Brandrepreneurship-Based Business Development in Increasing Brand Value in Small Businesses
- Reliza Amelina
- Muhammad Rakib
- Agus Syam
- 159-169
- Oct 27, 2024
- Development Studies
Brandrepreneurship-Based Business Development in Increasing Brand Value in Small Businesses
Reliza Amelina, Muhammad Rakib*, Agus Syam
Department of Business and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
Received: 25 September 2024; Accepted: 30 September 2024; Published: 27 October 2024
This study aims to increase the brand value of small businesses using The Circle Of Values. The research method used in the development is Branderpreneurship Farming Analysis (BFA) both qualitatively and quantitatively. This research procedure designs a concept in determining Branderpreneurship itself has a core process commonly called The Circle Of Value Development, which consists of the stages of Identifying Value, Creating Value, Delivering Value, Communicating Value, Maintaining Value, Evaluating Value, and Updating Value. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the concept plan for increasing brand value used in the form of the TikTok application and the design of this shopping bag is very feasible to implement with an average percentage of 90% approved by consumers. The results of the design the concept that has been arranged such that appearance conducted tests on social media experts , owners , and employees For evaluate plan draft development that has been designed by researchers. After expert testing , the results from draft business the can recommended For business small For develop his efforts .
Keywords: Branderpreneurship, Brand Value, Brand, Development
A fruit shop is a place that provides various types of fruit where sometimes some of the shops also provide some processed fruit products, both imported and local fruits such as fruit juice, fruit salad, and other types of processed fruit. From the statistical data that has been explained, it shows that the seasonal fruit industry that has been offered to consumers has experienced a significant increase in recent years, as evidenced by some consumers wanting fresh and quality fruits but at affordable prices. Some consumers not only see the products offered but also see the products from the packaging, the cleanliness of the product, and its presentation which will provide added value from the consumer itself. One of the important things for an entrepreneur is to have a brand for their own business, be it a macro business or a micro business, because basically in the world of marketing many use strategies in introducing their products to consumers. Marketing strategy is a series consisting of goals, objectives, policies, and rules that will provide direction to the components in it from time to time. Due to this, the determination of marketing strategies must be based on the results of environmental and internal analysis of a business which includes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by a business in its environment (Suharyanti et al., 2017).
The development of industry and market is currently increasingly competitive, especially in the culinary sector, this is an innovation and a driver for business actors to increase their marketing through development strategies from their own businesses. Rapid progress in the field of technology and science in creating modern marketing concepts has experienced developments where they place consumers as the main concern of their business, such as in order to win the competition and be able to create loyalty to their brands, namely by increasing the quality of their own products before they reach consumers (Intan Roosdiantoro, Ahmad Zafrullah TN., 2019). The ability of a product to provide the best service to its users will strengthen the position or product in the minds of consumers so that consumers can make it the first choice if there will be a purchasing position in the future (Kosasih & Dosen, 2018). According to Bambang Sukma Wijaya, an entrepreneur must pay attention to Branderpreneurship so that the business being run is successful and successful (Harista, 2015).
Branderpreneurship is defined as a strategic entrepreneur in developing a brand by maximizing company resources so that the business being run has added value and continues to grow. An entrepreneur who implements Branderpreneurship is required to always be aware of fashion or something that is trending, tastes, and also consumer lifestyles which will then be used as a reference for entrepreneurs in developing their business brands. This is why Branderpreneurship is also said to be a mindset, which tends to be creative, innovative, and communicative in utilizing business resources to develop their business through brand development. In this context, Branderpreneurship or brand-based business development plays an important role in creating a unique identity that distinguishes a product or business from its competitors (Wijaya, 2019). The product’s ability to provide the best service to consumers will strengthen the position of the product on the part of consumers, making it likely to be the first choice if a purchase will occur in the future (Kosasih & Dosen, 2018).
