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Assessment of Implementation of Virtual Teaching and Learning among Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) Staff

  • Abel Bamidele IBIDAPO
  • Aina Ayokunle OLATILU
  • Modinat Adeitan KEIFA
  • 1379-1386
  • Jun 22, 2024
  • Education

Assessment of Implementation of Virtual Teaching and Learning among Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) Staff

1Abel Bamidele IBIDAPO (Ph. D), 2Aina Ayokunle OLATILU (Ph. D) & 3Modinat Adeitan KEIFA

1Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

2Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

3Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria.


Received: 23 May 2024; Accepted: 31 May 2024; Published: 22 June 2024


This study discussed the implementation of virtual teaching and learning among VTE staff. The pandemic and security incites the lock down of schools which made students excess at home. Thusly, necessitate the introduction of virtual learning and teaching in schools to associate with the students by enabling teachers and students to get specific materials past course books, in various designs, and in habits that framework presence. Despite the meaning of virtual learning, it’s implementation among VTE staff was ruined on account of nonattendance of force supply, lacking resources for overhaul and stay aware of the sorts of stuff and workplaces, nonappearance of good methodology implementation, lukewarm viewpoints by the staff and students in the e-learning processes among others. It was in any case assumed that bringing virtual learning into teaching and learning in technical education make learning more students-centered. It enables helpful learning and animates extended students teachers correspondence. Subsequently, vocational teachers ought to be more careful and introduced to virtual learning to give the students the best direction, they should also ensure that they are Computer literate and be ready always, government should finance and partner the country locales particularly to a consistent electric system among others.

Keywords: Implementation, Learning, Staff, Teaching, Technical Education &Virtual


Vocational and Technical Education implies those pieces of education process which incorporate examination of advances and related sciences and the acquirement of useful capacities, mindsets, understanding and data associating with occupations in various pieces of life (FRN, 2013). The United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and International Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (2019) communicated that technical education is stressed over the acquiring of data and capacities for the universe of work and public development. Technical and Vocational Education concerning this study implies formal and non-formal educational readiness program that an understudy gets which outfits the individual being referred to with down to earth and relevant data, capacities and aptitudes significant for making/entering, supporting and advancing in an occupation in different planning districts.

Vocational and Technical Education revolve around acquiring sensible capacities either in a formal or casual setting. Useful capacities are a large part of the time secured through learning-by-doing, which occurs in school-based studios and research centers or through procuring involved understanding in working environments.

Additionally, the lock down uncovered the country’s persistent shortcoming establishment, caused monetary slump, and weakened the joblessness and slightness situation in the country. Banditry, stealing, robbery, and Boko-Haram dread put together oppressor attacks are with respect to the craze. From the National Center for Disease Control report, the affected people extended from 407 to 48,569 with 1,098 passing’s from February to September 20, 2020 (Nigeria Center for Disease and Control, 2020). The pandemic similarly incited the outright close down of all schools from essential to tertiary levels which made students become repetitive at home. Report of Education in Emergency Working Group in like manner showed that around 46 million Nigerian students were affected by the schools’ decision (EiEWG, 2020); this is very immense as it addresses 25% of Nigerian outright people. As per the overall perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic devastatively influences the education region and affected students and educators from pre-essential to the tertiary education level (Andreas, 2020). Schools shut their premises and countries shut down their limits considering lock down measures. Revelations from 200 countries in the mid-April 2020 showed that 94% of students were affected by the pandemic all around the planet, which tends to 1.58 billion students (United Nations, 2020). Additionally, UNESCO (2020) uncovered that the finish of higher foundations has affected over 91% of the students’ general population in the world and that 23.8 million students could dissident or not have the choice to secure admission to schools in the 2021 academic timetable.

Remote learning transformed into assistance for education during the pandemic simultaneously, the entryways that mechanized developments offer work out emphatically beyond a brief game plan during a crisis (Andreas, 2020). As demonstrated by Eze et al., (2018), virtual learning is the far reaching blending of ICT gadgets and current telecom gear into the education system. Andreas (2020) stayed aware of that virtual learning is an indication of distance learning. Automated technology offers through and through new reactions to the subject of what people understand, how they learn, and where and when they learn. Andreas (2020) further communicated that technology engages teachers and students to get to explicit materials past course books, in various associations, and in habits that augmentation presence. Meanwhile, Eduard and Lucian (2020) suggested that virtual learning is an innovative stage for conveying data and capacities to the students; it is humble, saves time, and has a greater consideration, as well as propelling gathering learning and joint exertion. Andreas (2020) rehashed that technology progresses significant learning, and allows schools to answer better to the changing necessities of the students.

