarded to have the “traits” while this is “skills” for those who grounded themselves to be more effective in dealing with others. Human skills distinguish a manager, who simply manipulates the employees to attain his goals, from a leader, who draws the human side of the workers to spawn ingenuity and enthusiasm (Boundless, 2015). Cordone (2013) supported this revealing that effective managers who use human skills are able to work well with people.
In addition, Technical Skills, another competency in leadership skill refers to the job knowledge required for a particular leadership role can be termed as the technical skills. With this, the leader must understand the output of the organization in terms of product or services for without which he cannot possibly utilize his conceptual skills to their maximum ability. Next, is to have a good knowledge of organization management processes to boost the effectiveness (Mbanote, 2011). Davis (2013) and Mack (2012) confirmed that managers need technical skills for them to communicate effectively with line workers and coordinate efforts. This skill refers to the knowledge and capabilities of the manager to execute a particular job and applies to specific job requirements, such as mechanical or scientific subjects.
Correspondingly, technical skill is the specific ability in a particular job or interest, which involves proficiencies in an expert area, logical capacity, and the capability to manipulate suitable instruments and practices (Northouse, 2012; Technofunc, 2012; and De Hay, 2013). Like a manager of a computer company is expected to be knowledgeable in a software language and in programming, accustomed the software products of the company and must know how to functional products for the prospective clients. In the same way, an accounting firm is expected to have a leader who is adept in standard accounting principles to a client’s audit. This model show how technical skills require hands-on attachment of the leader with a merchandise or development within an organization. Hence, it is clear that technical skill is indispensable in the production of the actual products a company intended to generate (Technofunc, 2012).
Besides, North house (2012) further stressed that each level of management requires different skills. For instance, a manager needs Human and Technical skills; while middle management necessitates all the three skills: Human, Technical, and Conceptual, and Top level administration needs Human and Conceptual skills. It is imperative that leaders must possess all the three skills. It is also evident that some skills may be more important than the others in varied situations.
With this note, the leadership skills of an organizational leader have a straight and implicit outcome on every workforce’s performance since the success of an organization emanates from the performance of its people. It is in what people do or not do, that ultimately determines what the organization can or cannot become.
Likewise, the study of Ogoloma (2012), Nadarasa and Thuraisingan (2014), North house (2012) and Gupta (2013) all regarded the three-skills approach as competencies that can help leaders achieved organizational goals. It is also considered as an extension of leader traits to achieve desired goals through its influence to the employees’ performance since leadership is often associated to persuasion, explanation, and the knack to recognize, uphold and renew the ideals of the team or group he represents. In the same breath, the studies of Kaifi and Noori (2011); Zhang and Venkatesh (2013) claimed that the performance of employees is the true benchmark of organizational performance.
Ethical Values
From the beginning, people have been confused with ethical questions on what should and should not be done. Ethics is important since it is seen as a simple discipline and the support of human existence, which serves like a spine that directs mankind to its path. The world will be devastating without ethics since it is fixed (Omisore & Adeleke, 2015; Shanker, 2017).
Moreover, ethical values can be considered as another area of inquiry in ethics classified under philosophy and philosophical value. It can also be described as the right conduct and good life. On the other hand, Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004) postulates that effective character education is based in democratic society which includes trustworthiness, justice and fairness, caring and civic virtue and citizenship. One of the core ethical values mentioned in Josephson Institute of Ethics is trustworthiness. Trustworthiness includes a variety of behavioral qualities- honesty, integrity, reliability and loyalty (Putnam, 2007; Archard, 2020; Seven Pillars Institure, 2018). It is important that a person needs honesty to convey the truth, integrity to reflect on the events, crises and the necessities of the day, reliability in keeping promises and loyalty to protect the interest of certain people.
The next core ethical values is respect, which is all about venerating the value and self-worth of oneself and other people. Respect focuses on civility, courtesy, decency and tolerance. It is every person’s responsibility to be at his or her best in dealing with other people especially hostile ones (Fern, 2013; Character Counts, 2021).
Another core ethical value is responsibility, since being responsible requires being accountable for all that one do. This value involves accountability, pursuit of excellence and self-restraint. One should not shift blame or claim other people’s work, and to be responsible one must make sure to perform tasks safely and effectively (Baker, 2015). Hence, a responsible person exercises self-control and delays gratification when needed.
The fourth core ethical value is being fair (fairness). Fairness refers to the range of morally justifiable outcomes (Mac Manmon, 2015; Fern, 2013; Baker, 2015). A fair person is open to unbiased processes to evaluate the information needed in decision making. He or she cannot afford to be impartial and ensures that he or she practices equity in making judgment and decision.
Caring, as the fifth core ethical values is the core of ethics as the latter is solely about ones responsibility toward other people, and citizenship as the last core ethical values is concern on how people behave as members of a community. Various researches attested that psychological agreements are resolved by the ethical values induced in refining social exchanges within organization. With this, employees do not only enjoy working in an organization with leaders who have strong ethical values and encourage ethical practices but also lessens conflict between them. This type of environment not only motivates employees to work positively but also expands their manners and job performance (Iqbal, Bhatti and Zaheer, 2013).
In addition, a study of O’ Brien (2014) pointed out that while ethical values is a societal concern it is also important to all professions including those in the education sector. These professionals provide services that influence the well-being of its clientele and develop a code of ethics. For these reasons, leaders must expend their time as an exemplar the other members of their team. Leaders must be committed to the values that they publish within the organization. As such, they have to live up through their published values; they need to show what they preach. The employees will definitely discern apparent contradictions, which may be magnified unjustifiably. Leaders are expected to carry out in all circumstances the values that they wanted to set up within the organization (Iqbal, Bhatti &Zaheer, 2013; Garcia, 2014; O’ Brien, 2014; Schroeder et al., 2019).
Job Performance
According to MTD Training (2010) and Nini (2019) one of the foremost task of a leader is to oversee the performance of his team and of each individual member. Job performance is the extent of carrying out a task defined in one’s job description. This mirrors how an employee meets the requirements of a job. It manifests how an employee fulfills his or her job description. It is also a converged behavior or resolute work. As such, the existence of jobs materialized for the purpose of achieving precise and distinct results (outputs) and the organization hires people so it can achieve those results (What is Job Performance, 2020).
Besides, scholars provide various definitions and descriptions of performance (Jay, 2014). This was viewed as the execution or accomplishment of a specified assignment (Amin, Shah, Ayaz& Atta, 2013) which includes a person’s capacity to skillfully bring together the preferred or anticipated actions in achieving the objectives and goals of the organization. Accordingly, job performance is the means and style that employees in an organization utilize to carry out the tasks designated to or anticipated from to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. In the academe, a teacher’s job performance is depicted as the functions executed by the teacher at a certain time in the campus directed towards attaining daily objectives in the school and classroom; and the complete goals and objectives of education established in the institution (Okoji, 2015; Jay, 2014; & Amin et al, 2013).
Additionally, Chapman(2016) stressed that performance appraisal is the process utilized by an organization to evaluate the extent to which its members are doing their work satisfactorily. As a feedback mechanism, performance appraisal delivers important feedback to each employee regarding the way his or her job is perceived. However, an appraisal conducted without proper training and consultation may result to a waste of time.
Correspondingly, Teacher’s Performance is defined as the consistent ability to produce over a prolonged period of time and in a variety of assignment. Azeem and Omar (2018) argued that a teacher’s performance must be evaluated periodically to ensure advancement in teaching. One instrument used to manage teachers’ performance looked into the teacher in terms of her level of knowledge, teaching power and instructional effectiveness, executive and management skills, and professional responsibility, ethics and interpersonal relationship.
First, the level of knowledge of the topic is important to a teacher since teaching includes assisting others to be trained, and then understand these teachings. These are a core requirement in teaching. The innumerable tasks of teaching, which includes choosing meaningful educational activities, explaining, asking provocative and fruitful questions, and assessing the learning of the students, is dependent on how the teacher recognizes the learning needs of the students (Ariani & Desi, 2018). Besides, the skillful routine and structuring of an array of effective academic methodologies is important to warrant responsive teaching. Teachers go on training programs to broaden their professional practice and develop their leadership skills, design and employ learning curricula that motivate students to be involved in learning. Effectual execution in this expanse is expected to impact to high levels of student participation with learning and high levels of attainment in technology (Education Review Office, 2011).
Second, for teaching Power and Instructional effectiveness, Scheerens (2016) established that through examining the paradigm of teaching that depicts and outline the practices of an effective teacher will help one value teaching effectiveness. This is a set of behavior that effective teachers integrate in their everyday proficient routine. These engage a depth of understanding the subject matter that they will impart to their students (Kraft, Blazar & Hogan, 2018). Moreover, Mutrofin et al. (2017) and the ASSCU (2016) purport that the 80s and 90s fosters the prime of “teaching efficacy” when much work on student rankings was acted upon. Its relation to appraisal activities persists and is often deemed as determinants of teaching effectiveness. Various definitions for teaching effectiveness flourish, which makes it complex to identify one definite definition. However, a survey was conducted to some teachers, students, and administrators who all agreed that the three most important abilities a teacher must possess are to nurture thinking skills, rouse interest in the subject, and encourage students to learn.
Ultimately, a teacher’s executive ability and management skills are essential in dealing with the students. It can be noted that teachers’ effective performance varies in distinct leadership styles. For this reason, principals were expected to foster effective performance through motivating their teachers by recognizing their needs and letting them participate in making decisions (Brenda, 2022; Nyroos, Wiklund-Hörnqvist & Löfgren, 2018). In their study of Gore and Begum (2012) put emphasis on teacher’s role that has existed for a long time, which is teaching a subject matter in classrooms, planning syllabus and evaluating students fairly. However, at present teachers’ role has become multidimensional. Besides the basic skills, a teacher has to have a control over particular skills which are related to the teaching-learning process, classroom management, handling pedagogical issues, using technology for teaching, knowledge of various electronic gadgets, and others. Thus, these skills have to be understood since the managerial skills in non-educational organizations may not be openly associated to classroom supervision but implicitly facilitate the teaching process.
Teachers’ level of knowledge, instructional effectiveness, administrative skills and professional responsibility and ethics are indicators that give teachers direction in their relationship with their co-teachers. This also helps them determine the needs of the students and in their collaboration with parents or guardians and other staff in interceding with the community and to be dependable and loyal employees of the institution (NSW, 2010).
The National Education Association (2011) outlined the teacher’s responsibility into two principles: first, is commitment to students and second, commitment to profession. Teachers should be committed to guarantee that students acquire the knowledge and expertise they needed to become effective learners and eventually become useful and liable people who recognize and welcome the morals and philosophy supported by the government.
Moreover, as a professional, teachers are responsible conform to the professional standard and ethical behaviour requisite from the division, the community, parents and the career itself. Teachers assume this accountability surrounded by the context of the regulation and legitimate directives from their employer.
