Attitude towards Cross-Dressing of LGBTQI+ Community among Senior High School Students in Llorente National High School, Eastern Samar Division
- Judy B. Operario
- Virgilio P. Rapada Jr.
- 1786-1799
- Dec 10, 2024
- Educational Management
Attitude towards Cross-Dressing of LGBTQI+ Community among Senior High School Students in Llorente National High School, Eastern Samar Division
Judy B. Operario1, Virgilio P. Rapada Jr., PhD2
1Graduate School, Eastern Samar State University-Main Campus, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines, 6800
2Professor I, Graduate School, Eastern Samar State University-Main Campus, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines, 6800
Received: 29 October 2024; Accepted: 06 November 2024; Published: 10 December 2024
This study investigates students’ attitudes towards cross-dressing and differentiates the attitudes according to the demographic characteristics of students. The respondents of this study are composed of 273 Senior High School Students of Llorente National High School S.Y. 2022-2023. The discrimination among the members of the LBTQIA+ community is getting worse as time passes. One of these issues is the cross-dressing of homosexual students inside the school campus. This led to discrimination among them which greatly affected their mental health and led to a bad academic performance. Previous studies failed to identify the attitudes of teenagers’ individuals and relied only on adults’ attitudes towards cross-dressing. This research was conducted and results show that the respondents’ response for each component in every variable ranged from 3.50 to 4.49 which leads to the conclusion that there is a significant difference in the attitude of the Senior High students onto cross-dressing in terms of their sex and religion, however, there is no significant difference on the attitude in terms of their Age. Therefore, the students’ attitudes toward cross-dressing in the community must be a top concern of school authorities to protect the rights of everyone and to stop bullying.
Keywords: Attitude, Cross-dressing, LGBTQIA+ Community, Senior High School
The researcher conducted this study to determine the attitude of Senior High School of Llorente National High School towards the cross-dressing of LGBTQI community.
Here in the Philippines, cross dressing is a way of one’s self-expression, fashion and also for the purpose of entertaining others (Manalasan, 2007). Also, everyone should always remember that those who engage onto cross-dressing are all homosexual and not all are cross- dressers as Ruskin (2013) has stated.
According to Thoroson (2017), mostly who experience violence are those students where member of the LGBTQI community. He also added that in some cases teachers and administrators are being bias and let themselves to be involve in this mistreatment instead of being a role model to everyone and making school a place where everybody can learn. Talking about cross-dressers who were abused they must be given a proper treatment and secure their safeness.
Men and Gay’s agree and prefer being masculine because it shows that a person has a high-status role, according to a new study from the University of Sydney, because being feminine had many disadvantages that one’s could experience like and promotion. According to Gerald & Ben (2021), Gay men had lesser chance of having a high-status opportunity compared to heterosexual men because western future are blocking their opportunity to enjoy their life.
Tacloban City Members of a group of lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals in San Julian, Eastern Samar, are overjoyed by the compliments and encouragement they have received after painting a crosswalk to represent the struggle for equality and respect. While some have criticized the San Julian Pride Advocacy Group for what its members did to create a crosswalk along the town’s main road near the town hall, they claim that the critiques have only served to bolster their resolve to fight for equal rights.
To demonstrate that it is possible to organize to make our community visible and to make LGBTQ+ people feel welcome in San Diego, especially in our rural location that is plagued by poverty and frequent natural catastrophes, according to Andag (2019).
Statement of the Problem
This study attempts to determine the attitude of students towards cross-dressing of LGBTQI community in Llorente National High School.
This study aims to answer the following question:
- What is the demographic profile of students in terms of sex, religion, and age?
- What is the attitude of students towards cross-dressing in terms of
- Assertion
- Self-esteem
- Passion
- Is there significant difference of the students’ attitude when group according to their demographic profile?
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be significant to the beneficiaries for producing information and knowledge for them to be fully aware on the different attitude of students towards the cross-dressing issue. In addition, this will also give clarification to the readers about the different attitude of students towards cross dressing,
This will benefit the different group which includes the:
Students. The findings of this study could help the student to understand more about cross dressing and respect the people who cross dress.
LGBTQI Community. The different attitude of students could help the cross different limitation on what they are wearing in a particular place.
School and Administration. The result of this study could help the school and administration to focus also in this issue and implement rules that is favorable for everyone especially to the students who are a member of LGBTQI community.