Indication of Vocational and Technical Education revolves around feasible capacities and work-status. Regardless, since most educational establishments, recollecting those for Vocational and Technical Education, were actually closed as a result of COVID-19 measures, teaching and learning has moved from homerooms to remote means, worked with by the web, TV, radio, or print materials, there is no doubt that the amount Vocational and Technical Education learning occur outside the study hall is obliged by numerous components. Various educational associations have changed their conditions to satisfy the work needs and changing examples in education by taking on virtual learning as a part to show up at the students who could have no an open door to sit in class due to inescapability of COVID 19 pandemic.

Vocational and Technical Education structures are bit by bit and reliably furthermore starting to move towards executing virtual homeroom in their teaching learning process. The interest for virtual teaching is continuously being embraced by the educational structure in and all around the planet which made the lead of the traditional study hall direction an implausible technique for the predictable movement of education. Furthermore, Javier (2020) was of the view that the pandemic caused the change of teaching approach. Considering this current situation, instructors and staff of technical schools are as of now working and going to sets of planning through internet based courses to learn and examine virtual learning head ways which supposedly is a work of teaching and capacitating them for the new position they are soon to take – that is to become overseers of virtual classes.

Concept of Virtual Teaching and Learning

Virtual study hall has been depicted by Tur off (2017) as an electronic environment that allows an individual to participate in live planning events without branching out to another spot. You can sit in the comfort of your ongoing situation and focus on addresses. You can participate in the research facility works out, get explanation on a few major problems and truly help out the teacher like the movement is happening in a standard study hall yet it is done with the solace of mechanical contraptions as workspace that have web and phone affiliation. The web of course gives such advantages and better methodologies for conferring, partner, and studying information for the two teachers and students.

Making on the significance out of virtual study hall, technopedia saw it as, “an electronic homeroom environment worked with through specific video conferencing applications”. In this environment, people concerned will be in the circumstance to team up with one another, give, view and look at address contents presented through web accessibility while working in bundles in an online setting to acknowledge learning. From the What, a virtual study hall is, “an online learning environment”. It looks like the veritable homeroom world where students are participating in virtual study hall in synchronous direction. At the end of the day that both the instructors and the student should be endorsed into the virtual learning environment (VLE) meanwhile.

Inviting the possibility of virtual study hall (VC), Tur off (2017) in Mangal (2019) believed that “virtual homeroom is an electronic environment that grants you to participate in live planning events without the need to travel. You wait patiently, standing by listening to addresses, participate in lab works out, get explanation on a few major problems, and get analysis correspondingly as you would do in a standard homeroom – except for you do it from the solace of your workspace or wherever you have a web and phone affiliation. It saves the hussle, cost, and travel time to a readiness site”.

All things considered, virtual study hall ought to have been noticeable “as the homerooms, fit for replacing to some degree or totally the standard educational, evaluative and administrative working of a typical homeroom by taking on the general PC and ICT head ways like the web, email, on-line visiting, www, CD-ROMS, DVDs, somewhat planning and video conferencing.

The upsides of the virtual learning consolidate better blissful transport, instinct, quality substance movement and assurance of the two students and teachers in the educational region. Despite the advantages of the virtual learning, it is at present at its start and early gathering stage in Nigeria as a result of its dynamic plan. Coincidentally, virtual learning is seen as the fundamental decision to keep the educational structure running in the event of the pandemic (Anaekwe and Anaekwe, 2020). This proposes that utilization of virtual learning in Nigeria for educational movement encounters various difficulties.