Likewise, the Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers emphasized that the the educator must accept individual conscientiousness for coaching learners’ disposition that will facilitate in evaluating the outcomes of and acknowledge the accountability for their actions and preferences. It is further pointed out that the teacher presupposes liability for his or her performance and incessantly attempts to exhibit proficiency; and tries to uphold the distinction of his profession abiding with the law, and by representing individual uprightness (Zeiger, 2018).
As a result, teachers should maintain ethical relationship and as expected, teachers are expected to discharge proficient responsibilities with truthfulness and veracity. It also expected that teachers uphold discretion at all times, develop the efficiency of teaching with research and lifelong development of specialization, cultivate the intellectual capacity of each, allow exigent learning milieu, support shared learning, and confer with contemporaries and other professionals the learning progress of the student (Sheik, 2016; and Beckner, 2013).
On the contrary, professional expectations do not always distinguish between teachers’ on or off-duty conduct. Consequently, teachers must ensure that their personal affairs must not destabilize their classroom efficiency, disgrace their school and tarnish their position as honorable examples in the society. These expectations can be difficult for some new teachers. For some individuals who are fresh out of college, it may mean changing behaviors that may have been acceptable in a university environment. Teachers are held to a higher moral standard and must behave in ways that are consistent with community and professional standards as codified in the Pennsylvania’s Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators and the Professional Educator Discipline Act (Pennsylvania Professional Standards, n.d.).
Moreover, in interpersonal relationship, Sheik (2010) posited that the academic profession requires teachers to good communicators with co-teachers and students, rigorous knowledge in the subject matter and other associated functions that they need to carry out along with refined values and behavior. Hence, a teacher must possess all these abilities to perform well every day. However, a profusion of capability does not always guarantee a thriving execution, especially when the employee fully averse to carry out his or her responsibilities satisfactorily. Vroom (1964) and Hayward (2015) supported this view which postulates that the ability and willingness of the person to exert efforts are factors that influence individual performance within the organization.
This is supported in Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory (1959) as well as Juneja (2016) and Riley (2015) who postulated that there were factors that directly leads to satisfaction (motivators) and factors that when not present can lead to dissatisfaction (hygiene). Hygiene factors are the employee’s salary, benefits, physical working conditions and interpersonal relations, company policies and security; while the motivators are recognition, promotion, responsibility, sense of achievement and value in the working environment.
Hence, to assess outcomes, the performance appraisal system was devised to regularly monitor these outcomes. Chapman (2016), Zhang (2012), Bosco (2014) and Woortman (2012) stressed that Performance appraisal system is a feedback mechanism that guides management in identifying the contribution and effort of its employees. Moreover, in the academic setting, teachers’ performance is evaluated with emphasis on the level of knowledge, instructional effectiveness, management skills and professional and ethical responsibility.
Correlation between Measures
Many studies established significant relationship between organizational behavior (OB) and job performance. The studies of Hayward (2005) and Pradeep and Prabhu (2011) found out that leaders have the ability and skills to influence employee performance. Equally, the studies of Clark (2007) and Gamad (2008); found out that significant relationship exists between the behavior of the organization and employee’s job performance.
Likewise, several studies accentuated that organizational behavior has determined what motivates its employees in terms of job performance. Further, it pointed out that organizational behavior has something to do with the performance of employees and how it affects them. Similarly, Griffin and Moorhead (2010) also support this when they postulate that organizational behavior affects the job performance of the employees working in the organization and the organization’s performance as well (Bentayao-Baguio, 2010; Chandreskar, 2011)
Moreover, studies concluded that organizational behavior has a significant relationship to teacher’s work performance. However, further analysis of the results, lead to the discovery that only two dimensions of the variable significantly influence performance (Uchendu, Anijaobi-Idem and Nkama, 2014; Selamat, Samsu and Kamalu, 2013). Sinha (2015); Mamun (2012); and Kashyap (2015) supposed that an organization which uses the custodial model of organizational behavior retains low performance of employees as they are already contented and find it difficult to leave as benefits are too good to turn their backs to.
Leadership skills have a direct and indirect effect to the performance of people in the organization. This is supported by AlFahad, AlHajiri and Alqhatani (2013); Hansen (2011); Mwangi (2013), Shaukat et al (2016) and Ryan (2010) who established that leadership skills and leadership styles had a significant effect to the individual performance of employees leading toward the success of the organization.
However, the relationship between principals’ leadership style and job performance of teachers and staff has been disputed by scholars and researchers, but only few studies explore the effect that leadership skills has on job performance of teachers in schools (Barrett & Breyer, 2014; Blase&Blase, 2000; Duze, 2012; Khalkhali, Khalatbary & Azany, 2011). Moreover, Nelson and Daniels (2014) also stated that through leadership skills the organization helps employee to develop and realize their tasks required in the organization. With this, employees are focused on job performance and participation.
On the other hand, Hansen (2011) showed his support on the significance of leadership skills and its influence on the performance of employees. Sauer’s (2011) paper illuminated the value of leadership skills and how the leader’s performance style will influence the organization. Moreover, Danish, Hoffman, Shipper &Shuhonen(2011); and Al Fahad, AlHajiri and Alqahtani (2013) discussed the influence of leadership skills and a manager’s skills, showing that these had a significant effect on the administration, its people and its effectiveness to the success of the organization. Hence, leadership portrayed within the organization has a direct and indirect effect on individual employee’s performance.
Hence, the study of Motlaq et al (2012) found that conceptual skills of managers only increased their satisfaction but not their job performance. But, the study of Mujtaba and Kaifi (2010) revealed that men and women in Afghan have significantly different skills. The results exposed that Afghan men have significantly high scores in technical and human skills while the women have high scores in conceptual skill.
Additionally, the research of Saeed, Shakeel, and Lodhi (2013) shows the relationship of manager’s attitude and leadership skills to get along with employees to employee’s performance. The results show that if the manager’s attitude fair with the employees, the employees are willing to work energetically. Further, the result bar of the employees is raised positively if the manager’s control is fair in monitoring them. This only shows that leadership skills influenced employee’s performance.
However, Ghalandari (2013) found that there is a significant relationship and positive correlation between human productivity and management skills. The findings also revealed that the three management skills, human, technical and conceptual have a direct significant relationship to human productivity. The results show evidence that improving management skills also improves human productivity.
In the same way, the study of Nadarasa and Thurasaingam (2014) revealed that positive leadership of school administrators have an effect in developing teacher’s performance. Thus, people will follow their leader when they are certain that he or she is capable of satisfying their needs. In addition a leader must exercise good leadership skills to ensure that the employees contribute to the achievement of organizational goals (Cullen, 2010; Redmond, 2014).
In addition, an article in UK Essays (2015) revealed that apart from communication skills, effectiveness skills and political skills, there are three other significant skills a manager ought to have – conceptual, human, and technical. Providing a ceaseless motivation for his or her group to attain excellence and worth in their performance is a symbol of an excellent leader. An excellent leader always looks for ways to improve production and standards.
Hence, the success of the organization can only be realized when employees are satisfied and motivated and through good leadership skills (Malik, Danish, & Usman, 2010; Ghalandari, 2012; Friedman, 2013; Northouse, 2015). Therefore, a good leadership skill is required to lead the teachers and to enhance their efficiency in schools.
The study of Saeed, Shakeel and Lodhi (2013) in the relationship of ethical values and employees performance in the education sector in Pakistan pointed out a relationship between ethical values and employees’ work performance. It is also stressed that when leaders do not value ethics in dealing with employees, keep them from performing efficiently in their job.
Moreover, Sabir et al (2013) advocated that ethical values and efficiency of performance are strongly related to each other. In the same note, Mathooko (2013) also emphasized that the ethics of an educated person can enhance his effectiveness in doing his functions. These propositions only show the significant relationship of ethical values to the performance of employees.
Similarly, the studies of Malik, Awais, Timsal, and Qureshi (2016); Wayudi, Haryono, Riani and Harsono (2013) and Omisore and Adeleke (2015) show the positive relationship between ethical values of school leaders and employees’ and teachers performance. They further emphasized that it can have directly proportional or sometimes indirect relationship. It was also revealed in their study that leaders who exhibit strong ethical values at all times have motivated their employees to work efficiently.
Structural Equation Modeling
Meanwhile, structural equation modeling is the most appropriate statistical tool used in requiring formal specifications of a model to be projected and tested based on theory and research compared to traditional methods which only specify a default model. SEM also incorporated measured variables and latent constructs while traditional techniques analyzed only measured variables. Added to this, SEM explicitly specifies measurement error while traditional methods suppose measurement happens without error (Bollen& Noble, 2011). This is also the most choice for researchers in the social sciences discipline.
On the role of sample size, Yuan, Bentler, Wu, & Hayashi, (2010) and Bollen and Noble (2011) opined that between 300 and 400 should be appropriate for SEM using ordinal data. Hair, Sarstedt, Hopkins, & Kuppelwieser (2014) supported this view in his recommendation of a sample size of at least 200 but not exceeding 400. In addition, it was emphasized if the sample size go beyond 400 to 500 participants, the SEM analysis will be too susceptible and nearly any difference is identified, revealing goodness-of-fit measure as a poor fit. Then it is concluded that a minimum sample of 200 and a maximum sample of 400, is desirable for SEM research studies. In the same manner, Kenny and Mc Coach (2003) stated that the sample size of 200 is perceived as a target for SEM research. Lesser sample sizes are required for models with no latent variables, models with fixed loadings (usually to one), models with strong correlations, and simpler models.
Likewise, Oke, Ogunsami, Ogunlana & Kazeem (2012) mentioned that SEM by means of AMOS (covariance approach) is mainly a suitable method for research studies. Consequently, Henseler (2011) stated that SEM allows researchers to model and predict relationships between construct variables in the hypothesized manner and examine multiple dependence relationships between variables simultaneously; data analysis using SEM include equally observed and unobserved variables disparate from other methods incorporating only the observable variables; and sample size can easily be regulated (Orongan, 2007; Singh, 2010).On the analysis and selection of best-fit model, Oke et al (2012) stipulated that the model needs to be subjected to a variety of tests to validate the model and arrive to the best-fit-model. In SEM, model selection and evaluation are identified. Selection of models includes testing the factor where existing studies opined a need employ factor analysis on latent variables with the cut-off value is affected by sample size but a range of 0.45 to 0.50 is deemed appropriate. Moreover, Preacher and Merkle (2012) pointed out that the second phase of selecting a model includes utilizing the criteria for selection to assert one superior model which will be considered as a best working hypothesis until a better model emerged. Selecting a possible model should be in reference to the suggested Goodness-of-fit (GOF) measures and the model that satisfies both theoretical expectations and GOF should be finally selected for SEM analysis and a value of .90 is now measured as marginal and a value below .90 is deemed as not a fitting model (Oke, Ogunsami, Ogunlana & Kazeem, 2012). Structural equation modelling followed basic steps in its operation. At first, specification of theories, previous researches, and common sense that are translated into structural models; then, if a unique solution for the parameters of the model exists then a model is identified (Raszkowski & Kinsinger, 2012).The model fit indices are assessed whether it is a poor fit. When it is, the model is specified and tried again. Predicted correlations or covariance are associated to the observed correlations or variances. It is also in this step that the goodness-of-fit is observed. Meaningfulness of parameter estimates is determined from data (Suhr, 2012).
