Business Model Design in Developing Small Businesses: A Business Model Canvas Approach
- Putri Ainun Ilmah.
- Muhammad Rakib.
- Agus Syam
- 1700-1715
- Sep 4, 2024
- Business Management
Business Model Design in Developing Small Businesses: A Business Model Canvas Approach
Putri Ainun Ilmah., *Muhammad Rakib., Agus Syam
Department of Business and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
Received: 22 July 2024; Revised: 29 July 2024; Accepted: 31 July 2024; Published: 04 September 2024
Industry service Majestic Ria decorations still not yet optimal utilization technology and face increasing competition strict from competitors new. Therefore that, company need develop his business through designing an effective business model. Business Model Canvas (BMC) can used as tool for designing an effective business model to use increase development business. Study this aim for designing a business model use Business Model Canvas approach to develop business service Majestic Ria decorations in Maros Regency. Research methods used is Research and Development with approach descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. Research process designing a business model This adopting a 4D development model consisting from Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Research result show that the resulting business model design contain BMC elements are maintained, improved, and created. Designed business model arranged This evaluated by media experts and experts’ business for ensure the quality. Based on expert test results, business model design this recommended for implemented by Megah Ria Guna’s efforts develop his business.
Keywords: Design, Business Model, Business Model Canvas, Development, R&D
Business is activities in which individuals produce goods or service for sale to others with objective get profit. Industry creatives in Indonesia have very rapid and experienced growth enhancement from business small, medium, up to big[1]. One of industry creative that is service decoration that has influence big to growth economy because almost involve all over activity business other. Service rent decoration is also one business Lots sought after at weddings to constructive events nuances interesting based on recommendation desired decoration [2].
Industry service decor wedding own very tight competition remember increase businesses that have field the same business. Competition strict in the business world emphasize the importance of the actor’s business for own advantages and effective strategies compared to with competitor them, so capable in face condition This (Isnawati et al., 2023). Competition business can faced with method designing the right Business Model Canvas [3]
The Business Model Canvas helps company ensure that business model in accordance with business strategy in a way comprehensive. Business Model Canvas is effective used in formulating business strategies and developing business models at the Company [4]. Business Model Canvas more in accordance used in existing businesses running, while the business model other like Lean Canvas more suitable for startups [5].
In case business this, researcher only focused on service decor from Megah Ria’s efforts. Megah Ria’s business is located in Baju Bodoa Village, Maros Baru District, Maros Regency. Megah Ria is moving business in the field service form service rent tent, service event decorations up to rent clothes custom as well as service photos and videos. Megah Ria’s business was established since 1984 to moment This Still walking and only focuses on two viz rent tent until decor weddings and rentals clothes custom. the effort Still nature conventional and not use technology in a way maximum. Temporary that, based on from results interview initial in the field, drafting budget, manufacturing content marketing and use of social media still minimally done. The lack of technology has an impact on business operations, including customer service and effectiveness in the marketing process. Additionally, the owner business that is Mr. Edy Rahmat said that problem main from Megah Ria’s business is competition very strict effort remember many appear competitor new so that impact on development effort and use technology Not yet maximum. Therefore, Megah Ria’s business needs to adapt to the use of technology in the era of globalization and develop its business to be able to face competition. Business Model Canvas is used For entrepreneurs to make it easy designing a business model they so that capable produce a business strategy only those who can increase Power competitive his business [6].
Main reason study This done is for effort This capable face problems that have displayed before and produce something recommendation planning new based on results from Business Model Canvas design.
Based on background behind that has been explained, formulated problem in study This is How designing a business model use Business Model Canvas approach to develop business service Majestic Ria decorations in Maros Regency. Researcher endeavor does study deep for get findings new from results planning.
The purpose of study This is for designing a business model use business model canvas approach for develop business service Majestic Ria decorations in Maros Regency. In terms of This become focus study is business model design as effort for develop Megah Ria’s future business.
Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process in which individuals or group create or start something business with objective for obtain profit and achieve desired goal [7]. Entrepreneurship is ability For combine creativity, interest, and motivation in recognize opportunity as well as willing accept input and changes positive that can be produce growth sustainable business [8].