In this business case, the researcher only focuses on the business services of the Manis Buah 777 business (sweet fruit business), located in Samata, Gowa Regency. “Manis Buah 777” business is engaged in the business of buying and selling products, especially in the sale of fruit or processed fruits, both local and imported fruits. Branderprenurship in the field of fruit traders such as the sweet fruit business plays an important role in improving their image and competitiveness in the digital market. By using social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Grab as an operational base, it makes a positive contribution to the fruit trader industry and security with its innovative approach. Although this business has entered the digital world based on the results of initial interviews in the field, budgeting, creating marketing content and using social media are still minimal, but product marketing from the sweet fruit business is still relatively simple so that marketing in this digital media still has minimal appeal to consumers. By understanding this, the sweet fruit business can improve the brand image of its products by increasing advertising and promotions on social media. Branderpreneurship-based business development in the sweet fruit business in Gowa Regency is a strategic step to strengthen brand identity, increase competitiveness, and realize business desires in an increasingly competitive market. This information is important for formulating an effective brandpreneurship strategy. Through the assessment of sweet fruit business brand performance, such as brand awareness, brand image, and customer loyalty, it can be measured how effective their brand is in attracting and retaining customers. The main reason for this study is so that this business is able to handle the problems that have been described previously and produce a new design recommendation based on the results of the Branderpreneurship plan. Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem in this study is how the strategy can be applied by the sweet fruit business to increase its brand presence, capture market opportunities, and achieve the desired results in the long term.
The purpose of this research is to determine the strategies that can be implemented by the sweet fruit business to increase its brand presence, capture market opportunities, and achieve desired results in the long term.
A. Entrepreneurship
Literally Wira means brave is the power of effort. Entrepreneurship is an attitude, soul and ability to create something new that is very valuable and useful for himself and others (Puji Hastuti, Agus Nurofik, Agung Purnomo et al., 2021). Entrepreneurship can also be interpreted as a mental attitude and soul trait that is always actively trying to improve the results of his work in the sense of increasing income (Asyifa et al., 2017). The essence of entrepreneurship is taking risks, running it yourself, taking advantage of opportunities, creating something new, an innovative approach, and being independent. Entrepreneurs can also be interpreted as people who are brave enough to take risks to open a business on various occasions (Gita Maharani et al., 2022). Entrepreneurship is not a personality trait or characteristic but entrepreneurship is a trait that must be measured in the actions of a person or institution. Entrepreneurs in health, education and business basically work the same way, they work better, they do it differently from others. Entrepreneurial competence is the competence or ability of entrepreneurs to do work successfully (Muchtar et al., 2018)
B. Business Development
In business or Business Development is the task and process of analytical preparation of potential growth opportunities, support and strengthening the implementation of business growth opportunities (Akbar et al., 2024). While for large businesses, especially in the field of industrial technology, business development is a term that often refers to the arrangement and management of strategic relationships and alliances with others (Rambe, 2018). Company development is determined by the ability to build strategies. Because strategy forces companies to look to the future and try to shape their future proactively. Strategy helps provide awareness of the direction the company is headed, maintaining its continuity (Lestari et al., 2024).
C. Brand Entrepreneurship
One of the opportunities that can be utilized by an entrepreneur in developing his business is the opportunity to create added value through the development of a business brand (corporate/business brand) or product (product brand), even himself (personal brand). Branderpreneurship is an application of a targeted and integrated brand development strategy by maximizing existing resources in supporting business development so as to provide added value for entrepreneurship. (Wijaya, 2019). BFA or commonly called Branderpreneurship Farming Analysis is a research method to analyze the performance of a brand’s entrepreneurial strategy in developing its values using The Circle Of Values (Wijaya, 2019). The strategy in developing and managing values (values development) which is the core of Branderpreneurship, so that the brand managed can support the development of a business. This process is called The Circle of Value Development:
1. Identifying Values
Before starting a business or launching a product/service, an entrepreneur should dig up information from consumers or the market about what consumers actually want, need, desire, and are obsessed with, both consciously and unconsciously, regarding the business/product/service idea that will be launched.
2. Creating Value
Based on good consumer insight, an entrepreneur then begins to develop his/her business/product/service by modifying the initial idea. This can be in the form of adding or replacing product features and attributes, modifying location, time, packaging or consumption methods or methods of involvement. In short, the value created based on consumer insight can be related to the content or context of the product.
