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Buyer-Supplier Relationship and World Class Manufacturing as Correlates of Supply Chain Performance: A Literature Review

Buyer-Supplier Relationship and World Class Manufacturing as Correlates of Supply Chain Performance: A Literature Review

Melecio A. Sy, Jr.

University of Mindanao, Davao City Philippines


Received: 14 January 2025; Accepted: 17 January 2025; Published: 24 February 2025


This literature review explores the critical roles of Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR) and World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) in enhancing supply chain efficiency. BSR is the collaborative relationship between buyers and suppliers and is shown to improve supply chain performance by fostering trust, commitment, and effective communication. Key elements such as relationship continuity, power-sharing, and strategic supply management enable organizations to streamline their sourcing processes, reduce costs, and drive innovation. On the other hand, WCM focuses on process excellence, including practices like lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management (TQM), which optimize production, reduce waste, and improve product quality. The integration of these two frameworks provides a comprehensive approach to supply chain management, ensuring flexibility, resilience, and long-term sustainability. This review highlights the significant contributions of both BSR and WCM in industries such as automotive, electronics, and consumer goods, where their synergy leads to competitive advantage and improved supply chain performance. Furthermore, it identifies gaps in current research and offers opportunities for future studies to explore the deeper integration of these practices to drive further advancements in supply chain resilience and innovation.

Keywords: buyer-supplier relationship, world-class manufacturing, supply chain performance


In today’s highly competitive global market, the efficiency of supply chains plays a pivotal role in shaping the success and sustainability of manufacturing firms. Two fundamental pillars that drive this efficiency are the Buyer-Supplier Relationship (BSR) and World-Class Manufacturing (WCM). The seamless integration of these elements is essential in optimizing processes, enhancing product quality, and reducing operational costs, ultimately contributing to the competitive advantage of firms.

The Buyer-Supplier Relationship (BSR) goes beyond mere transactional exchanges; it is a strategic partnership that fosters trust, commitment, and long-term collaboration. As highlighted in numerous studies, BSR focuses on continuous communication, supply management, and relationship continuity, all of which are instrumental in creating an efficient supply chain. From a technological perspective, BSR acts as the interface through which companies and suppliers can innovate and streamline processes, improving procurement effectiveness and minimizing costs. The relationship between buyer and supplier is critical in achieving integration within the logistics and supply chains, where commitment and trust are the bedrock for reducing costs, improving product quality, and fostering operational reliability (Liker & Choi, 2004). A well-managed BSR is not only crucial for efficiency but also resilience, allowing firms to quickly adapt to market changes and disruptions (Witthuhn, 2020).

On the other hand, World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) represents the epitome of operational excellence, where manufacturing processes are continually refined to meet the highest standards of quality, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. The adoption of methodologies such as lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management (TQM) forms the cornerstone of WCM. These approaches emphasize continuous improvement, waste reduction, and the integration of flexible, customer-centric strategies. WCM is not just about achieving excellence in production; it is also about adapting to changing customer needs, leveraging technology, and ensuring sustainability (Felice et al., 2013). In an environment where market conditions and consumer preferences are constantly evolving, WCM enables firms to remain agile, improve their bottom line, and sustain long-term competitiveness.

The convergence of a robust Buyer-Supplier Relationship and the principles of World-Class Manufacturing is a potent force in shaping resilient, efficient, and sustainable supply chains. Together, these frameworks drive companies to optimize their operations, foster strategic partnerships, and adapt to the dynamic demands of the market. By fostering strong BSRs and embracing WCM practices, organizations can achieve unparalleled operational efficiency, enhanced product quality, and a significant competitive edge in an increasingly interconnected world economy. This synergy between BSR and WCM is not merely an operational advantage but a strategic necessity for thriving in today’s volatile business landscape.

The objectives of this literature review include examining the key constructs of Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR) specifically to identify and analyze the critical elements that form successful buyer-supplier relationships, such as commitment, communication, relationship continuity, trust, and supply management. This literature review also aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these constructs contribute to efficiency, cost reduction, and overall supply chain performance.