Future Researcher. This study could be a guide for the future researcher that will tackle the same topic. This study will grant the upcoming researchers come information and help them gain details on the different attitude of students towards cross-dressing.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This is only limited to determine the attitude of students towards cross-dressing and differentiate the attitude according to the demographic characteristics of students.
This study is delimited to the 273 Senior High School Students of Llorente National High School S.Y. 2022-2023 that are randomly selected as a respondent of this study, without the inclusion of the other variables.
According to Lamar and Kite (1998) the attitude of heterosexual men and women towards gay men and lesbians has significant difference. Their study revealed that Heterosexual men are more accepting lesbians while Heterosexual women shows acceptance towards gay men. Their study also reveals that men were less tolerant of homosexual than women.
According to (“Inclusion of lesbian”2022) LGBTQ persons often experience discrimination and their human rights were being violated in societies around the world. In addition, according to Cllega, et al. (2011), LGBT persons also experience discrimination in education. This can be in any form like jokes, bullying, and harassment. Also, in terms of healthcare services. Transgender patients are facing obstacles wherein they are experiencing lack of healthcare services and the healthcare professionals are being prejudice to this situation. LGBTQ persons are also discriminated because of their same sex relationship where in their right to choose who they would love is neglected and not being recognized by people. Therefore, the study suggest that it is important to have an awareness campaign together with the LGBT individuals and the service providers to lessen up the discrimination happening in the LGBT community. Having Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in the workplace contribute to a good business sense. That is why it is important to end the discrimination that LGBT people are experiencing. The study also suggest that the Government can provide policies and implement actions that will bring out a world that is free from abuses and discrimination. So that each organization especially those with LGBT employees can have a peaceful and health workplace where LGBT persons will also feel welcome (“Inclusion of Lesbian”.2022)
In terms of comfortability with the concept of cross-dressing, masculine and feminine men don’t have the same comfortability. According to Cegilian & Lyons (2004) feminine men are more comfortable with cross-dressing compared to masculine men. However, when it comes to self-esteem, Gay males has higher self-esteem than women (Moulton III & Adams-price, 1997).
According Bredikhina & Giard (2022), the new media technologies became the reason of existence of the avatars, babiniku that is present in Japan. Based on the Wikipedia dictionary Babiniku is an online avatar depicting an anime style for female characters in which men are mostly participants. Through this, the participants can express themselves in different personalities. This helps the participants to understand more about their selves and open up their hidden personality. According to this study, being a virtual bosjoho help the participants to boost their self-esteem and act in different ways such as acting cute, childish and wild. Also, this allows them to relieve their burden. The babiniku also allows the feminine men to express themselves and keep distance from the expectations of the society. The user is being free to express themselves since they are creating a gorgeous and beautiful characters that is being seen in media. This only help them to perform and act the way they want to and be free from pressure that society is given to them in their daily lives.
Wimberly (2015) discusses the initiative launched by the American Educational Research Associations (AERA) to investigate LGBTQ issues in education research. The author highlights the uncertainty surrounding the objectives of the initiative. The call for ideas on LGBTQ issues and extensive research have resulted in numerous essays, reports, program evaluations, conceptual papers, and to a lesser extent scholarly research based on empirical evidence. However, the discussion of LGBTQ issues is often limited by cultural norms and religious values. The Theory of Androgyny has significantly influenced the discourse on gender studies. In the context, the paper explores cross-dressing culture by analysing its portrayal in theatre, film, and literature, offering a new avenue for future researchers interested in addressing this topic. Cross-dressing, as a gender issue, is a complex and evolving phenomenon that necessitates a dynamic and open-minded approach. Further research and discussion are required in the future (Hao & Zi, 2019).
According to a study by Avanzado et al. (2016), police officers both men and women shows a level of openness and comfortability towards the Cross-dressing of the LGBTQ community. Police officers are accepting and comfortable with homosexual cross-dressers and shows support to the LGBTQ community in terms of physical, social, and emotional attributes. In this study, the respondent where almost men, and despite of their masculine profession, male police officers are open to gay and lesbian cross-dressers. The research also showed no significant difference in the level of openness between gay and lesbian cross-dressers. However, the respondents’ sex did have a significant relationship with their level of openness emotional attributes.
In another study by Endendijk and Portenger et al. (2003). It was found that adoptive individuals have the strength to persevere, and their parents provide vital support. Gender and sexual orientation, along with personality, and sexual variables, may influence how impressions are formed. For example, gay men and heterosexual women might form different impressions of a digital representation of a penis compared to a lesbian women and heterosexual men.