Entrepreneurial nature like creativity, innovation and courage take risk is very influential interest somebody for entrepreneurship. Interest in entrepreneurship it’s not something that sticks since born, but rather emerge and develop based on various factors that influence it [9].
Business Model Design
Planning is recommendation results analysis system new of the development process on specification new For continuity design new ones want to executed [10]. Business model used for face various internal and external problems consisting of business at element key that can influence performance from A business. This matter can make foundation for business in increase power compete and achieve objective his business. Business model design very important Because cover a number of matter base before carry out something business[11].
Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is facilitating tools conveying ideas or draft business with fast and easy. BMC was first developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in his book “Business Model Generation”. The objectives of BMC are: can develop a business model new, revise existing business models, analyze business models competitors, and communicating the business model to party other. BMC is selected as solution in study This Because give more representation of business models easy understood, with method visualize nine element aspect business in a way clear and simple.
Customer Segments
Customer segments are something group individual or organization that wants to reachable or served by a company in accordance with criteria customer business [12]. There are four type segment customers: first, segmentation demographic covers age, type gender, income, education, occupation, and ethnicity. Second, segmentation geographical covers regions and cities. Third, segmentation psychographics covers style life, personality, values, and interests. Fourth, segmentation behaviour covers habit purchase, use product, and level loyalty.
Value Prepositions
Value propositions or proposition mark is part from the Business Model Canvas which explains combination product or services that provide benefit to segment customer certain. Proposition mark this describe how product or service the in a way unique and different from competitors, solve problem or fulfil need customer [12].
Channels are element in the business model that describes about method communicate between business in the field related with segment his customers. Usually business communicate use a number of tool or connecting media between business with customers [3]. Channels are tool or media required or used by the company for make it easier activity business, start from communication until buying and selling.
Customer Relationship
Customer Relationships refers to the way company intertwine connection with customer. Company of course needs for identify connection What will built by segments its customers so that its customers feel comfortable and safe when use its products and services. Connection customer This will built with every segment customer For determine the right strategy For look after connection the [4].
Key Activities
Key activities are activity or activity carried out by a company for produce product or services desired by customers. Activities the cover a number of activity operations and activities other for produce products and services. As For example, key activities include processing processes material standard become food and drink, serving product to customers, as well give satisfactory service to customer [13].
Key Resources
Key resources describe source important power for something business for operate the operation in a way effective and efficient. Examples of key resources incl ownership of business capital itself, existence competent employees, and partnerships with suppliers [13].
Key Partners
Key partnerships are illustrative elements connection between business and its partners for intertwine connection cooperation for continuity his business. Partnership This formed on various consideration and becoming foundation for many business models [4].
Revenue Streams
According to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010), revenue streams refer to the income received by the company from customer as results from the value proposition provided to they [4]. Related revenue streams with flow of funds or income from market segments involved, incl promotion.
Cost Structure
Structure cost is all over cost expenditure on the company covers variable costs and expenses still. Costs the used in operate something business Good operational nor other [3]. Costs incurred by the company own characteristic typical consisting of from cost fixed and costs variable [14].
Business Development
Development business involve planning strategic, improvement quality product or service, and adaptation to market trends ensure sustainable growth and improvement Power competitive. Development strategy business is plans drawn up by the perpetrators business For increase performance company them to achieve desired goal[15].
Type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with approach descriptive quantitative and descriptive qualitative. R&D is a systematic process focused on development product new or improvement existing products. This research was conducted at Megah Ria business located in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The research time was conducted for more than one month starting on May 06 to June 10, 2024.
Procedure study This adopt from the 4D development model viz Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate stages. The define stage is carried out with method interview with owner business for analyze problem Then done analysis needs and desires customer or candidate customer. At the design stage, an initial business model was prepared in the form of a business model canvas table based on the results of interviews and a business model was designed in the form of a business model canvas design table based on the distribution of questionnaires. In the design stage, a business model is prepared beginning based on results interviews and designed a business model based on spread questionnaire. The Develop stage was carried out by expert testing by two experts that is media experts and experts’ business for evaluate results business model design about eligibility for provided by Megah Ria’s efforts. The disseminate stage will be done dissemination results business model design by interested parties.
