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Aisyiyah Dakwah’s Strategy in Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV) (Case Study Regarding The Women’s Movement In The Virtual World)

‘ Aisyiyah Dakwah’s Strategy in Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV)

(Case Study Regarding the Women’s Movement in the Virtual World)

Dinda Permata Praya Gitarani*

Department of Social Development and Welfare, Gadjah Mada University

*Corresponding Author


Received: 16 December 2024; Accepted: 30 December 2024; Published: 31 January 2025


Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV) is part of the cases of violence in cyberspace that are still widespread. The majority of OGBV cases in Indonesia occur in women as seen from SAFEnet data throughout 2021. Seeing this phenomenon occur, of course actors in Indonesia also provide assistance and attitudes towards cases that occur. One of them is a religion-based women’s organization that has been around for more than a century, namely ‘ Aisyiyah . Researchers want to know the role and strategies of ‘ Aisyiyah in overcoming online gender-based violence. This research is qualitative research with a case study variant. Research data sources are primary data and secondary data. Primary data collection techniques are through observation and interviews, while secondary data is in the form of literature or written references such as books, journals, and trusted articles. The total informants for this research were 7 people and 1 team. The research results are; (1) ‘ Aisyiyah firmly rejects all forms of online gender-based violence; (2) ‘ Aisyiyah shows an active role in confronting all forms of online gender-based violence; (3) ‘ Aisyiyah created a strategy to overcome online violence through short-term programs such as a campaign to overcome OGBV, holding seminars and discussions, in addition to establishing a legal aid post for victims of sexual violence as well as a training program to overcome online violence. The findings of this research are that ‘ Aisyiyah’s attitudes and steps have not been concrete in overcoming OGBV. Apart from that, ‘ Aisyiyah has not yet made legal regulations for handling OGBV victims. It is recommended that to overcome cases of online-based violence, ‘ Aisyiyah’s role and strategy can be implemented as a women’s organization that cares about women.

Keywords: ‘ Aisyiyah Strategy, Cyber Gender Violence


Increasing social media users is part from impact development technology digital that make it easier all aspect in activities . However , the development of the digital era also has gaps negative impact on something​ phenomenal issue . As sophisticated as possible technology , the digital world also has impact negative so that become A phenomenon new interesting​ attention world community . One of impact negative that becomes issue phenomenal is violence cyber or violence in cyberspace. In explanation (Cyber Safe, 2017), cyber violence is every offensive behavior​ condition psychological , emotional , financial , or physique somebody and also in groups online . Although form violence This happen online , violence this also begins from the real world . Various example from violence cyber is message text or threatening emails , rumors sent via email or displayed on the website social , online bullying , harassment , cyber stalking , blackmail , violence sexual , expression racism , misogyny , and more Lots violence cyber others . On the incident this , whoever can become a victim of violence , but Of course There is a number of population experiencing​ level violence the more high . This is due to existence imbalance the power that makes group certain more vulnerable . One of the for example is violence sexual .

Anxiety end this is in case violence sexual that​ often happen is Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV). Phenomenon the appear Far before the occurrence pandemic . In 2015 , the National Commission on Violence Against Women had notes related violence to the woman in question link with the online world and affirm that violence and crime cyber is pattern very complicated case (Kusuma & Arum, 2020). The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has give limitation meeting in a way look at face , with alternative use tool communication media based . Tendency every person in operate and use digital applications are increasingl skyrocketed . Behind the ease of using smartphones as a communication tool today, many users initially use smartphones wisely but turn to things that cause delinquency and even crime. the original users wise become reckless in use (Ihsani, 2021). OGBV becomes things that exist used as tool intermediary in violence . In data held by the National Commission on Violence Against Women, in 2020 there were 940 complaints recorded to case violence to Woman based on cyber ingress​ in OGBV (Suara ‘Aisyiyah , 2021)categorization . Complaints that occur in the form of threats and intimidation distribution photos and videos that are not indecent Good in a way on purpose and also No on purpose .