According to Holler et al. (2021), individuals who rate themselves as more gender typical are less open-minded and less likely to shift away from the traditional meat-heavy diets. This could due to their resistance to non-conventional diets like vegetarianism. The study also found that meat consumption is not related to an individual’s masculinity. Additionally, the perception of an individual’s personality is influenced by the shared beliefs and conclusions formed when observing an image of penis.
It is crucial for parents to nurture and raise babies in the right way to avoid causing significant problems that may be difficult to hide and impact society. While societal behaviors and acts vary, certain principles and actions are generally accepted. However, cross-dressing and transvestism are note widely accepted in many countries. Seeing a man dressed in clothes traditionally associated with the opposite gender wearing earrings and makeup, may agitate and provoke laughter in some people, making it an uncommon and generally unacceptable sight. The study conducted Grant (1960) discussed the effect of being surrounded by women as a child. In this case, a small child at the age of two is brought up only by her mother and their maids because his father was rare to be around him. This child was engaged to female clothes were in it causes him to feel in love with high-heeled shoes. As a child, this man was sometimes dressed up like a girl. Then when that child grows up, he was not known by his appearance which is a 29-year-old guy but he was known as the child who dressed like a girl.
When it comes to religion people has different perspectives and attitude towards cross-dressing. According to the study conducted by Subhani, et al. (2012) they have included different people with different religion as a respondent in their study. As a result, their study shows that majority of the society considered cross-dressing as a sin while others consider it as inspiration that is needed to be acknowledge. In addition, Wilson (2006) conducted research on individuals with cognitive disabilities who engage in cross-dressing or undergo removal of reproductive organs. The research suggests that sex and individuality are subjective concepts influenced by societal norms, particularly within the context of religious and cultural beliefs such as Islam’s restriction on men wearing silk and gold. Cross-dressing in this manner is considered a societal curse.
Transvestism, on the other hand, is seen as a means of expressing strong feminine identification without compromising one’s masculinity. Most studies focus on the psychological aspects of male cross-dressers, with a lack of literature addressing female cross-dressing and the absence of psychopathological conditions associated with it. Throughout history, every society has had specific gender norms. Some cross-dressing men are married with families and develop alter egos to express their male identity. However, cross-dressers face challenges, particularly in employment. Attempts have been made to advocate for the rights of transgender individuals and protect them under disability laws, but these efforts have been largely ineffective at the federal level and have yielded varied results in Western countries.
The majority of society does not accept individuals who have an innate inclination towards cross-dressing or who are born with such characteristics. While there has been some progress in treating them respectfully in educated societies, there is still a reluctance to fully integrate with them. Cross-dressers themselves face lifelong challenges, as they are aware that they deviate from societal norms either due to their birth or personal life experience. Parents of cross-dressing individuals require medical assistance and government support to help them lead normal lives in society, and practical laws should be established to address these unique circumstances in accordance with religious teachings.
Theoretical Framework of the Study
This study is anchored from the theoretical support of the attitude formation by Katz (1996) where he suggested that attitudes needs to functionalist, attitudes are shaped based on the personal benefit often to describe attitude formation these are social-judgement theory, consistency theory, self-perception theory and function theory C. Sherif, M. Sherif & Horland (1961) defined social judgement theory as the perception and evaluation of an idea by comparing it with current attitudes, “Theory of attitude” (2019), Explains that cognitive consistency theories are concerned with inconsistencies that arise between related beliefs, bits of knowledge and evaluation about an object or an issue.
According to self-perception theory by Ben (1967) people’s attitudes and preference are determined by how they interpret the significance of their conduct. Lastly, Katz (1996) proposed functional theory were in according to this theory, belief and attitude impact various psychological functions. This view takes that attitudes are determined by the functions they serve for us. People hold given attitudes because these attitudes help them achieve their basic goals. This theory supports our study on proving that there is a significant difference on the attitude of students towards cross-dressing in terms of their demographic profile.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Figure 1 shows the variable of this study which is the Attitude of students towards cross-dressing. It also includes the different indicators of the Demographic profile of the students which will needed in our study which explain if there is any significant difference of the attitude when group according to their demographic profile.
Research Design
This study will employ a descriptive investigation of the variable included in this study, The respondents are surveyed and questioned based on their attitude towards cross-dressing.