3. Delivering Value
After the modification of ideas and creation of business/product/service offerings has been finalized, an entrepreneur then packages and delivers them to consumers through various channels that are in accordance with consumer insight. Here the distribution function and sales/value delivery channels play a major role.
4. Communicating Values
If product/service communication is certain and smooth, what is no less important is communication. The values in the form of offers and benefits that consumers will obtain are communicated precisely and creatively, so that the brand is recognized more quickly (brand awareness), known more (brand knowledge), perceived well (brand image) and felt/experienced well (brand experience). Thus making consumers become loyal customers (brand loyalty) and even helping to sell the values they feel to other consumers and the wider community through various media (both bold in the form of social media and personal media and non-daring in the form of traditional word-of-mouth and other communication media).
5. Maintaining Value
Once brand values have been communicated and managed to attract a number of customers, the next task for the brand owner is to keep consumers enjoying the values offered by the brand.
6. Evaluating Values
Within a certain period of time, an entrepreneur must evaluate what he has done. Are the offers still relevant? Are there new developments (technology, disasters, etc.) that change the way consumers view what is offered by the product/service/business? What about competitors? Followers? How do consumers respond to them? All of this requires evaluation in the form of brand audits and research.
7. Updating Values
From the results of the evaluation, updates and improvements are made to the value of product/service/business offerings so that consumers always get something new and enjoyable. New and enjoyable things from what is offered to them will ultimately make their lives fresher and more valuable, thus strengthening the emotional bond with the brands they use (Wijaya, 2019)
D. Competitiveness
Entrepreneurs/owners of MSMEs with an entrepreneurial spirit and innovation must be able to become a driving force to increase the company’s competitiveness (Fadilla et al., 2023). Some other parties refer to competitiveness as a competitive factor such as being the first level, criteria as the second level and attributes as the third level, and conclude seven competitive factors including management competence, organizational competence, technological capability, financial competence, market share, social responsibility, and regional competitiveness. Business scale, productivity and level of technology application are factors that can affect business competitiveness. The third factor can be used to measure business competitiveness. Other factors such as the level of education of business owners and workers, skills and level of entrepreneurship, business access to financing sources, access to business development institutions, and the competitiveness of a company can be recognized by internal and external factors (Lantu et al., 2016)
The type of research used in this study is development research, with the aim of improving the brand image of the business based on the problems that have been formulated previously. The research and development method is a research technique used to create certain products and radiate the effectiveness of the product. This study aims to develop a business through Branderpreneurship using the Branderpreneurship Farming Analysis (BFA) method in the “Manis Buah 777” business, through this development procedure in Branderpreneurship itself has several stages including the Value Identification Stage which is carried out by identifying or digging up information from interviews with business owners or market analysis regarding what is really wanted, needed, desired, and obsessed. The Creating Values stage begins to develop its business/product/service by modifying the initial idea. This can be in the form of adding or replacing product features and attributes, packaging or how to consume it (how to consume it) which in this process is done with the help of the Canva application. The Delivering Values stage after the modification of ideas and creations of offerings from businesses or products and services has been finalized, then packaged and delivered to consumers through social media such as Instagram and other online platforms. The Communicating Values stage is carried out in the form of offers and benefits that consumers will get communicated appropriately and creatively through several posts on the personal social accounts of business actors. The Maintaining Values stage by keeping consumers enjoying the values that have been offered by the brand. The Evaluating Values stage is an analysis of the value strategies that have been implemented to attract various consumer interests by making several service improvements and product advertising whether they still have shortcomings or not, all require evaluation in the form of brand audits and research. The Updating Values stage is carried out by updating and increasing the value of product/service/business offerings so that consumers always get something new and enjoyable. Research on the sweet fruit business was conducted in 2024 for a period of 1 month, namely March. The focus of this study is business development in the sweet fruit business through Branderpreneurship in increasing its brand value. The subjects in this study were 34 people, for the validator subjects in this study itself included a design expert from a Content Creator on social media and the Owner or owner of the sweet fruit business and one shop employee, while the trial sample included 31 consumers. The data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The analysis technique used was qualitative where this data was obtained from validator input at the validation stage by content creator experts, owners and employees, and quantitative techniques where the data processing was in the form of descriptive statistics containing percentages that would be described based on customer needs and desires based on questions about consumer needs.