Throughout in 2021, Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network(SAFEnet) accept There are 667 OGBV complaints through channel complaints owned​ like form complaints , email, hotline, and reference from National Commission on Violence Against Women. 667 complaints received consists of of the 26 provinces where island Java occupy The highest number of complaints in Indonesia was 339 complaints , outside Java as many as 87, overseas 2 complaints , and 249 complaints No known his identity . The majority complainant originate from race Woman as many as 559, of which majority of OGBV cases happens to couples start from partner until the one that has been family . The victim can just become a target of a self Can just many victims at once with One perpetrator or become a victim of a number of perpetrators . The frequency of OGBV varies widely , even one victim can experience many times but No direct reported or Can just Still many victims have not been dare to self For report perpetrator to authorized party .​

The existence of role government in a way directly through​ track law become alternative in take action continue the case at hand . The relevant law with OGBV also possible help in demand perpetrator on his treatment . Some Relevant laws​ like Design Constitution About Security and Resilience Cyber , Law Number 22 of 2008 concerning Pornography , Design Constitution about Action Criminal Violence Sexual , Script Academic and Design Constitution Deletion Violence Sexual , and appropriate with the theory that has been mentioned namely Constitution Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Transactions . With existence regulation from government , big hope role from those who have authority the Can helping the victims who are trapped OGBV case.

‘Aisyiyah is organization Woman feel called and concerned For synergize together government and some organization society that has concern to case violence online gender based . Proven that ‘ Aisyiyah own social media accounts with various education , advocacy , campaigning , and speaking out issues about violence .’ Aisyiyah also gave role to public in to overcome case Woman specifically response against the rampant OGBV happen (‘Aeni, 2022). Besides that , ‘ Aisyiyah also printed its cadres For care with cases that occur in women especially in Indonesia such as case violence sexual in women where OGBV enters​ in category the .

Form of ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ strategy in handling OGBV is with various form preaching . The preaching in question is form teachings that can implemented Where only . Form preaching that is done No especially in prayer rooms with theme religious studies , but things that are for the good of one of them in overcome violence to women . Chosen Aisyiyah become subject related research​ with case violence this online gender based Because a number of consideration that ‘ Aisyiyah is organization Woman based on religion (Islam) which is the oldest and most numerous involved in activity social including in related handling​ with problem women , besides that’s ‘ Aisyiyah as organization that has structure start national until with lowest level​ that is villages and sub-districts which are contextual touch direct with society . ‘ Aisyiyah also has social media which has show high concern​ to related issues​ with Woman through education and information . Therefore that , researcher want to deepen their strategy as well as involvement they as organization Woman based on religion in overcome OGBV.


Strengthening that OGBV is very rampant happens nowadays and a lot happened in Indonesia with proven a number of studies that have been investigated with same case . The first research​ is A journal written by Pratiwi and Satriadi (2021). Second writer the researching related to OGBV in the world of workers specifically for worker women . The research results obtained that worker Woman Lots get good OGBV between colleague work , leader , boss until party external . Case violence caused​ such as body shaming, comments rough , bullying, prostitution , online fraud , spreading as well as sexual video call invitation , request Photo selfie in a way force , and make sticker with body organs workers . Conditions of workers Woman in study also not​ in a way evenly know literacy related to OGBV so that Still many people look at adjacent eyes and as if matter the only A joke .

The second research is A journal written by Al (2022) Fikry which discusses about system law For stop OGBV cases in Indonesia. Author convey that OGBV is part from global crisis , due to case This spread very fast along development progress technology . The author also acknowledges that Indonesia is in the middle experience case This so that need strengthening system law special OGBV case aims For give protection law for victims who experience . Of course only , Indonesia has runway The laws that focus on the OGBV case are the ITE Law and the Pornography Law. However the need addition or Constitution special about OGBV. The author also hopes to government For No careless and make empowerment For prevention of OGBV especially in Indonesia.

