Application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class VIII B at SMPN 2 Sirenja
- Nur Aksani
- Astija
- Vita Indri Febriani
- 307-311
- Dec 28, 2024
- Education
Application of Team Games Tournament (TGT) Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class VIII B at SMPN 2 Sirenja
Nur Aksani, Astija, Vita Indri Febriani*
Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Tadulako University, Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 94118
*Corresponding author
Received: 25 November 2024; Accepted: 05 December 2024; Published: 28 December 2024
This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of students in class VIII B at SMP Negeri 2 Sirenja. This research is a type of classroom action research (PTK) by applying the Team Games Tournament (TGT) cooperative model, which is carried out with 2 cycles consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The data taken is quantitative data, namely data on learning outcomes obtained from tests. The results showed that the students’ learning outcomes in the form of classical absorption obtained an increase from cycle I to II by 14.3%, and classical learning completeness obtained an increase of 19.1%. Thus it can be concluded that the use of team game tournament (TGT) learning model can improve the learning outcomes of students of class VIII C at SMP Negeri 2 Sirenja.
Keywords – Teams Games Tournament Model, TGT, Learning Outcomes, Biological Science
The main activity in the education process at school is learning. Learning is one of the determinants of success in achieving educational goals. Learning can be defined as a process of a person to gain knowledge, understanding, skills and values (Subandi et al., 2018). This is supported by the theory of Setianingrum & Azizah (2022) which states that learning is a change in attitude, knowledge, understanding of behaviour, skills, and abilities. Learning is a process that contains a series of actions of teachers and students on the basis of reciprocal relationships that take place in educational situations to achieve certain goals. Thus, learning is a series of activities involving teachers, students, and teaching materials in an environment conducive to optimal learning in order to achieve certain goals (Pongkendek et al., 2019; Putri & Mawardi, 2017).
Learning is not only a process in which students only receive material provided by educators, but learning is also a process in which educators can convey material well so that it can be easily accepted and understood by students. Therefore, educators have two roles, namely as people who educate students and also as people who learn in delivering material to students, where in this learning process there are 2 components that interact with each other, namely educators and students (Rumape et al., 2020; Sugiata, 2018).Based on observations made at SMP Negeri 2 Sirenja, during the lesson students looked bored, inactive, some were busy by themselves, and did not respond to the teacher. These results are also in accordance with teacher interviews. When the teacher asked questions in class, only smart students answered. Low student activeness has an impact on learning outcomes that are less than optimal. Student learning outcomes at SMP 2 SIRENJA class VIII are said to be still lacking. From the data collection, it was obtained that the science scores of students who met the KKM of 70 were 7 people with a percentage of 33.33% and as many as 14 students were still below the KKM with a percentage of 66.65%.
The learning methods used by teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Sirenja although they have used a variety of methods but teachers more often use only one method, the method is the lecture method. The lecture method is a learning method in which the teacher conveys information or material orally to students. Students only listen and take notes without much interaction. This lecture method makes learning only cantered on the teacher, thus making students less active in the learning process. This is supported by Laili et al. (2020) and Warman Syah (2016) stated that, learning with the lecture method makes students tend to be passive and unable to express their opinions so that student learning outcomes are not optimal.
Low student activeness can be given action in the form of using methods that involve student activeness. One of them is the cooperative method. Cooperative method is a learning method where students work together in groups to achieve a common goal so that it requires student activeness in the classroom. With cooperative learning, students interact more with their friends, for example asking each other questions and responding to their groupmates. One of the cooperative learning is team games tournament (TGT). TGT is a learning model that is packaged with a game process and emphasizes student activeness (A’yuningsih et al., 2017). By applying TGT, the learning process does not become monotonous, students are more active and enthusiastic in learning and train students to be more confident. TGT is a type of cooperative learning that places students in learning groups of 5 to 6 students. Student selection criteria are seen from different abilities, gender, and ethnicity or race. The teacher presents the material and students work in groups (Yunita et al., 2020).
This study used a qualitative approach with the type of classroom action research. The research was conducted in class VIII B with 21 students in March 2024 for 2 cycles where each cycle used the PTK design developed by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which consists of 1) planning, 2) treatment, 3) observation, and 4) reflection. Tests in the form of validated multiple choice questions were used to measure learning outcomes in 2 cycles. The learning outcome indicators used were classical absorption, and classical learning completeness, where both indicators reached a minimum of 70% to say that the TGT model succeeded in improving student learning outcomes in 2 cycles. Students are said to be complete if they get a score ≤ 75.
