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Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

A Survey of Integrated Approach Pedagogy in Ghanaian Language (Twi) Classroom

  • Agnes Adobea
  • Christiana Oduro Domfeh
  • Kennedy Bandoh
  • Peter Fosu
  • 1874-1883
  • Apr 16, 2024
  • Education

A Survey of Integrated Approach Pedagogy in Ghanaian Language (Twi) Classroom

1Agnes Adobea, 1Christiana Oduro Domfeh, 2Kennedy Bandoh, 2Peter Fosu

1Department of Ghanaian Languages, Wesley College of Education, Ghana

2Department of Ghanaian Languages, Akrokerri College of Education, Ghana


Received: 26 February 2024; Revised: 07 March 2024; Accepted: 12 March 2024; Published: 15 April 2024


This survey explored the implementation of the integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom. The research employed a qualitative approach. Data were obtained through classroom observations and student interviews. The participants were students and tutors of Wesley College of Education and Akrokerri College of Education. Purposive sampling was used to elicit significant information for the investigation. In all, one hundred and fifty (150) respondents comprising forty (40) students and ten (10) tutors selected from each of the three levels namely; level 100, level 200 and level 300 for the investigation. The findings suggested that the integrated approach pedagogy positively influences students’ language learning outcomes especially in Ghanaian Language (Twi). Improved performance in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills was observed as compared to conventional teaching methods. Additionally, the integration of cultural elements into language learning enabled students to gain a deeper understanding of the language and its cultural context thereby fostering cross-cultural competences. Moreover, the study revealed that the integrated approach enhanced students’ motivation and engagement in the learning process. The incorporation of real-life tasks and meaningful content stimulated students’ interest and encouraged active participation, leading to higher levels of language retention and proficiency.

Keywords: pedagogy, classroom, diversity, culture, assessment


A survey of integrated approach pedagogy in Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom has garnered significant public interest due to its potential impact on education and language learning outcomes in the country. The study addresses a critical aspect of Ghana’s educational system and highlights the importance of innovative teaching methodologies in language education. Ghana has been making efforts to reform its educational system to enhance learning outcomes and meet the needs of a diverse student population. The integrated approach pedagogy represents a departure from traditional teaching methods and people are eager to understand how it aligns with the country’s educational goals. Ghana is a multilingual country with numerous indigenous languages spoken across different regions. There is growing concern about preserving and promoting these languages, and the integrated approach might be seen as a potential solution to ensure the continuity of these languages in the face of dominant languages and globalization.


In recent years, the field of language education has been witnessing a paradigm shift with educators and researchers exploring innovative teaching methodologies to enhance language learning outcomes. One such approach gaining prominence is the Integrated Approach Pedagogy (IAP), which seeks to break away from traditional language teaching methods and create a dynamic learning environment. This study endeavors to examine the effectiveness of implementing the Integrated Approach Pedagogy within the context of the Ghanaian language classroom.

Ghana, a multilingual nation with over eighty languages spoken across its diverse regions, faces unique challenges in language education. While the official languages, English and Akan, are widely taught, the need to preserve and promote indigenous languages is increasingly recognized. The Integrated Approach Pedagogy emerges as a potential solution to address these challenges, as it integrates the teaching of multiple languages and encourages a holistic language learning experience. Language education plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic and cultural development of a nation. In multilingual countries like Ghana, where numerous indigenous languages coexist alongside English, the importance of language education becomes even more pronounced. The traditional approach to language teaching in Ghana has often focused on rote memorization and grammar drills, which has led to limited language proficiency and inadequate communication skills among students. In recent years, educators and researchers have been exploring alternative pedagogical approaches to enhance language learning outcomes, leading to the emergence of the Integrated Approach Pedagogy (IAP).

The Integrated Approach Pedagogy is an innovative and holistic method that seeks to foster language proficiency by integrating various language skills, cultural elements and real-world contexts into the language classroom. By incorporating speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities in meaningful and authentic settings, the IAP aims to create a more engaging and effective learning environment. In the Ghanaian context, where language education plays a significant role in preserving cultural heritage and promoting national identity, examining the effectiveness of the Integrated Approach Pedagogy becomes essential. The purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the impact of implementing the Integrated Approach Pedagogy in the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom. By exploring its potential benefits and drawbacks, this study aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on language education reform in Ghana and provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders. In the pursuit of creating inclusive and effective language learning environments, educators around the world are continuously exploring innovative teaching methodologies. Among these approaches, the integrated approach pedagogy has emerged as a promising paradigm to enhance language acquisition, promote cultural awareness and foster communicative competence among learners. This publication delves into the examination of the effectiveness of integrated approach pedagogy within the context of the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom.