The literature reviewed in this section establishes that organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values create flourishing effect to employees’ performance. Several studies conducted and validated that these variables have significant influence on the job performance of employees. In general, the review has extensively helped the researcher in claiming credibility to explore the topic and critical choice of research methods. More importantly, the widening research gap on the same topic demands researchers to dig deeper on the factors and reasons of good organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values of school administrators influence the job performance of employees. The literature in this study presents that the predictors of job performance are organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values and that the association of these variables to job performance was very necessary to have comprehensive understanding on its effect.
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the following models and propositions: First, organizational behavior model developed by Clark in 1998 states that organizational behavior affects the views, feelings, and actions of the people in the organization thus affecting their performance. Consequently, this model is grounded on the conviction that recognizing organizational behavior permits improved employee relationships, more pragmatic outlook and better job performance. This model includes autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial model.
Second, Leadership skills is anchored on Katz’s (1955) Three-Skills Model or Skills-Based Approach theory published his stating that an effective leader must have these skills: conceptual, human and technical skills. Katz claimed that an effective leader must be good with ideas (conceptual), people (human) and things (technical). In addition, effectual manifestation of these skills significantly influences job performance.
Third, ethical values is anchored from Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004) core values which includes trustworthiness, justice, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, civic virtue and citizenship significantly proposed that the work ethics of leaders significantly influence employees’ performance.
Lastly, job performance is anchored from Herzberg’s two-factor (1959) theory which postulates that motivators (recognition, sense of achievement, promotion, responsibility, nature of work) and hygiene (pay, company policies, fringe benefits, physical working conditions, status, job security, interpersonal relations) can lead to satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
These theories were supported by the following authorities: Uchendu, AnijaobiIdem and Nkama (2014) who claimed that the models of organizational behavior are significantly related to job performance. Different models of organizational behavior considerably affect erratic results in the schemes that an organization develops. These models established the belief system that governs management’s thought and affect management’s actions in each organization.
In the viewpoint of leadership skills, Ping, Mujtaba and Jieqiong (2012) emphasized that leadership skills are important for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs to increase the job performance of employees. Results also revealed that technical skill was the most critical for the respondents which is followed by human skill and technical skill. In addition, Ghalandari (2013) pointed out that principals should improve their leadership skills to ensure improvement in human productivity.
Also, Mathooko (2013) provided experimental support for postulating that the ethical values of an educated leader can enhance the performance and functions of employees conforming to the criteria of Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004). Moreover, he advocated that ethical values and efficiency of teachers’ job performance are strongly related to each other.
Hence, it is with these models that this study will further conceptualize that organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values affect job performance of ICT teachers in Region XI.
Conceptual Framework
This study has introduced four alternative models. The model framework could be divided into two sub-models: a measurement model and a structural model. The measurement model classifies associations among the observed and unobserved variables. Simply, it presents the association between scores on a measuring instrument (i.e., the observed indicator variables) and the fundamental concept they are intended to gauge (i.e., the unobserved latent variables). The measurement model, then, characterize the measure loads on every aspects to their latent constructs.
In contrast, the structural model denotes associations among the unobserved variables. Therefore, it indicates the method with which specific latent variables directly or indirectly influence (i.e., “cause”) modifies the values of other definite latent variables in the model. The four hypothesized models were composed of two types of latent constructs, namely exogenous and endogenous variables.
The exogenous variables of this study were organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values. On the other hand, the endogenous variable was job performance. As latent variables were not directly observed, it follows that these variables cannot be directly measured. With this, each latent constructs wereassociated with multiple measures or observed variables. So, the extent of the regression paths from the latent variable to the observed variables was one of the primary interests of this study. Thus, the four hypothesized structural models displayed potential causal dependencies between the exogenous and endogenous variables.
Figure 1. Hypothesized Model 1. Structural Model Standardized Solution of organizational behavior, leadership skills, ethical values and job performance
Figure 2. Hypothesized Model 2. A Model Showing the Interrelationship between the Exogenous Variables: organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values and its Causal Relationship on job performance
Figure 3. Hypothesized Model 3. Structural Model Standardized Solution of organizational behavior and leadership skills towards job performance
Figure 4. Hypothesized Model 4. Structural Model Standardized Solution of leadership skills and ethical values towards job performance
Hypothesized Model 1 exhibited the direct causal associations of the exogenous variables on the endogenous variable. Hypothesized Model 2 illustrated the interrelationships between the exogenous variables and their causal relationship on the dependent variable. Hypothesized Model 3 showed the correlation between organizational behavior and ethical values with their causal relationship on job performance. Hypothesized Model 4 displayed the causal relationship between the endogenous and exogenous variables of the study.
Significance of the Study
This study attempted to discover how organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values manifested in schools affect job performance of ICT teachers in Region XI. With the intensifying call for global competitiveness nowadays, employers tend to become more critical in the workplace processes. With this, learning and insights from the results of the investigation may provide feedback for the management to make necessary positive transformations towards strengthening job performance of employees and assist in preventing serious problems to happen. Job performance evaluation is considered instrumental in determining the employees’ knowledge and skills which contributes to the institution’s growth (Mayhew, 2015; Pucket, 2019; Leonard, 2011).
Moreover, as the battle for talent intensifies, most institutions nowadays have recognized the importance of getting the right people for the job through job performance evaluation. Hence, the findings of this study may guide the management in identifying whether the skills of their employees is a match with their job. With this, the institution may develop a certain culture and may be assured of employees’ retention and commitment.
Likewise, the results of the study may be valuable to school administrators of Higher education institutions as basis to review and revisit policies and practices to address the demands of teachers in the new era. ICT teachers may also be given better insight in improving their performance as an interaction of the influence of organizational behavior and of the leadership skills and ethical values of school administrators. This may serve as the basis to think of indispensable measures to improve teachers’ performance personally and professionally.
The outcomes of this study could also be beneficial to future researchers as they may be supplemented with new knowledge, theories and methodologies needed and may add their researched knowledge on organizational behavior, leadership skills and job performance in the future. They can use the findings as a secondary data for future related researches and can serve as an opener to conduct a similar study integrating other factors affecting job performance of teachers.
Definition of Terms
The terms in this section are defined operationally to provide clarity and understanding.
Organizational Behavior. Refers to the actions and attitudes of people in organizations and their behavior in a variety of conditions and understand why people behave as they do.
Leadership Skills. Refers to the proficiencies practiced by the school administrators as perceived by the ICT teachers in Region XI
Ethical Values. Refers to the level of significance of an action, which determines the best actions to do or the best way to live (deontology), or to depict the implication of different actions (axiology), which also refers to the ethical practices of the school administrators as perceived by the ICT teachers in Region XI
Job Performance. Refers to the measure of achievement of the responsibilities that constructs the job of the teachers.
Structural Equation Modeling. This refers to the most appropriate method for examining multiple dependence relationships between variables simultaneously to test whether the observed associations with a set of variables match to a hypothetical guess about how those variables should be causally related.
This chapter covers the research design, research locale, population and sample, research instrument, data collection and statistical tools of the data used in the study.
Research Design
This study utilized primary research design (first-hand data) employing quantitative research method. First, the descriptive-correlational method of research was used. A descriptive research provides an accurate picture of the status or characteristics of a situation or phenomena and it focuses on describing the variables that exist in a given situation (Johnson &Christensen, 2008). In correlation research, this determines the strength of a relationship between variables and how well the two variables are correlated.
In the generation of the best fit model, a structural equation model was used. Structural Equation Model is the most appropriate tool that investigates whether the observed association among a set of variables correspond to a hypothetical guess on the causal relationship of these variables (Stangor, 2004). This causal-comparative research design is used to establish a model regarding the job performance of ICT teachers as influenced by organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values.
Questionnaire is the main instrument in gathering the data. It is in this light that
Structural Equation Modelling is more appropriate to utilize, hence, the focal points of this research which deals with a four-variable study is to produce a model on job performance and measure the degrees of relationship between the independent variables: organizational behavior, leadership skills, ethical values and the dependent variable, job performance.
Following the rule of thumb for the number of respondents appropriate for SEM which should be between 300 – 400 (Yuan, Bentler, Wu & Hayashi, 2010), the researcher made use of the total population as sample for this study.
Research Locale
This study was conducted in Region XI among the selected ICT schools for the academic year 2016-2017. The area of study was chosen base on the proximity of the researcher and the respondents who are from different HEIs (Higher Education
Institutions) that offers ICT in Region XI, namely; Davao Oriental, Mati City, Davao del Norte, Tagum City, Panabo City, Davao City, Digos City, and Davao del Sur.
Population and Sample
This study used purposive sampling to determine the 393 respondents from ICT schools in Region XI. This technique was used to achieve a homogenous sample whose units share the same characteristics or traits (Creswell, 2014; Crossman, 2018). To attain homogeneity, the selection in this study is based on the criteria that the respondents are teachers from ICT Schools.
The respondents of this study were the teachers of ICT schools in Region XI: Southern Mindanao. They helped determine the degree of relationship between the organizational behavior, leadership skills, ethical values, and job performance by means of the four-part survey questionnaire that were administered to them. The study was conducted during the first semester of school year 2016 – 2017.
The researcher utilized purposive sampling in selecting the respondents. Kulshreshtha (2013) and Laerd Dissertation (2018) explained that purposive sampling procedure guarantees the desired distribution of the respondents based on their characteristics. It is widely used when there is no need to determine the sample size for proportionality. Also, this is very useful for this study as it helps reach the target sample fast (Crossman, 2018).
The purpose of using the purposive sampling is to guarantee the desired distribution of the respondents based on their characteristics, who, in this study are the ICT teachers in Region XI. It is for this reason that this study used this sampling method since the population size of ICT teachers is relatively small in the entire region.
