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Assessment of Competence of Pre-Service Teachers on the Essential Aspects of Teaching

  • Christopher B. Dacer
  • 2732-2745
  • Aug 21, 2024
  • Education

Assessment of Competence of Pre-Service Teachers on the Essential Aspects of Teaching

Christopher B. Dacer, PhD

Faculty, College of Development Education,

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture


Received: 15 July 2024; Accepted: 20 July 2024; Published: 21 August 2024


Assessing the competence of pre-service teachers is crucial in ensuring the quality of future educators. The proficiency of teachers directly influences the effectiveness of education and the learning outcomes of students. By evaluating the skills and knowledge of pre-service teachers, educational institutions can identify strengths and areas for improvement, ultimately contributing to the development of highly competent educators. This study was conducted to assess the competence of the pre-service teachers on the fundamental elements of instructions. Survey was conducted among the pre-service teachers from the College of Development Education (CDE) of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA) to assess their level of competence in Pedagogy, Instructional Materials Development, ICT in Teaching, and Research. The level of competence between BEED and BSED programs were compared using T-Test. The gathered data were organized, compiled, and then analyzed using the T-Test. The results indicated that the pre-service teachers are equipped with the necessary approaches in teaching in the different essential aspect of teaching. It is recommended to continuously update the teacher education curriculum to incorporate the latest teaching methodologies, technological advancements, and research findings. This results can be used by policy-makers and other educational institutions to ensure that pre-service teachers are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the teaching profession and maintain high levels of competence throughout their careers.

Keyword: Competence, Essential Aspects of Teaching, Pre-service Teachers


In order for pre-service teachers to be considered effective in 21st Century teaching-learning not only in the Philippines, in Asia, but also around the world, it is crucial to evaluate their competence in key areas of teaching, such as (a) Pedagogy, (b) Instructional Materials Development, (c) ICT in Teaching, and (d) Research. In today’s quickly changing educational environment, pre-service teachers’ ability is essential for them to effectively engage and educate the learners. The pre-service teachers are ensured to have the essential abilities to adapt to the changing technology and teaching methods by having their competence in those areas evaluated. This will allow them to have a beneficial influence on the learning outcomes of their learners.

Competence is without a doubt one aspect that equips every pre-service teacher for the teaching position in the future. Pre-service teachers must meet the new Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), which were developed by the Teacher Education Council (TEC) and the DepEd in 2017 as a framework for teacher quality in response to the urgent need for high quality teachers in the ongoing implementation of the K to 12 programs. The PPST prescribes, describes, and characterizes the competences of teachers. The PPST is the new benchmark established in the nation for both pre-service and in-service teachers. In order to effectively teach learners, educators must have the knowledge and abilities to do so. The PPST provides a thorough framework for teacher development and evaluation by covering a variety of topics including subject matter competence, pedagogy, and professional ethics.

In light of this, the College of Development Education of the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture is dedicated to assisting pre-service teachers in receiving high-quality teacher preparation. According to the institution, providing pre-service teachers with the information and skills they need to be successful educators is only possible through high-quality teacher education programs. The College of Development Education works to generate graduates who are well-equipped to handle the demands of the constantly changing field of education by placing a significant emphasis on practical teaching experiences and cutting-edge teaching techniques.

As a result, the study can serve as a foundation for improving pre-service teachers’ competence and preparing them for the workplace. This survey can offer insightful information on areas that require improvement by examining the strengths and shortcomings of pre-service teachers. As a result, educational institutions will be able to develop focused training programs that address certain skill gaps, ensuring that graduates are eventually well-prepared for the demands of the teaching profession.


 The study aims to assess the competence of the pre-service teachers in terms of the essential aspects of teaching. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Determine the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teachers along (a) Pedagogy, (b) Instructional Materials Development, (c) ICT in Teaching and (d) Research;

2. Identify the differences in the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching; and

3. Determine the school-related attributes on the essential aspects of teaching.


The study was conducted at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Pili Campus. Pre-service teachers of the College of Development Education were involved for the survey to collect data on their competence in terms of the different essential aspects of teaching. Descriptive method was employed to determine the level of competence of pre-service teachers on the essential aspects of teaching along Pedagogy, Instructional Materials Development, ICT in Teaching, and Research. Further, comparative method was used to determine if there are differences in the level of competence of pre-service teachers on the essential aspects of teaching among the students who are taking BEEd and BSEd Programs enrolled at the College of Development Education for the 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022. Weighted mean was utilized for statistical treatment along with comprehensive analysis of how these attributes contribute to effective teaching practices in schools.