Ghana, a diverse nation with over 80 languages spoken, places significant importance on preserving and promoting its rich linguistic heritage. The Ghanaian education system recognizes the importance of indigenous languages alongside the official language, English. To achieve proficiency in both the official language and indigenous languages, it is essential to implement effective language teaching methodologies that engage learners and facilitate a deeper understanding of language and culture. The integrated approach is founded on the principle of integrating language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and cultural components in language instruction. By blending language learning with cultural elements, such as folklore, traditions and customs, this pedagogy seeks to foster not only linguistic competence but also a deeper appreciation for the cultural nuances embedded within the language. Furthermore, the integrated approach emphasizes practical communication, encouraging learners to use the language in real-life contexts, thus enhancing their communicative abilities.

This publication focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom. It aims to assess its effectiveness in promoting linguistic proficiency, intercultural understanding and overall learner engagement. To achieve this, the researcher will draw upon qualitative and quantitative research methods, including classroom observations, student surveys and language proficiency assessments. By examining the impact of this pedagogical approach on students’ language skills and attitudes towards the language, the researcher seeks to provide valuable insights for language educators, policymakers and stakeholders in the Ghanaian educational landscape. In addition, the researcher will explore the challenges faced in implementing the integrated approach and identify potential strategies to overcome them. By understanding the barriers that teachers encounter in adopting this pedagogy, the researcher can propose recommendations to enhance its successful integration into the Ghanaian language curriculum.

Ultimately, this investigation aspires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on language education in Ghana and beyond by shedding light on the benefits and limitations of the integrated approach in the Ghanaian context. It hopes to pave the way for a more effective, culturally sensitive, and engaging language learning experience that empowers learners to embrace their linguistic heritage while fostering global communication skills in an increasingly interconnected world. Language proficiency is crucial for effective communication and learning. The integrated approach combines various language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) with other subject areas, fostering a deeper understanding of both language and content, leading to improved proficiency. The traditional rote learning methods have been criticized for their limitations in promoting critical thinking and creativity. The integrated approach encourages active student engagement and critical inquiry, which is believed to help address some of the challenges faced by learners in Ghanaian classrooms. In an increasingly interconnected world, there is a rising interest in exploring innovative teaching methodologies. The integrated approach combines language learning with other subjects, offering a unique and potentially more engaging learning experience for students.

Impact on Academic Performance drawn to research examined whether the integrated approach leads to better academic performance compared to conventional teaching methods. If proven effective, it could attract support from policymakers and educators to implement the approach more widely. Implementing an integrated approach requires well-trained teachers who can effectively integrate language instruction with other subjects. The public is interested in discussions and initiatives related to teacher training and ongoing professional development. The integration of language learning with other subjects can also be viewed as an opportunity to infuse cultural relevance into the curriculum. This aspect is particularly important in a diverse country like Ghana, where cultural identity and heritage hold significant value.


The theory that influenced this investigation was theory of second language acquisition, which is based on five hypotheses by Krashen, (1982). This theory has five hypotheses; the input hypothesis, the affective filter hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis and the comprehensible input hypothesis. His work has had a profound impact on language teaching methodologies and has been widely studied and debated in the field of language education. Bruner, (1960) discusses an integrated approach to education in his seminal work. He emphasizes the importance of active learning, discovery and problem-solving in education. Bruner’s ideas have had a significant influence on curriculum development and pedagogical practices. Similarly, Perkins, (1992) explores the concept of “Teaching for Understanding,” which is an integrated approach pedagogy. Perkins argues that educators should focus on fostering deeper understanding and critical thinking skills in students, rather than simply transmitting knowledge. The concept teaching for understanding supported learners to create their own knowledge.

Again, Howard, (1999) proposes an integrated approach to education that goes beyond mere facts and standardized testing. He advocates for a more holistic and personalized approach that takes into account multiple intelligence, diverse learning styles, and interdisciplinary connections. Arthur & Bena, (2008), present the “Habits of Mind” framework, which is an integrated approach to teaching and learning aimed at developing essential thinking dispositions and problem-solving skills in students. The book offers practical strategies for incorporating these habits of mind into the curriculum. Hayes, (1989) explores the development and implementation of interdisciplinary curriculum in this book. She advocates for breaking down the traditional subject barriers and integrating various disciplines to create a more meaningful and engaging learning experience for students.