Research Instrument
The study used a four-part questionnaire as a tool in gathering the data. The first part in the survey questionnaire is the twenty-four (24) items questions, which was adapted from Clark’s (2007) organizational behavior survey questionnaire. It contains statements that indicate how rarely or often the organization displays each behavior as manifested to identify the organizational behavior models which includes the autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial using the 5-point Likert scale below:
Range of Descriptive | Descriptive Interpretation | Means Level |
4.20 – 5.00 | Very High | The items in the OB model is always manifested. |
3.40 – 4.19 | High | The items in the OB model is manifested most of the time. |
2.60 – 3.39 | Moderate | The items in the OB model is sometimes manifested. |
1.80 – 2.59 | Low | The items in the OB model is seldom manifested. |
1.00 – 1.79 | Very Low | The items in the OB model is never manifested. |
The second part of the questionnaire on leadership skills has eighteen (18) items that corresponds to the three skills model. The Leadership Skills questionnaire is adapted from Katz (1955) Three-skill approach which has statements that indicates how rarely or often the administrators manifested these skills using the 5-pt. Likert Scale:
Range of Descriptive | Descriptive Interpretation | Means Level |
4.20 – 5.00 | Very High | The items in the leadership skill is always manifested. |
3.40 – 4.19 | High | The items in the leadership skill is manifested most of the time. |
2.60 – 3.39 | Moderate | The items in the leadership skill is sometimes manifested. |
1.80 – 2.59 | Low | The items in the leadership skill is seldom manifested. |
1.00 – 1.79 | Very Low | The items in the leadership skill is never manifested. |
The third part of the questionnaire is on ethical values which was adapted from Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004). The questionnaire is divided into six categories: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The ethical values questionnaire has 30 items distributed in each indicators.
To measure the extent of ethical values practiced by the school administrators in ICT schools in Region XI, 5 pt. Likert scale is used with the descriptive meaning explained below.
Range of Descriptive Descriptive Interpretation Means Level
Range of Descriptive | Descriptive Interpretation | Means Level |
4.20 – 5.00 | Very High | All the items in the ethical values is almost always manifested. |
3.40 – 4.19 | High | All the items in the ethical values is manifested most of the time. |
2.60 – 3.39 | Moderate | All the items in the ethical values is sometimes manifested. |
1.80 – 2.59 | Low | All the items in the ethical values is seldom manifested. |
1.00 – 1.79 | Very Low | All the items in the leadership skill is never manifested. |
The last part of the questionnaire is on job performance which was adapted from Charles County Public Schools Teacher Performance Evaluation Criteria (2015). The questionnaire has four parts: level of knowledge, teaching power and instructional effectiveness, executive ability and management skills, and professional responsibility, ethics and interpersonal relationship. The teacher performance questionnaire has 55 items distributed in each indicator. To measure the extent of teacher’s performance, the descriptive meaning is explained below corresponding to a range of means.
Range of Descriptive | Descriptive Interpretation | Means Level |
4.20 – 5.00 | Very High | All the items in the job performance is always observed. |
3.40 – 4.19 | High | All the items in the job performance is oftentimes observed. |
2.60 – 3.39 | Moderate | All the items in the job performance is seldom observed. |
1.80 – 2.59 | Low | All the items in the job performance is rarely observed. |
1.00 – 1.79 | Very Low | All the items in the job performance is never observed. |
The sets of questionnaire were shown to the panel of experts for validation and when finalized were subjected to pilot testing with 30 respondents for reliability test using Cron Bach alpha. Results of the pilot-test showed that the Organizational behavior questionnaire has a reliability index of .878, while Leadership skills questionnaire has .950.
On the other hand, Ethical values questionnaire has .943 and Job performance has .970. The indices presented indicate that all items for the three variables have high internal consistency and are accepted in most social science researches. For construct validity, the questionnaire was submitted to four internal validators and one external validator and has an overall mean score of 3.51 described as good.
Data Collection
Data collection involved setting and gathering as much as significant data as possible. A letter of permission to conduct the study on Structural Equation Model on Job Performance of ICT Teachers in Region XI was secured from the Regional Director of Commission on Higher Education, Region XI. The researcher then grouped the higher education institutions that offer ICT programs based on their proximity. Group 1 consisted of the institutions in Davao City, Island Garden City of Samal, Panabo City and Tagum City. Group 2 were higher education institutions in Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley; while Group 3 were institutions in Davao del Sur and Digos City and Group 4 were divisions of Mati City and Davao Oriental, respectively. The researcher travelled from Davao City to the different institutions and personally forwarded the endorsement letter from the University of Mindanao.
A day in each week for the month of August and September was allocated to travel to each group of institutions. A day was spent to travel within Davao City, Island Garden City of Samal, Panabo City and Tagum City. Another day was set to Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley; one day to Davao del Sur and Digos City and another day to Mati City and Davao Oriental. A total of four days were spent travelling to the institutions of Region XI to hand-in the letter to the school administrators of the identified higher education institutions.
It took two to three weeks to receive an approval from the school administrators to administer the survey questionnaire to the teachers through the school deans or program head. As soon as the researcher sought approval, the researcher traveled and left copies of the questionnaire for administration to the teachers. All respondents were given sufficient and clear questionnaires to answer. The respondents were requested to answer the questions fairly to keep the validity and reliability of data drawn.
The questionnaires were retrieved after a week or two upon the notification of the school administrators. It took the researcher a couple of days to retrieve the questionnaires from the identified schools. Data were collated and tabulated using the template suggested by a statistician. Data were analyzed and interpreted by computing the values of the mean, Pearson r, and linear regression using the Statistical package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Structural Equation Model was used to determine the best fit model of teachers’ efficacy using a free version of AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure).
Statistical Tools
The data collected was classified, analyzed and interpreted by using the following appropriate statistical tools:
Mean. This measure was utilized to provide a typical index of the levels of organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values of school administrators, and job performance of teachers in Region XI.
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson r). This was employed to establish if a significant relationship exists between the organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values of school administrators, and the job performance of ICT teachers in Region XI.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. This was used to determine the extent of influence of the variables on job performance.
Structural Equation Model. To develop a causal model that best fits the job performance and to assess the interrelationships among the hypothesized models, the researcher used a free version of AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) procedure. Orongan (2007) mentioned that the procedure assesses the adequacy-of-fit of a hypothesized model to the data, as shown by the extent to which the specific model led to a precise reproduction of the population covariance matrix of the manifested variables.
Presented in this chapter is the data obtained on the structural equation model of job performance of teachers in Region XI. Data are analyzed and interpreted grounded on the sub-problems raised in Chapter 1 of this research. The discussions on the different variables included in the study are level of organizational behavior, level of leadership skills, level of ethical values and level of job performance. Also presented are the correlation between organization behavior and job performance, correlation between leadership skills and job performance, correlation between ethical values and job performance; and combined influences of organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values on job performance. Also presented is the causal model data fitting.
Organizational Behavior of ICT Schools in Davao Region
Presented in Table 1 is the summary of the responses of the respondents on the level of organizational behavior manifested in the ICT schools in the Davao Region. The overall mean rating of 3.51 or described as high, indicates that most of the items regarding organizational behavior of ICT schools as perceived by the ICT teachers are manifested most of the time.
The high mean ratings of 3.80 and 3.75 for Collegial and supportive model respectively imply that teachers performance is recognized, teachers participation in decision making is observed, responsible and disciplined behavior is frequently manifested in Region XI ICT schools.
Table 1 Level of Organizational Behavior of ICT Schools in Davao Region
Indicator | SD | Mean | Descriptive Level |
Autocratic | 0.56 | 3.28 | Moderate |
Custodial | 0.59 | 3.19 | Moderate |
Supportive | 0.64 | 3.75 | High |
Collegial | 0.56 | 3.80 | High |
OVERALL | 0.44 | 3.51 | High |
The rest of the indicators obtained mean ratings ranging from 3.19 and 3.28 both moderate connotes that autocratic and custodial models are sometimes manifested in the ICT schools in Davao Region.
Leadership Skills of School Administrators
As shown in Table 2, the level of leadership skills of the School Administrators in Region XI is high with an overall mean score of 3.75. Apparently, this denotes that leadership skills are exhibited most of the time.
The mean ratings are arranged as follows: 3.77 or high for technical skills, which means that the school administrators are effective with the detailed aspects of their work, as they find filling out of forms easy, finds strength in managing their people and resources, enjoy responding to people’s requests and concerns, find challenge in allocating and obtaining resources; the 3.70 or high mean in human skills is an indication that school administrators knows how employees will respond to a new proposal, how they find understanding in the social fabric of the
Table 2 Level of Leadership Skills of the School Administrators of ICT Schools in the Davao Region
Indicator | SD | Mean | Descriptive Level |
Technical Skills | 0.75 | 3.77 | High |
Human Skills | 0.76 | 3.70 | High |
Conceptual Skills | 0.75 | 3.78 | High |
OVERALL | 0.73 | 3.75 | High |
organization important, can sense the emotional undercurrents in their group, use emotional energy to motivate others, believe that the key to successful conflict resolution is respecting the opponent, and work hard to find consensus in conflicting situations.
Ethical Values of School Administrators
Shown in Table 3 is the level of ethical values of the school administrators demonstrated by ICT teachers in Davao region. It shows the data obtained for the ethical practices of school administrators.
The data obtained shows a high result for all the indicators with an overall mean score of 3.99 or high. The cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the mean scores of 4.12 or high, 4.05 or high, and 3.99 or high respectively.
This only means that ICT teachers find the school administrators as a type of leader who is responsible, disciplined, understanding, consistent, responsible, obeys the law, exhibit civic duty and values the common good for most of the teachers who acts with integrity and honesty.
The rest of the indicators for ethical values presented in this table obtained
Table 3 Level of Ethical Values of the School Administrators of ICT Schools in the Davao Region
Indicator | SD | Mean | Descriptive Level |
Trustworthiness | 0.80 | 3.99 | High |
Respect | 0.83 | 3.93 | High |
Responsibility | 0.83 | 4.12 | High |
Fairness | 0.91 | 3.76 | High |
Caring | 0.89 | 3.96 | High |
Citizenship | 0.81 | 4.05 | High |
OVERALL | 0.77 | 3.99 | High |
mean ratings ranging from 3.76, to 3.96 all represented high mean ratings. It can also be gleaned from the table that responsibility got the highest mean score of 4.12. Overall the figures for ethical values mean score is 3.99 represented as high which means that the practices indicated under this variable were highly observed by the school administrators.
Job Performance of ICT Teachers Displayed in Table 4 are the ratings on the level of job performance of teachers among ICT teachers in Davao Region. Calculations revealed an overall mean score of 4.19 or high rating. It could be noted that the overall standard deviation as shown is 0.48 that signifies consistency of responses among the respondents this means that the items under this indicator were oftentimes manifested by the teachers.
