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A Systematic Review on the Influence of Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment to Educational Institutions

  • Irene S. Caharian
  • Emmie M. Cabanlit
  • 65-78
  • Sep 26, 2024
  • Education

A Systematic Review on the Influence of Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment to Educational Institutions

Irene S. Caharian and Emmie M. Cabanlit

University of Southeastern Philippines, Davao City, Philippines


Received: 26 August 2024; Accepted: 03 September 2024; Published: 26 September 2024


An educational institution’s leadership styles are vital to achieving its vision, mission, and goals. Persons involved in such endeavors are school administrators and instructional supervisors who possess leadership qualities that inspire, motivate, encourage, innovate, and many more. A particular leadership style, “Transformational Leadership,” came to the forefront, creating an impression that it influences Teacher Commitment. The purpose of this systematic review is to explore a framework for the influence of transformational leadership and teacher commitment in the context of educational institutions. The review also illustrates the existing relationships between transformational leadership and teacher commitment through diagrams, using the PRISMA method to study relevant literature. As digital and technological advancements continue to shape education, the qualities and characteristics of those in leadership positions are increasingly important for educators to consider.

Keywords: transformational leadership, teacher commitment, organizational change, performance


Leadership is an important aspect that plays a dynamic role in an organization, particularly in educational institutions.  While some individuals may be born leaders, others can develop their potential through research and training. Leaders possess specific characteristics that influence and shape the values and commitment of the school personnel (Jenniferd,2022). In these challenging times, leadership style is crucial in shaping the landscape of an educational institution.  The fast-changing world needs gifted leaders with transformational leadership characteristics. Transformational leadership inspires and motivates individuals to achieve a specific goal (Alzoraiki et al., 2023). These qualities of a leader can positively affect teacher commitment. Inspired and motivated teachers make a more positive difference in the lives of their students (Loveless,2024).

The dynamic interactions benefit the whole organization and foster positive changes within an educational institution. This leadership style can increase group morale, lead to rapid innovation, improve conflict resolution, decrease turnover, and foster a sense of ownership in a team (Al-Ghazali, 2020). So, in the process, both a leader and their subordinates develop their talents, skills, and qualities as individuals to contribute to the welfare of the educational institution.

This type of leadership is essential in promoting teachers’ performance and contributes to creating a positive learning environment. It also encourages cooperation between teachers and students, leading to an improved learning experience (Alzoraiki et al., 2023). Principals with transformational leadership characteristics can help teachers stay committed to teaching. Teacher commitment is crucial for improving and sustaining the quality of education.

This reality sparked our interest in conducting a literature review on Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment. It precisely centered on the dynamics of educational institutions. This literature review aims to explore a framework for the influence of transformational leadership and teacher commitment. The researchers will focus on the following research questions: (1) What are the characteristics of transformational leadership? (2) Does transformational leadership influence teacher commitment?


Transformational Leadership

Many researchers have published articles on Transformational Leadership. The book written by James McGregor Burns in 1978 on Leadership, described transformational leadership “as a process by which leaders and followers make each other advance to a higher level of morality and motivation.”  The researcher Bernard Bass expanded this description to include “those who stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. Transformational leaders help followers grow and develop into leaders by responding to individual followers’ needs by empowering them and by aligning the objectives and goals of the individual followers, the leader, the group, and the larger organization.” (Krakoff,2019)

Characteristics of Transformational Leadership

The characteristics of transformational leadership are described in four components: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (Lin et al.,2022). These characteristics include a transformational leader’s charismatic vision and behavior that inspire others to follow, the capacity to motivate others to commit to the vision, encouraging innovation and creativity, and coaching to the specific needs of followers (Musleh, 2021).