A. Research result
Sweet fruit business at the beginning of the Covid-19 Virus transmission, which was founded in 2019, the owner of the shop is indeed an entrepreneur from several business fields and one of them is fruit, often this owner also supplies local fruits to several fruit shops in Makassar such as Lotte Mart, Carrerfour, and Plaza buah. In the results of the interview with the owner of the sweet fruit business, product or service development is the main focus in an effort to meet market needs by conducting competitor analysis, determining a unique proposition value in an effort to expand reach using an approach method to build a reputation with local customers. In improving the reputation or brand of the shop, the use of digital marketing was increased and the researcher chose to use the Branderpreneurship development model (Identifying Values, Creating Values, Delivering Values, Communicating Values, Keeping Values, Evaluating Values, Updating Values) and the following are the results of the study:
1. Identifying Values
Wijaya (2019) stated in his research that there are several factors that we can see to identify brand value in a business, namely market insight, consumer insight, and brand insight. From the source of the results of interviews with the owners and consumers of the sweet fruit business, in terms of the market, it can be seen that from many fruit shops that are the same as the sweet fruit business, the value offered is not necessarily the same and there are still few who use this branding strategy in other shops. This is what then made the sweet fruit business dare to become one of the fruit producers or fruit collectors to apply this branding strategy in its business.
In terms of consumers, for the sweet fruit business, consumers are the key to the development of a business, in addition, customer involvement in the sales and purchase system is one of the fundamental things because of the new way of creating and developing value where consumers are actively involved in the value creation process, so that added value can be adjusted appropriately. The brand value in the sweet fruit business highly upholds the identity value of the consumer itself or is often referred to as the value of individualism. Therefore, to maintain the brand value of the sweet fruit business so that it remains high in the eyes of consumers, they provide quality and varied fruits.
From the results of the questionnaire distribution, these consumers said that the services or products provided by the sweet fruit business were very good, adding to their sense of pride. The Owner also often tells employees or workers at this store to remain friendly to consumers, which of course can maintain the value of the consumers themselves.
At the brand stage, the brand of this store itself was created directly by the owner, where the store of this brand was then developed with his son. Sweet fruit business is able to identify and analyze the ornaments on their brand such as the logo they created themselves, their tagline and brand name to be used as the right brand positioning as their foundation. Actually, the brand of this store is still relatively unknown to people outside the area even though they have marketed through social media so that there is a lack of interest from other consumers so that there is a need to increase branding through social media and new values in its services so that it attracts more consumers.
2. Creating Value
As for the new value created to attract more consumers, such as in terms of functionality, consumer shopping bags will be created and provided, where the shopping bags contain the brand of their store, contact number, and their social media so that this can be used as an indirect promise by consumers.
Figure 1. (a) Shopping Bag Design and Drawing. (b) Plastic Bag Design Process.
When viewed in terms of consumer emotional value, “Manis Buah 777” business offers more value in terms of individualism, self-pride, and self-actualization values where consumers are given the right to choose and buy products according to their wishes. As for symbolic and social values, namely by improving social media so that consumers can communicate and purchase goods online or offline comfortably regarding the goods they buy.
3. Letting Go of Values
Sweet fruit business in order to distribute the brand and deliver its brand value, they provide online and offline systems. In this online system, sweet fruit business provides several social media to make it easier for consumers to order products if they cannot shop directly at their store such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Grab. From the results of interviews with sweet fruit business owners, several online platforms provided are not optimal now such as Instagram and Grab so that fewer consumers know their products online.
Figure 2. Adding Promotions and Product Photos
The owner of the sweet fruit business realizes the importance of increasing the use of social media first to promote their products. Because of that, the owner of this shop again maximizes the promotion and use of social media by providing new values online, namely through the TikTok application to promote the value of his products to many people.