Data collection techniques used covers interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with business owners, questionnaires were distributed to customers and potential customers, and documentation was carried out to attach evidence of having conducted research. For data analysis, used technique analysis from the Miles and Huberman model that includes data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion in qualitative data processing. Data processing quantitative in form statistics descriptive containing the percentage will be described based on needs and desires customer based on question regarding business models[16]. Quantitative data processing is carried out using Likert scale measurements in the following table.
Table 1. Likert Scale
Response Category |
Numerical Value |
Strongly Agree | 5 |
Agree | 4 |
Moderately Agree | 3 |
Disagree | 2 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 |
Data processing quantitative in form statistics descriptive containing the percentage will be described based on needs and desires customer based on question regarding business models.
Research Result
Megah Ria’s business is moving business in the field service rent tents, decorations, clothing customs, and equipment for wedding events. Service business service majestic decoration Ria stands for 40 years forever so that own name already known widely by the surrounding community. This business is a hereditary business so that it can survive until now and experience a very rapid development from before. Megah Ria’s business had its heyday namely in the years 1995-2008. In 1995, Megah Ria’s business began to grow and its capital began to increase because it was already known by many customers. In that year, the business only rented public transportation to distribute its rented goods. Over time in 2000, Megah Ria began to add assets and expand its customer coverage area. From 2000-2007, the business was at its peak and growing. In 2008, the business began to decline due to the absence of additional operational goods and not following the decoration trend at that time. Then in 2010 Megah Ria became bankrupt so that the son of the current Megah Ria business owner began to continue it by switching to us as a decorator and photographer. In that year, Megah Ria’s business only focused on the photo and video shooting business to be developed.
Based on the profits from the photographer business, it will be used for capital in buying new items for its decoration service business with the aim of reviving the old business that has gone bankrupt. Reviving the business is done by starting with new capital. As it goes in 2020, Megah Ria’s business went up and down Because impact from the Covid-19 pandemic and the Recession that will occur in 2023. Likewise with condition moment this is in 2024 still caught impact from Recession that year previously. Naturally besides recession there is a number of competitors new for Megah Ria’s efforts so income difficult predicted.
The current operational process of Megah Ria’s decoration service business includes planning, inventory management, customer service, production process, quality control, marketing, financial management, and evaluation. Based on the current operational process of Megah Ria’s business, there are several problems, namely customer service, marketing, and financial management. The problem is that Megah Ria has not been able to adapt to the globalization era that uses technology to serve customers online, marketing through social media, and has not applied technology in managing its finances so that the operational process is hampered. In addition, another problem is competition between several business pioneers who have the qualifications to compete and have been able to apply technology in marketing and financial management. Therefore, designing a business model is a solution to re-evaluate the state of Megah Ria’s business with the needs and desires of its customers as well as improving its business services, especially in the use of technology.
Analysis Business Using the Business Model Canvas
Business model design done with method interview by owner business named Edy Rahmat and did spread questionnaire to respondents Megah Ria’s efforts. Based on results from spread questionnaire data obtained in table 1.
Table 2. Identification Customers and Potential Customers
No | Criteria | Frequency | Amount Percentage (%) |
1 | Customer Still | 9 | 30 |
2 | Customer Normal | 3 | 10 |
3 | Prospective customers | 18 | 60 |
Amount | 30 | 100 |
Based on results identification in Table 1. can is known customer still Megah Ria’s business numbers 9 people, customers normal totaling 3 people and candidates customer totaling 18 people. Following results analysis of the existing business model in the Megah Ria business and analysis from needs and desires customer.
Customer Segments
Segment customer Megah Ria’s business is based on segmentation demographic divided of the two, namely age and ethnicity. Segment customer age in Megah Ria’s business, namely age ≥ 20 years and ready Marry. Age limit Marry according to Law no. 16 of 2019 states the age limit Marry that is 19 years old. Therefore That Megah Ria’s target age is ≥ 20 years old. The same thing based on choice from customers and candidates Megah Ria customers because they feel age ≥ 20 years in accordance for Marry.
Segment Megah Ria based customers ethnic group custom for wedding divided on three ethnic group namely, Bugis, Makassar and Javanese. Currently, Megah Ria is more often serve customer from third ethnic group. Whereas from evaluation by customers and candidate’s customer they agree if Megah Ria serves third ethnic group.