A descriptive research design aims to systemically obtain information to describe a phenomenon, populations, situation. In descriptive research method, the research doesn’t control or manipulate any variables. Instead, the variables are only identified, observed, and measured (McCombes, 2019)
Locale of the Study
This study is conducted in Llorente National High School, Llorente Eastern Samar. For the researcher was a bonafide students of the said school.
Respondents of the Study
The respondent of the study was taken from the target population, the 864 Senior High School in Llorente National High School. 492 students from the Academic track which is composed by Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), & Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS). And 372 TVL track which is composed by Electrical Installation & Maintenance (EIM), Computer System Servicing (CSS), Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Dressmaking, & Cookery.
To get the desired sample size, the research uses the Slovin’s Formula. This formula allows the researchers to sample the population with a desired degree of accuracy (Stephanie, 2013) using the equation n=N/1+Ne2 where n=sample size, N=population size which is equal to 864, and a margin error e=0.05.
As it turned out, n=273 is the sample size with the above-stated conditions. Then followed by the calculations on the percentage of how much students are needed for every section using the equation P=n1/N & then followed also by the computation of the percentage to get the samples needed for every section using the formula s=np, then we come up on the table of the distribution of the respondents for every section in the Grade 11 and 12 Senior High.
Distribution of Respondent for Every Section of Grade 11 And 12 | |||
Grade 11 Strand & Section | Population | Percentage | Sample |
STEM (Narra) | 43 | 5% | 13 |
HUMMS (YAKAL) | 45 | 5% | 13 |
HUMMS (Lawaan) | 46 | 5% | 13 |
HUMMS (Acasia) | 45 | 5% | 13 |
ABM (Mahogany) | 39 | 5% | 13 |
SMAW (Ipil-Ipil) | 42 | 7% | 19 |
EIM (Agoho) | 57 | 3% | 8 |
EIM (Dao) | 26 | 5% | 14 |
CSS (Almaciga) | 41 | 5% | 13 |
Cookery (Apitong) | 42 | 5% | 13 |
Dressmaking (Talisay) | 16 | 2% | 5 |
Grade 12 Strand & Section | |||
STEM(Mango) | 58 | 7% | 19 |
ABM(Pomelo) | 41 | 5% | 13 |
HUMMS(Avocado) | 45 | 5% | 13 |
HUMMS (Caimito) | 41 | 5% | 13 |
HUMMS(Guava) | 47 | 6% | 16 |
SMAW(Atis) | 25 | 3% | 8 |
CSS(Duhat) | 22 | 3% | 8 |
Dressmaking (Santol) | 6 | 1% | 2 |
Cookery (Guyabano) | 22 | 3% | 8 |
EIM (Durian) | 34 | 4% | 10 |
EIM (Chico) | 39 | 5% | 3 |
Total | 864 | 100% | 273 |
The researcher used stratified random sampling technique in identifying who will be the respondents of the study. Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a population into a smaller sub-group also called as strata. In this sampling technique, strata are formed based on members shared attributes, characteristics, education, attainment, etc. (Hayes,2022).
Research Instrument
To answer the proposed questions, the researchers made use of survey questionnaires as a tool to gather data. The questions were made by the researcher themselves and the questions was used to collect the needed information, for this study to meet its goal. The research instrument deals with identifying the students’ attitude towards cross-dressing. There are 15 questions provided for the identified variable. Where the respondents can indicate their level of agreement guided by the following Likert scale: 5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Undecided, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree.
Validation of the Research Instrument
This study involved different students with different attitude towards cross-dressing. To ensure that the survey questionnaire fit perfectly to the respondents, a pilot test was conducted to determine if the questionnaire needs modification. The testing was done within 30 random students of Grade 12 HUMSS from section Avocado. Results were tabulated using software program-MS Excel 2016. Then, Cronsbach’s alpha was used to calculate whether the questionnaire is reliable or not. To interpret the calculated alpha level, a range of means corresponding to the internal consistency was used.
Data Gathering Procedure
Prior to the data gathering, the researchers send a letter to the principal to ask for permission to conduct this research inside the school. Being permitted, the researchers proceeded on sending a letter of consent to their respondents to ask for authorization if they could survey them.
Before the administration of the questionnaires, every respondent was informed and was given a short orientation of the study the anonymity of the confidential information from every respondent. Upon their approval, the questionnaire was administered and considerably sufficient time was allocated in completing the answers.