Table 4 Level of Job Performance of ICT Teachers in the Davao Region
Indicator | SD | Mean | Descriptive Level |
Level Knowledge | 0.51 | 4.16 | High |
Instructional Effectiveness | 0.52 | 4.15 | High |
Administrative Skills | 0.53 | 4.21 | Very High |
Professional Responsibility Ethics | 0.58 | 4.26 | Very High |
OVERALL | 0.48 | 4.19 | High |
However, it can be gleaned that teachers exhibit a very high performance on both administrative skills and professional responsibility ethics. This suggests that ICT teachers apply classroom rules and procedures fairly and consistently utilizing technology to manage daily tasks. It also implies that teachers demonstrate discretion, self-control, initiative, confidence, flexibility, and also maintains effective and appropriate communication with students, parents and co-workers. Further, the mean scores indicates that ICT teachers always observed the practices indicated in this variable.
Significance on the Relationship between Organizational Behavior and Job Performance
Reflected in Table 5 is the correlation of organizational behavior and job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao Region. The overall computed r-value is 0.492 with a p-value of 0.000 at α 0.01 level of significance was considered in this
Table 5 Relationship Between Organizational Behavior of ICT Schools and Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Behavior |
Job Performance | ||||
Level of Knowledge | Instructional Effectiveness | Administrative Skills | Professional Overall Responsibility | ||
Autocratic | .120*
(.037) |
(.047) |
(.097) |
(.263) |
(.057) |
Custodial | .290**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Supportive | .459**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Collegial | .534**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Overall | .471**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
**significant at .05 significance level
study. Investigating the findings more, the probability value of 0.000 is very much lower than 0.05 level of significance. This implies that organizational behavior would essentially improve teachers’ job performance. Hence, the rejection of the null hypothesis of this study.
Moreover, the specific results of the correlation between organizational behavior with its indicators and job performance with its indicators presented that the correlation between Custodial model to the indicators of Job performance gathered an overall computer (r-value=.258, p≤ .05).
This implies that the employees need for satisfaction and security is met.
Secondly, Supportive model was also significantly related to teachers’ job performance (r-value=.481, p≤ .05). In the same manner, Collegial model is also significantly and positively related to job performance (r-value=.618, p≤ .05).
Table 6 Relationship between Leadership Skills of the School Administrators of ICT Schools and Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Leadership Skills | Job Performance | ||||
Level of Knowledge | Instructional Effectiveness | Administrative Skills | Professional Responsibility | Overall | |
Skills |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Skills |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Skills |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Overall | .482**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
However, Autocratic model has no significant relationship to teachers’ job performance (r-value=.109, p≤ .05).
Significance on the Relationship between Leadership Skills and Job Performance
Presented in Table 6 is the relationship between leadership skills and job performance. The result showed that leadership skills has significant relationship on job performance (r-value=.510, p≤ .05). This means rejection of the null hypothesis of no relationship. Moreover, when the independent variable Leadership skills was correlated with Job performance, results exhibited that Technical skills and human skills had a correlation coefficient of 0.501 and p≤ .05 significant at α 0.05 level of significance; and conceptual skills had a correlation coefficient of 0.486 significant at α 0.05 level of significance.
On the other hand, the dimensions of Job performance disclosed that job performance indicators level of knowledge and instructional effectiveness (r = 0.482, p≤ .05), administrative skills (r = 0.469, p≤ .05), and job performance indicators professional responsibility (r = 0.391, p≤ .05) showed a significant and positive relationship to overall Leadership skills.
Significance on the Relationship between Ethical Values and Job Performance
Shown in Table 7 is the relationship between ethical values and job performance. The components of job performance includes level of knowledge,
instructional effectiveness, administrative skills, and professional responsibility. It can be gleaned that the indicators of ethical values and job performance exposed a computed r-value=.475, p≤ .05 which is significant at α 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between ethical values and job performance was rejected.
Furthermore, the correlation between ethical values and job performance with its indicators revealed that the correlation between trustworthiness and Job performance garnered a computed r-value=.436, p≤ .05, which is significant at α 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between ethical values and job performance was rejected.
In the same way, the indicators Respect (r = 0.469, p≤ .05), Responsibility (r = 0.456, p≤ .05), Fairness (r = 0.398, p≤ .05), Caring (r = 0.390, p≤ .05), and Citizenship (r = 0.492, p≤ .05) were significantly and positively related to the overall ethical values observed by the school administrators in ICT schools.
Table 7 Relationship between Ethical Values of the School Administrators of ICT Schools and Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Ethical Values | Job Performance | ||||
Level of Knowledge | Instructional Effectiveness | Administrative Skills | Professional Responsibility | Overall | |
Trustworthiness | .394**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Respect | .377**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Responsibility | .405**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Fairness | .363**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Caring | .343**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Citizenship | .413**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
Overall | .416**
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
(.000) |
The bivariate analysis exposed that these variables are significantly and positively related with job performance, which signifies a linear association of the variables.
Significance on the Influence of Organizational Behavior of ICT School on the Job Performance of Teachers
Table 8 exhibits the significance on the influence of Organizational behavior with its models Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive and Collegial models on Job performance of ICT teachers in Region XI.
Table 8 Influence of Organizational Behavior of ICT Schools on the Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Job Performance | |||||
Organizational Behavior (Indicators) | B | β | t | Sig. | |
Autocratic | -.236 | -.281 | -4.897 | .000 | |
Custodial | .282 | .352 | 5.897 | .000 | |
Supportive | -.356 | -.480 | -5.033 | .000 | |
Collegial | .865 | 1.023 | 11.004 | .000 | |
R | .679 | ||||
R2 | .461 | ||||
F | 63.774 | ||||
ρ .000 |
When Job performance was regressed, the influence of the indicators of Organizational behavior practices generated an F– value of 63.774 significant at p≤ .05. Hence, the generated values lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
It can be stated therefore that the responses on the four indicators of organizational behavior significantly influenced job performance. This influence is evident with the computed values presented in Table 8. The r-squared of 0.461 indicates that 46% of the indicators in Job performance are attributed to autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial models of organizational behavior. This also means that 54% of the variation presented in Job performance is attributed to the other variables and areas that are not covered in this study. Moreover, it can also be gleaned from the results that Autocratic model has a t-value of -4.897, Custodial model with tvalue of 5.897, Supportive model with t-value of -5.033, while Collegial model has t-value of 11.004 all with a p≤ .05. This calculation reveals the significant influence of the indicators to job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao region.
Significance on the Influence of Leadership Skills of the School Administrators on the Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Shown in Table 9 is the significance on the influence of Technical skills, Human skills, and Conceptual skills as indicators of Leadership skills on Job performance among ICT teachers in Region XI.
When Job performance was regressed, the influence of the indicators of Leadership skills generated an F-value of 35.285 significant at p≤ .05. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
It can be stated therefore that the responses on the three indicators of Leadership skills significantly influenced Job performance. The r-squared of 0.261 indicates that 26.1% of the indicators in Job performance of ICT teachers are attributed to Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills. This also means that 73.9% of the variation in Job performance is attributed to other variables not covered in the study.
The table also shows that Technical skills has a t-value of 1.359 and p-value of .175, human skills with t-value of 1.817 and p≥ .05, and conceptual skills with t-value of 0.380 and p≥ .05.
Examining further, it can be noted that of the three indicators of leaderships skills Human skills best influenced job performance of teachers with its p≥ .05 significantly close to the total p-value of 0.000. Whereas, Conceptual skills least influenced teachers job performance with its high p≥ .05, higher than the total p≤ .05.
Table 9 Influence of Leadership Skills of the School Administrators of ICT Schools on the Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Job Performance | ||||||
Leadership Skills (Indicators) | B | β | t | Sig. | ||
Technical Skills | .141 | .221 | 1.359 | .175 | ||
Human Skills | .155 | .246 | 1.817 | .070 | ||
Conceptual Skills | .036 | .056 | .380 | .705 | ||
R | .511 | |||||
R2 | .261 | |||||
F | 35.285 | |||||
ρ | .000 |
Significance on the Influence of Ethical Values of the School Administrators on the Job Performance of Teachers
Displayed in Table 10 is the significance on the influence of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship as indicators of Ethical Values on Job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao Region. When Job performance was regressed, the influence of the indicators of Ethical values generated an F-value of 18.766 significant at p≤ .05. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. It can be stated therefore that the responses on the six indicators of Ethical values significantly influenced Job performance. The r-squared of 0.276 indicates that 27.6% of the indicators in Job performance is attributed to Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.
Table 10 Influence of Ethical Values of the School Administrators of ICT Schools on the Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Job Performance | ||||||
Ethical Values (Indicators) | B | β | t | Sig. | ||
Trustworthiness | -.106 | -.180 | -1.314 | .190 | ||
Respect | .159 | .279 | 2.720 | .007 | ||
Responsibility | .079 | .137 | 1.127 | .261 | ||
Fairness | .003 | .005 | .050 | .960 | ||
Caring | -.060 | -.112 | -1.006 | .315 | ||
Citizenship | .241 | .412 | 4.152 | .000 | ||
R | .525 | |||||
R2 | .276 | |||||
F | 18.766 | |||||
ρ | .000 |
Moreover, the variance of 72.4% in Job performance is attributed to the other variables not covered in this study.
Significance on the Combined Influence of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Skills and Ethical Values on the Job Performance of ICT Teachers
Exhibited in Table 11 is the significance on the combined influence of Organizational behavior, Leadership skills and Ethical values on Job performance among ICT teachers in Region XI. When Job performance of teachers was regressed, the combined influence of the three independent variables generated
Table 11 Combined Influence of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Skills and Ethical Values of the School Administrators of ICT Schools on the Job Performance of the ICT Teachers
Job Performance | ||||||
(Variables) | B | β | t | Sig. | ||
Organizational Behavior | .305 | .284 | 4.731 | .000 | ||
Leadership skills | .139 | .213 | 2.333 | .020 | ||
Ethical Values | .093 | .151 | 1.781 | .076 | ||
R | .566 | |||||
R2 | .320 | |||||
F | 46.923 | |||||
ρ | .000 |
an F– value of 35.285 significant at p≤ .05. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
The combined Organizational behavior, Leadership skills and Ethical values have significant influence on Job Performance of ICT teachers.
It can be stated therefore that the responses on the six indicators of Ethical values significantly influenced Job performance. The r-squared of 0.276 indicates that 27.6% of the indicators in Job performance is attributed to Trustworthiness,
Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Moreover, the variance of 72.4% in Job performance is attributed to the other variables not covered in this study.
It can also be gleaned that Organization behavior has a t-value of 4.731 and p≤ .05, Leadership skills with t-value of 2.333 and p≥ .05, and Ethical values with t-value of 1.781 and p≥ .05.
Probing further, the table displays that when the independent variables are interpreted individually, Organizational behavior has relatively the greatest influence on Job performance as evident in its p≥ .05 and beta-coefficient of .284. Whereas, Ethical values, having a p≥ .05 higher than the significant p≥ .05 is considered the least influential independent variable on Job performance ICT teachers.