Segment Megah Ria based customers geographical namely territory. The frequent Megah Ria area they serve is area ≤ 30 km from Maros city. Based on evaluation from customers and candidates’ customers, the Megah Ria service area will Better If clarified based on their respective regions. Therefore that, evaluate customers and candidate’s customer show that third selected area for Megah Ria’s business is Maros Regency, and Makassar City.
Value Prepositions
Value preposition that is owned Megah Ria’s business is divided on seven part that is long – known brand, affordable prices, can customize decorations in accordance desire, prioritize quality, speed in installation decoration, strategic location, and attractive decoration. Seventh element the has evaluated to customers and candidate’s customer. Based on evaluation by customers and candidate’s customer agree as well as Already in accordance with mark superior from Megah Ria ‘s efforts. However, there are two additions for mark excel and have approved by customers and candidates his customers that is, availability diverse type aisle decoration and always do innovation in decoration models as in the following table.
Table 3. various types of aisle decoration and decoration model innovation
Response Category | Score | Interest if Megah Ria provides various types of aisles | innovating in decoration models | ||
frequency | % | frequency | % | ||
Strongly Agree | 5 | 27 | 90 | 28 | 93,3 |
Agree | 4 | 3 | 10 | 2 | 6,7 |
Moderately Agree | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Disagree | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Amount | 30 | 100 | 30 | 100 |
Based on the data in the table above, it is known that customers and potential customers agree if the megah ria business adds value preposition to its business. Addition from element This can make Megah Ria’s business became developed and capable compete with business other.
The channel used by Megah Ria’s business is available three namely, Google Maps, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Evaluation from customers and candidate’s customer state these three media can help him in find information location, ordering, and pictures of decoration models on social media. However, Megah Ria hasn’t yet capable maximizing making content on social media. Additionally, based on analysis from spread questionnaire with customers and candidates Megah Ria customers, Megah Ria social media is necessary added that is Facebook and TikTok.
Table 4. Addition of social media tiktok and facebook
Response Category | Score | Frequency | Total percentage (%) |
Strongly Agree | 5 | 26 | 86,7 |
Agree | 4 | 3 | 10 |
Moderately Agree | 3 | 1 | 3,3 |
Disagree | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Amount | 30 | 100 |
Based on the data in the table above, it is known that customers and potential customers of Megah Ria’s business support if Megah Ria adds its social media.
Customer Relationship
The customer relationships built by Megah Ria’s business consist of: from four that is, interweaving good communication, discount with a minimum order, special customer still get basic necessities in the month of Ramadan, and proper installation time. The relationships established by Megah Ria ‘s customers Already in accordance with desire customers and candidates his customers. Additionally, evaluate from customers and candidate’s customer agree If established relationship through giving promotions on time certain.
Table 5. Megah Ria gives promos at certain times
Response Category | Score | Frequency | Total percentage (%) |
Strongly Agree | 5 | 25 | 83,3 |
Agree | 4 | 5 | 16,7 |
Moderately Agree | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Disagree | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Amount | 30 | 100 |
Key Activities
Key Activities carried out by Megah Ria’s business led to operational for booking wedding event decoration. There are five operations Megah Ria’s business is, preparation schedule, determination date installation, setup all over equipment, installation decoration, and payment. Evaluation from customers and candidate’s customer show exists change that is do making content, do distribution content, operational effort, and preparation cost digitally. Change the happen because Megah Ria’s efforts yet maximum in promote and create content for interesting customer. So that customers and candidate’s customer agree if Megah Ria is effective do promotion through content.
Table 8. Effective social media promotion
Response Category | Score | Frequency | Total percentage (%) |
Strongly Agree | 5 | 21 | 70 |
Agree | 4 | 7 | 23,3 |
Moderately Agree | 3 | 2 | 6,7 |
Disagree | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Amount | 30 | 100 |
Based on the data in the table above, it is known that megah ria needs to be active in promoting its services through social media.
Key Resources
The key resources contained in the Megah Ria business consist of: from four namely, employees skilled, driver, facilities for employees, vehicles and materials grilled, and strategic location. Evaluation from customers and candidate’s customer agree ability from source Megah Ria’s power. However, customers and candidates customer support if Megah Ria adds admin to his business.