Transformational leaders who embody these qualities can inspire teachers to go beyond their self-interests for the group’s good, leading to higher organizational commitment (MSEd,2023). Leaders can encourage continuous professional development and a more profound commitment to student success by fostering an environment where teachers feel valued and intellectually stimulated (Kilag et al.,2023). Additionally, transformational leadership motivates students to strive for excellence and reach their full potential (Morales, 2022). Moreover, transformational leadership focuses on the power of relationships to inspire others to achieve a shared vision with longer-lasting effects (Vinice,2024).

Transformational leadership encourages subordinates to explore new methods and innovative ways to improve educational institutions. These leaders point to an engaging direction anchored on the vision and mission of the organization (Noureen et al., 2022). Additionally, researchers found in a study that transformational leadership positively influenced and had a significant influence on teachers’ commitment. There are four qualities that characterize committed teachers, namely: a desire to be good teachers, knowledgeable and reliable sources of information, recognizing and accepting individual worth, and meeting professional responsibilities (Hariri and Sumintono, 2020).

In the professional learning community, the principal is one of the most influential in the educational institution. It means that the effects of the transformational leadership of the principal on teacher commitment are stronger when school principal create an atmosphere of trust. In this context, the teachers felt that their contributions to the improvement of the school through their innovative practices are valued and respected (Kılınç et al.,2022). Likewise, some studies revealed that principals, as instructional leaders, should develop their skills in school leadership to effectively boost teacher commitment within educational institutions (Diah Ayu Sucitra et al.,2024).

Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment

Transformational leadership had a positive effect on teachers’ commitment (Alzoiraki et al.,2023). The study revealed that transformational leadership had a positive influence on teachers’ performance. In the final analysis, teachers’ commitment mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and sustainable teaching performance (Alzoraiki et al., 2023).

There were identified different types of commitment that teachers possess in an educational institution (Kareem et al.,2023). These are commitment towards (1) the institution, (2) student, and (3) self-development. The principal who consciously practices transformational leadership eventually influences the commitment of teachers toward the institution, student, and self. He/She supports, encourages, and empowers them to do their task beyond what is expected. Additionally, the principal with transformational leadership motivates the teachers to contribute to the vision and core values of the educational institution. Likewise, clear personal and professional development should be crafted and implemented for the welfare of the learners and the educational institution (Kareem et al., 2023).

A study revealed that the transformational leadership of school principal affects teacher performance (Ginanjar et al.,2024). They create an atmosphere to influence the optimal quality of instruction.  This is evident in their classroom engagement and in delivering the learning outcomes. In essence, it follows that it benefits learners’ performance. Moreover, it reflects the effectiveness of leadership to achieve the shared vision and mission of the educational institution (Ginanjar et al.,2024).  One of the realities that challenge educational institutions is sustainability. In a fast-changing world, transformational leadership connotes a leadership style of adaptability to innovation and change. It is expected that school leaders (principals) who possess the characteristics of transformational leadership are able to manage organizational change (Windasari, 2022). Indeed, it has an effect on the teachers and staff.

Another study examining the connection between leadership styles and teacher commitment was written by Prempeh and Kim (2022). They described the three dimensions of commitment, namely: affective dedication, normative commitment, and continuance commitment. Affective dedication or commitment refers to the psychological connection that an individual has with an organization (AIHR, 2023). Continuance commitment occurs when a person weighs up the pros and cons of leaving the organization (MindTools Home, n.d.). Normative commitment relates to how much employees feel the need to stay at their organization (Van Der Werf,2023). It was found that there is a significant positive relationship between transformational leadership style and employees’ affective commitment. It means that the more transformational leadership is exercised, the more teachers want to stay in an organization (Prempeh et al., 2022). The researchers will further study the influence of transformational leadership and teacher commitment in the context of educational institutions, which is the research gap they wanted to explore. The diagram of relationships based on the reviewed articles will illustrate a simplified framework as the researchers’ unique contribution to newly established educational institutions.