The third research is A journal written by Dirna​ (2021)which discusses about social media influence Instagram during the pandemic against OGBV. Author to argue that OGBV occurred due to existence internet facilities and technology , and the majority of the Indonesian population own Instagram platform account for share story and can reachable with long term . But what happened​ existence the actual misuse of the Instagram platform can used as tool communication , but used For subject the occurrence case violence sexual online or​ normal called with OGBV. With the occurrence case mentioned on social media , the efforts made in prevention is also possible done via Instagram. Some efforts made​ like campaign related prevention OGBV case , providing sanctions social to the perpetrators who committed OGBV and also the existence of account For help to the victims who are trapped case said . With conclusion , development technology Of course become challenge for all users , the occurrence of rampant OGBV happen give lesson that be wise users should not​ harm One each other.

From several boxing library on give A view that OGBV cases are increasing increase . Many people looked at it adjacent eye related case This remember circulating in a way fast and widespread in cyberspace so lack of taking decision in handle case said . OGBV is not A joke solely for the purpose For give effect satisfaction to the perpetrator who committed it . Many victims were affected and had trauma about it. environment around consequence case this , moreover often aimed at to women . Women are part from group society whose rights The same with man as citizens . Women are part from creatures in the world who are well treated with against the type namely man in various field and also profession , including in front law . In accordance with the 1945 Constitution , specifically in Article 28D paragraph 1 which states ” everyone has the right on acknowledgement , guarantee protection and certainty just law​ as well as the same treatment in front law ”, which means Good That men and women own equal authority​ or The same in have opinions , go to school , and do activities in general which are also done by men and also women . Besides that , looks Not yet the amount OGBV research that focuses on organizations Woman specifically organization women based on religion .


Method research used​ in compilation thesis This is method qualitative with take Variants Studies Case . Definition from studies case is A research that refers to things qualitative which is in the research process use proof certain ( observation) participants , process tracking , research field ) and his research investigate A phenomenon (Gerring, 2007). Objective from Variants studies case is collect , present as well as analyze data​ fair . In study This No existence formula , but the process of study the depends from question research that has been presented in the sub- chapter previously . The more Lots the questions presented , then study studies case will the more relevant (Yin, 2018).

Data sources used in study This in the form of primary and secondary data . In thesis This primary data sources in the form of results interview with selected informants and observations​ in a way straight ( down field ). While secondary data sources with use source literature or use secondary data namely from reference written like books , journals , articles trusted as well as relevant documentation​ with the topic being researched can​​ help study This .

In method study qualitative , author is part from instrument main , which is where writer own authority in procurement data collection . Deep data collection techniques study qualitative Variants studies case encompassing interview , observation as well as collection documents . In addition that , the writer also needs stage documentation as proof from research that was conducted , however still get licensing from interviewee . Quote​​ or notes daily also become matter important . From all the data source mentioned then compared​ with valid and appropriate with results the research results obtained are then written in the chapter discussion .

After the data and information Already collected all , then proceed to stage​ data analysis . Method analysis used​ is Analysis Thematic Descriptive . Definition from Analysis Thematic Descriptive is one of the method For analyze data with objective For identify pattern or For find theme through the data that has been collected by researchers (Heriyanto, 2018). Data analysis begins from the results that have been obtained are good it is primary data and secondary data . Then the selected data is compared with the data that has been obtained . Plus, no forget For to compare with studies that will be examined . Which in the end Later need criticism as well as recommendation in a way narrative .

Test the validity of data in study This with use practice triangulation , namely with data checking​ valid as needs checking or data comparison . Triangulation own a number of type in the technique ,namely data triangulation or commonly called​ with triangulation source , triangulation method , triangulation theory , and triangulation researcher . With In this case , researchers also use technique another triangulation is triangulation theory that leads perspective various theories​ in interpret the data accordingly (Repository Universitas Kristen Petra ).