Importance of Virtual Teaching and Learning

The high level method for including web in teaching and learning is getting unprecedented thought the world over. The use is dynamically killing the regular procedure for teaching which is confined to chalk and talk process for teaching and learning (Olibie, et al.2014). The students look like the crude substances in education creation while the teachers are the conveying machines. The teachers wound pass the materials on to the students to learn for character change with the fundamental rules to be applied all the while. Coming up next are the advantages accruable from the virtual homeroom:

  • It provides the students with the flexibility of getting the learning experiences by then, spot and speed of assimilation.
  • Virtual study hall can help in extraordinary class affiliation. The useful records, assignments, class notes and other related information in the web can be immediately arranged for straightforward accessibility for the teachers and students. The information posted on the web could be helpfully altered and revived for seriously convincing teaching and learning.
  • Virtual homeroom allows the students the opportunity of procuring learning experiences 24 hours of at customary stretches days without changing the students unwinding time.
  • The structure has the capacity of using the organizations of most experienced work force in different areas of need which is unachievable in regular homeroom setting.
  • Another educational worth is the insightful and social association made by the technology of virtual homeroom. Students in their use of mechanical sorts of stuff foster the penchant for key, influential place as per various students (Husu, 2020). The consequences is that the technology used increases pack association and shared help every one of the more especially in far off homerooms. Furthermore, the virtual homeroom enables the students to cultivate an extent of open capacities that engage them perform honorably in class.
  • Cost suitability is an extraordinary advantage. Virtual homeroom saves money, time and transport for students. The students who are energized could work on their own at their home environment without with time to spare and money to branch out to school.
  • The teacher comparatively participates in the teaching since everything is mechanized and these works in general are sent through email created. The teacher can without a very remarkable stretch re-use his materials and can without a doubt get materials elsewhere.
  • The system can show truly positive for the students in various ways concerning its on-line features. It will help in confirmation, information about the courses and insightful activities, errands and adventures, tests and assessment, surveying and results, faculty open for correspondence, bearing and needed support, information about the start of the public assessments, merit plans, entry in a vocational and capable streams, etc.
  • With the methodology of e-learning, to do educational arrangement content in the Nigeria educational system won’t simply help with making the teaching and learning of the substance brought by the teacher dynamic yet furthermore to change education structure during pandemic. Kajetanowtez & Wierzejewski (2015) pinpointed that e-learning has no adversary with respect to time of trademark motivation and beginning of facilitated dynamic learning in education. Kajetanowtezetal, comparatively see e-learning as a capable technique for propelling self-concentrate on cum consistent testing as formative assessment which instigate genuine seeing of educational progression and periodical achievement. Overall assessment report shows that e-learning give useful result on students achievement. These consolidate the way that it propels interest and jargon improvement in students and moreover give encounters not successfully obtained through other learning methods and add to the efficiency, significance and combination of learning.

Implementation of Virtual Teaching and Learning by Vocational and Technical Education Staff.

As per Myers & Haplin (2021), the level of accomplishment on the implementation of virtual learning is incredibly reliant upon the demeanor of teachers and staff of Vocational and Technical Education included. As per Semerci & Aydin (2018), demeanor coordinates the approach to acting of an individual as per his feelings and contemplations. Likewise, mentality has come to be considered the level of positive or unfavorable outcome related with a specific thing or conviction (Delgado & Kassim, 2019).

Huang & Liaw (2015) present that the elevating points of view of staff towards their capacity in using PCs will impact how they pass data on to the students. In the examination of Keeton (2014), he contemplated that teachers have elevating standpoints towards the electronic educational resources that they use for which they acknowledge is tremendous in laying out a web based environment that enlivens learning to the students. Gasaymeh (2019) communicated that teachers and staff have great perspectives toward electronic distance education. Guillen & Mayorga-Fernandez (2020) tracked down that despite having a phenomenal commitment to plan students in mechanized progressions considering their relentless turn of events, teachers have a common mentality on the usage of ICT. By and large, this disposition concludes how they use ICT in the teaching-learning process given that the more certain the demeanor towards the usage of ICT, the more viable will be the use of such technology.

As per Odera et al., (2011), teaching and learning materials expected to enable technology headway to work should be successfully available. To facilitate PCs into the school educational arrangement, there is need for all schools to have adequate stock of PCs and other related resources. Without the hardware and programming, it is challenging to do changes that need such assistance and other teaching and learning materials. Cross and Adam (2007) put that, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) incorporate the party and treatment of information using present day gadgets, for instance, PCs, virtual universes, cell phones, cameras, and other related gear so the organizations (yield) made can show up at all that need them at reasonable cost and measurable to the general benefits of humanity. As per Peters (2010), the monetary thinking of ICT in education associates with expected addition of efficiency and sufficiency in educational tasks, which will achieve work saving costs. Enlightening thinking on the other hand “highlights the responsibility that ICT can make to the improvement of the idea of education by giving rich, invigorating and moving and new circumstances for learning.” Mahuta & Inuwa (2011) credited that, Information and Communication Technologies have been found to engage teaching-learning, support innovative teaching, decrease the restriction of teachers and urge teachers and students to become dynamic trained professionals and students as it build up teaching through the course of action astounding resources for teachers.