In addition, this literature review would like to investigate the strategies and best practices of world-class manufacturing, including lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management (TQM), and flexibility, and how these methodologies enhance operational efficiency, product quality, and supply chain responsiveness. This objective will highlight how WCM practices can be integrated to achieve competitive advantage and business performance.


Buyer-Supplier Relationship

BSR is the relationship between the two parties: the buyer and the supplier. Commitment, relationship continuity, communication, and supply management are important constructs that build BSR as stipulated in the various reviewed journals.

Various authors defined BSR from different perspectives. BSR is defined as the management of organizational relationships between a firm and a supplier to streamline and make the firm’s sourcing processes more efficient and the suppliers. The study of Kharade and Pataskar (2016) concluded that BSR plays an essential role in the firm, primarily establishing the relationship between buyers and suppliers and reducing the overall costs. The conclusion of the said study is in parallel to the definition of BSR, which allows organizations to achieve efficiency.

BSR is the influence of business relationships in both the buyer and supplier, says Doran et al. (2005). The said study pre-supposes power, trust, and benefits experienced by both parties. In some instances, power comes from the buyer and, in some cases, from the supplier. They share trust and benefit. BSR is planning, implementing, developing, and monitoring company relationships with current and potential suppliers (Akamp and Müller, 2013), including collaboration to achieve fluency and procurement effectiveness (Grudinschi et al., 2014). The said perspective calls for management to effectively manage the procurement strategies for the firm to benefit from the opportunities that present the company.

Technologically, BSR is the interface between the company and its suppliers, which can significantly affect innovation efforts (Naoui-Outini and El Hilali, 2019). The varying perspectives of BSR possess common elements such as the presence of commitment between partners, relationship continuity, communication, and supply management.

Commitment in BSR, according to Kim et al. (2020), together with trust, fosters inter-organizational integration of the logistics and supply chains. The fostering of integration is explicitly articulated in the article of Liker and Choi (2004), where BSR, from deep supplier relationships, fosters reliability, reduces costs, improves quality, and develops new processes and products fast to establish competitive advantage. In several other research, commitment was emphasized to be a critical element in BSR, just like the studies of Kwon et al. (2010) and Sillanpää et al. (2015).

Relationship continuity in BSR was emphasized as an essential indicator of BSR. BSR, as a relationship between buyers and suppliers, is a continuing relationship whatever the relationship that a company has with the suppliers. The continuity in the relationship in BSR is significant whatever level of relationship exists between buyers and suppliers. Pyke and Johnson (2003) classified such relationships into buying the market relationship, ongoing relationship, partnership, strategic alliance, or backward integration. According to the said study, the most important thing is that the ideal relationship between buyers and suppliers is characterized by long-term, continuing relationships, full sharing of organizational information, and suppliers having limited or no business with competitors.

As an indicator of BSR, communication was underscored by Mohanty and Gahan (2012) as a foundation of BSR. The said study highlighted communication in BSR to consist of five elements, including trust, power and dependence, capacity and capability, communication, and partnership. The said study posited that communication as an essential component in BSR means communicating product price, contractual agreements, technical specifications, and organizational strategy, among others. Communication in BSR is beneficial if both parties understand each other, making it a critical component of the relationship between buyers and suppliers. The criticality of communication in BSR consists of four categories: content, way, feedback, and frequency.

In the study of Ahmed et al. (2020), communication is seen even in the presence of competitive rivalry, and the said study posited that communication may still exist in the said scenario through partnership collaboration. Moreover, the said study identified five elements of BSR and highlighted communication as an essential indicator, among others. The said study concluded that the communication dimension has a significant effect among other variables on BSR.