Establishing the Best Structural Model
This part provided analysis on the interrelationships among the variables included in the study. Four alternative models were tested in an effort to find the best fit model of Job performance of ICT teachers. Each model had a framework that could be categorized into two sub models: a measurement model, and a structural model. The measurement model represented the evaluated loads on specific feature to their latent constructs while the structural model defined associations among the latent variables. Moreover, the assessment of fit developed a basis for accepting and rejecting the models presented.
Generally in this model, the researcher wanted to determine the causality relationship of the latent constructs toward the different latent variables. Likewise, it established the relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables.
By the time a structured model came up with an acceptable fit, it is indicated that there is consistency of the empirical relationships among variables as implied by the model. The estimates of model parameters indicated the extent and path of the associations among variables.
Direct and Indirect Effect
From the hypothesized (conceptual) model there were four generated models tested by the researcher in this study. Variables were screened to have the normality of data. Only variables that exhibits the interval or ratio data were included in the generation of models. All generated models were strongly supported by theories.
Shown in Figure 6 is the generated model 1, where all the paths were drawn from the independent variables to the dependent variable. It showed the direct link of organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values towards job performance of ICT teachers in Region XI, consequently, assumptive that the independent variables influenced the dependent variable.
The path model exhibited in Figure 6 indicated how a few predictor variables bear an intervening effect on the outcomes measures. The direct effects are represented by arrows from a predictor variable usually at the left side to the right side where the dependent variable is, without passing through another variable.
The indirect effects are relationships between a predictor variable and a dependent variable which are mediated by passing through one or more variables in between. The degree of the indirect effects is ascertained by cross multiplying the coefficients for any path combinations which connects the predictor variable on the left side with a dependent variable on the right side and eventually summing
Table 12 Direct and Indirect Effects of the Independent Variables on Job Performance of ICT Teachers of Model 1
Variables | Direct Effect | Indirect Effect | Total Effect |
Organizational Behavior | .512 | – | .512 |
Leadership Skills | .170 | – | .170 |
Ethical Values .129 – .129 |
up to get its total. The total effect of a certain predictor variable on a dependent variable is the sum of its direct and indirect effect.
Generated Model 1
The generated structural model 1 is illustrated in Figure 6. In this model, 0% performance variation is explained by organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values. It can be noted that the latent variable organizational behavior is strongly represented by collegial model (Beta = 0.02). On the other hand, simple faction appeared to be the weakest factor representing the latent variables, leadership skills and ethical values (Beta = 0.51).
Results in Table 12 showed the direct effects of predictor variables to the dependent variable which is the job performance. The organizational behavior had the highest total effect of .512 on job performance. It is followed by leadership skills with .170 effects on job performance and ethical values with .129 effects towards job performance.
Table 13. Goodness of Fit Measures of Generated Model 1.
CMIN/DF | < 5 | 11.429 |
P-value | >0.05 | 0.000 |
NFI | >0.90 | 0.784 |
TLI | >0.90 | 0.764 |
CFI | >0.90 | 0.799 |
GFI | >0.90 | 0.853 |
RMSEA | <0.05 | 0.186 |
P-close >0.05 0.000 |
Legend: CMIN/DF – Chi Square/Degrees of Freedom NFI – Normed Fit Index
GFI – Goodness of Fit Index TLI – Tucker-Lewis Index
RMSEA –Root Mean Square of Error Approximation CFI – Comparative Fit Index
As displayed in Table 13, the goodness of fit of Model 1 was examined using the following indices: Chi-square/Degrees of Freedom (CMIN/DF), Root Mean Square of Error Approximation (RMSEA), Normed Fit Index (NFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and Goodness of Fit Index (GFI). The criterion for each index that indicates a good fit is also shown in Table 14. The results indicated a poor fit of the first generated model to the data as reflected by
Table 14. Estimates of Variable Regression Weights of Generated Model 1
Estimate | S.E. | Beta | C.R. | P-value | |||
JP | <— | O_B | 1.479 | .344 | .512 | 4.296 | 0.000 |
JP | <— | E_V | .070 | .027 | .129 | 2.607 | 0.009 |
JP | <— | L_S | .092 | .027 | .170 | 3.429 | 0.000 |
cs | <— | L_S | 1.000 | .958 | |||
hs | <— | L_S | .998 | .027 | .945 | 37.117 | 0.000 |
ts | <— | L_S | 1.017 | .023 | .976 | 44.275 | 0.000 |
cp | <— | E_V | 1.000 | .879 | |||
cg | <— | E_V | 1.114 | .048 | .893 | 23.018 | 0.000 |
fs | <— | E_V | 1.109 | .051 | .872 | 21.824 | 0.000 |
ry | <— | E_V | 1.069 | .043 | .926 | 25.061 | 0.000 |
rt | <— | E_V | 1.019 | .046 | .877 | 22.099 | 0.000 |
tr | <— | E_V | 1.070 | .040 | .953 | 26.971 | 0.000 |
am | <— | O_B | 1.000 | .237 | |||
cm | <— | O_B | .427 | .244 | .096 | 1.747 | 0.081 |
sm | <— | O_B | 3.865 | .833 | .805 | 4.641 | 0.000 |
co | <— | O_B | 4.547 | 1.018 | 1.080 | 4.467 | 0.000 |
lk | <— | JP | 1.000 | .804 | |||
ie | <— | JP | 1.169 | .061 | .944 | 19.250 | 0.000 |
as | <— | JP | .996 | .066 | .777 | 15.135 | 0.000 |
pr | <— | JP | 1.121 | .071 | .801 | 15.784 | 0.000 |
its CMIN/DF = 11.429 with its p-value = 0.000 and RMSEA = 0.186 with p-close = 0.000. The three indices namely; NFI, TLI, GFI and CFI > 0.90 generated data below .90 did not signify a reasonable fit of model for the data. However, the index GFI fell within the criterion which indicates a reasonable fit model.
As outlined in Table 14, the effects among latent variables and between measured and latent variables were estimated to produce regression weights. Results showed that two independent latent variables; organizational behavior and leadership skills, significantly predict the dependent variable, job performance (p<0.01) of which organizational behavior with the highest beta coefficient of 0.512 and p-value of. 0.000. It can be also seen that the factor collegial model highly represented the latent variable, organizational behavior (Beta = 1.080, p<0.01).
Generated Model 2
Figure 7 presented the generated structural model 2 in terms of standardized solution. As shown in the model, the interrelationship between the exogenous variables: organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values could explain the variation of the performance by 0%. It can also be noted that when organizational behavior correlated with leadership skills revealed an r-value equal to 0.07, organizational behavior is correlated with ethical values evident with its r-value equal to 0.06. However, when leadership skills was correlated with ethical values it revealed the most r-value of 0.44. The relationship of the predictor variables organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values to the dependent variable job performance.
Figure 7. Generated Model 2 Showing the Interrelationship between the Exogenous Variables: Organizational Behavior, Leadership Skills and Ethical Values and its Causal Relationship on Job Performance
Table 15 Direct and Indirect Effects of the Independent Variables on Job Performance of ICT Teachers of Model 2
Variables | Direct Effect | Indirect Effect | Total Effect |
Organizational Behavior | .499 | – | .499 |
Leadership Skills | .124 | – | ..124 |
Ethical Values | .067 | – | ..067 |
Results in Table 15 showed the direct and indirect effects of the predictor variables organizational behavior, leadership skills, and ethical values to the dependent variable, job performance. The table shows that the predictor variable organizational behavior had the highest total effect of .499 on job performance. It also presented that leadership skills followed with .124 effects on job performance then ethical values with .067 effect towards job performance.
Assessment of fit to the data of Model 2 is shown in Table 16. The indices such as CMIN/DF, NFI, TLI, CFI, GFI, RMSEA and p-close showed a model fit value of 7.117, 0.869, 0.862, 0.885, 0.831, 0.142 and 0.000 respectively, were not in the acceptable ranges for a model of fit. However, the p≤ .05 signifies a reasonable fit for data. But even if the p-value is within the criterion range all the other indices indicated a poor fit model. Still, model 2 is not acceptable as best fit model for job performance.
Table 16. Goodness of Fit Measures of Generated Model 2.
CMIN/DF | < 5 | 7.117 |
P-value | >0.05 | 0.000 |
NFI | >0.90 | 0.869 |
TLI | >0.90 | 0.862 |
CFI | >0.90 | 0.885 |
GFI | >0.90 | 0.831 |
RMSEA | <0.05 | 0.142 |
P-close >0.05 0.000 |
Legend: CMIN/DF – Chi Square/Degrees of Freedom NFI – Normed Fit Index
GFI – Goodness of Fit Index TLI – Tucker-Lewis Index
RMSEA –Root Mean Square of Error Approximation CFI – Comparative Fit Index
Table 17. Estimates of Variable Regression Weights of Generated Model 2
Estimate | S.E. | Beta | C.R. | P-value | |||
JP | <— | O_B | 1.553 | .435 | .499 | 3.573 | 0.000 |
JP | <— | E_V | .040 | .062 | .067 | .641 | 0.521 |
JP | <— | L_S | .074 | .065 | .124 | 1.140 | 0.254 |
cs | <— | L_S | 1.000 | .956 | |||
hs | <— | L_S | 1.012 | .026 | .955 | 38.933 | 0.000 |
ts | <— | L_S | 1.012 | .024 | .969 | 42.183 | 0.000 |
cp | <— | E_V | 1.000 | .881 | |||
cg | <— | E_V | 1.109 | .048 | .891 | 22.997 | 0.000 |
fs | <— | E_V | 1.106 | .050 | .872 | 21.925 | 0.000 |
ry | <— | E_V | 1.066 | .042 | .924 | 25.122 | 0.000 |
rt | <— | E_V | 1.015 | .046 | .875 | 22.113 | 0.000 |
tr | <— | E_V | 1.072 | .039 | .957 | 27.471 | 0.000 |
am | <— | O_B | 1.000 | .243 | |||
cm | <— | O_B | 1.426 | .418 | .328 | 3.408 | 0.000 |
sm | <— | O_B | 4.336 | 1.039 | .925 | 4.173 | 0.000 |
co | <— | O_B | 3.851 | .923 | .936 | 4.174 | 0.000 |
lk | <— | JP | 1.000 | .833 | |||
ie | <— | JP | 1.166 | .054 | .954 | 21.706 | 0.000 |
as | <— | JP | .988 | .059 | .801 | 16.752 | 0.000 |
pr | <— | JP | 1.112 | .064 | .824 | 17.480 | 0.000 |
Regression weights were estimated to determine the effects between measured and latent variables. As shown in Table 17, exogenous latent variable, organizational behavior (Beta=.499,p≤ 0.000)significantly predicts the endogenous variable, job performance.