Figure 1 below reflects the framework where the study is anchored. The dependent variables are the competence of pre-service teachers in terms of Teaching Pedagogy, IMs Development, ICT in Teaching, and Research Writing. These are the essential aspects of teaching. Next is the difference in the competence on the essential aspects of teaching of the pre-service teachers, and last of the independent variables is the school-related attributes.

Figure 1. The conceptual framework of the study

The conceptual framework of the study


This section of the study focuses on the presentations, analyses, and interpretations of the data gathered that addressed the following study objectives: (1) determine the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching along (a) Pedagogy, (b) Instructional Materials Development, (c) ICT in Teaching, and (d) Research; (2) identify the differences in the level of competence on essential aspects of the pre-service teaching; and (3) determine the school-related attributes on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching.

Level of Pre-Service Teachers’ Competence on the Essential Aspects of Teaching

Teaching, Instructional Materials Development, ICT in Teaching, and Research are the key components of pre-service teaching that were adopted from the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) developed by the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Teacher Education Council (TEC) in 2017 and put into practice through DepEd Order No. 42, series 2017. To ensure success in the teaching profession, a pre-service teacher must possess and display these qualities before immersion and employment at any DepEd school in the nation.

The data presented on Table 1, show the pre-service teachers’ level of competence on the essential aspects of teaching. The grand mean of 4.18 indicates that the pre-service teachers of the BEED and BSED of the CDE are “Very Competent” in all aspects of teaching: pedagogy, instructional materials development, ICT in teaching, and research.

Table 1. Level of competence of pre-service teachers along the essential aspects of teaching


            WM- Weighted Mean    AWM- Average Weighted Mean

            LC- Level of Competence         GM – Grand Mean

            Score Range                                         Level of Competence

            1.00-1.80                                              Not Competent

            1.81-2.60                                              Fairly Competent

            2.61-3.40                                              Moderately Competent

            3.41-4.20                                              Very Competent

            4.21-5.00                                              Very Much Competent

The results show that the pre-service teachers are all “Very Competent” in all crucial areas of teaching, notwithstanding the AWM’s numerical variations in the various levels of competence. However, it is clear from the table that among the four fundamental characteristics of teaching, IM Development and Pedagogy are perceived to be pre-service teachers’ strong suits (AWM of 4.32 and 4.24, respectively). This would imply that the pre-service teachers are almost ready to instruct using the essential methods. This result also appears to suggest that their participation in a variety of experiential learning activities has given them the “tools of the trade,” so to speak.

On the other hand, pre-service teachers are found to be a little weak on ICT in teaching and research (AWM of 4.16 and 4.00, respectively). This finding can be attributed to the complexity of the said aspects of teaching in which case, not all pre-service teachers are bent and interested in learning the rigors and rudiments of research and ICT in teaching since both require a great deal of competence and interest. This is a reality that particularly holds true to those who are lowly exposed to technologies and are resource-limited. It is a fact that not everybody has the capacity to buy his or her respective IT equipment such as desktop or laptop for his or her own and personal use in classroom teaching-learning activities.

This implies that the pre-service teachers’ competence along ICT in Teaching and Research skills can be further improved through proper motivation and encouragement from their professors to develop their respective IMs as supplementary learning resources to promote optimum learners’ learning in the classroom. This means that although the pre-service teachers already possess the skills required to venture into research activities due to the experiences, they previously had from their respective research classes. TEIs offering education programs are encouraged to provide intensified research skill-capability building activities. This is necessary in order for the pre-service teachers to acquire the optimum level of competence on research. Optimum competence on research may mean better chances to be employed in DepEd schools and an edge over other teachers to be promoted.