‘Aisyiyah is A organization women’s organization founded on May 19, 1917 in Yogyakarta. The organization This started from women ‘s concern to education , welfare social , and Islamic preaching . ‘ Aisyiyah formed as part from effort fight for role Woman in community and support progress education as well as welfare people . Its establishment initiated by KH. Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah, and led by Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, his wife he , who plays a role important in motivating women​ For participate as well as in activity social and religious . Aisyiyah focus yourself in various fields , such as education , health and empowerment women . At first , Aisyiyah more Lots move in field education , with to establish schools For women . Along the walk time , Aisyiyah is also active in various activity social , including training skills For women and aid social for society in need . History of Aisyiyah No only involved in field religious , but also participate fight for rights women and gender equality . Organization This play a role important in create change social and giving impact positive to development women in Indonesia.

‘ Aisyiyah own characteristics typical in operate his organization . ‘ Aisyiyah is organization women who have Articles of Association (AD) and Budget House The stairs (ART) themselves , so in management in a way independent without to be subordinate with organization other . Besides that , ‘ Aisyiyah always stick to your guns from beginning stand until moment this , namely the Qur’an and As-Sunnah. As organization religion- based , ‘ Aisyiyah do which way of preaching his preaching No just in the form of study . Like hold a discussion seminar which is linked to with modern things namely with digital usage and not be in the area religious identity (mosque, prayer room , langgar ). The way of dressing is also appropriate religious provisions and not There is things that stand out and also excessive , such as use the veil that is still in words A little For its use . In addition put forward values religious , ‘ Aisyiyah also has soul high nationalism​ so that always say his contribution also to Indonesia.

During One century more , ‘ Aisyiyah actualize His Vision with do various programs and activities preaching . Likewise ‘ Aisyiyah’s vision which is also developed by formulating a strategic agenda .Secondly matter the listed in “ Top ” The Thoughts of the Second Century Aisyiyah ” which had formulated in 2015. Vision​​​ in movement Woman century second is as the following : (1) the development of progressive Islam in life public  specifically environment Muslims where ‘ Aisyiyah​ being , (2) developing movement enlightenment that brings about a process of liberation , empowerment , and advancement in life religious and nationality , (3) development Woman progress in the environment Muslims and the Indonesian nation as well global realm as human being perpetrator change going to civilization main bright and enlightening .​ Of course in formulate and realize vision It is also based on the Al-Qur’an in Surah an- Nahl verse 97 which describes will equality Good men and women For charity pious and deep strive for progress for people human beings . However , in operate Mission of ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ more contextual customized with change and development pattern life public going to achievement real society​ based on the Qur’an and As Sunnah. Development mission the among others in coaching generation young , development activity economy , education and welfare society , expanding knowledge knowledge and technology , including development​ environment life and frequent disasters​ happen moment this , so is the mission in give service help law on act violence against women .​​

‘Aisyiyah Enough follow gender issues especially in cases that befall women . Start from the founding of ‘ Aisyiyah even until moment this , and can concluded that ‘ Aisyiyah has include various role in to achieve the purpose , namely trouble race women . Remembering from time to time there are record activity as well as form actions that have been done by ‘ Aisyiyah Good That in a way group and also individual You’re welcome own objective For get equal rights and attitudes​ as well as fair Good That in context family as well as in spaces public . Depart from gender roles and ‘ Aisyiyah ‘s relationship shows that birth organization the part from the hopes of women , namely For get equality Good in sector family , society , until public . No existence restrictive activities​ role Woman For express her expertise . ‘ Aisyiyah realize that development technology also has impact bad for users . Therefore that , education become Handling the first thing to do is to raise awareness for be careful in internet usage with its reach Enough wide . Besides that , ‘ Aisyiyah also gave facility service the so – called help Legal aid post with hope survivor Can brave disclose as well as get his rights back . A the determination that ‘ Aisyiyah has is also not limited for Woman only , but any victims who experience attitude violence will accompanied until the end of the process finished . With existence solution the full please For No consider that OGBV case is matter trivial and not need For followed up . Researchers feel that OGBV has arrived moment This Still warm discussed , including views​ regarding OGBV which is still considered No Serious until umbrella the necessary law emphasized back . However researcher feel that ‘ Aisyiyah until moment This Not yet to voice about urgency of OGBV to the party that has authority namely government . Researchers feel very confident that the role and actions of ‘ Aisyiyah own strong influence​ remember organization the Already to take part for 100 years more . Need existence discourse about follow-up on Handling OGBV case as awareness that matter it also becomes part from violence.