Table 7. Social media admin additions
Response Category | Score | Frequency | Total percentage (%) |
Strongly Agree | 5 | 21 | 70 |
Agree | 4 | 7 | 23,3 |
Moderately Agree | 3 | 2 | 6,7 |
Disagree | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Amount | 30 | 100 |
Based on the data in the table, it can be seen that customers and potential customers of Megah Ria support if megah ria adds admin employees in its business.
Key Partners
Key partners established by Megah Ria’s business only consists from three partner namely, equipment form help goods, make-up, and photographer. Evaluation from customers and candidate’s customer show that Megah Ria is necessary for add partner for develop his efforts to be able to compete. So that obtained recommendations agreed upon by customers and prospects Megah Ria’s customers are, celebgram, content creators, catering and services print invitation or digital invitation.
Revenue Streams
Revenue Streams in Megah Ria’s business is sourced from customer. Megah Ria’s customers are divided of two, namely, customers regulars and customers normal. However, evaluate from customers and candidate’s customer show recommendation current income new that is originate from AdSense content. AdSense content is costs found from results social media content like TikTok, Facebook, etc.
Cost Structure
The cost structure found in the Megah Ria business is, initial capital costs; rejuvenation goods and tools every 1-2 years; operational daily like food; operational per event such as petrol, salary employees, and costs washing. However, evaluate from customers and candidate’s customer show recommendation structure cost new that is cost promotion. Cost promotion done when do promotion on social media.
Business model design done with use procedure 4D research as following:
Based on identification pre research about problem from Megah Ria’s business, namely competition and yet optimally use technology in a way maximum so that determination objective is for designing a business model with BMC for business This can develop in the future. Competition strict business can push thinking owner company for think creative and innovative so that you can compete in the market. Competition business can push growth economy with force company For Keep going innovate and improve quality product nor the service.
Growth economy own interconnectedness with developments in the era of globalization i.e. use modern technology. Development modern technology becomes obstacle for companies in difficulty in adapting to the current era This. Of course, for adapt with the modern era of necessity for utilize technology for produce more income big. In terms of This is Megah Ria’s must capable adapt with modern technology in face the competition with method designing a business model in accordance desire from his customers.
For identify Megah Ria’s business model then done interview to owner efforts made moment do study for designing a business model the beginning of Megah Ria ‘s later business will do spread questionnaire to customers and candidate’s customer for determine recommendation the BMC plan is based on perspective needs and desires the customer will be designed at the design stage.
Customers and prospects customer Megah Ria said a number of lack nor the uniqueness of the business This. Lack from Megah Ria’s business is revealed in data from results questionnaire open that is Not yet too active in promote effort, lack of updates, and lack of content varied. Uniqueness from business This is the quality good, price affordable, elegant decoration, service fast, known has been around for a long time, reliable and affordable. Previous BMC analysis results show the business model initial and business model design the latest one is described at the design stage.
Based on results definition from identification problem from Megah Ria’s efforts will be done business model design. Beginning of research done business model design beginning from Megah Ria’s efforts to drive will designed business model based on needs and desires customer nor candidate customer. As for the business model beginning For Megah Ria’s business as following.