Offline marketing is located on Jl. HM Yasin Limpo or what is now called the Samata area where the address of this business store has been registered in the map application, their store has its own banner so that it is easy for consumers to find this sweet fruit business. To maximize the sales of its brand value, this store began to do cooperation with other fruit shops, whether to buy or sell fruit, this shop also provides fruit from outside the region or well-known fruit shops to get imported fruit.
4. Communicating Values
The media used to communicate brand values are social media Instagram, WhatsApp and TikTok, these were chosen because these applications have advantages in uploading images or videos, moreover, social media is the highest application used by all levels of society. Lately, the owner has been promoting and communicating with customers online through social media, especially WhatsApp, not only that, Sweet fruit business has increased the documentation carried out in the store and promoted their products through SG (Instagram Status) so that consumers can see new stock from the store every day or anything provided in their store. Sweet fruit business provides discounts and is distributed through pamphlets and then saved to social media so that consumers know and come to buy, promo prices or discounts usually appear on special days such as Eid al-Fitr.
5. Maintaining Value
Sweet fruit business has a creative strategy so that consumers from their store make repeat purchases, namely by providing quality fruits compared to other stores at more affordable prices, sometimes also providing photos or videos of new products that are still fresh to certain consumers. The products displayed are certainly in accordance with the images or videos provided by the sweet fruit business and in accordance with the needs and desires of consumers.
Figure 3. Increasing Product Promotion through Applications (a) Instagram and Tiktok (b).
To make consumers become customers, the store also maintains the trust of consumers by always providing the best products so that the brand value can continue to increase. Some of the big stores work together with the sweet fruit business to become a fruit supplier if the fruit provided by their store has run out and needs new products again, and vice versa for the sweet fruit business, this is actually beneficial for both of them so that it can become customer loyalty and establish long-term cooperation.
6. Evaluating Values
Evaluation of the brand value of the sweet fruit business related to the implementation stage. The sweet fruit business evaluates its brand value by looking at the number of consumers who conduct reciprocal communication during the product brand value development stage. In addition, because it has understood the implementation of branding in it. Their efforts certainly also understand their competitors directly in the business world. The brand value enhancement strategy has gone through a development process such as the previous validation and revision process.
Sweet fruit business also conducts an evaluation system to consumers by way of feedback on the development of further brand value and seeing how many consumers have made purchases at their store. Sweet fruit business seen from the results of interviews and responses from consumers sometimes follows the trend and sometimes does not so that it requires extra improvement in the use of social media and expanding business partners who can be invited to cooperate which of course does not harm or have a negative impact on their store.
7. Updating Values
Related to the plan to renew their brand value, sweet fruit business added several new menus or drinks to their store so that more consumers are attracted. Then these new products are promoted to their social media such as Instagram, Grab, and the latest is promoting products through the Tiktok application. Sweet fruit business also adds new value to their brand by providing modifications to their plastic bags or shopping bags which have previously gone through a revision stage from the owner and a social media expert.
Figure 4. New Value in the Form of the Tiktok Application (a) and New Value in the Form of Shopping Bag Updates (b)
TABLE 1. Final Questionnaire Data Test Results Through Descriptive Statistics
The results of the consumer trial regarding the concept or method used to increase brand value at the sweet fruit business showed satisfactory results with a percentage level of 87% and above, which overall falls into the very feasible category.
B. Discussion
In the development of brand value which is carried out to find out consumer response to the sweet fruit business, which uses the Branderpreneurship strategy concept (Identifying Values, Creating Values, Delivering Values, Communicating Values, Keeping Values, Evaluating Values, and Updating Values) in order to obtain a new value design that can be given to consumers, of course the new value is the result of a collection of data that refers to the desires of consumers themselves.
The first thing to do before brand enhancement or branding is to conduct a consumer needs analysis stage by distributing questionnaires in order to understand consumer desires and consumer preferences for the sweet fruit business brand. The results obtained from this initial questionnaire identified low values in several aspects, namely lack of innovation and information about products, activeness in increasing interaction with consumers through social media, and promotions carried out seemed flat.