In carrying out its preaching strategy, ‘ Aisyiyah own  parts consisting of from; (1) short term is A step or solution in term short meaning what is done only moment very activity That only, (2) long term namely A step or implemented solutions​ until until moment This Still continue.

Short term strategy owned by ‘ Aisyiyah Instagram optimization as receptacle For campaign and show attitude in handle OGBV issue , namely with campaigning on Social Media . ‘ Aisyiyah own pretty Instagram account own Lots followers , of course the amount follower This will give Lots influence on attitude expressed .​ Besides that , ‘ Aisyiyah also has a number of accounts like​ We know that structure The ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ organization also consists of from regional level ( province ) to branch level ( sub-district ), even ‘ Aisyiyah also established branch special located outside Indonesia ( overseas ) . Instagram games owned by ‘ Aisyiyah no kidding because member of ‘ Aisyiyah spread outside Indonesia even outside Indonesia​ itself . Contents of optimization the consists of from tips content in prevent gender violence , especially OGBV, campaign in the form of the call of ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ on action gender violence is things to do followed up , message from figure important from ‘ Aisyiyah to Violence based on Gender especially Online Gender.

‘ Aisyiyah apply Lots discussion both online and offline discussion in a way One direction with use live streaming feature on Instagram ‘ Aisyiyah That myself . ‘ Aisyiyah has to organize various related discussions​ with the issue that occurred moment this , inequality until moment This become ‘ Aisyiyah’s task in spread science and knowledge that Woman own same role and position​ with men . In the sense that Woman Can get his rights back and view about Woman only own role in domestic can reduced . No only that , ‘ Aisyiyah also collaborated with agency and also institution social other so that interest One each other also manifests . In a number of discussions listed are also included invite speaker men . With This Can seen that ‘ Aisyiyah invite race man For discuss together For realize justice and equality between men and women . The reality is ‘ Aisyiyah has apply GEDSI perspective in create and give service social For public like House sick , nursing home foster care , schools , and facility others of course can used by cross group wherever without existence discrimination .

Besides stage campaign and discussion ,’ Aisyiyah also stated his concerns and views through publication namely the magazine that is currently this is also possible found online or which can​ called with electronic magazine . The magazine owned by ‘ Aisyiyah named The voice of ‘ Aisyiyah which has stand since 1926. Voice of ‘ Aisiyah is one of magazine Woman the oldest in Indonesia which has follow the development of Indonesia began during the colonial era from the Dutch colonial government which then to be continued with the Japanese era until Indonesia declares as an independent country and until moment This . Start the founding magazine the as tool organization that publishes programs that have been run by ‘ Aisyiyah moment that , however slow later become A tool in share expansion knowledge as well as enlightenment on the role race Woman in realm domestic and also public . The magazine which was originally own spelling Soeara Aisyah This is results work write from member of ‘ Aisyiyah That alone . Until moment This is the Voice of ‘ Aisyiyah’ still exist and become guide for ‘ Aisyiyah citizens throughout Indonesia even​ until realm overseas (Suara ‘Aisyiyah, 2022). The voice of ‘ Aisyiyah become the shoulder of ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ in preach since 1926 to​ now . Development his time can followed , so that news as well as existing phenomena​ Good both globally and internationally national become Topic in magazine This . Related with OGBV that ‘ Aisyiyah Already give information started from understanding , prevention , handling , and give services needed by survivors of violence .​