The results of the study of Husain (2011), who found that most teachers are unable to use technology in their classrooms or in any other area of their teaching and learning lives, appear to be supported by this discovery and observation of the pre-service teachers’ weak performance on the use of ICT in teaching as compared to the three other crucial aspects. In addition, teachers’ lack of success may be explained by the unencouraging use of technology in the classroom and a lack of training in the use of ICTs as a tool for long-term educational sustainability (Ololube, 2006).

Furthermore, according to Husain (2011), some of the drawbacks of current pre-service teacher practices on ICT include: (1) only teaching computer basics to student-teachers; (2) only focusing on technical issues and ignoring pedagogical uses of technology; (3) the BEEd syllabi do not cover a sufficient amount of ICT contents; (4) the teacher-educators present the content of educational technology in traditional ways; they do not provide evidence of using new technology. (5) the pre-service teachers do not know how to use new technology in their classroom instruction; (6) the current BEEd curricula do not give student teachers enough opportunities to apply ICT into the curriculum; (7) new ICTs and their educational uses are not well introduced to student teachers; (8) design of innovative instruction with the support of new technologies is very weak; (9) the expertise of pre-service teachers on ICT application in teaching subjects is very low; (10) future teachers are taught only about technology; and (11) old curricula and pedagogical approaches are implemented on the teachers.

Nonetheless, the skills of pre-service teachers on ICT in teaching can be further enhanced by providing them activities such as ICT workshops wherein their potentials are maximized and their skills are utilized at their best.

The level of competence of pre-service teachers along the essential aspects of teaching is described in the foregoing discussion.


The competence along pedagogy, which include knowledge and skills in the conduct of various activities using appropriate approaches—these are conceptual, multidisciplinary, cooperative, inquisitive, reflective, and computer-assisted learning—are expected of all pre-service teachers. As a response to the demands and problems of 21st century education, the aforementioned ways are some of the approaches that must be used in the classroom.

Table 1 shows that pre-service teachers in BEED got the highest weighted mean of 4.43 which is interpreted as “Very Much Competent” (VMC), while pre-service teachers in BSED got a weighted mean of 4.04 which means, “Very Competent” (VC). The results may speak for what the program is doing in terms of pedagogy and can also be attributed to the fact that all TEIs shall follow the prescribed curricula for Teacher Education Programs.

Having almost the same weighted means, may mean that the two programs have almost the same inputs in terms of approaches. However, it is worthy to note that among the approaches, Cooperative Learning Approach seems to be given emphasis, as manifested in the AWM of 4.50 which is interpreted as “Very Much Competent” (VMC); special attention must be given to Multi-Disciplinary Approach for it got only the AWM of 4.04. This may mean that pre-service teachers have to be exposed to this kind of approach since it requires mastery of the different disciplines in education.

Acquiring optimum level of competence along pedagogy may mean assurance that pre-service teachers are adequately equipped with this essential aspect of teaching in order for them to competently and confidently perform the tasks that await them and bravely face the challenges that go with it as they actually embark in the real world of teaching.

Instructional Materials Development

Every TEI seems to pay much regard and attention to the acquisition of the desired level of competence along Pedagogy. Clearly as it seems, while schools focus on the attainment of the desired level of competence on pedagogy, the acquisition of the optimum level of competence on Instructional Materials Development (IMD) is also desired.

It can be noted that along IMD, pre-service teachers under the BEED program lead with a WM of 4.52 which is interpreted as “Very Much Competent” (VMC). Pre-service teachers under the BSED program only got a weighted mean of 4.11 and interpreted as “Very Competent” (VC).

With the average weighted mean of 4.32 which is interpreted as “Very Much Competent” (VMC), the skills in developing instructional materials undoubtedly are already acquired by the pre-service teachers. The utilization skills have to be inculcated because in there, lies the true success of educating the pre-service teachers. Exposure to activities that require the utilization skills relevant to the instructional materials is of paramount importance.

The data gathered along IMs development speak of the worthwhile activities of the pre-service teachers to develop their knowledge and skills on IMs development in the program of their choice.

It could be an advantage to further provide pre-service teachers the opportunities to develop their respective instructional materials. This may pave the way to more enhanced skills on this essential aspect of learning to promote optimum learning in the classroom.