Table 9. Initial Business Model for Megah Ria Business Using the Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas | ||||
Key Partners
1. Equipment 2. Cosmetic 3. Photographer |
Key Activities
Event Operations 1. Drafting timetable 2. Determination timetable installation 3. Prepare all over equipment 4. Installation decor 5. Payment |
Value Prepositions
1. Brand or old brand 2. affordable price 3. Can customize decoration in accordance desire 4. Prioritize quality especially cloth 5. Speed in installation decor 6. Strategic location 7. Interesting decoration |
Customer Relationships
1. Interweave good communication 2. Discount with a minimum order 3. Special customer still gets groceries in the month Ramadan 4. Installation appropriate time |
Customer Segments
1. Age ≥ 20 years Ready Marry 2. Region ≤ 30 km from center Maros city 3. Ethnic group · Buginese · Makassar · Java |
Key Resources
1. Employee skilled 2. Driver 3. Facility For employees, food, vehicles, and materials burn 4. Vehicles and materials burn 5. Spacious and easy strategic location reachable |
1. Google Maps 2. WhatsApp 3. Instagram |
Cost Structure
1. Initial capital 2. Cost rejuvenation goods and tools every 1-2 years 3. Operational Daily: Food 4. Operations Per Event: · Gas · Wages Employee · Cost Washing |
Revenue Streams
1. Customer still 2. Customer normal 3. Intermediary |
After developed a business model from results interview done business model evaluation beginning for now element businesses are maintained, changed, and created. Changed business model canvas elements is customer segment elements, namely changed from areas ≤ 30 km from center the city of Maros became three regions, Maros, Pang kep and Makassar. Besides that there is a number of creation new from results questionnaire customers and candidates customer that is First , the value preposition element is available diverse type aisle decoration and always do innovation in decoration models; secondly, the customer relationship element provides promos on time certain; third, TikTok and Facebook channel elements; fourth, elements of key manufacturing activities content, distribution content, and arrangement cost digitally; fifth, key resource elements for adding social media admin staff; sixth, the key element of celebrity partnership, content creator, catering, and print invitation; seventh, AdSense revenue streams element; eighth, cost structure elements promotion. That’s a number of originating change and creation from all over business model canvas elements. A number of change and creation the originate from results evaluation through spread questionnaire with customers and candidate’s customer. Recommendations and needs from customer nor candidate customer arranged like that appearance for arranged in something business model design For Megah Ria’s efforts to ensure her business can develop. As for the results business model design For Megah Ria’s efforts in table 3 below.
Table 10. Business Model Design Using the Business Model Canvas for Megah Ria’s Business
Business Model Canvas | ||||
Key Partners
1. Equipment 2. Makeup Artist / Makeup Artist 3. Photographer 4. Celebgram 5. Creator Content 6. Catering 7. Print Invitations / Digital Invitation Services |
Key Activities
1. Making content 2. Distribution content 3. Operations & Events 4. Drafting cost digitally |
Value Prepositions
1. Brand or old brand 2. affordable price 3. Can customize decoration in accordance desire 4. Prioritize quality especially cloth 5. Speed in installation décor 6. Strategic location 7. Interesting decoration 8. Availability diverse type aisle decor 9. Always do innovation in decoration models |
Customer Relationships
1. Interweave good communication 2. Discount with a minimum order 3. Special customer still gets groceries in the month Ramadan 4. Installation appropriate time 5. Providing promotions on time certain |
Customer Segments
1. Age ≥ 20 years Ready Marry 2. Region · Maros · Pangkep · Makassar 3. Ethnic group · Buginese · Makassar · Java |
Key Resources
1. Employee skilled 2. Driver 3. Admin staff 4. Facilities for employees, food, vehicles and materials burn 5. Vehicles and materials burn 6. Spacious and easy strategic location reachable |
1. Google Maps 2. WhatsApp 3. Instagram 4. TikTok 5. Facebook |
Cost Structure
1. Initial capital 2. Cost rejuvenation goods and tools every 1-2 years 3. Operational Daily: Food 4. Operations Per Event: · Gas · Wages Employee · Cost Washing · Cost promotion |
Revenue Streams
1) Customer still 2) Customer normal 3) AdSense content |
Information color: New Design Results |
Based on business model design that has been designed previous, step next is stage development. Stage development This done with expert testing by two people, namely media experts and experts’ business, as well steps for Megah Ria’s efforts in implement existing business models designed. After designing business models, results design the rated by media experts for evaluate what is the business model the suitable and acceptable recommended for Megah Ria.
Business model assessment carried out by Dr. Valentino Aris, S. Kom, MM. Expert is lecturer at a time expert in designing a Business Model Canvas. The purpose of evaluation media expert for now is business model design the worthy for provided by Megah Ria or No. Evaluation from media expert in business model design the can recommended by Megah Ria businesses. However, according to expert of these, revenue streams from AdSense the considered is can applied or not by Megah Ria’s efforts. Current income AdSense will discussed more continue with the steps for develop business.
Business model assessment by experts’ business by Dr. Hj. Irmawati Tahir, S. Sos., MAP. Business expert the is existing entrepreneurs expert in the field of wedding organizer or business decor nor the like. The purpose of evaluation expert business for now is business model design the Already appropriate For Megah Ria’s efforts to ensure her business can develop with provide suggestions and necessary matters done For Megah Ria’s future business.