Finally, supply management in BSR as an indicator is the manufacturing firm’s management of its raw materials sourcing and a critical element for efficient operation, profitability, and sustainability, according to Kros et al. (2006). Supply management primarily manages the supply network involving skills and knowledge of supply management to ensure performance. The role of BSR and the motivation in BSR commitment, relationship continuity, and communication are essential from the perspective of supply management. The value of supply management was underpinned in several studies like Miocevic and CrnjakKaranovic (2012), which underscored the importance and significance to the company as it means organizational buying effectiveness. In other studies, it is said to have s the power to improve the firm’s supply (Teller et al., 2012), it spells a positive outcome for the firm’s logistics (Forslund, 2014), and it is a potential source of cost savings (Deloitte Access Economics, 2015).

The different perspectives and contexts of BSR end in a beneficial relationship. The benefits of supplier relationships include a better supplier base, and the firm’s ability to cope with significant problems and act better easily coordinated consistently. It enhances value creation for customers (Moeller et al., 2006). The relationship between suppliers and the firm has shown how suppliers can benefit from retailer-specific supplier management approaches based on cooperative relationships. Another benefit of the partnership is the significant potential benefits like organizational flexibility, product quality, inventory management, and cost management, enhancing supply chain performance (Khan et al., 2015). The buyer-supplier relationship benefits show that manufacturers should build strategic partnerships (Leenders et al., 2002). However, some companies are not establishing supplier relations; they cannot maximize the benefits, and, worse, cause them to increase logistical costs (Deloitte Access Economics, 2015).

The BSR and relationship building in various literature reviewed showed its relevance to business, which could be summed up more importantly by Morsy (2017). Morsy said that the relationship between buyers and suppliers could either be strong or weak depending significantly on the extent of the nature of the relationship and the distribution of power between them.

The BSR has a significant relation to resilience building in SCP. The harmony of the relationship between suppliers and buyers is critical to ensure the safe, scalable, intelligent, and sustainable execution of the supply chain (Witthuhn, 2020). It is shared by CEOs of multinational corporations, which Forbes documented, suggesting companies focus more on resilience (Birkinshaw, 2020). Companies have to focus on the firms’ resilience to reduce rage supplier capabilities, deliver cost savings, minimize supply risk (van Hoek, 2020), and sustain operations (Rizza, 2015).

In the manufacturing sector, BSR has best practices to achieve excellent SCP. Best practices include postponement, strategic stocking, flexible supply base, make-and-buy trade-off, economical supply incentives, flexible transportation, revenue management, dynamic assortment planning, and silent product rollover to establish resilience in BSR (Tang and Musa, 2011). Principles of resilience are also recommended for selecting strategies that keep several options open, re-examining the trade-off between efficiency and redundancy, and developing collaborative activities across the firm’s supply chain. It also helps build visibility to a clear view of upstream and downstream inventories, demand and supply conditions, production and purchasing schedules, improving supply velocity throughout the supply chain structure through streamlined processes, and reduced inbound lead-times and non-value-added time reduction (Christopher and Peck, 2004). Moreover, best practices include flexible sourcing, demand-based management, strategic safety stock, total SC visibility, and process and knowledge backup (Iakovou et al., 2010). The establishment of systems that incorporate various options enables supply chain management (Foresti et al., 2011). Early warning, conflict analysis, and developing negotiation strategies are other recommendations for establishing resilience (Kumar and Haider, 2011). Based on firm experiences, empirical evidence shows supplier diversification and slow recovery from business disruptions are closely associated (Jain et al., 2017).

World-Class Manufacturing

Manufacturing as a process involves transforming raw materials into finished goods sold in the market (Levinson, 2018). It uses components, parts, or raw materials to make a finished good, goods that can be sold directly to consumers. These components are subjected to manufacturing firms’ organizational processes, including lean manufacturing, human resource management, environmental practices, and marketing integration. Moreover, cost reduction and flexibility are needed in these organizational processes. These elements were used as primary indicators of WCM in this study.

The WCM has two roles: first, to ensure excellence in the processes or methodologies, and the second is strategic to satisfy consumers’ needs, and the latter has significance economically. When processes or methods are excellent, they are attributed as world-class. Different authors studied different methods to achieve excellence in many journals and articles on superior methodologies. One study is on lean manufacturing to achieve the Six Sigma level of total quality management (TQM), quality control, quality function deployment, or quality (Alvarez and Perry, 2015). The study by Alvarez and Perry (2015) concluded that excellence in manufacturing seeks perfection in the execution of processes, integration of Lean Six Sigma to reduce process variability, and increasing throughput performance.