Moreover, the latent variable organizational behavior was found to be mostly represented by the observed variable Collegial model (Beta= 0.936, p≤ 0.000) followed by supportive model (Beta= 0.925, p≤ 0.000). Whereas, autocratic model has the least with beta coefficient of 0.243.
Generated Model 3.
Figure 8 illustrated the generated structural model 3 in standardized solution. In this model, the combined effects of organizational behavior and ethical values showed a 0% performance variation . It can also be observed that the predictor variables organizational behavior and ethical values are moderately correlated with the r-value equivalent to 0.06. It can be established further that organizational behavior consistently represent its components with beta coefficient of 0.02 and ethical values withbeta = 0.51.
Results in Table 18 showed the direct effects of the predictor variables to the dependent variable which is job performance. It can be gleaned in the table that the predictor variable Organizational behavior had the highest total effect of 0.529 on job performance, while predictor variable Ethical values have 0.156 effects on job performance.
Table 18 Direct and Indirect Effects of the Independent Variables on Job Performance of ICT Teachers of Model 3
Variables | Direct Effect | Indirect Effect | Total Effect |
Organizational Behavior | .529 | – | .529 |
Ethical Values | .156 | – | .156 |
Examination of the goodness of fit of the generated structural model 3 is portrayed in Table 19. The fit indices CMIN/DF, p-value, NFI, TLI, CFI, GFI, RMSEA and p-close with a presented model fit value of 8.934, 0.857, 0.842, 0.871, 0.813, 0.156, and 0.000 respectively exhibited were not in the acceptable ranges for goodness of fit measures.
As shown in Table 20, regression weights were obtained to estimate the effects between measured and latent variables. Result exhibited that organizational behavior significantly possesses a causal relationship with job performance as indicated by beta= 0.529 and a p≤ .05 values. These values suggest that high utilization of organizational behavior among ICT schools increases Job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao Region.
Table 19. Goodness of Fit Measures of Generated Model 3.
CMIN/DF | < 5 | 8.394 |
P-value | >0.05 | 0.000 |
NFI | >0.90 | 0.857 |
TLI | >0.90 | 0.842 |
CFI | >0.90 | 0.871 |
GFI | >0.90 | 0.813 |
RMSEA | <0.05 | 0.156 |
P-close >0.05 0.000 |
Legend: CMIN/DF – Chi Square/Degrees of Freedom NFI – Normed Fit Index
GFI – Goodness of Fit Index TLI – Tucker-Lewis Index
RMSEA –Root Mean Square of Error Approximation CFI – Comparative Fit Index
Table 20. Estimates of Variable Regression Weights of Generated Model 3
Estimate | S.E. | Beta | C.R. | P-value | |||
JP | <— | O_B | 1.666 | .458 | .529 | 3.641 | 0.000 |
JP | <— | E_V | .093 | .040 | .156 | 2.347 | 0.019 |
cp | <— | E_V | 1.000 | .881 | |||
cg | <— | E_V | 1.112 | .048 | .894 | 23.137 | 0.000 |
fs | <— | E_V | 1.107 | .051 | .872 | 21.912 | 0.000 |
ry | <— | E_V | 1.067 | .042 | .925 | 25.157 | 0.000 |
rt | <— | E_V | 1.017 | .046 | .877 | 22.184 | 0.000 |
tr | <— | E_V | 1.068 | .039 | .953 | 27.127 | 0.000 |
am | <— | O_B | 1.000 | .240 | |||
cm | <— | O_B | 1.394 | .418 | .317 | 3.338 | 0.000 |
sm | <— | O_B | 4.369 | 1.060 | .921 | 4.122 | 0.000 |
co | <— | O_B | 3.917 | .950 | .941 | 4.125 | 0.000 |
lk | <— | JP | 1.000 | .832 | |||
ie | <— | JP | 1.169 | .054 | .956 | 21.759 | 0.000 |
as | <— | JP | .985 | .059 | .799 | 16.678 | 0.000 |
pr | <— | JP | 1.111 | .064 | .823 | 17.450 | 0.000 |
Generated Model 4
The generated structural model 4 in standardized solution is shown in Figure 9. Results indicated that the latent variable organizational behavior representing the measured variables supportive and collegial models and ethical values representing the measured variables trustworthiness had significant contribution to the latent variable job performance. This is apparent with the explained variance of organizational behavior and ethical values on job performance by 46%. It can be gleaned also that organizational behavior was highly correlated with job performance as revealed by the r-value=0.56 while ethical values showed an r-value =0.16.
Results in Table 21 showed the direct and indirect effects of predictor variables to the dependent variable, job performance. Organizational behavior revealed the highest total effect of 0.557. It is followed by ethical values which depicted a 0.531 total effects on job performance accumulated from its direct effect of 0.163 and indirect effect of 0.368. However, the predictor variable leadership skills shows no effect to the dependent variable.
The model fitting was calculated as being highly acceptable as presented in Table 22. The chi-square divided by the degrees of freedom is 4.142 with the probability value of 0.068. This indicates a very good fit of the model to the data. This is also strongly proven by RMSEA index which is less than 0.05, with its corresponding p-close value (0.063) > 0.05. Likewise, the other indices such as NFI, TLI, CFI, and GFI were found to consistently indicate a very good fit model as their values all met within each criterion.
Figure 9. Generated Model 4 Showing the Direct Causal Link of Organizational Behavior and Ethical Values toward Job Performance and the Interrelationships of the Exogenous Variables; Organizational Behavior, Leadership Skills and Ethical Values with each other
OrgB = Organizational Behavior am = Autocratic cm = Custodial sm = Supportive co = Collegial LeadS = Leadership Skills cs= Conceptual Skills |
hs = Human Skills
ts = Technical Skills EthV = Ethical Values tr = Trustworthiness rt = Respect ry = Responsibility fs = Fairness |
cg = Caring
cp = Citizenship JobP = Job Performance lk = Level of Knowledge ie = Instructional Effectiveness as = Administrative Skills pr = Professional Responsibility, Ethics and Interpersonal Relationships |
Table 21 Direct and Indirect Effects of the Independent Variables on Job Performance of ICT Teachers of Model 4
Variables | Direct Effect | Indirect Effect | Total Effect |
Organizational Behavior | 0.557 | – | 0.557 |
Leadership Skills | – | – | – |
Ethical Values | 0.163 | 0.368 | 0.531 |
Regression weights were estimated to measure the effects between measured and latent variables. As shown in Table 23, the model suggests that organizational behavior is a strong predictor of job performance as indicated by its beta coefficient of 0.557 with its p≤ .05 less than the 0.05 level of significance.
Organizational behavior were found to be reasonably representative of the measured variables: supportive model (0.920) collegial model (0.943) and with all their probability levels p≤ 0.05 level of significance.
Model Development
In terms of the research question related to the model that best represents the variables that predict job performance, the original proposed model outlined in Figure 4 needed some modification in order to fit the data. There were four generated models presented in the study. The summary of the findings of the goodness of fit measures of these four generated models is presented in Table 24.
Table 22. Goodness of Fit Measures of Generated Model 4.
CMIN/DF | < 5 | 4.142 |
P-value | >0.05 | 0.068 |
NFI | >0.90 | 0.948 |
TLI | >0.90 | 0.942 |
CFI | >0.90 | 0.960 |
GFI | >0.90 | 0.988 |
RMSEA | <0.05 | 0.021 |
P-close >0.05 0.063 |
Legend: CMIN/DF – Chi Square/Degrees of Freedom NFI – Normed Fit Index
GFI – Goodness of Fit Index TLI – Tucker-Lewis Index
RMSEA –Root Mean Square of Error Approximation CFI – Comparative Fit Index
Table 23. Estimates of Variable Regression Weights of Generated Model 4
Estimate | S.E. | Beta | C.R. | P-value | |||
O_B | <— | E_V | .544 | .044 | .660 | 12.239 | 0.000 |
L_S | <— | E_V | .709 | .047 | .741 | 14.992 | 0.000 |
JP | <— | E_V | .095 | .041 | .163 | 2.330 | 0.020 |
L_S | <— | O_B | .248 | .048 | .214 | 5.187 | 0.000 |
JP | <— | O_B | .393 | .054 | .557 | 7.225 | 0.000 |
cs | <— | L_S | 1.000 | .919 | |||
hs | <— | L_S | 1.087 | .032 | .986 | 34.277 | 0.000 |
ts | <— | L_S | 1.016 | .023 | .935 | 44.306 | 0.000 |
cp | <— | E_V | 1.000 | .879 | |||
cg | <— | E_V | 1.091 | .047 | .875 | 23.303 | 0.000 |
fs | <— | E_V | 1.101 | .051 | .866 | 21.378 | 0.000 |
ry | <— | E_V | 1.058 | .044 | .916 | 24.281 | 0.000 |
rt | <— | E_V | 1.011 | .048 | .869 | 21.227 | 0.000 |
tr | <— | E_V | 1.079 | .039 | .961 | 27.326 | 0.000 |
lk | <— | JP | 1.000 | .814 | |||
ie | <— | JP | 1.142 | .071 | .914 | 16.174 | 0.000 |
as | <— | JP | .953 | .090 | .756 | 10.544 | 0.000 |
pr | <— | JP | 1.048 | .099 | .759 | 10.582 | 0.000 |
sm | <— | O_B | 1.000 | .920 | |||
co | <— | O_B | .898 | .037 | .943 | 24.052 | 0.000 |
Table 24. Summary of Goodness of Fit Measures of the Four Generated Models
Model | Pvalue (>0.05) | CMIN /DF (<5) | NFI (>0.90) | TLI (>0.90) | CFI (>0.90) | GFI (>0.90) | RMSEA (<0.05) | Pclose (>0.05) |
1 | 0.000 | 11.429 | 0.784 | 0.764 | 0.799 | 0.853 | 0.186 | 0.000 |
2 | 0.000 | 7.117 | 0.869 | 0.862 | 0.885 | 0.831 | 0.142 | 0.000 |
3 | 0.000 | 8.394 | 0.857 | 0.842 | 0.871 | 0.813 | 0.156 | 0.000 |
4 0.068 4.142 0.948 0.942 0.960 0.988 0.021 0.063 |
Legend: CMIN/DF – Chi Square/Degrees of Freedom NFI– Normed Fit Index
GFI – Goodness of Fit Index TLI– Tucker-Lewis Index
RMSEA –Root Mean Square of Error Approximation CFI – Comparative Fit Index
Identifying the best fitting model, all the indices included must consistently fall within acceptable ranges. Chi-square/degrees of freedom value should be less than 5 with its corresponding p-value greater than 0.05. A p-value can be calculated (automatically by most SEM software) using the chi-square value and model degrees of freedom, hence, it is unique among possible SEM measures of fit (Moran, 2021).Root Mean Square of Error Approximation value must be less than 0.05 and its corresponding p-close value must be greater than 0.05. The other indices such a Normed Fit Index, Tucker-Lewis Index, Comparative Fit Index and Goodness of Fit must be all greater than 0.90.