ICT in Teaching

Teachers nowadays should have a sufficient level of competence with ICT in Teaching given the technologically driven or revolutionized society we live in today where the new generation of learners likes to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes through digitally assisted instruction. This is crucial since it is evident that today’s learners have a very short attention span, which is viewed as one of the largest obstacles for teachers to maintain more engaging and exciting educational activities.

The skills in ICT in Teaching speak of three things. It speaks of how ICT is developed; how it is integrated in the teaching-learning process; and how it is utilized in the classroom.

Having to consider all of these, the pre-service teachers may have been exposed to activities where their skills in ICT in Teaching could be highlighted and enhanced before internship and employment.

Table 1 shows the differences in the level of competence along ICT in teaching. It can be gleaned from the gathered data that pre-service teachers in BEEd got a WM of 4.32 which is interpreted as “Very Much Competent” (VMC), while BSEd pre-service teachers got a WM of 4.00, described as “Very Competent” (VC).

Having obtained weighted means that are seemingly close with each other, it can be drawn that pre-service teachers from the different programs have almost the same level of competence on this particular essential aspect of teaching. This could mean that they have acceptable skills in terms of integrating ICT in their future teaching careers.

It is worthy to note that with the AWM of 4.16 for development skills, the level of competence of the pre-service teachers on ICT in teaching may still be further enhanced by intensifying the course on ICT by providing opportunities for the pre-service teachers to develop their own instructional materials.

It may mean that the different skills in ICT in teaching can still be further enhanced by providing opportunities to pre-service teachers to integrate ICT in their routine activities in the classroom. In this way, their competence may still be further enhanced.


Today’s pre-service teachers are required to have the acceptable level of competence in line with Research, which is a necessary skill in the twenty-first century. Learners often view research as a task to be avoided because it necessitates a particular level of competence, which in turn necessitates technical and sophisticated abilities in order to produce a write-up that is adequate.

With this, based on the data presented on Table 1, it seems to convey otherwise. Pre-service teachers in the BEED program got the weighted mean of 4.39 which means “Very Much Competent” (VMC); while pre-service teachers in the BSED program got 3.61 weighted means, and interpreted as “Very Competent” (VC).

With such results obtained on research, it can now be viewed that the pre-service teachers of the CDE already have the acceptable level of competence when it comes to research. This can be attributed to their past experiences specifically along their attendance to research classes and similar courses.

Having this information, the skills in research may still be further enhanced through integration of research activity embedded in the different courses. In such a way, their skills in research could be put to practice and soon lead to acquisition of the optimum level of competence required of them once they are already employed in the actual teaching field in the future.

Difference in the Level of Competence of Pre-Service Teachers on the Essential Aspects of Teaching

It may be assumed that because the pre-service teachers are enrolled in the two programs of the CDE, it is expected that there would be distinct differences on the pedagogical approaches, particularly on how instructions are made in each of the programs. The difference among professors’ competence as function of their educational attainment, trainings, and level of motivation, among others; and pre-service students’ stock knowledge which include conceptual and theoretical; practical and technical knowledge and skills, including desirable attitudes, may have paved the way for the existence of the differences in the competence of pre-service teachers on the essential aspects of teaching.

In addition, school facilities and school climate may have also played important roles in the attainment of the desired level of competence among the pre-service teachers in the CDE.

Table 2. Difference in the Level of Competence of Pre-service Teachers along Pedagogy

<0.05 Significant          0.05 NS Not Significant

In testing the significant difference in the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching along Pedagogy among the students taking Secondary and Elementary Education Programs, the data reveals that BEEd and BSEd pre-service teachers have No Significant difference as the value of Sig. (.192) is greater than 0.05, therefore the variances are not significantly different, so equal variances are assumed.

All pre-service teachers are expected to demonstrate competence in pedagogy which involves knowledge and skills in the conduct of different activities employing appropriate approaches. According to (Watt, 2019) pedagogical content knowledge and skill sets contribute to pre-service teachers’ future teaching careers. It is the goal of the college to potentially inform pre-service teachers and teacher educators, mentors, and university field experience staff ways to enhance the learning experiences of soon-to-be teachers.