Based on evaluation from expert business about business model design For Megah Ria’s efforts can be achieved recommended For Megah Ria’s efforts will be but with recommend Megah Ria’s efforts to pay attention various matter including must be updated in matters of makeup, decoration, selection color, layout, digital marketing, HR, quality service from facet good communication. Necessary thing noticed by the business decor like Megah Ria is facilities and infrastructure, HR skills, funds, and digitalization. Based on proposal from expert business the business model design can considered and adjusted some suggestions in development business for Megah Ria if want to implement business model design.
Disseminate is stages final in R & D method with 4D models. Stages final This will done dissemination results study to owner Megah Ria’s efforts so that Megah Ria can get it implement or apply business model design that has been compiled by researchers. Researcher can show results business model design for Megah Ria. Owner business can consider results business model design from researcher for applied to his business in frame development his business. Research result this is also written in form work scientific theses and journals Then will be published online so results study This can made reference moment There is a number of the party who wishes do development business through business model design with use Business Model Canvas approach.
Based on description above about procedure deep 4D development study this, got it found a number of matter relevant matters with objective from study This. Procedure development above can produce A design a viable business model used for develop business. Overview of development new in study This using the 4D development model is as following:
Figure 1. Megah Ria Business Development Model
Study This designing a business model use Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach to develop Megah Ria’s efforts. In research in this case, BMC is used for evaluate business models from Megah Ria’s efforts at once designing a business model new. For do business model design in study this, researcher moreover formerly identify all over The BMC elements in the Megah Ria business are based on the collection of data obtained based on results interview with source person.
The results of the initial BMC identification by Megah Ria’s efforts have been carried out arranged, next done spread questionnaire for evaluate every initial BMC element to customer nor candidate customer for now every element the Already in accordance with needs and desires. When found results evaluation and identification based on needs and desires processed customers in form statistics descriptive. Then, from results evaluation about needs and desires his customers found that, there is a number of elements that are maintained, changed, and created for designing a business model using BMC.
The BMC plan that has been arranged in a table previously show a number of elements are maintained, changed, and created. Changed elements namely in the customer segment element, regional section and key activities section event operations. Created elements namely at eight element including the availability of value preposition elements diverse type decoration and always do innovation in decoration models; channel elements viz TikTok and Facebook; customer relationship elements, namely carry out promotions; elements of key manufacturing activities content and organization cost digitally; key resource elements, namely admin addition; celebgram key partners elements, content creators, caterers, and invitees; elements of revenue streams, namely AdSense; and cost structure elements, namely cost promotion. Design results the depicted in form table as in table 3 previously.
Research result show that business model newly designed more suitable with needs and preferences customers, expected can increase Power competitive Megah Ria’s efforts. Business model design latest This done with adopt procedure 4D development which includes four stages: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate.
Implemented definitions sourced from pre study moment do interview there is problems with Megah Ria’s business regarding competition and usage technology is still minimal. Then, it was discovered a number of needs and desires customers who haven’t fulfilled so that there is a number of elements of the BMC created and changed.
Planning based on problems, needs, and desires from customer at stage definition. Stages planning produce a business model beginning Then developed in form business model design uses nine BMC elements. The first BMC element, customer segment; second, value proposition; third, channel; fourth, customer relationship; fifth, key activities; sixth, key resources; seventh, key partners; eighth, revenue streams and finally, cost structure.
Stage its development based on existing business models designed before and done evaluation or test by two experts, i.e. a media expert and an expert business. Media experts are expert field in business model design moderate expert business constitute expert in the field like lecturer and entrepreneur in the field related. The feasibility test by media experts was carried out by Dr. Valentino Aris, S. Kom, MM Temporary that is, an assessment by experts business carried out by entrepreneurs in the wedding organizer sector, Dr. Hj. Irmawati Tahir, S. Sos., MAP. Based expert test results that, is known that business model already designed can recommended For Megah Ria’s efforts with consider various things to do his business develop.
Megah Ria’s efforts got it do development his business with do admin recruitment, adapt with technology, interweaving connection cooperation with partners, provide price promotions, implement operational effort, make content and distribution content for do promotion. Analysis results researcher about competition and yet optimally use technology produce something form business model design latest.