Based on the results of research conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Sirenja, data on student learning outcomes were obtained.
Table 1 Data on Student Learning Outcomes Cycle I
No. | Acquisition Aspect | Acquisition Results |
1 | Highest score | 80 |
2 | Low score | 60 |
3 | Total number of students | 21 |
4 | Many students are complete | 14 |
5 | Many students are not complete | 7 |
6 | Percentage of classical absorption | 67,6% |
7 | Percentage of classical learning completeness | 66,6% |
Table 1 shows the learning results in cycle I, it can be seen that the classical absorption (67.6%) has not reached the classical absorption standard (70%), as well as the classical learning completeness (66.6%) has not reached the classical learning completeness standard (70%). On the basis of these two indicators that had not met the standard, the application of the TGT model was continued in cycle II.
Data on Student Learning Outcomes Cycle II
No. | Acquisition Aspect | Acquisition Results |
1 | Highest score | 100 |
2 | Low score | 60 |
3 | Total number of students | 21 |
4 | Many students are complete | 18 |
5 | Many students are not complete | 3 |
6 | Percentage of classical absorption | 87,9% |
7 | Percentage of classical learning completeness | 85,7% |
Table 2 shows that the classical absorption (87.9%) and classical learning completeness (85.7%) have reached the standard of classical absorption and classical learning completeness of 70%. The application of the TGT model has successfully improved student learning outcomes so that learning was stopped in cycle II.
Learning using the team game tournament (TGT) model has been carried out for 2 cycles. Based on the research data, there was an increase in student learning outcomes during the 2 cycles. This can be seen from the classical absorption, and classical learning completeness. Classical absorption and classical learning completeness become the benchmark of student learning outcomes because classical absorption is used to measure the understanding of the entire class and shows the effectiveness of the learning model used, namely TGT, while classical learning completeness is to measure whether students reach the standard of competence set and ensure the success of learning as a whole. Based on the results of the research conducted, from cycle I to cycle II there was an increase in classical absorption of 20.3% and an increase in classical learning completeness of 19.1%. Specifically, in cycle II, the classical absorption and classical learning completeness had exceeded the predetermined standard of completeness. This result showed that the increase from cycle 1 to cycle both in classical absorption and classical learning completeness tended to be large, which was around 19-20% difference. This shows that there was a relatively high change in student understanding from the two cycles, due to the use of the TGT model. The learning outcomes above show the success of the TGT model in the learning process, where the TGT learning model encourages students to work together in teams so that they can help each other understand the material, interaction between students can improve individual understanding because they can learn from their colleagues who tell each other the concepts they do not understand. In TGT students are also placed in heterogeneous teams based on ability this allows strong students to help students who are academically weak. TGT is also more student-cantered which makes students actively involved in learning (Simhanada, 2015).
The TGT model also involves a game format that helps students to understand and remember learning material in a fun way so that they can learn more relaxed and learning is not boring (Herpartiwi et al., 2019; Kusumadiputra et al., 2017). In addition, the TGT model is also packed with tournaments where students have responsibilities and make students feel challenged. This is in accordance with what was stated by Prastowo et al (2019) and Fikri et al., (2022) which stated that learning activities with games designed in TGT model cooperative learning allow students to learn more relaxed in addition to fostering responsibility, cooperation, healthy competition and learning engagement.
The phenomenon of low classical absorption and classical learning completeness in cycle I can occur because students are not used to doing activities in each stage of the TGT model so that learning is not maximized and student learning outcomes tend to be low. This did not happen in cycle II, where the classical absorption and classical learning completeness had met the standards. This is certainly because students are accustomed to the TGT model of learning so that students enjoy the learning process in the classroom more.
When compared to previous research conducted by Siti Sulhiyati (2019) where the percentage results of the increase in classical absorption from cycle I to cycle II were 7.31% and classical learning completeness from cycle I to cycle II was 16%. Whereas in this study, the increase in classical absorption from cycle I to cycle II was 20.3% and the increase in classical learning completeness was 19.1%. So that the results in this study are different and relatively higher than previous studies. This becomes the novelty of research data regarding the use of the TGT model in improving student learning outcomes, so that this model becomes a recommendation for educators in innovating in the classroom so that student learning outcomes can meet the criteria for learning completeness.
Learning by using the teams game tournament (TGT) model succeeded in improving student learning outcomes seen from classical absorption and classical learning completeness that exceeded standards from cycle I to cycle II.
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