Related to the study of Alvarez and Perry (2015) is the study on Six Sigma and TQM of Castro and Riedel (2017), and Ali et al. (2019), among others. The study of Castro and Riedel (2017) studied Six Sigma and TQM to achieve lean manufacturing. The said study quantified the results in dollar terms. Moreover, it concluded that the implementation of manufacturing excellence and practices reduces complaints and increases dollar revenues. However, the said study could not make a significant conclusion if the decrease in complaints is significant. Lean manufacturing as a process that firms employed varied in purposes and reasons as it involved philosophy, principles, and tools (Arlbjorn and Freytag, 2013), aimed at waste reduction (Belekoukias et al., 2014), and brought the best results in a long-term perspective (Rymaszewska, 2014), and zero delays in operations (Abdollahi et al., 2011). Lean manufacturing in actual practice encompasses many techniques, including Just in Time, TQM, Kaizen, Kanban, Poka Yoke, and Statistical Process Controls, among many others.

Six Sigma is a distance to the standard deviation at a very minimal defect of 3.4 defects per million (Lei et al., 2015). As a process step, Six Sigma involves DMAIC, which defines, measures, analyzes, improves, and controls. DMAIC is a process improvement methodology developed by Edward Deming in the 1950s (Sin et al., 2015). Six Sigma is a very high standard of excellence. In the process, to define is to identify the goal and requirements to achieve the goal. To measure likewise means to review the current process, and document it as a basis for future comparison. To analyze is to measure the results and see if the outcomes are within standards, compare them with set standards, and identify problems and what causes them. To improve is to put in place changes to eliminate imperfections. The study of Sin et al. (2015) is the study of Smętkowska and Mrugalska (2018), which concluded that to control is to improve the process, document the improvement, and continuously monitor the results.

Total Quality Management (TQM) key elements are customer focus, continuous improvement, strategically based, and extensive employee involvement (Pambreni et al., 2019). Customer Focus is essential in the TQM principle because customer satisfaction in any business, is the key to TQM. This principle was emphasized in various studies like Rotar and Kozar (2017), Rodriguez et al. (2018), and Garcia-Alcaraz et al. (2019). Continuous improvement is also vital to TQM, like customer focus, because there is a need to sustainably maintain the quality standards of products and achieve quality process requirements (Farrington and O’Gorman, 2018; Ershadi et al., 2018; Hailu et al., 2018). Strategically, continuous improvement as a construct is crucial because TQM was designed and implemented by firms to establish a sustainable competitive advantage (Kumar and Sharma, 2017; Sahoo and Yadav, 2018; Pambreni et al., 2019). Finally, total employee involvement is a TQM element expected to foster motivation in the organization to practice TQM, for its leaders to take the lead in TQM implementation, and for its employees to maintain a quality mindset, and hasten quality; thus, motivation fosters success in TQM. (Nallusamy, 2016; and Souza et al., 2020).

Quality Control is a vital element in the management process (Lo and Yeung, 2018). Quality control aims to ensure standards are put in place, fluctuations versus standards are noted in real-time, and issues revolving around it are resolved immediately. Quality Control is essential to excellence in manufacturing. To achieve excellence is to ensure adequate quality management, as noted by Lo and Yeung (2018). The said study concluded that manufacturing firms rely on comprehensive, correct, and timely information to pursue a never-ending quality improvement goal. Quality control to achieve manufacturing excellence is emphasized in health research (Harding et al., 2018), in manufacturing (Rodrigues et al., 2019), in the supply chain (Wang and Yue, 2016), and the service quality (Omar et al., 2016), among many others.

Quality Function Development (QFD) is significant for manufacturing excellence. It provides the firm the feedback from the customers’ perspective, which is the customers’ voice on what is best for them, and converts them into manufacturing requirements. QFD is used to create the firm’s new products or improve its existing products to reconnect with the customers’ needs and ensure customer satisfaction (Mazur, 2014).