‘ Aisyiyah also has step in term long For reduce number violence sexual gender- based or based on gender online. Based on results interview with informants who have selected , there are 2 programs that arrive moment This Still sustainable namely the aid post ‘ Aisyiyah law . Legal Aid Post ( Posbakum ) is A service consultation owned by ‘ Aisyiyah’ which was founded in Yogyakarta on 23-24 April 2016. recommendation from results meeting Work national held​ Legal and Human Rights Council Human (MHH) ‘ Aisyiyah . MHH this is one of institution under a shelter that focuses on empowerment women and advocacy right basic humans , especially in context law in Indonesia. Purpose the founding institution This is For fight for justice law , protection right basic humans , and gender equality for women . Various activities that are task as well as not quite enough answer from MHH ‘ Aisyiyah such as ; Legal Aid and Advocacy , Legal Training and Education, Campaigns Legal Awareness , Human Rights Monitoring and Reporting Humans , as well as Research and Studies Case . MHH ‘ Aisyiyah also provides facility service the complaint called Posbakum , intended for victims in need help assistance law until empowerment For men , women , children and disabilities (Ardianto, 2021). The establishment of Legal aid post this is so that ‘ Aisyiyah can respond fast with problem law specifically with facilitate service consultation , assistance law , defense , and protection law to inhabitant as well as people in need (Majelis Hukum dan HAM PP ‘Aisyiyah , 2016). The formation of post-coronavirus This leave from ‘ Aisyiyah’s concerns as organization women who have concern in give help law as well as give help assistance Good track law and also psychology to the victims. The role of ‘ Aisyiyah through this MHH of course focused For give protection to female victims , even if they don’t close door for male victims including​ in marginalized and needy groups help law (ZA & Fitriyanti, 2021). Counted until moment This is the ‘ Aisyiyah Legal Aid Post Already spread throughout Indonesia, as many as 25 provinces and 6 districts / cities , can be seen that Legal aid post almost stand in a way evenly . This is also due to task subject and action from ‘ Aisyiyah Legal Aid Post is with put forward form service law and socialization and education . There are a number of service law carried out by Posbakum ‘ Aisyiyah among others completing case related to domestic violence, violence sexual , Violence Gender- Based Online Violence (GBV), the case the disabled in contact with law , child to violate and fight law , problem divorce , property inheritance , case fraud , and others mentioned above​ Of course need help law . While in the action socialization and education among others; Posbakum ‘ Aisyiyah follow play a role active For socialize regulation legislation such as ; PDKRT Law, Child Protection Law, Narcotics Law , Marriage Law , ITE Law, Islamic Inheritance Law, gender mainstreaming , human trafficking , and Still Lots rule which of course continuous with duties and functions ‘ Aisyiyah Legal Aid Post (Ardianto, 2021).