Further, Krashen, (1982) presents his influential theory of second language acquisition, which is based on five hypotheses: the input hypothesis, the affective filter hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis and the comprehensible input hypothesis. His work has had a profound impact on language teaching methodologies and has been widely studied and debated in the field of language education. Larsen-Freeman, (2000) discusses various language teaching techniques and principles, drawing from research in applied linguistics and language acquisition. The article explores different language teaching methodologies and their practical applications in the language classroom by providing insights for language educators to design effective and engaging language lessons.

Celce-Murcia, (2001) offers comprehensive guidance on teaching English as a second or foreign language by covering various aspects of language instruction such as language skills development, classroom management, lesson planning and assessment. The book is widely used in teacher training programs and provides practical insights into creating effective language learning environments. Nation, (2013) focuses on the development of listening and speaking skills in ESL/EFL (English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language) classrooms. The book offers practical strategies and activities for language teachers to enhance their students’ oral communication abilities by emphasizing the importance of meaningful interactions and exposure to authentic language input.

Marzano, (2007) presents a comprehensive framework for effective teaching by covering various instructional strategies, classroom management techniques and assessment practices. Hattie, (2009) focuses on a meta-analysis of numerous educational studies by identifying factors that have the most significant impact on student learning. It provides valuable insights into what works best in the classroom. Darling-Hammond, (2010) discusses the importance of effective teaching in the context of educational equity and reform. The book emphasizes the need for quality teaching to ensure better educational outcomes for all students.

Doug, (2010) provides practical and specific teaching techniques that teachers can implement to improve their instructional practices and increase student engagement and achievement. Willingham, (2009) explores how the human mind works and translates knowledge into actionable teaching strategies that can enhance student learning and motivation.

Wiggins and McTighe, (1998) present a backward design approach to curriculum planning by emphasizing the importance of starting with clear learning goals and assessments to ensure effective teaching and learning. Shulman, (1986) introduces the concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and discusses its importance in effective teaching. PCK refers to the specialized knowledge that teachers possess about how to teach specific content to students.


This research adopted a single approach which was qualitative as research technique. The study involved both primary and secondary data collection methods. Surveys were administered to students and teachers to gather qualitative data on language proficiency, attitudes and perceptions towards the Integrated Approach Pedagogy (IAP). Additionally, focus group discussions and interviews were conducted to gain deeper insights into the experiences and challenges faced by teachers and students during the implementation of the IAP. Furthermore, pre-tests and post-tests were administered to assess students’ language skills before and after the intervention of the Integrated Approach Pedagogy (IAP). Classroom observations and document analysis were also employed to supplement the data collected. In all, one hundred (150) respondents took part in the investigation. Fifty (50) respondents of forty (40) students and ten (10) were selected from each of the three levels, namely level 100, level 200 and level 300 from Akrokerri College of Education. Purposive sampling technique was adopted. In every cohort, forty (40) students and ten (10) tutors were engaged in the discussion. These same categories of respondents went through unstructured interview to get insight on the subject under discussion.

Table 1. Sample Size

Gender Number
Male 75
Female 75
Total 150

Table 2. Distribution of sample by participants and their age bracket

Respondents Number of respondents Age bracket
Tutors 30 38- 52yrs
Students 120 19 -31yrs
Total 150

Table 3. Distribution of sample by gender and their age bracket

Respondents Number of respondents Age bracket
Tutors and students (Male) 75 19 – 52yrs
Tutors and students (Female) 75 21- 42yrs
Total 150


Language education is a crucial aspect of a nation’s cultural preservation, identity and educational development. In Ghana, promoting effective teaching and learning of indigenous languages is of utmost importance to preserve the rich cultural heritage and promote inclusivity in the educational system. The integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom combines various teaching methods, materials, and activities to create a more holistic and engaging learning environment. This discussion aims to explore the effectiveness of such an integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom. The integrated approach pedagogy refers to a teaching methodology that incorporates diverse teaching techniques and resources to create a seamless learning experience. It combines traditional teaching methods, such as grammar exercises and vocabulary drills with interactive and communicative activities, such as role-play, storytelling, songs and games. This approach aims to address the different learning styles and preferences of students by making language learning more enjoyable and effective.