Another indicator of WCM is human resource management. WCM refers to excellence in competing internationally (Felice et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2015) or superiority in production (Palucha, 2012). In the automotive industry, the study of Felice et al. (2013) concluded that WCM entails greater efficiency. It is shown in products being cheaper or more cost-effective, made possible through external warehouses or suppliers in outsourcing, and made possible by a creative and competent workforce. In the same context, the study of Zhou et al. (2015) concluded the importance of capabilities in technologies for Industry 4.0 such as cyber-physical systems (CPS) put in place, the Internet of things, cloud computing, and big data implemented among firms. In another related literature, the same conclusion arrived in the study of D’Orazio et al. (2020) that a world-class manufacturing model is essential for Industry 4.0.

Environmental practice is also an indicator of WCM. Hami et al. (2015) stressed that manufacturing companies practice environmental programs differently. Some from the sustainability perspective like pursuing environmentally friendly products, some being socially responsible for improving operational efficiency, and others ensuring environmental programs become their competitive advantage. In like manner, Mani et al. (2014) said WCM is sustainable, and sustainable manufacturing is the manufacturing of goods through processes that help minimize negative impact on the environment, and the conservation of energy, and natural resources safely and economically. In the said study, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is utilized both qualitatively and quantitatively in decision-making as applied to the supply chain. The study concluded that the AHP model helped the supply chain managers make decisions, especially in sustainable supplier selection, using social parameters that include environmental factors.

Moreover, from the supply chain perspective, manufacturing requires flexibility in reducing environmental uncertainties in the supply chain processes that ensure excellence, according to Stevenson and Spring (2007). Excellence can be achieved through continuous improvement, cost reduction, quality, time utilization, operational efficiency, staff involvement, and output optimization, including risk management, staff health, safety, and concern for the environment (Muazu and Tasmin, 2017).

The integration of marketing as a construct was utilized in this study as an indicator of WCM. Integration of marketing in WCM was pointed out in the study of de Oliveira et al. (2016), saying the changing preferences of customers created a new paradigm for WCM, which is customer-centric. The integration of marketing in WCM brings the customers close to production, understanding their needs and serving their needs in a symbiotic relationship. In a study, Fernandes and Filho (2008) created a model on strategic paradigms for manufacturing, including the drivers of manufacturing. Drivers are market conditions that enable the implementation of a particular model geared towards attaining an objective. The said study emphasizes the strategic role of marketing as an enabler of WCM.

Another indicator of WCM is cost reduction. The firm’s processes and innovation capability must be established as it helps the firm increase the quality of products and services, make more functions more reliable, and ultimately decrease costs (Khosravi and Ghapanchi, 2015). A related study shows a relationship between process performance and business performance (Hachicha et al., 2016). The said research concluded that process innovations bring excellence in manufacturing and thus financial returns.

Flexibility is also an important indicator of WCM as it means the manufacturing capacity of a production department to manage variability, according to Lucherini and Rapaccini (2017). De Felice et al. (2013) also used a WCM model to illustrate a technique for integrating flexibility in the manufacturing system. The study highlighted flexibility in the systems, continuously improving production performance, eliminating waste, ensuring product quality, and maximizing flexibility to respond to varying customer requirements.

World-class manufacturing is critical to the excellence of manufacturing firms. Thus, companies employ WCM strategies such as lean manufacturing, human resource management capability building, sustainable environmental practices, marketing integration, cost reduction, and flexibility. It made the manufacturing firm results-driven and activity-centered (Hermel and Ramis-Pujol, 2003). WCM also means innovation and work process improvement (Tasmin and Woods, 2007), establishing strategic competitive advantage, and sustaining customer satisfaction and loyalty (David and Sutton, 2016). Moreover, WCM is also the deliberate improvement and the state of readiness to improve profit (Paris, 2019). Finally, evidence was found supporting excellence in WCM as a necessary element for competitiveness and business performance, including those of Tasmin and Woods (2007) and Mefford (2009), among many others.