Apart from the long-term strategy in the form of the Legal Aid Post (POSBAKUM), ‘ Aisyiyah take the initiative stage training on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). Based on results interview with Mother Hajar, early the beginning of ‘ Aisyiyah take the initiative holding HKSR, namely at the time amidst the ongoing COVID-19 , the Aisyiyah Research and Development Institute ( LPPA) is working The same with the Ministry of Communication and Information ( Kominfo ) to do training basic digital literacy . Before stage training , ‘ Aisyiyah need prepare develop module digital literacy which then will used for cooperation program There are​ four materials used by ‘ Aisyiyah in module said . One of the the material is in aspect security , things this is also there the relation with OGBV. It also discusses regarding parenting in the digital era, what parents do moment his son Still in age to enjoy education , the hope children also start realize since early . Besides it also discusses about digital security , such as guard identity yourself so as not to misused (Setyowati, 2023). ‘ Aisyiyah and IPM designed five themes in module ToT HKSR, namely as next ; first titled Know Body . Session This aims for teenagers know functions and tools reproduction , vulnerability his body For guard health and function of the organ . Having proper knowledge​ on the reproduction process , as well as method guard his health , it is hoped capable make teenager more responsible answer and can think repeat before do things that can harm and avoid things that are not wanted related with health reproduction . The second one is HKSR in View Culture and Religion. Material This This covers explanation and grow awareness that health sexual and reproductive No solely nature biological medical but very related with culture and religious interpretation . With Thus , the analysis used in see the problem or HKSR education for teenagers should with see also the aspect culture and religious interpretation . The third is HKSR Policy . View that various HKSR problems, one of which is related with access services and access information . Government through agency related (BKKBN, Ministry of Health, Health Service, Community Health Center , Education Service), have role and function For give access services and access information For fulfillment of HKSR. The fourth is SRHR Issues and Problems. Explanation from material This is is menstruation which gives understanding and perspective about menstruation important as runway in fulfillment of HKSR. During This Lots myth about menstruation which results in neglect fulfillment of HKSR in society and also institution public . And the fifth or the last one is Violence Gender Based ( Pregnancy) No Desired , Child Marriage , OGBV, Female Circumcision ). Material This covers definition violence gender based and its differences with violence usual , then to expose form ( especially KTD, marriage) child , OGBV, circumcision women ) and the impact from gender violence which is primarily happen to Woman (‘Aisyiyah, 2022).


Leave from short term and long term that have been exposed above , it is seen that ‘ Aisyiyah own a very big contribution in respond issue related to OGBV, as following :

First , ‘ Aisyiyah has inspiring many people with the amount followers on social media ( Instagram ) with Name @aisyiyahpusat account . Form preaching as well as The education presented also uses easy language​ understood by lay people , so reader and also follower with easy get information of course will give benefit good . Besides That The discussion given is also appropriate always up-to-date which, when There is a things that are trending and there are the relation with Topic the focus is ‘ Aisyiyah’ so with alert aka information tone Good That in the form of education and also discussion . Although ‘ Aisyiyah is organization women , no denied that The discussion presented is also for man .

Second , ‘ Aisyiyah give facility with The name of the Legal Aid Post ( Posbakum ) which aims to For give service consultation to survivor with various the problem that occurred . In Legal aid post there is also paralegal ready​ accompany survivor until through track law . No only That ‘s it , Posbakum is below shade This Legal and Human Rights Council also provides facility service assistance in a way psychological for survivors in need . What makes the difference Legal aid post with other LBH is , after survivor finished do assistance start from consultation , law , to psychological support , Posbakum also supports survivors with give training skills that will beneficial For survivor continue his life . Cultural way This make survivor feel safe and can rise return on what has been experienced .

Third , besides give education in a way No directly ( via social media ) and give service in the form of Posbakum , ‘ Aisyiyah also has an inclusion program which provides education and information will delivered in a way direct to which student group the prone to in find violence especially this OGBV . ‘ Aisyiyah to design A a Sexual Health Rights program Reproduction (SRHR) which aims to For give information and awareness that importance knowing HKSR since early . See that HKSR always considered taboo by the general public become concerns and concerns of ‘ Aisyiyah which case violence is also frequent happens to children and also students . The need for education This as solution from ‘ Aisyiyah For increase awareness will HKSR. In the program there is also material about OGBV which is currently This often rampant happen .

Leave from some strategies that have been explained on show that ‘ Aisyiyah has prepare and implement any two strategies the relation with OGBV issues . Using social media especially Instagram as a platform in educate and inform , ‘ Aisyiyah also publishes results written works and the agenda through magazine The voice of ‘ Aisyiyah which has stand since in 1926. While implementing a strategy that is very road ( short time ), ‘ Aisyiyah also implements another strategy, namely a strategy that has plan act continue ( long time ). Give A service complaint given​ Name Legal aid post This become a help for survivors in need . Posbakum​ This has spread across each region, which can give service assistance until track law . Besides with existence Posbakum , ‘ Aisyiyah take the initiative stage training on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) which aims to For increase awareness will matter health sexuality in adolescents . This program focuses on teenagers which numbers violence Lots occurs during adolescence .