Data Analysis
The analysis of the data includes a preliminary tabulation of data for every respondent in this study by using a spreadsheet software program- MS Excel 2016. Then applied these different statistical tools: Sum, Frequency, Mean/Average, Annova and T-test to compute and analyze the gathered data.
The data analysis for the students’ attitude towards cross-dressing involved a summated rating method. The score of every respondent is computed by summing all the equivalent point s/he choose in every items. Also, this study used a descriptive statistic such as count and percentage totally the gathered information was organized on a table.
To explain the attitude of the students towards cross-dressing, a range of means with corresponding qualitative description was utilized. To interpret the degree of favourability of the attitude, a range of means with corresponding qualitative description was utilized.
Mean Range Qualitative Description
4.50 – 5.00 Very favorable
3.50 – 4.49 Favorable
2.50 – 3.49 Undecided
1.50 – 2.49 Unfavorable
1.00 – 1.49 Very Unfavorable
Ethical Considerations
The researcher ensures that all the names and any personal data that has been shared by the respondents during the survey will remain confidential and was used only for the purpose of the research. Also, prior to the commencement of the research study. The researcher makes sure that all the selected participants had received the survey consent form as an affirmation that they are willing to be part of the research study. In addition, the researcher also makes sure that the words that are used in the research questionnaire won’t offend the feelings of the respondents. Lastly, the researchers make sure that all participants have given an equal chance to participate and receive equal benefit from the study.
This contains the study’s result, which is shown in tables above each table in the interpretation and discussion of the given data.
Students’ Demographic Profile
This table shows the frequency and percentage of the Demographic profile of the students in terms of their Sex and Religion. Male students take over the 43% (percent) of the overall respondents while 55% are Female. When it comes to Religion, the table shows that 90% of the students are Roman Catholic, 5% are Born Again, 3% are Iglesia Ni Cristo and the other percent comes from the society of the Jesus and Protestants. While in terms of their Age the result get the mean of 17.71 by adding each of the students age and divided it to their total population.
Table 1. Students Demographic Profile and its Classifications.
Demographic Characteristics | Classification | Frequency (F) | Percentage (%) | Mean | SD |
Sex | Male | 118 | 43% | – | – |
Female | 155 | 57% | – | – | |
Total | 273 | 100% | – | – | |
Religion | Roman Catholic | 245 | 90% | – | – |
Iglesia Ni Cristo | 7 | 3% | – | – | |
Born Again | 13 | 5% | – | – | |
Saksi ni Jehovah | 1 | 0% | – | – | |
Society of Jesus | 2 | 1% | – | – | |
United Church of Christ in the Philippines | 1 | 0% | – | – | |
Protestante | 3 | 1% | – | – | |
Members child of God International | 1 | 0% | – | – | |
Age | – | – | – | 17.71 | 1.22 |
Students’ Attitude Towards Cross-Dressing
This table consist of the answers of the respondent of every statement. The result show that in the Assertion part of the questioner, students answer Undecided on the statement number two which question if the student think that cross-dressing is a form of a curse. On the third part of the questionnaire which measures the favorability of the towards cross-dressing in term of Passion, the result revealed that the students view cross-dressing as a creative practice since according to the qualitative description mean, the students show favorability on the statement.
Table 2.1. Students’ Attitude towards Cross-dressing
Statement | Mean | Description |
A. Assertion | ||
1. I think cross – dressing contributes to the LGBTQI community struggle for acceptance | 3.65 | Favorable |
2. I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 3.01 | Undecided |
3. I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 3.94 | Favorable |
4. I Feel that cross dressing is a personal choice and should not be judged. | 4.17 | Favorable |
5. I think cross dressing deserves freedom. | 4.44 | Favorable |
B. Self -esteem | ||
1. I Think that crossdressing is a form of self- expression. | 4.11 | Favorable |
2. Cross-dressing boots confidence of a person or individual who crossed dress. | 4.11 | Favorable |
3. I Believe that cross dressing is a form of experience or a way of challenging gender norms. | 3.81 | Favorable |
4. I appreciate crossdressers | 4.04 | Favorable |
5. I am fair to LGBTQ I and cross dressers. | 3.89 | Favorable |
C. Passion | ||
1. Crossdressers perform well and hearted by doing its career. | 3.85 | Favorable |
2. Crossdressers and LGBTQI has a higher level of self-confidence and self-esteem | 3.90 | Favorable |
3. I think crossdressers and LGBTQI is showing its true personality which they really do whole- heartedly. | 3.99 | Favorable |
4. I believe LGBTQI are not afraid of what others will think Even if they dress approximately. | 3.82 | Favorable |
5. I’d say crossdressers and LBTQI are more creative. | 4 | Favorable |
This table shows that when students are grouped according to their sex, all male students have a total of 3.74 that is considered Favorable Attitude. On the other hand, all female students have a total mean of 4,64 that has a qualitative description of “Very Favorable” Attitude.