The relationship between resilience and WCM was noted as essential to supply chain management. It helps improve the three crucial elements of the firm, such as robustness, resources, and recovery of the firm (Fisher et al., 2018). It implies improved and profitable operations (Ponis and Koronis, 2012). The relationship between resilience and excellent manufacturing is also essential to anticipate disruption and manage risks efficiently (Raj Sinha et al., 2004; Qian et al., 2018). It is to help mitigate the present problems without using the resources that should be used by the future ages to alleviate their problems (Kusrini and Primadasa, 2018) develop better quality choices, and reduce the wastes and dangers of the whole organizations (Hafezalkotob and Zamani, 2018).

Resilience can be established in manufacturing through incentive alignment and decision synchronization – which are the two significant contributions of supply chain collaboration and critical for successful responses during organization-level disruption (Papadopoulos et al., 2017). Firms build resilience in diversified suppliers and a production network that cuts across different countries to adjust production (Matous and Todo, 2017). Resilient manufacturing can be enabled by using technologies like establishing scalable data and analytics capabilities that inform real-time decision-making, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, and multi-enterprise networks (Vanpoucke and Ellis, 2019). In like manner, technologies can help increase the end-to-end supply chain’s visibility, including marketing and a total value optimization (TVO)-driven focus on optimizing value creation, improving transparency, and visibility (Edwards, 2020). Resilience in manufacturing can be built in different ways like through products – with buffer stocks and standardized inputs more accessible to be replaced) through the design of the value chain that can identify places and suppliers less subject to risks. It can also be built through resilience monitoring to assess the time to recover for each supplier If the objective is to create more robust supply chains. Redundancy can help build resilience in parallel machines and storage buffers (Gu et al., 2015).

Finally, the best practices of WCM are geared towards establishing excellence in SCP. The study by Laugen et al. (2014) enumerated the best practices of WCM and the benefits that it offers manufacturing companies. These include benchmarking, TQM, JIT, employee development, problem-solving, continuous improvement, MRP, and cross-functional cooperation, among many others.

Gaps in Literature

In the literature review above, several gaps and opportunities related to Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR) and World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) emerged based on the various authors’ discussions. These gaps present areas for further exploration and improvement in research and practice.

Gaps in Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR)

There is significant agreement among authors on the importance of commitment, communication, and relationship continuity. The specific ways in which power dynamics influence BSR remain underexplored. Authors such as Doran et al. (2005) mention the interplay of power between buyers and suppliers, but this aspect is not deeply analyzed across various industries or geographical contexts. There is thus a need for further research and investigation on how power imbalances in BSR influence long-term outcomes, especially in industries where large buyers dominate smaller suppliers.

The role of technology in enhancing BSR is mentioned several times by various authors. More particularly BSR fosters innovation (Naoui-Outini and El Hilali, 2019), but the specific technologies that drive effective BSR (e.g., AI, blockchain, IoT) are not comprehensively explored. There is therefore an opportunity for future studies focused on how emerging technologies can be used to strengthen BSR, improve communication, and increase efficiency in supply chain management.

BSR’s potential role in building supply chain resilience is briefly touched on (Witthuhn, 2020), but there is a lack of detailed exploration of how BSR specifically contributes to resilience during disruptions. Thus, there is a research opportunity that investigates how strong buyer-supplier relationships can enable rapid recovery and adaptability in the face of supply chain disruptions, particularly in volatile markets or during crises like pandemics.

In the literature, BSR is discussed without fully considering how cultural and geographical differences affect the dynamics of the relationship. For example, relationship-building practices in Western cultures may differ significantly from those in Asia or the Middle East.

Thus, for global companies, there may be comparative studies to examine how BSR is shaped by cultural norms and regional business practices, offering insights into global supply chain management strategies.

While communication is emphasized as a core element of BSR, it remains an underexplored area in terms of its frequency, depth, and technological integration (e.g., real-time communication tools, and data-sharing platforms). Researchers in the future could delve deeper into how communication strategies can be optimized in BSR, especially through digital channels that enable transparency and trust.