Objectives of the Study

The literature review aims to (1) identify the characteristics of transformational leadership,          (2) explore a framework for the influence of transformational leadership and teacher commitment in the context of an educational institutions, (3) illustrate through diagrams of the existing relationships based on the reviewed literature on transformational leadership and teacher commitment.

Research Questions

(1) What are the characteristics of transformational leadership?

(2) Does transformational leadership influence teacher commitment?


Protocol and Registration

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method was used. The PRISMA diagram was used to examine the documents and articles that were included systematically. It followed the four stages in the process of the review, which are identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion.

The researchers refer to one of Dr. Randy Tudy’s articles on a review protocol to achieve this literature review’s objectives. The researcher used topic keywords in the reference search to locate published data from Google Scholar, Taylor and Francis (Routledge), Proquest (using USEP’s e-library), and other related reputable published journals. The topics have been searched and identified.

 The choice of these databases was based on two grounds. First, these databases were freely available online. Second, the intention was to get as many articles that are solely published in the databases as mentioned above to have a more comprehensive and broader reach of the review process. In-text citations were obtained from reputable authors and publishers (Tudy et al., 2023)

Illegibility Criteria

The researchers are guided by specific criteria when selecting articles. These criteria guided the researchers to ensure attaining the objectives of the study. These are the following inclusion criteria: (1) articles that focus on Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment, (2) articles published before 2020 were not included in the study, and (3) only articles written in English are considered.

The researchers noticed many published articles on Transformational Leadership but only a few articles on Teacher Commitment. Transformational Leadership is always linked to teacher performance and organizational commitment. At the onset, this study gives 438 articles to be carefully identified, screened, and assessed for eligibility and finally included in the literature review.

The criteria for exclusion include the published year and studies applicable to business, health, and labor sectors.

Figure 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram of Search Screening (Inclusion and Exclusion) on the Review

Figure 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram of Search Screening (Inclusion and Exclusion) on the Review

Information Sources

The researchers searched the following databases: Taylor & Francis, ProQuest, and Google Scholar, using the exact phrases “Transformational Leadership” and “Teacher Commitment.” These databases provided relevant sources of articles on leadership, school administration, and management.


Using the keywords “transformational leadership” and “teacher commitment” yielded 438 articles in Google Scholar, Francis & Taylor, and ProQuest. For Google Scholar, the researchers used the “advance search” option and specified “in the title of the article” or “where the title contains” for the search terms. Similarly, an advanced search technique was used for Proquest and Francis and Taylor (Tudy et al., 2023).

Study Selection

As shown in Figure 1, there were 438 articles identified about transformational leadership and teacher commitment in the context of educational institutions, which came from different databases, specifically Google Scholar (381), Francis & Taylor (37), and ProQuest (20). The twenty-seven (27) articles covering the period 2005-2020 were removed before screening. Of the remaining 411 articles, 366 were excluded after evaluating the titles, which do not specifically discuss transformational leadership and teacher commitment.

After evaluating the remaining articles, there were 45 articles found to be eligible for study. Further screening excluded 38 articles. One (1) article is unretrievable, and 37 articles did not focus on transformational leadership and teacher commitment within educational institutions. In the end, the researchers included seven (7) articles in the study, all conducted primarily on Asian country’s educational institutions.

Data Collection Process and Data Items

The identified articles were processed using Excel, which included storing the data. The researchers found no duplications of articles published in two or more databases but focused on the period covered as part of the screening process. After this process, the researchers selected relevant articles and reviewed the articles’ titles individually. The researchers diligently read the articles, considering the research questions (Tudy et al., 2023).

Table 1: Distribution of Research Related to Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment

Number of Articles Country
2 Indonesia
1 India
1 Yemen
1 Qatar
1 Turkey
1 Idaho, USA


This literature review focuses on the influence of Transformational Leadership and Teacher Commitment to Educational Institutions. In this study, the researchers analyzed seven articles. The researchers considered three sub-themes of relationships based on the analysis of seven (7) articles on Transformative Leadership and Teacher Commitment. These were (1) Transformative Leadership (TL) and Teacher Commitment (TC), (2) Transformative Leadership (TL), Teacher Commitment (TC), and Performance, and (3) Transformational Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment. The reviewed articles are listed in Tables 2, 3, & 4, all aligned with Research Questions 1 and 2.