As per Becta (2013), five factors influence the likelihood that extraordinary virtual learning opprtunities will encourage in schools: ICT resourcing, ICT authority, ICT teaching, school organization, and general teaching. Becta (2013) in like manner showed that the result of the blend of new technology into education varies starting with one educational arrangement then onto the next, all around, and class to class, dependent upon the way it is applied. In science education, there are a couple of locales where ICT has been shown to make a positive difference.

Thus, Anene (2014) investigated the challenges and conceivable outcomes of e-learning in Nigerian universities. They observed that one of the hardships to the use of virtual learning was inadequate workplaces; the students protested that Nigerian Universities don’t have sufficient e-learning library region, online coordinated efforts with teachers and online tests. Similarly, the revelations of Eze et al., (2018) in their focus on the utilization of virtual learning workplaces in the educational transport plan of Nigeria: the survey revealed that mentality of clients, lacking web office and lacking arrangement of partakers impact the productive gathering of e-learning workplaces. Additionally, Aboderin (2015) focus on uncovered that the students difficult issues in using e-learning included lacking PCs, lacking web workplaces, students’ inadequate permission to e-learning instruments and gadgets, costly programming and awful power supply. The consequence of examination of Chiaha et al., (2018) revealed that around 42.9% of the students had a possible entryway to use e-learning instruments; a couple of students have distinction to use simply email and a short time later a couple of obstacles to the use of e-learning gadgets by students integrate sad power supply, slow association organization, among others. Additionally, blissful and system improvement have not been satisfactory for productive implementation of e-learning structures Ndubisi (2014). Both the teachers and students in Nigerian technical of education have been managing a lot of issues that use e-learning not to find success and useful.

Virtual Learning and Teaching is confronted with a lot of troubles in Nigerian educational structure especially during this pandemic as this is the fundamental medium open for learning. One of these challenges is epileptic power supply in Nigeria especially in provincial districts as there is no confirmation of something like two hours power supply at a stretch. Eccentric power supply in Nigeria is seen as an age-long issue which has affected basically all aspects of Nigeria economy with no extraordinary case for the educational region. This volatile sad power supply has caused a critical disaster for mechanical movement of various educational foundations in Nigeria. Most country districts in Nigeria where a couple of students are tenant are not even connected with the public lattice and in that limit, these students will experience inconvenience in utilizing the Virtual Learning stage, truth be told. Similarly, need power supply experience gotten difficulty driving of educational contraption, for instance, mobile phones, PCs and PCs expected for learning.

Another huge tangle to e-learning in Nigeria is tied towards the massive cost of web data organizations. The organization access expected to communicate with this Virtual Learning and Teaching stage on occasion requires a lot of data. The cost of purchasing the data bunch is so high which might be trying for the two students and teachers. In circumstances where there is even data, lamentable web accessibility by network providers is of focal issue especially with respect to video gatherings where both the students and teachers need to participate. The cost of getting to the web in Nigeria is still on the high side. Thusly, a couple of students track down it a test to make due.

The cost of a PC (PC), Laptop and PDAs sensible for Virtual Learning and Teaching are still very high in Nigeria considering the compensation level of a common expert in the country. Barely any students that are expected to have a PC/Laptop are not related with the web as this attracts extra cost which they can’t make due. Similarly, this appalling web accessibility and tremendous cost of data has achieved low cooperation of students during the web based classes (Eze et al., 2018). This low online class cooperation has moreover been associated with the dejection situation in the country as specific families and students presumably will not have the choice to bear the expense of fundamental necessities, for instance, food and clean water also the exorbitant contraptions or resources for help them for web learning.