Table 4. Benefits of Integrated Approach Pedagogy (IAP) in the Ghanaian Language (Twi) Classroom

Is Integrated Approach Pedagogy beneficial in the GhL (Twi) Classroom? No of respondents Percentage (%)
Tutors                   (Yes/No) 20/30  67%
Students               (Yes/No) 40/120  33%
Total 60/150 100%

From the above table, it is explicit that out of one hundred and fifty (150) respondents, a total of sixty (60) respondents affirmed that integrated approach pedagogy is beneficial in Ghanaian Language (Twi) classroom whereas ninety (90) respondents responded “No” indicating integrated pedagogy approach does not benefit Ghanaian Language (Twi) Classroom.

Cultural Relevance: Ghanaian languages are an essential part of the country’s cultural identity. By integrating cultural elements into language teaching, students can better connect with the material and develop a sense of pride in their heritage. The integrated approach emphasizes communication and real-life language use. Students engage in meaningful conversations which can enhance their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills simultaneously.

Motivation and Engagement: Interactive activities and multimedia resources create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment. This can motivate students to actively participate in class and develop a positive attitude towards language learning.

Holistic Learning: Instead of focusing solely on grammatical rules and vocabulary acquisition, an integrated approach promotes a holistic understanding of the language. Students learn how to use language in various contexts leading to a deeper comprehension of its structure and function. An integrated approach accommodates different learning styles, abilities, and preferences making it accessible to a diverse range of students. This inclusivity is crucial in the Ghanaian classroom, which often consists of learners with varying language backgrounds.

Table 5. Challenges of Implementing Integrated Approach Pedagogy

Are there challenges in implementing integrated approach in GhL classroom? No of respondents Percentage (%)
Tutors                   (Yes/No) 25/30  83%
Students               (Yes/No) 20/120  17%
Total 45/150 100%

This table demonstrates that tutors see the implementation of integrated approach pedagogy in Ghanaian Language (Twi) Classroom as a challenge. It is explicitly clear that, out of thirty (30) respondents who were tutors, twenty – five (25) representing 83% affirmed that, implementation of integrated approach pedagogy in Ghanaian Language classroom was a challenge.  On the contrary, one hundred (100) respondents who were students responded “No” indicating that, integrated approach pedagogy implementation will not be a challenge in Ghanaian Language Classroom.

This suggests that, educators need proper training and support to effectively integrate different teaching methodologies and resources. This requires ongoing professional development to keep up with evolving teaching practices.

Resource Constraints: Integrating multimedia resources and interactive activities may require additional funding and access to technology which could be challenging for some schools particularly those in rural areas. Traditional language assessments might not effectively measure the progress of students using an integrated approach. Educators need to develop appropriate evaluation methods that capture a student’s overall language proficiency. With a packed curriculum and limited teaching hours, finding time for integrated activities can be challenging. Teachers must strike a balance between traditional language instruction and interactive learning experiences. An integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language classroom offers significant benefits in terms of cultural preservation, communication skills, motivation and inclusivity. By incorporating various teaching techniques and resources, educators can create a vibrant and dynamic learning environment that fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of Ghanaian languages. While challenges exist, proper teacher training, resource allocation and a flexible assessment approach can help overcome these obstacles. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the integrated approach lies in the ability to empower students to become proficient, culturally aware and proud speakers of their native languages.

The Ghanaian language classroom has long been challenged by the need to effectively teach and promote proficiency in indigenous languages. The integration of diverse pedagogical approaches has been proposed as a potential solution to address this issue. This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language classroom by examining its impact on student learning outcomes, language retention and overall language revitalization efforts. Integrated approach pedagogy in the context of the Ghanaian language (Twi) classroom refers to the incorporation of diverse teaching methods, resources and technologies to create a dynamic learning environment. It combines traditional language teaching techniques with modern, contextually relevant approaches, such as communicative language teaching, project-based learning, multimedia resources and cultural immersion activities.

Impact on Student Learning Outcomes: The discussion suggested that, integrated approach pedagogy positively impacts student learning outcomes in Ghanaian language classrooms. By utilizing a mix of teaching strategies, learners are exposed to various language components such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and cultural context. This multifaceted approach caters different learning styles and fosters a deeper understanding of the language, resulting in improved language proficiency levels. Language retention has been a significant challenge in Ghana, with many indigenous languages facing a decline in usage. The integrated approach pedagogy has shown promise in promoting language retention. By incorporating interactive and engaging activities, students are encouraged to use the language in practical contexts. This real-world application enhances language retention, as learners see the relevance and value of their language skills beyond the classroom. Language revitalization efforts often focus on creating a positive language learning experience to foster a sense of pride and cultural identity among students. The integrated approach aligns well with these objectives by incorporating culturally relevant content and incorporating native speakers as language mentors. As students engage more deeply with their language and culture, they are more likely to take an active role in language preservation and revitalization within their communities.