Study This related with the ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ Strategy in Overcoming OGBV. From the results study related to ‘ Aisyiyah strengthen movement Woman especially in the virtual world, then Can concluded that ‘ Aisyiyah look at Woman must get rights and dignity equivalent with man in affairs certain in accordance her existence , women entitled get fair treatment​ with man as well as women and men can life together with braid legal marriage​ according to religion and state law . About The role of GBV and OGBV ‘ Aisyiyah is also intolerant on action which one is appropriate with runway in one of the verses in the Qur’an. ‘ Aisyiyah state that whoever becomes a victim in violence gender based must get his equal rights Good in aspect whatever .

‘ Aisyiyah with firm reject all form violence including inside it violence gender based because matter This contradictory values humanity , justice , and equality . Violence online gender based including action coercion and adultery that violates ethics social as well as religious teachings .

‘ Aisyiyah own role as well as good gender relations . Organizations that have pass various times​ year after year with diverse issues that exist around​ and also scope national or international . ‘ Aisyiyah is also a an organization based on Islam as the guidelines still prioritize the Koran as runway religious law , where applicable verses about gender equality for man and also women . From the verses There are also interpretations from ‘ Aisyiyah ‘ activities until present time .

‘ Aisyiyah play a role For save and lift dignity dignity Woman from various problem violence sexual and complete case violence against Woman through track law .

‘ Aisyiyah also plays a role give training and also education in a way direct and also in a way No directly . ‘ Aisyiyah do various strategies in the form of term long and also term short , which both strategies has run since issue the appear until moment This . The strategy given by ‘ Aisyiyah own preparation good facilities​ so that his hopes education and information about OGBV issue conveyed with Good to male , female ( mother) and also child ).

Aisyiyah ‘s Strategy For overcome violence online gender- based programs include ; (a) short term programs such as ; Doing campaign on social media , holding seminars and discussions lift Topic related violence sexual intercourse​ to women , intensify publication in the media; (b) long term such as ; Establishing a Legal Aid Post for helping victims of violence sexual , conducting inclusion programs about training related Handling violence online based

So as it is with ‘ Aisyiyah who continues give information as well as education through social the media become a objective as organization women . Form the action given is also appropriate with objective For get rights women who have seized . ‘ Aisyiyah also did not reject current developments , for him social media become place For networking Good circles ‘ Aisyiyah cadres and also No ‘ Aisyiyah cadres . However , still just that until Aisyiyah day also has​ a number of things according to researcher Still Not yet fulfil the theory used .

In the research This there is findings that ‘ Aisyiyah in state attitude and also view especially on the issue of OGBV still not enough concrete . It means is , researcher feel about OGBV discussion explained However No in give more steps​ specifically on OGBV. Strategy in social media ‘ Aisyiyah of course Already give education and information , but researcher Still feel will more good ‘ Aisyiyah Can give another strategic step . And the thing This Can delivered through representative from ‘ Aisyiyah cadres Can leader and also cadres who have concentration or skill in field the .

Besides That Not yet there is related data contribution big ‘ Aisyiyah in respond existing OGBV issues . ‘ Aisyiyah is long – standing organization , and involvement about policies government about issue Woman Of course There is support from various organization Woman including ‘ Aisyiyah this . During ongoing research , which met with diverse informant No found attitudes and influences big ‘ Aisyiyah in OGBV issues in particular . As we know that OGBV has not own umbrella law special , considering There is The law that can referring to the OGBV issue . Until discovery and research day this , researcher only find that ‘ Aisyiyah Still strengthen in and not yet give support full in umbrella law regarding OGBV.


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