This means that the male and female students have different Attitude Towards Cross-dressing
Table 2.2 Students’ Attitude Towards Cross-Dressing in terms of their Sex
Statement | Male Mean | Description | Female Mean | Description |
A. Assertion | ||||
1. I think cross – dressing contributes to the LGBTQI community struggle for acceptance | 3.60 | Favorable | 3.68 | Favorable |
2. I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 3.31 | Undecided | 2.85 | Undecided |
3. I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 3.64 | Favorable | 4.15 | Favorable |
4. I Feel that cross dressing is a personal choice and should not be judged. | 3.96 | Favorable | 4.35 | Favorable |
5. I think cross dressing deserves freedom. | 3.86 | Favorable | 4.35 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.68 | 3.88 | ||
B. Self -esteem | ||||
1. I Think that crossdressing is a form of self- expression. | 3.92 | Favorable | 4.26 | Favorable |
2. Cross dressing boots confidence of a person or individual who crossed dress. | 3.86 | Favorable | 4.29 | Favorable |
3. I Believe that cross dressing is a form of experience or a way of challenging gender norms. | 3.71 | Favorable | 3.92 | Favorable |
4. I appreciate crossdressers | 3.81 | Favorable | 4.25 | Favorable |
5. I am fair to LGBTQ I and cross dressers. | 3.62 | Favorable | 4.06 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.78 | 4.16 | ||
C. Passion | ||||
1. Crossdressers perform well and hearted by doing its career. | 3.75 | Favorable | 3.92 | Favorable |
2. Crossdressers and LGBTQI has a higher level of self-confidence and self-esteem | 3.69 | Favorable | 3.99 | Favorable |
3. I think crossdressers and LGBTQI is showing its true personality which they really do whole- heartedly. | 3.81 | Favorable | 4.21 | Favorable |
4. I believe LGBTQI are not afraid of what others will think Even if they dress approximately. | 3.69 | Favorable | 3.92 | Favorable |
5. I’d say crossdressers and LBTQI are more creative. | 3.81 | Favorable | 4.13 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.77 | 4.03 | ||
Grand Mean | 3.74 | 4.64 |
This table shows that when students are grouped according to their religion all Roman Catholic has a total of 3.98 that is considered “Favorable” Attitude. The sam as the Iglesia Ni Cristo students that has a total mean of 3.88 that is considered a “Favorable” Attitude. While the other religion has a total mean of 3.16 which is lab;e;d as an “ Undecided” Attitude in terms of their Religion.
Table 2.3 Students Attitude Towards Cross-dressing in terms of their Religion
Statement | Male (RC) | Description | Mean (INC) | Description | Mean (Others) | Description |
A. Assertion | ||||||
1. I think cross – dressing contributes to the LGBTQI community struggle for acceptance | 3.64 | Favorable | 3.71 | Favorable | 3.68 | Favorable |
2. I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 3.00 | Undecided | 3.43 | Undecided | 3.14 | Undecided |
3. I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 3.99 | Favorable | 3.71 | Favorable | 3.5 | Undecided |
4. I Feel that cross dressing is a personal choice and should not be judged. | 4.20 | Favorable | 4.29 | Favorable | 3.77 | Favorable |
5. I think cross dressing deserves freedom. | 4.18 | Favorable | 4.14 | Favorable | 3.64 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.81 | 3.86 | 3.55 | |||
B. Self -esteem | ||||||
1. I Think that crossdressing is a form of self- expression. | 4.12 | Favorable | 4 | Favorable | 4 | Favorable |
2. Cross dressing boots confidence of a person or individual who crossed dress. | 4.14 | Favorable | 4.43 | Favorable | 3.73 | Favorable |
3. I Believe that cross dressing is a form of experience or a way of challenging gender norms. | 4.84 | Favorable | 3.57 | Favorable | 3.64 | Favorable |
4. I appreciate crossdressers | 4.09 | Favorable | 3.86 | Favorable | 3.64 | Favorable |
5. I am fair to LGBTQ I and cross dressers. | 3.91 | Favorable | 3.71 | Favorable | 3.68 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 4.02 | 3.91 | 3.74 | |||
C. Passion | ||||||
1. Crossdressers perform well and hearted by doing its career. | 3.86 | Favorable | 3.86 | Favorable | 3.77 | Favorable |
2. Crossdressers and LGBTQI has a higher level of self-confidence and self-esteem | 3.92 | Favorable | 3.71 | Favorable | 3.68 | Favorable |
3. I think crossdressers and LGBTQI is showing its true personality which they really do whole- heartedly. | 4.02 | Favorable | 4.14 | Favorable | 3.64 | Favorable |
4. I believe LGBTQI are not afraid of what others will think Even if they dress approximately. | 3.82 | Favorable | 3.86 | Favorable | 3.82 | Favorable |