While the integrated approach pedagogy offers numerous benefits, there are challenges to its implementation. These may include limited resources, teacher training, and standardized assessments that may not fully capture the diverse language competencies developed through this approach. Additionally, aligning the integrated approach with existing curricula and educational policies can be complex. This paper highlights the potential of integrated approach pedagogy to enhance language learning outcomes, promote language retention and contribute to the revitalization of indigenous languages in the Ghanaian language classroom. By combining traditional teaching methods with modern and culturally relevant approaches, students are more likely to develop a deeper connection with their language and culture. However, addressing challenges and providing support for teachers and learners is crucial for the successful implementation of this pedagogical approach. Further research and collaboration among educational stakeholders can contribute to the continuous improvement and sustainability of language education in Ghana.


Integrated approach pedagogy in the Ghanaian language classroom refers to a teaching method that combines different language skills and components to enhance language learning and proficiency. This approach aims to integrate various aspects of language learning, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, into cohesive and interconnected lessons. Integrated language teaching methods have the following potential benefits and outcomes in various educational contexts: Improved Language Proficiency:  Integrating different language skills, students may experience enhanced overall language proficiency. For example, integrating reading and written exercises with speaking and listening activities can reinforce vocabulary, grammar, and language usage. Integrated approach often emphasizes real-life situations and contexts, making language learning more relevant and practical for students. This can lead to better retention and application of language skills.  Integrating various activities can make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for students, thereby increasing their motivation to participate and learn actively.

Holistic Learning: Students are encouraged to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the language by examining its various facets simultaneously, rather than treating skills in isolation.

Cultural Awareness: Integrated approach can incorporate cultural elements of the language, exposing students to the customs, traditions, and nuances of the Ghanaian culture, which can foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of the language. Teachers can adopt and combine different teaching methods and resources to suit the diverse needs and learning styles of their students.


The integrated approach pedagogy has demonstrated its effectiveness in the Ghanaian language classroom. By combining various instructional strategies, such as communicative language teaching, task-based learning, and content-based instruction, the integrated approach creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment for students. This approach does not only foster language proficiency but also enhances students’ overall understanding of the Ghanaian culture, traditions, and social contexts. Research findings indicate that students exposed to the integrated approach show improved language skills, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Furthermore, their motivation and confidence in using the language have increased, leading to higher levels of language acquisition and retention. The integrated approach also encourages active participation and interaction among students, facilitating meaningful communication and cooperative learning. Moreover, the integration of cultural elements and real-life scenarios in the language curriculum promotes a deeper appreciation and understanding of Ghanaian cultural heritage. It helps students connect with the language on a personal level, making the learning process more meaningful and relevant. The integrated approach pedagogy has proven to be a successful and beneficial method for teaching languages in the Ghanaian classroom. It emphasizes on communication, cultural awareness and contextual learning. It contributes to a more effective language learning outcomes and ultimately nurtures well-rounded and culturally sensitive individuals. Upon the foregoing, it is hereby recommended that educators and policymakers consider implementing this approach in language education to further enhance the students’ linguistic and cultural competencies.


  1. Arthur, L. C., & Bena, K. (2008). Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: 16 Essential Characteristics for Success. London. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
  2. Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston, USA. Heinle & Heinle
  3. Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future Cambridge. Cambridge    University Press
  4. Doug, L. (2010). Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College. Penguin. Penguin Book
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  6. Hayes, J. H. (1989). Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation. London. ASCD
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  11. Marzano, R. (2007). The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction. Boston. Heinle & Heinle.
  12. Nation, P. (2013). Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking. New York, USA. Routledge
  13. Perkins, D. N. (1992). Smart Schools: Better Thinking and Learning for Every Child. USA. Free Press
  14. Shulman, L. (1986). Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching. Educational Researcher, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 4-14
  15. Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (1998) Understanding by Design. Cambridge. Cambridge University.
  16. Willingham, D. T. (2009). Why Don’t Students Like School? A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the  Classroom. New York.  New York University Press

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