There is no evidence to suggest that one program is more effective than the other in terms of preparing students for teaching in relation to pedagogy. This finding indicates that both programs are equally capable of equipping pre-service teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge needed in terms of pedagogy.

Table 3. Difference in the Level of Competence of Pre-service Teachers along IMs Development

<0.05 Significant          0.05 NS Not Significant

Reflected in Table 3 is the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching along IMs Development among the students taking BEEd and BSEd programs in terms of IMs Development and the statistical data reveals that the variances are indeed equal and there is no significant difference between the variances of the two groups, according to a non-significant p-value for Levene’s test.

Every TEI seems to pay much regard and attention to acquiring the desired level of competence in pedagogy. Clearly as it seems, while schools focus on attaining the desired level of competence in pedagogy, acquiring the optimum level of competence in instructional materials development is also desired. Magulod (2017) emphasized the importance of selecting appropriate instructional materials based on factors like relevance, suitability, and learner participation.

The study shows that incorporating IMs into pre-service teachers’ education significantly influences their future teaching practices, highlighting the importance of incorporating IMs into teacher education programs to better prepare educators for diverse student needs.

Table 4. Difference in the Level of Competence of Pre-service Teachers ICT in Teaching

<0.05 Significant          0.05 NS Not Significant

Table 4 shows that the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching among pre-service teachers in terms of ICT in Teaching has no significant difference. This suggests that both BEEd and BSEd programs effectively equip their students with the necessary ICT skills for teaching. Additionally, these findings highlight the importance of integrating ICT into teacher education programs to ensure future educators are well-prepared for the digital age. Wani (2021) emphasizes the need for teachers to be skilled in using technology and suggests that the curriculum should be designed to integrate modern teaching technologies. Kler (2014) highlights the benefits of ICT in teaching and learning, such as making learning more interesting and empowering students to seek knowledge independently.

Having to consider all of these, the pre-service teachers may have been exposed to activities where their skills in ICT in Teaching could be highlighted and enhanced before internship and employment. The level of competence of the pre-service teachers on ICT in teaching may still be further enhanced by intensifying the course on ICT. This can be done by providing opportunities to pre-service teachers to integrate ICT in their routine activities in the classroom. In this way, their competence may still be further enhanced.

Table 5. Difference in the Level of Competence of Pre-service Teachers along Research

<0.05 Significant          0.05 NS Not Significant

Table 5 shows that the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching among pre-service teachers in terms of Research. The Levene’s Test presents that there is no significant difference in research competence as the sig. .385 is greater than 0.05. This indicates that the variability in research competence among the different groups being compared is not statistically significant. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that there is no evidence to support a difference in research competence among students who are BEED and BSED programs0

With such results obtained on research, it can now be viewed that the pre-service teachers of the CDE already have the acceptable level of competence when it comes to research. This can be attributed to their past experiences from attending research classes and similar courses. Bower (2010) argues for the integration of research-based approaches in pre-service teacher education, highlighting the benefits of developing critical thinking skills, deep learning, and the ability to link theory with practice.

Enhancing research skills through course integration can lead to practical application and optimum competence in teaching, ensuring future employment in the field.

School-Related Attributes on the Essential Aspects of Teaching

The acquisition and mastery of the essential aspects of teaching require a great deal of time, effort, and willingness to be equipped with all the needed skills. Instructors and Professors are seen to be the pre-service teachers’ role models of competence and commitment.

Having the acceptable level of competence on the essential aspects of teaching may not just be attributed to professors on how they perform but it can also be attributed to school. Providing the necessary facilities and creating a sound and favorable school climate may also make a difference.

In this study, professors’ competence, professors’ commitment, school facilities, and school climate are perceived factors among pre-service teachers and their professors that may affect the acquisition of the optimum level of competence on the essential aspects of learning.

Professors’ Competence

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines competence as the ability to do something well. This definition is fitting to define what the professors ought to do and that is, to teach with the highest level of competence.