The brand promotion technique of their store is still relatively less active, seen when the results of the questionnaire distribution showed that some of the brands were not yet familiar with the sweet fruit business. Therefore, the researcher conducted a development by increasing the brand value of the sweet fruit business by adding new social media, namely through TikTok. Another development is the addition of new value to the plastic bag section of the sweet fruit business which has shortcomings related to not having a shopping bag or plastic bag that is typical of their own store, which design process is carried out with the help of the Canva application in creating a suitable image design regarding the color and letters that are suitable for the new value.
Previously, sweet fruit business only had 3 social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Grab, where lately consumers feel the lack of promotion and level of activity from social media carried out on Instagram and Grab, so this makes consumers withdraw their intention to buy online. By being more efficient in using social media in order to attract many consumers, the TikTok account that was created managed to attract several consumers with viewers from the increasing TikTok promotion results and an increase in the number of followers which is proof that there is an increase in communication between consumers and business owners. sweet fruit business then carried out several promotions such as discounts and providing quality products which of course have quite cheap prices so that several consumers could become regular customers of the sweet fruit business. Some of these regular customers are invited to work together in supplying orders for fruits that are not yet or already available in their store, several consumers who have become regular customers receive services in the form of loyalty from the business owner.
After developing branding based on suggestions and input from social media experts and consumers through questionnaires and interviews, a trial was conducted on a small group involving 34 respondents from 32 consumers and three validators, namely the owner, employees, and social media experts. The trial was conducted by selling directly to consumers and promoting periodically on social media in order to find out the response to the new values applied in the sweet fruit business. The next step was to assess the store’s brand by collecting data through a questionnaire the end that asks for responses regarding the handling and use of social media towards the new values implemented which are then presented in the form of descriptive statistics.
The results of the Branderpreneurship strategy concept that was implemented showed that the concept of new values and improving services to consumer desires and needs is very easy to implement, this refers to the results of statistical data which on average show a figure of 85% and above.
According to consumers, creativity and the ability of the sweet fruit business to meet their needs are important things to consider and achieve these goals, solutions that can then be done through marketing, taste, quality, packaging, and completeness of products. This study is in line with the research of Suharyanti Ajeng Dessy Hanathasia (2017) which states that an MSME business must increase added value and become a business such as the desires and needs of consumers and current lifestyle trends.
The final results of the brand value development research conducted by researchers on the sweet fruit business brand have been approved by the owner and used as a permanent product and social media for their store. Brand value development is a process that creates new value and is further developed to improve its function, attractiveness and efficiency. This research is in line with researchers Nashiroh, Mustami’iyatun (2021) and researcher Nyoman Widhiasthini Permatasari Wisudawati (2022) who said that in a business, the value of a brand is an image that must be maintained so that the brand can continue to have high value in the eyes of consumers and a business must be able to maintain consumer trust so as not to damage the image of the business brand.
Based on the results of the study which have been described in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the results of the trial response of the strategy in increasing brand value using Branderpreneurship involving 34 respondents and it was obtained that the brand value strategy received a positive response from buyers of the sweet fruit business. Regarding the informant’s response from the questionnaire that the brand value of the sweet fruit business is very feasible. The development of the brand value of the shop has provided changes and changes to their brand, especially in the service section of their distinctive features, namely plastic bags with logos and some information about the shop and also the addition of new social media, namely TikTok.
This development process went well starting from identifying weaknesses, then creating ideas, communicating the ideas and then making a plan from the idea which was then evaluated regarding the agreed idea, when the evaluation of the strategy idea was completed and could develop the brand value of the sweet fruit business and was approved, then the update stage was carried out. This researcher has shortcomings because he only focuses on two parts, namely social media and consumer services (plastic bags), there are several other parts that are maintained without any ongoing development because they are considered still has high value and consumers are still tense.
Some suggestions for the owner of the sweet fruit business who can consider the recommended strategic concept plan from the research results based on the seven elements of Branderpreneurship to be implemented and for further researchers, this research is expected to be a reference related to the same problem so that it can further refine the author’s research carefully.
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