5. I’d say crossdressers and LBTQI are more creative. | 4.03 | Favorable | 3.86 | Favorable | 3.59 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.93 | 3.89 | 3.7 | |||
Grand Mean | 3.98 | 3.88 | 3.16 |
This table show that when students are group based on their Age, those Students at the Age of 16 has a total mean of 3.93 which is labelled as Favorable, same also with the students who are at the Age of 17 which has a total mean of 3. 84 that is also labelled as Favorable. Likewise, the 18 years old student who got the total mean of 3,92 is also labelled as Favorable. This also include the 19 years old Students who has the total mean of 4.04 that is also labelled as Favorable. Lastly, are the students that are at the Age of 20 and above that has a total mean of 3.93 which is also labelled as Favorable.
This table shows that when it comes to Age, students Attitude Towards Cross-dressing has no Significant difference.
Table 2.4 Students Attitude Towards Cross-dressing in terms of their Age
Statement | Mean (16) | Description | Mean (17) | Description | Mean (18) | Description | Mean (19) | Description | Mean (20+) | Description |
A. Assertion | ||||||||||
1.I think cross – dressing contributes to the LGBTQI community struggle for acceptance | 3.64 | Favorable | 3.47 | Undecided | 3.71 | Favorable | 4.05 | Favorable | 3.89 | Favorable |
2.I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 2.94 | Undecided | 2.94 | Undecided | 2.95 | Undecided | 3.42 | Undecided | 3.56 | Favorable |
3.I think that society should be more accepting of cross-dressing. | 4.09 | Favorable | 3.89 | Favorable | 4 | Favorable | 3.95 | Favorable | 3.78 | Favorable |
4.I Feel that cross dressing is a personal choice and should not be judged. | 4.21 | Favorable | 4.11 | Favorable | 4.31 | Favorable | 3.95 | Favorable | 4.06 | Favorable |
5.I think cross dressing deserves freedom. | 4.27 | Favorable | 4.09 | Favorable | 4.20 | Favorable | 4.16 | Favorable | 3.89 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.83 | 3.70 | 3.83 | 3.91 | 3.83 | |||||
B. Self -esteem | ||||||||||
1.I Think that crossdressing is a form of self- expression. | 4.15 | Favorable | 4.03 | Favorable | 4.17 | Favorable | 4.26 | Favorable | 4.06 | Favorable |
2.Cross dressing boots confidence of a person or individual who crossed dress. | 4.18 | Favorable | 4.17 | Favorable | 4.07 | Favorable | 4.11 | Favorable | 4.17 | Favorable |
3.I Believe that cross dressing is a form of experience or a way of challenging gender norms. | 3.82 | Favorable | 3.73 | Favorable | 3.86 | Favorable | 3.95 | Favorable | 3.89 | Favorable |
4.I appreciate crossdressers | 4.12 | Favorable | 4.01 | Favorable | 4.07 | Favorable | 4.11 | Favorable | 4 | Favorable |
5.I am fair to LGBTQ I and cross dressers. | 3.90 | Favorable | 3.81 | Favorable | 3.91 | Favorable | 4.11 | Favorable | 4.06 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 4.04 | 3.95 | 4.02 | 4.11 | 4.03 | |||||
C. Passion | ||||||||||
1.Crossdressers perform well and hearted by doing its career. | 3.88 | Favorable | 3.81 | Favorable | 3.88 | Favorable | 4.05 | Favorable | 3.78 | Favorable |
2.Crossdressers and LGBTQI has a higher level of self-confidence and self-esteem | 3.94 | Favorable | 3.91 | Favorable | 3.87 | Favorable | 4.16 | Favorable | 3.94 | Favorable |
3.I think crossdressers and LGBTQI is showing its true personality which they really do whole- heartedly. | 4.12 | Favorable | 3.99 | Favorable | 4 | Favorable | 3.95 | Favorable | 3.89 | Favorable |
4.I believe LGBTQI are not afraid of what others will think Even if they dress approximately. | 3.79 | Favorable | 3.71 | Favorable | 3.85 | Favorable | 4.21 | Favorable | 3.94 | Favorable |
5.I’d say crossdressers and LBTQI are more creative. | 3.88 | Favorable | 3.97 | Favorable | 4.02 | Favorable | 4.16 | Favorable | 4.06 | Favorable |
Overall Mean | 3.92 | 3.88 | 3.92 | 4.11 | 3.93 | |||||
Grand Mean | 3.93 | 3.84 | 3.92 | 4.04 | 3.93 |
Difference on the Attitude based on the Students Demographic Profile
The result show that in terms of sex and religion, the students’ attitude towards the cross-dressing of LGBTQI community has significant difference. This means that there is difference in the attitude between male and female students, as well as between students from different religious background. However, the age does not influence their attitude as the result shows that there is no significant difference in the student attitude when it comes to their age. This means that regardless of Age, students’ attitude towards Cross-dressing is consistent.