As per Eze et al., (2018), another test introduced by the Virtual Learning and Teaching is the absence of capacity of teachers to assist students with cultivating the capacities and getting ready expected to make the e-learning stage strong. E-learning accounts for complete deficit of genuine individual relationship among students and teachers and among their accomplices.

The state of offices is overall frightening in Nigeria. The study halls are separated, insufficient, and not supportive for practical learning. The research centers, libraries, and ICT units are ill suited. Electric power supply through a significant creating set (MIKANO) is exorbitant to run similarly as fuelling, upgrading, and fixing. Mah mood (2020) and Ali (2020) definite that appalling state of establishment and work supply headway impacts the capable use of the web. High duty in a general sense added to the high purchasing cost of ICT workplaces which make it provoking for the public power to normalize virtual learning in many schools.

Bad quality of affiliation and the bad quality of survey materials with awful nature of teaching staff make virtual homeroom unacceptable in quality educational pursuit. The staff disappointment and low effectiveness will ominously impact the students pursued the system which will impact the overall examination of the virtual homeroom. In a virtual homeroom, capable planning is very basic. Staff who are not ready in PC and web capacities can not work it, as a matter of fact. Also, the virtual homeroom isn’t giving real study hall experience, for instance, teacher student very close associations. The shine of teacher student relationship is absent in virtual homeroom. Students every so often make issues for themselves by choosing on electronic classes without an email address or record with a web access. This infers that they can’t assess information for virtual study hall use. Subsequently, they can’t achieve their objectives of strong learning.

In the word of Ogunode (2020), modernized learning approaches is apparently a slight substitute for down to earth exercises, when these exercises require the usage of equipment or materials that are commonly not considered to be inside the home, except for where such movement can be reproduced from a distance through, for example, virtual or extended reality experiences. Simon & Hans (2020) saw that programs that will fight most while using electronic teaching methodologies are those that depend vivaciously after learning-by-doing, and where this “doing” isn’t by and large finished through the PC. Programs that can without a doubt conform to remote learning even more successfully are those with an additional grounded revolve around insightful subjects or that don’t require manual activities, and those that rely enthusiastically upon PC usage.


Bringing virtual learning into teaching and learning in technical education make learning more students-centered. It upholds agreeable learning and invigorates extended teacher students affiliation. So all together not to be deserted in the worldwide world, vocational teachers/staff ought to be more careful and introduced to virtual learning to give the students the best direction. Virtual Learning is a refined and fast technique for learning and hence, students should be introduced to the immense potential results that the more current technology holds in stock for them.

In this manner, for virtual teaching and learning to win in technical colleges in Nigeria, it necessities to collect critical help focuses: the presence of establishment, close by some degree of organization. A creating contrast in market movement of the Internet-access supply is provoking another kind of modernized segment on the overall scale various countries have introduced or are introducing media correspondences rules that hinder the improvement of Internet-access organization through competition. Furthermore, other technical restrictions should be made due. It is, therefore, major to execute self-supporting Internet and PC planning, which will at last allow vocational and technical education staff to keep awake with made countries and give them induction to imaginative and academic information, as well as Internet getting ready at various levels. The benefits they gain will as such impact each piece of their own and capable life.


Considering the real factors highlighted over, the going with suggestions were made:-

  1. Government should give motorized or high level libraries in all of the technical schools for transparency of information in the web and for moving and downloading content of the records at all time and this will enable decentralization of students and teacher from the general school library.
  2. Government should deal with the issue of force disappointment by presenting Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) contraptions to ensure reliable usage of force, expecting the need gifted work improvement through vocational and technical education can be achieved.
  3. Vocational education teachers should ensure that they are PC capable and go to help getting ready regularly to engage them keep awake with the creative dynamism of overall world.
  4. Government should be proactive in upgrading the challenges recognized in this audit and develop the astounding entryways virtual learning offers educational associations.
  5. For virtual learning to find true success, fitting measure should be given to frameworks for upkeeps, plan of stable web access to help straightforward and fast learning and teaching.
  6. Basic data on the most capable strategy to work PC and PC related instruments should be given to both the students and teachers.
  7. Curriculum coordinator should endeavor to arrange strong sensible achievement strategy and how understudy of virtual learning can be evaluated for ideal utilitarian education.
  8. Electricity is one of the central purpose and spine of virtual learning, so Government should back and connect the country locales particularly to a consistent electric cross section.


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