Dissemination results development held with show results research and results business model design to owner Megah Ria’s efforts. Research results are also shared in form work scientific theses and journals will be uploaded online, so other parties in need for development the business he wants designing the business model with the Business Model Canvas approach can accessed Through the internet.
Megah Ria ‘s efforts will propose results business model design that has been designed researcher, with a number of improvements to customer segment elements and key activities. Apart from that, there is creation return a number of elements such as channels, customer relationships, value proposition, key partners, key activities, key resources, revenue streams, and cost structure. This matter in line with results study [17]. There is a number of element repair such as key activities, customer relationships, revenue streams, and cost structure.
There is also research from [6] which is in line because results his research there is repair from each BMC elements are customer segment, channel, customer relationship, value preposition, key partners, key activities, key resources, revenue streams, and cost structure. One of from element the own similarity with study This namely on the channel block with recommend social media like Facebook and TikTok. Study from [18]. Also, there similarity with results Megah Ria business model design in matter use of social media Instagram and TikTok for increase awareness brand (brand awareness).
Business model design from [12] produce a number of elements are maintained, improved, and created. Retained elements is elements of customer segment, value preposition, channel, customer relationship, key activities, key resources, and cost structure. Created elements is channel elements, customer relationships, key partners and revenue streams. Improved elements are key partners and revenue streams. This matter in line with study This because results business model designs the in line because of it every element there is a number of among them maintained and must be created. However, what is different is study This No focused for elaborate necessary elements improved in results business model design.
Business model design For Megah Ria’s efforts are more leads to the adaptation process with the era of digitalization like moment This. The social media adaptation process begins from making social media accounts, creation content, and distribution content. Besides that from results study [5] own equality with results study from researcher that is leads to digitalization like, opening e-commerce store, opening shop in online shop, create transaction payment digitally, in partnership with google business, do online advertising via Google Ads. Business model design this is very correct for proposed Megah Ria’s efforts to develop his business Because results study based on needs and desires from candidate customer nor customer. Study from [19] in line with study from Megah Ria who said BMC was effective used For help business in develop his business with using a business model.
Based on results research on Megah Ria’s business as has been done explained before, yes concluded that a number of Business Model Canvas (BMC) elements are maintained, changed, and created from the business model beginning. This matter cause improvement business model design latest. With there is a business model latest This, Megah Ria is expected can more fulfil needs and preferences customers, as well increase Power competitive them on the market. final result from design latest for the first Megah Ria business model, the Customer Segment consists of from age ≥ 20 years Ready married, Maros Regency area, Regency Pangkep and Makassar City, and tribes namely Bugis, Makassar and Java. Second, Value Preposition, namely brand or old brand, affordable price can customize the decoration in accordance desire, prioritize quality especially cloth, speed in installation decoration, strategic location, attractive decoration, availability diverse type aisle decoration, and always do innovation in decoration models. Third, the channels used by Megah Ria’s business are Google Maps, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
Fourth customer relationship element that is intertwine good communication, discount with a minimum order, special customer still get basic necessities in the month of Ramadan, installation appropriate time, and provide promos on time certain. Fifth, key activities, namely making content, distribution content, event operations, and arrangement cost digitally. Sixth, key resources, namely 5 skilled employees and 1 of them driver, admin staff, facilities for employees, vehicles and materials burn, and location broad strategic nor easy reachable. Seventh, key partnership, namely equipment, make-up, photographer, celebgram, content creators, catering and services print invitation or digital invitation. Eighth, revenue streams, namely customer regular, customer regular, and AdSense. Ninth namely the cost structure consists of from initial capital, costs rejuvenation goods and tools every 1-2 years, fee operational daily like food, operations per event: petrol, salary employees, and costs washing.
Business model design latest that’s what changed is on the element customer segments regions and key activities. Created elements namely at eight element including elements value prepositions availability diverse type decoration and always do innovation in decoration models; element channels that is TikTok and Facebook; element customer relationship that is carry out promotions; element key activities making content and organization cost digitally; element key resources that is admin addition; element key partners celebgram, content creators, caterers, and invitees; element revenue streams that is AdSense; and elements cost structure that is cost promotion.
There are some suggestions, share owner Megah Ria’s efforts can be achieved consider recommended business model design from results researcher.
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