Table 2: Transformational Leadership (TL) and Teacher Commitment (TC)

Source Characteristics of TL

Research Question #1


Influence of TL on TC

Research Question #2


Kareem, J., Patrick, H. A., Prabakaran, N., B, V., Tantia, V., M. P. M., P. K., & Mukherjee, U. (2023). Transformational educational leaders inspire school educators’ commitment. Frontiers in Education, 8.






Support professional growth



Transformational leadership had a significant influence on the different types of commitment that teachers possess in school education.


Leadership styles of the principal encourages advancement in commitment towards self, student and institutional development.


Kılınç, A. A., Polatcan, M., Savaş, G., & Er, E. (2022).

How transformational leadership influences teachers’ commitment and innovative practices: Understanding the moderating role of trust in principal. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.


Inspires followers to move beyond what is expected


Link organizational goals, values and objectives with teachers’ individual needs


Support teachers’ professional development


Support innovation


Ability to build a vision


Indirect influence of transformational leadership on teacher innovative practices through the significant mediator role of teacher commitment.


Trust in principal acted as a significant moderator of the indirect influence of transformational leadership on teacher innovative practice through teacher commitment.


The influence of transformational leadership on teacher commitment and innovative practice is contingent upon the extent to which teachers trust their principals.


The two articles under Table 2, Transformational Leadership (TL) and Teacher Commitment (TC), enumerates the characteristics of Transformational Leadership (TL). The findings were taken from the study of the above authors, attesting to the influence of TL on TC. Based on the studies conducted by the authors, it is evident that the characteristics of transformative leadership influence teacher commitment. The word “inspires” is common to both articles. The educational leader (principal) exercising transformational leadership traits influences teachers’ commitment towards self, student, and institution.

Table 3: Transformational Leadership, Teacher Commitment, and Performance

Source Characteristics of TL

Research Question #1


Influence of TL on TC

Research Question #2

Alzoraiki, M., Ahmad, A. R., Ateeq, A., Naji, G. M. A., Almaamari, Q., & Beshr, B. A. H. (2023). Impact of Teachers’ Commitment to the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Sustainable Teaching Performance. Sustainability (Basel). driver of employee’s performance


inspires and motivates people to achieve a desired goal


create a positive learning environment


foster collaboration and communication among students and teachers


motivate students to reach their full potential


recognize and reward good performance


provide constructive feedback


A positive influence of transformational leadership on teachers’ commitment.


Transformational leadership positively influence teachers’ performance.


Teachers’ commitment positively influence   sustainable teaching performance.


Teachers’ commitment mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and sustainable teaching performance.


Noureen, Sadia & Chaudhry, Jehanzaib & Ahmad, Ungku & Ahmad, Jamilah. (2022). Transformational Leadership for Schools: A Review of Existing Literature. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary

Research and Studies. 2(2):198-202. ISSN: 2583-049X




Broad vision

Inspires followers

Boost self-esteem

People oriented


Shows empathy


leadership helps teachers in their professional development,

with the provision of individualized support that contributes to their progress.


Transformational leadership creates strong interpersonal

relationships among teachers and principals.


Teacher perception of principal leadership had great influence on teachers’   performance and job satisfaction.

Ginanjar, F., Hariri, H., Sowiyah, S., & Rini, R. (2024). The Effect of Principal Transformational Leadership on Teacher Performance to Improve Student Achievement: A Literature Review.

Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 8(1), 159-165.

takes care of his/her followers


mobilizes personnel’s strengths /potentials


encourages and motivates subordinates


inspirational attitude, vision and positive energy


empower followers to perform effectively


creating a climate conducive to innovation and creativity

Majority of school principal transformational leadership had a positive and significant influence on teacher performance for student achievement.

The three articles focused on the characteristics of TL specifically practiced by the principal. The word “inspires or inspirational” appears common in these three studies. The studies show that TL significantly influences teacher commitment and performance. The effect of this dynamic relationship is the commitment to students’ achievement. On the other hand, transformational leadership qualities that boost the teacher’s self-esteem and are people-oriented enhance professional growth and improve teacher’s performance and job satisfaction.

Table 4: Transformational Leadership, Teachers Commitment, and Organizational Change

Source Characteristics of TL

Research Question #1


Influence of TL on TC

Research Question #2


Prempeh, A. A., & Kim, J. (2022). The Impact of Leadership Style on Teachers’ Organizational Commitment.

International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 2(8), 330-339.

DOI: 10.55677/ijssers/V02I08Y2022-02

boosting employees’ commitment to the



drive, transform, and inspire employees to be committed to their work


articulate reasonable visions


challenge followers with high standards in enhancing performance


communicate optimism about future goals


provide meaning to followers’ works and arouse team spirit


encourage followers to develop creative ideas to replace existing ones


role model to lead followers by example


Transformational and transactional leadership styles only enhanced the emotional attachment teachers have towards the school.


Neither transformational nor transactional leadership styles could predict the moral obligation to stay in the school and weigh the benefits of leaving the school.


Improvement of employee commitment level by

transformational leadership style can reduce the intention to quit by building loyalty, and

trust, improving job satisfaction, and increasing employee performance.



Windasari, Roesminingsih, E., & Trihantoyo, S. (2022). The impact of principal transformational leadership and teacher commitment to organizational change in elementary schools. Innovation on Education and Social Sciences, 74–80.


transform schools into practical, innovative schools and produce high-quality teachers


create good relationships and increase employee motivation


helps employees internalize the organization’s values


role model for his/her employees


demonstrate attitudes with high moral standards


create respect and trust from employees, and become employees’ inspiration


motivate employees to be innovative, analytical, and creative


act as mentors


move the organization towards a clear vision, mission, and organizational goals

Transformational leadership and teacher commitment affect organizational change in schools


Principal’s leadership has a positive influence on the organizational change.


Changes in educational organizations are influenced  by transformational leadership

and teacher commitment.


Transformational leadership and teacher commitment have an essential role simultaneously in implementing organizational change

These articles show the relationship between Transformational Leadership, Teacher  Commitment, and Organizational Change. According to the authors’ study, there are three dimensions of commitment: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment. The teachers stay to commit to the organization due to emotional attachment or are obliged to remain in the organization or weigh carefully the benefit of leaving or not in the organization, particularly the school. A Transformational Leadership style that inspires, boosts, challenges, encourages, and leads employees by example improves commitment levels. Teachers’ organizational commitment to an educational institution improves in the process. On the other hand, the reviewed article revealed how TL and TC affect organizational change in schools. Transformational Leadership qualities that transform, create, and innovate toward organizational change point to a clear direction aligned with the organization’s vision, mission, and goals.


The reviewed articles identified and enumerated the characteristics of transformational leadership (refer to Tables 2,3, & 4, 2nd column).  The transformational leadership characteristics that these reviewed articles focused on the principal who is an instructional school leader. So, in an educational institution, the principal plays a crucial role (Meador,2019). He/She should develop and or possess these characteristics of transformational leadership. To mention a few based on the reviewed articles are transformational leaders who inspires, encourages, motivates, empowers, supports professional growth and innovations, and sets a clear example for the organization’s vision, mission, and objectives. The 3rd column (Tables 2,3, & 4) showed the findings taken from the reviewed articles related to the influence of Transformational Leadership to Teacher Commitment.