Table 6. Pre-service Teachers’ Perceived Factors Contributory to the Acquisition of Competence



WM LC WM LC AWM Level of Competence
Professors’ Competence 4.73 VMC 4.55 VMC 4.64 Very Much Competent
Professors’ Commitment 4.73 VMC 4.49 VMC 4.61 Very Much Committed
School Facilities 4.45 VME 3.84 VE 4.14 Very Evident
School Climate 4.30 VMC 4.39 VMC 4.34 Very Much Conducive

This competence is perceived by pre-service teachers that somehow also contributes to having the competence on the essential aspects of teaching. Table 6 reflects how the CDE is collectively perceived in general, professors’ competence. With the AWM of 4.64, interpreted as “Very Much Competent” (VMC), professors in the respective program display optimum competence.

This may mean that professors have continuously performed what is expected of them; they may also possess the qualities of competent teaching professionals who are equipped with the highest pedagogical faculties and qualities contribute to the high-level perceptions of the pre-service teachers.

Having this “Very Much Competent” (VMC) level of competence, the professors may continue to seek for further learning opportunities for the betterment of the effects of their instructions and other related teaching activities. This will, in turn, pave the way for the continuous acquisition of the optimum competence of the pre-service teachers.

Professors’ Commitment

Coming to class regularly and attending the pre-service teachers’ queries are just some of the indicators that professors possess a high level of commitment to their profession.

The data shown on Table 6 reveal that Professors’ Commitment as a factor does not have much difference as AWM of 4.61 posts a collective perception of the respondents as “Very Much Committed” (VMCmm). This may mean that just like Professors’ Competence as a factor associated with the acquisition of the essential aspects of teaching, professors in the respective programs adhere to the highest ethical value of the profession as manifested in the different personal and professional qualities they show in schools and in the classrooms, which serve for pre-service teachers to be a measure of highest commitment to the profession which they may do also when given the time to be in the teaching field.

With the data revealed, the professors may continuously inspired to never get tired of doing the best they can do to sustain that certain level of commitment they manifest because pre-service teachers are looking up to them as their role models who are worthy to be emulated once given their own time in the teaching field.

School Facilities

In addition to professors’ competence and commitment, school facilities are also perceived as an important factor that affects the acquisition of an acceptable level of competence in the essential aspects of teaching pre-service teachers. The intensity of competence and commitment being given by the professors during instruction or facilitation is seemingly magnified when the school matches the same intensity by providing the necessary facilities in adherence to a conducive learning atmosphere. Professors may be very resourceful to a certain extent, but with good and complete school facilities, learning becomes more real-life, meaningful, and authentic. School facilities may mean the existence of libraries, laboratories, classrooms, comfort rooms, computer rooms, cafeterias, infirmaries, and of course students’ lounges and/or halls.

The same table shows that along with school facilities, the CDE shows evidence of the existence of facilities with the average weighted mean of 4.14 which is interpreted as “Very Evident” (VE).

This finding seems to convey that the schools have the required school facilities that help create a conducive learning atmosphere for pre-service teachers. Assuring the evidence of having the school facilities, may also mean assurance of acquisition of the desired level of competence on the essential aspects of teaching among the pre-service teachers.

The continuous procurement of latest books, computers, projectors, printers, and other tools and equipment for the libraries, computer rooms, and laboratories, infirmary, and cafeterias; maintenance of classrooms and comfort room as well as the students lounges and/or halls are some of the ways that seem to assure continuous development of the competence of pre-service teachers.

School Climate

Seemingly, it is not only having school facilities to have perceived effects on the development of the competence of the essential aspects of teaching. School climate is another factor that is perceived to have association to such development of competence of pre-service teachers.

School climate pertains to a sound psychological environment created for all the stakeholders of the school. Fostering a conducive school climate is a perceived factor that may affect the well-being of everyone in an institution because; it may deal with the development of both desired and undesired personalities and characteristics among stakeholders. Having open communication among the stakeholders is a manifestation of the conduciveness of the school climate; being open to one’s opinion is another. Adherence to inclusiveness of the school also play part and parcel of what positive school climate is about.

On the same table, it clearly shows that the CDE as a whole collectively garnered 4.34 AWM which is construed as “Very Much Conducive” (VMCnd). This seems to mean that the schools are perceived by pre-service teachers as educational institutions fostering a school climate that is characterized by openness, variedness, tolerance, inclusiveness, diversity, and safety.