Gaps in World-Class Manufacturing (WCM)

Many WCM strategies, such as lean manufacturing and Six Sigma, are presented individually but not always integrated into a holistic WCM framework. There is a limited exploration of how different WCM strategies (lean, TQM, Six Sigma) can be effectively combined to achieve superior operational performance. Future research could propose integrated models that combine these practices into a unified strategy for achieving world-class manufacturing, with a focus on customization for different industries.

The importance of sustainability and environmental practices in WCM is highlighted (Hami et al., 2015; Mani et al., 2014), but there is little investigation into how these practices align with other WCM strategies, especially in terms of cost-effectiveness and scalability. More studies could explore how WCM can incorporate green manufacturing practices and sustainability efforts without sacrificing efficiency or profitability, particularly in heavily resource-dependent industries.

The WCM is often discussed in terms of traditional practices like lean and Six Sigma, but the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies (e.g., AI, IoT, robotics) on WCM is not fully addressed. Research could explore the role of digital transformation and automation in achieving world-class manufacturing, focusing on how these technologies can optimize processes, enhance quality, and reduce costs.

While human resource management is cited as a crucial element for WCM (Felice et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2015), there is limited research on how employee engagement and workforce development directly contribute to WCM success. Future studies could investigate how human capital, skills development, and employee motivation can be systematically integrated into WCM practices to boost organizational performance and innovation.

Flexibility is likewise mentioned as a key indicator of WCM (Lucherini and Rapaccini, 2017), but how manufacturing firms can balance flexibility with operational efficiency remains insufficiently explored. Future research could focus on models that help companies manage trade-offs between flexibility and cost-effectiveness in production processes, enabling them to quickly adapt to customer demands without increasing costs.

Moreover, while WCM has been linked to better operational performance, its direct impact on broader supply chain outcomes such as cost reduction, inventory management, and responsiveness is not fully examined. There is potential to investigate how WCM practices contribute not only to internal manufacturing performance but also to the overall agility and competitiveness of the supply chain.

BSR, WCM, and SCM Relationship Framework

The literature review provided insights that led to the creation of the relationship framework between Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR) and World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) in optimizing supply chain management (SCM). The literature review provides underpinnings on the integral role of the three variables. BSR establishes a foundation of commitment, trust, and continuous communication between buyers and suppliers, which is essential for achieving supply chain efficiency and innovation. Strong relationships facilitate effective supply management, ensuring that raw materials are sourced at optimal costs and delivered on time. This collaborative environment encourages joint problem-solving, cost reduction, and continuous improvement while fostering resilience within the supply chain. BSR creates a stable environment where both buyers and suppliers share resources, information, and expertise, leading to better decision-making and enhanced performance.

On the other hand, WCM focuses on process excellence through lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management (TQM), and flexibility, all of which significantly contribute to the supply chain’s overall efficiency. WCM practices optimize production, reduce waste, improve product quality, and ensure flexibility in responding to customer demands and market fluctuations. When integrated with BSR, WCM practices can drive innovation and competitive advantage by enabling faster product development and better alignment with market needs. The combined effect of these two components is a supply chain that is not only cost-effective but also agile, resilient, and able to maintain long-term sustainability, creating a robust framework for achieving superior supply chain performance. The framework is provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1 BSR, WCM, and SCM Relationship Framework

Figure 1 BSR, WCM, and SCM Relationship Framework


The integration of Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR) and World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain management. BSR fosters collaboration, trust, and long-term partnerships between buyers and suppliers, ensuring smoother operations, cost reduction, and risk mitigation. Meanwhile, WCM optimizes manufacturing processes through best practices such as lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and continuous improvement, enabling companies to achieve high-quality standards and operational flexibility. Together, BSR and WCM create a synergistic relationship that drives supply chain performance, innovation, and competitive advantage. As businesses continue to face dynamic market conditions, the integration of these two frameworks will remain essential for building resilient, agile, and sustainable supply chains that can thrive in an increasingly complex global landscape.


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