Table 3 Difference on the Attitude towards Cross-dressing according to the students Demographic Characteristics
Variable | Statistic | Interpretation | |||
(X) | SD | df | p-value | ||
Sex | 58.23 | 0.92 | 271 | 0.00001845 | Has significant difference |
Religion | 58.70 | 1.26 | 272 | 0.02277398 | Has significant difference |
Age | 1.27 | 1.27 | 135 | 0.81405099 | No significant difference |
The study aims to determine the attitude of the Senior High School Students towards Cross-dressing of LGBTQI people in terms of their Sex, Religion, and Age. In this study the researcher, measure the Favorability of the students towards Cross-dressing through conducting a survey Questionnaire. The result revealed that when it comes to sex and religion, the attitude of the students has significant difference which means that their sex and Religion greatly affect their attitude towards cross-dressing. On the other hand, the result show that their age is not a factor of having differences on their attitude towards cross-dressing. Since the result revealed no significant difference on the students’ attitude towards the practice.
This study concludes that there is significant difference in students’ attitude towards cross-dressing based on their sex and religion. However, there is no significant difference in attitudes based on their Age.
- The significant difference in the attitudes towards cross-dressing based on sex, suggest that males and females may have a varying perspectives or beliefs regarding this topic.
- Similarly, the significantly difference in the attitude based on religion implies that religious belief and value may play a role in shaping individuals’ attitude towards cross-dressing.
- On the other hand, the lack of significant difference in attitudes based on age suggest that the students age group does not appear to influence their attitude towards cross-dressing. This means that attitude of younger and older students within the samples are comparable, and other factors might be influential in shaping their perspectives.
However, it is important to note that these conclusions are only based on the specific data and methodology that is used in this study. Further research could be conducted to have deeper understanding towards the attitudes on cross-dressing and explore additional factors that may contribute to the attitude.
Based on the findings and conclusion of the study the following are the recommendation;
- Future Investigation towards Cultural Context should be male to the study the influence of cultural factors on attitudes towards cross-dressing. Explore how societal norms, values, and traditions differ across various cultures and how these differences may shape attitudes towards cross-dressing.
- Future study should examine the relationship between socioeconomic background and attitudes towards cross-dressing. Investigate whether individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds exhibit different attitudes and explore the underlying factors that contribute to these variations. This research could shed light on the intersectionality of factors influencing attitudes.
- Future study should explore the role of educational settings in shaping attitudes towards cross-dressing. Investigate whether students in different educational institutions (e.g., public schools, private schools, religious schools) hold distinct attitudes and identify the potential influence of the educational environment, curriculum, or policies on these attitudes.
- Future Research may conduct longitudinal studies to explore how attitudes towards cross-dressing evolve over time. Track individuals’ attitudes from adolescence to adulthood to understand whether there are changes in attitudes and how they may be influenced by factors such as personal experiences, exposure to diverse perspectives, or changes in religious beliefs.
Complement the existing into the subjective experiences. Beliefs, and values that deeper insights into the subjective experiences, beliefs, and values that underpin attitudes towards cross-dressing. Conduct interviews or focus groups to allow participants to express their thoughts, emotions, and reasoning behind their attitudes.
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