With this result, it can be inferred that the schools somehow never fail to let the pre-service teachers to responsibly communicate especially regarding matters that concern everyone. Likewise, pre-service teachers freely discuss between and among themselves with the administrative staff any issue that directly and indirectly concern their studies. Most importantly, pre-service teachers and other stakeholders feel safe in school. Safety is the utmost manifestation of having a sound school climate.

Having this as a result, the schools may continuously uphold a positive and sound school climate by strictly adhering to policies that create such a climate. Another, by looking into the existing policies, if there are any, some provisions that might hinder the conduciveness of the school. This can be done through modifying, revising, or abolishing such.


In terms of determining the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teachers along (a) Pedagogy, (b) Instructional materials development, (c) ICT in Teaching and (d) Research. It can be deduced that pre-service teachers are seen to be better in IM development and pedagogy (AWM of 4.32 and 4.24, respectively). This would mean that the pre-service teachers are almost equipped with the necessary approaches in teaching. It may be assumed that because the CDE pre-service teachers were enrolled in the two programs of the CDE, it is expected that there would be a distinct difference on the pedagogical approaches, particularly on how instructions are made in each of the program.

In identifying the difference in the level of competence on the essential aspects of pre-service teaching among the students taking Secondary and Elementary Education Programs. Through calculation of the significance difference. The data reveals that BEED and BSED pre-service teachers have No Significant difference as the value of their greater than 0.05, therefore the variances are not significantly different, so equal variances are assumed. Both BEED and BSED pre-service teachers have similar levels of competence in essential teaching aspects.

In terms of determining school-related attributes on the essential aspects of teaching the Professor Competence got the highest AWM of 4.64, interpreted and as “Very Much Competent” (VMC), professors in the respective programs display optimum competence. This suggests that professors consistently meet expectations and possess the qualities of competent teaching professionals with high pedagogical faculties, contributing to high-level perceptions of pre-service teachers. The differences among professors’ competencies as function of their educational attainment, trainings, and level of motivation, among others; and pre-service students’ stock knowledge which include conceptual and theoretical; practical and technical knowledge and skills, including desirable attitudes, may have paved the way for the existence of the differences in the acquisition of competencies on the essential aspects of teaching.


  1. Pre-service teachers are found to be a little weak on ICT in teaching and research (AWM of 4.16 and 4.00, respectively). It is recommended to provide pre-service teachers with more training and resources to improve their ICT skills in teaching and research along with integration of research activities within university workshops, allowing students to concurrently develop their ICT competencies while engaging in scholarly endeavors. Furthermore, students should actively participate in university research initiatives and leverage programs offered by the research division to enhance their skills. Additionally, the researcher suggested incorporating hands-on activities and workshops focused on ICT integration into the teacher education curriculum to further enhance their proficiency in these areas.
  2. Both BEED and BSED pre-service teachers possess similar levels of competence in the essential aspects of pre-service teaching. The researcher recommended that further research may be needed to explore other factors that could potentially influence the difference in competence between these two education programs. Additionally, observing their performance in real-life situations or reviewing their past work can provide valuable insights into their level of competence.
  3. From the School-Related Attributes on the Essential Aspects of Teaching, School facilities got the lowest AWM of 4.14. The researcher recommended further research about the specific areas within school facilities that need improvement in order to raise the AWM. Additionally, the researcher suggested conducting surveys or interviews with students and staff to gather their perspectives on the current state of school facilities and identify any specific issues or concerns.


  1. Magulod, G. C. (2017). Evaluation of Multisensory Instructional Material package for Elementary learners. /2729e536f95b3e76b0081255ace7778d7692e608
  3. Kler, S. (2014). ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning: Empowerment of Education with Technology. /d0222f3b70b5fdc3b55ff1d0f8a97fba2fc04e37
  4. Bower, M. (2010). Research-based pre-service teacher education – centring teachers in the process of knowledge creation. in-the-Bower/70c7483ebc234d0cea18571aa7a9c72105bfebbe

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