Transformational Leadership (TL) and Teacher Commitment (TC)

The illustrated framework (Figure 2) simplifies the relationship of Transformational Leadership (TL) and Teacher Commitment (TC) leading to an inner dynamism. Principals who show transformational leadership characteristics influence the commitment of teachers in their departments (Sabwami, et al., 2020). The impact of such inner dynamism of TL and TC creates a chain reaction that benefits the students as well as the educational institution (Bakker et al.,2023). This relationship confirms the study of Kareem, et al (2023) on “transformational leadership’s significant impact on commitment to self, student, and institution that teachers possess in school education.” Additionally, the study of Kılınç, et al (2022), affirms the “effect of transformational leadership on teacher commitment is dependent to which teachers trust their principals.” In other words, “transformational leadership is critical for developing teachers’ trust and working commitment” (Mansor, 2021). Furthermore, one study-finding recommends that instructional leaders or principals embracing transformational leadership as the management style makes teachers to be motivated and committed” (Sabwami, et al., 2020).

Transformational Leadership, Teacher Commitment, and Performance

This study also illustrated a framework for the influence of Transformational Leadership (TL) and Teacher Commitment (TC) on educational institutions, resulting in Sustainable Teaching Performance (Figure 3). In other words, a dynamic relationship exists between TL, TC, and teacher performance. The findings of the study conducted by Alzoraiki, et al (2023) described that there is a positive effect of transformational leadership on teachers’ commitment, and positively impact teachers’ performance. Therefore, teachers’ commitment positively affects sustainable teaching performance (Alzoraiki et al.,2023). This study agrees with the result of the analysis conducted by Sirait (2021) that “there is a direct positive and significant relationship between the principal’s transformational leadership and teacher performance”. The higher the principal’s transformational leadership, the higher the teacher’s performance (Sirait,2021). Moreover, transformational leaders support teachers in their professional development. This scenario creates a strong interpersonal relationship among principals and teachers, thus had a great impact on teachers’ performance and job satisfaction (Noureen,2022). The teachers who were inspired and motivated by the transformative leadership of the principal performed well for student achievement (Ginanjar,2024).

Transformational Leadership, Teacher Commitment, and Organizational Change

There is also a dynamic relationship exist in living out transformational leadership (TL), teacher commitment (TC), and teacher commitment to organizational change. Transformational leaders are more willing to take risk to attain their goals (Nging,2015). It includes the commitment of employees and their behavior towards organizational change. The findings of Windasari, et al  (2022) attest that “transformational leadership and teacher commitment affect organizational change in schools and principal’s leadership has a positive impact on organizational change”. Transformational leadership and teacher commitment have an essential role simultaneously in implementing organizational change (Windasari,2022). The study of Mwangi and Kwasira (2015) as cited by Usman (2020), revealed that transformational leadership has a positive impact on organizational change. In the implementation of change, transformational leadership style inspires and boosts motivation of the teachers and principals (Usman,2020).

Figure 4 illustrates the interconnectedness of relationships. The principal who possesses transformational leadership characteristics, as such, influences teacher commitment, creates a path leading to teacher commitment to the organization or educational institution, and abides by or contributes to organizational change. In the process, “improvement of employee commitment level by transformational leadership style can reduce the intention to quit by building loyalty, and trust, improving job satisfaction, and increasing employee performance” (Prempeh,2022)


The researchers’ literary review aims to explore a framework for the influence of Transformative Leadership (TL) on Teacher Commitment (TC) in the context of an educational institution. From the reviewed articles, the researchers came up with these frameworks (refer to Figures 2,3 &4). The answers to the research questions “What are the characteristics of Transformative Leadership?” and “Does it influence Teacher Commitment?” were listed in Tables 2,3, &4. There are still unexplored studies when reviewing literary articles on Transformative Leadership and Teacher Commitment. A future research study and literary review should include the cultural and economic aspects in the context of the rapid pace of technological innovation.


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