The first generated structural model showed the direct causal relationship of the exogenous variables, Organizational behavior, Leadership skills and Ethical values to endogenous variable, Job performance. All indices did not achieve the acceptable ranges hence, a poor fit.
The second generated structural model displayed the interrelationship between the exogenous variables: Organizational behavior, Leadership skills, and Ethical values and their causal relationship on the endogenous variable, Job performance. The model was still found poor fit as reflected by its indices which all did not meet the acceptable ranges.
The third generated structural model portrayed a direct causal link of the variables toward Job performance and their relationships with each other. As shown in the results, the model was still found non-fitting to the data as indicated by all its indices which did not meet the acceptable ranges as presented in the criterion of a good fit model.
Finally, model 4 showed the direct causal link of Organizational behavior and Ethical values toward Job performance and their interrelationship of the exogenous variables: organizational behavior (r-value=0.21) and ethical values (r-value=0.76) are both correlated to leadership skills; while Ethical values is also correlated with organizational behavior as presented (r-value=0.66). Model 4 was found to have indices that consistently indicate a very good fit to the data as indicated by CMIN/DF= 4.142, p-value = 0.068, RMSEA = 0.021, p-close= 0.063 and indices such as NFI, TLI, CFI and GFI all greater than 0.90. All of these satisfied each criterion. Thus, there is no need to find another model for testing
Figure 10. The Best Fit Model for Job Performance
OrgB = Organizational Behavior am = Autocratic cm = Custodial sm = Supportive co = Collegial LeadS = Leadership Skills cs= Conceptual Skills |
hs = Human Skills
ts = Technical Skills EthV = Ethical Values tr = Trustworthiness rt = Respect ry = Responsibility fs = Fairness |
cg = Caring
cp = Citizenship JobP = Job Performance lk = Level of Knowledge ie = Instructional Effectiveness as = Administrative Skills pr = Professional Responsibility, Ethics and Interpersonal Relationships |
because it is already found to be the best fit among all tested model. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. It could be stated that there is a model that best fit Job performance of ICT teachers in the Davao region. The model clearly illustrated the importance of organizational behavior and Ethical values of school administrators with its interrelationship to leadership skills and Ethical values to organizational behavior as predictors of Job performance. However, Organizational behavior is shown to be the strong predictor of Job performance evident with its r-value of 0.56 and its p value of 0.000.
This chapter presents the discussion of the data on instructional leadership practices, school culture, organizational values and teachers’ efficacy.
Independent and Dependent Variables
The high level of organizational behavior of ICT schools in Region XI is derived from the high rating of responses given by the respondents on supportive and collegial models. The teachers in these institutions are working toward a shared purpose within the context of structured relationships through leadership and teamwork. The teacher’s participation, job performance, responsible behavior and discipline which are distinctive behaviors that shapes the organizational behavior of any organization. This behavior is expected to improve job performance since it is congruent to the viewpoints of several authors (Pradeev, 2015; Bentayao-Baguio, 2010; Schemerhorn, 2012) who pronounced that a high level of organizational behavior permits an improved employee relationship, more pragmatic opportunities and enhances job performance.
The second independent variable, leadership skills, is described as high. The high level is derived from the responses on its indicators: Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills, which are all in high level. This is an indication that school administrators possessed the skills of an effective leaders. Among these skills include being effective with the detailed aspects of their work, showing respect to adversaries in dealing with conflict and finding formulating strategic plans for the institution challenging. This is an actualization of the leadership skills model of Katz (1955) who postulates that a good leader must possess all three skills. In addition, some authors
(Virkus, 2009; Nadarasa & Thuraisingan, 2014; Pensylvannia University, 2013; Economy, 2014; Northouse, 2012; Gupta, 2009) indicated that a good leader must possess the three-skills as competencies that can help them achieved organizational goals.
Ethical values, the third independent variable, are described as high. The high level is the result of the consolidated responses of its indicators Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship which all have high levels.
The high level of ethical values demonstrated that the identified behaviors: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship are being positively displayed by the school administrators towards their teachers. This assumption is parallel with Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004) that postulates that effective character education includes trustworthiness, justice and fairness, caring and civic virtue and citizenship. It also conforms to the assumption of Garcia (2010) who added that teachers tend to stay and carry on with their work in an institution with values in consonance with theirs.
The dependent variable, Job performance, is described as high. The high level is derived from both high and very high level ratings of its indicators. The indicators with very high levels are Administrative skills and Professional Responsibility, Ethics and Interpersonal Relationships. The other indicators, Level of knowledge and Instructional effectiveness, have high level ratings. The high level of Job performance showed teachers’ competence to carry out their tasks despite of difficulties they have to defy in the workplace. This is an actualization with the study of Capilitan (2009) who contends that people who have strong commitment to relevant organizational goals generally show high performance.
Correlations of Variables
The test of relationship between variables reveals that there is a significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.
The significant relationship between organizational behavior and job performance is in consonance with the organizational model developed by Clark (1998) which is grounded on the conviction that permits an improved employee relationship, more pragmatic opportunities and enhances job performance. This also supports the study of Griffin and Moorhead (2010); Chandrasekar (2011); and Gamad (2008) that the two variables demonstrate association and established causal link that shows organizational behavior as a predictor and determiner of job performance. The correlation also conforms to the study of Selamat, Samsu and Kamalu (2013) and Uchendu, Anijaobi-Idem & Nkama (2014) who found that organizational behavior significantly influences job performance of teachers.
The significant relationship between Leadership skills and Job performance conforms to Katz (1955) leadership skills model who claimed that effectual manifestation of the three-skills model significantly influences job performance This is also congruent to the study of AlFahad, AlHajiri and Alqhatani (2013); Sauer (2011); and Danish, Hoffman, Shipper &Shuhonen (2011) who established that leadership skills had a significant effect to the individual performance of employees leading toward the success of the organization. It also aligns to the study of Ghalandari (2013) who showed evidenced that improving leadership skills also improves human productivity
(job performance). This is also in consonance to the studies of (Blase and Blase, 2000; Baskett and Mikios, 2012; Bernd, 2012) which found a positive correlation of the two variables, but suggested that more studies should be conducted to explore the effect leadership skills has on teachers’ job performance.
The significant relationship between ethical values and job performance is congruent to the core values that Josephson Institute of Ethics significantly proposed that the work ethics of leaders significantly influence employees’ performance. It also conforms to the studies of Sabir et al (2013) and Mathooko (2013) who advocated that ethical values and employees’ job performance are strongly related to each other. This also supports the study of Saeed, Shakeel and Lodhi (2013) and Iqbal, Bhatti and Zaheer (2013) which pointed out a strong relationship between ethical values and job performance of employees motivates employees to work positively and expands their manners and job performance. This only shows that leaders’ actions do not only affect themselves but also those around them.
Influences of Variables
The aim of this study was to contribute to the literature showing the influences of Organizational behavior, Leadership skills and Ethical values to Job performance. The significant influence of organizational behavior to Job performance conforms the study of Selamat, Samsu and Kamalu (2013) and Ali (2023) which found out that the organizational behavior significantly influence job performance of teachers. However, further analysis of the results, lead to the discovery that only two dimensions of the variable significantly influence performance.
Leadership skill is found to be influential to Job performance. This is supported by Doyle, 2022; Ahmed et al, 2022; Resources, 2020who discussed about the influence of leadership abilities, demonstrating how these affected the organization’s success by having a big impact on the management, its workforce, and its effectiveness. As a result, both a direct and indirect impact on employee job performance can be attributed to the leadership skills displayed within the organization.
Results of the regression analysis revealed that ethical values significantly influence Job performance. This corresponds to the study of Malik, Awais, Timsal & Qureshi (2016) who showed a positive influence of ethical values of leaders as exhibited in their ethical leadership to the performance of the employees.
Structural Equation Model
Four generated models were tested and validated using the Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). Model 4 came out to be the most effective model for it was found to be a good fit since the Chi-Square/Degrees of Freedom (CMIN/DF), Normed Fit
Index (NFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), and the P-value met the standards of a good model fit.
The results of the study implied that all variables considered in this study are described as high. Organization behavior revealed a high level on collegial and supportive models. Leadership skills showed a high level description on all its indicators. This result revealed that school administrators effectively exhibit technical, conceptual and human skills. Ethical values disclosed that all its indicators have high level of description which implied that school administrators most of the time observed ethical practices. The high results of the independent variables certainly influenced the job performance of ICT teachers which also revealed a high level of description.
In terms of significant relationships, organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values showed individual relationship with job performance. This implies that the null hypotheses presented in the study are rejected and all independent variables showed association with job performance.
Moreover, all independent variables: organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values, showed single influence to job performance of teachers. However, when combined, only organizational behavior showed significant influence to job performance.
Generated model 4 fits job performance showing the direct causal link of organizational behavior and ethical values towards job performance and the interrelationships of the exogenous variables: organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values with each other.
The results support the models of Clark (1998) that organizational behavior affect the job performance of teachers, Katz (1955) that efficient demonstration of leadership skills significantly influences job performance, the core values of the Josephson Institute of Ethics (2004) that the work ethics of leaders significantly influence employees’ performance, and Herzberg (1959) theory that motivators and hygiene affect teachers’ job performance.
Based on the findings and result of the study, the researcher formulated the following recommendations:
Demonstration of authority is given least importance among the organizational behavior practices of school administrators. This requires school administrators to be people-oriented and to regularly seek feedback from employees before making any change in the school policies.
Likewise, human skills as one of the skills overlooked in leadership skills needs to be adopted by school administrators through sensing the emotional undercurrent of his or her teachers and use emotional energy in motivating others.
Thus, the management may possibly provide trainings and seminar to further improve the leadership skills of the school administrators and the teachers as well.
Similarly, fairness as one of the ethical values that is given less priority, needs to be given value by not blaming others, being open-minded, listening to others, and exercising impartiality when exhibiting this value to obtain better dedication from teachers.
Consequently, ethical values showing least association and influence to job performance of teachers require for the reconsideration of the current practices in schools in order to influence and foster teachers’ commitment and job satisfaction. The management may be capable of creating a fitting environment for teachers to work, recognize their contributions and achievements and solicit suggestions from them in making decisions for policy changes. More training and skills development seminar may be organized to ensure advancement in teaching methodologies and improvement in their job performance.
It is proposed for the school management to formulate a policy for designing a suitable working environment to use the job performance model for it to be effective. Regular assessment on the implementation of the job performance model should also be conducted to uphold stability.
Likewise, researchers may conduct the same study in a different local setting to discover new information and supplement the limited researches associating organizational behavior, leadership skills and ethical values to job performance of teachers. Similar study may also be conducted to determine other strong predictors for teachers’ job performance.
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