Challenges of Renting Apartments in Oyo versus Tenants’ Preference or Choice of Accommodation
- Ifediora, Christian Osita
- Oshikoya, Taiwo Peter
- 57-65
- Apr 25, 2023
- Sociology
Challenges of Renting Apartments in Oyo versus Tenants’ Preference or Choice of Accommodation
1Ifediora, Christian Osita, 2Oshikoya, Taiwo Peter
1Department of Estate Management, Delta State University of Science and Technology Ozoro, Nigeria
2Department of Estate Management, Ajayi Crowther University Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
Received: 03 March 2023; Accepted: 17 March 2023; Published: 25 April 2023
Access to decent or good apartment has become source of concern to staff of some private universities hence, the need to find out what could likely be reason why intending tenants could not get the desired apartment. The challenges to having access to desired apartment can be said to be because of certain factors. This study however looked at the challenges in renting a decent apartment in Oyo while respondent’s choice or preferences were also considered. In addition to finding out the type of readily available, the study also identified certain remedies to help in ensuring the desired apartment is available. The methodology of the study is survey approach. The findings indicated some challenges were encountered by the respondents which include;more money spent on endless search which was ranked first or highest, which was followed by the available and desired ones are too expensive which was ranked second among others. Various types of residential apartment such as single room (1 room) apartment, one room self-contained apartment, Brazillian type – wing type or the face-me-I-face-you, a room and palor self-contain 2 bedroom apartment etc. were identified. Amongst the remedies identified, it was noted that Estate Surveyors and Valuers are experts in agency should intensify effort in combating challenges faced by clients during the search for accommodation. The however noted that the findings will help both the prospecting tenants on what look out for especially when the experiences from respondents on challenges has been brought to public domain.
Keywords: Accommodation, Apartments, Choice, Challenges and Tenants’ preference
Housing as widely known is a basic necessity. It serves as important support in one’s career hence, every human deserves an apartment where he can rest after a long time in a place. Housing can be defined as a process of providing safe, functional, and affordable shelter while reflecting the socio-economic, cultural aspirations and preferences of individuals and families within the community Federal Government of Nigeria (2012). Housing is often narrowly defined as buildings, dwellings or places of abode, Muhammad, et al (2015). It involves the provision of essential amenities and infrastructural facilities towards achieving comfortable living in the built environment, Kabir and Bustani(2001). According to Muhammad et al (2015), housing despite being one of the essential elements in the sustainability of human existence, remains a challenge particularly in the global south. Studies had shown that there has been continuous housing deficit. Housing shortages in Nigeria for both the middle and low-income earners still persist notwithstanding the various housing initiatives carried out by the government, Ezeanah (2021).Nigeria, the most populous country in West Africa has a gross housing deficit of seventeen million houses, Muhammad et al (2015). This deficit according to Muhammad et alkeeps increasing due to high rate of urbanization and population growth thereby resulting in high rent, overcrowding and poor living conditions.
Oyo town is not left in terms of housing deficit. Oyo, which is a popular town in South West Nigeria is said to be witnessing also increasing urbanization, this is made possible courtesy of increasing population occasioned by the presence of both Government and private tertiary institution. There have been obvious challenges getting a decent accommodation hence; renting a decent apartment to most people is almost an impossible task especially among staff in any establishment. The need to get accommodation is usually a very disturbing if not nearly though in relation to nearness or access to place of work. There tends to be more challenge in rural or developing communities like the host of the University under study. The quest for decent accommodation is increasing as the staff strength of the University continues to increase in response to expansion of the university with two campuses along Ilorin-Ogbomosho Road. One thing is to get an apartment, another is to get a decent apartment that will befit the struggle or search.
It is based on the foregoing, that this study is dedicated to studying the challenges people face in renting a decent apartment in the study area with a view to proffering solution on same. This can be done by way of suggesting ways to improve the number of desired accommodation for the people that needs same and as well encourage investors on the type of accommodation to embark on in the study area. To do this, this study is dedicated to; finding out the client’s needs or requirements for the sought accommodation/apartment, the type and nature of accommodation usually available in the study area, the challenges encountered in sourcing for accommodation and how to remedy the identified challenges.
Shelter is a major need of man and a critical component in the social and economic aspects of national development, Usman, Malik and Alausa (2015). Housing is, therefore, a critical component in the social and economic rubric of nations. It has a profound influence on health, efficiency, social behaviour, satisfaction and general welfare of a community [Ibem, and Amole, 2010; Ayedun, and Oluwatobi, (2011)]. According to Alao, (2009), housing links the physical development of a city, with its social and economic attributes. Housing is required to provide comfort, safety, satisfaction, experience, and convenience for its occupants, Ezennia, and Hoskara, (2019). Globally, housing is recognized as one of the basic necessities of life and a pre-requisite for human survival, Akinsanya and Adewusi (2017).
Housing especially getting the desired apartment/accommodation has been identified as one of the challenges facing mankind. Most times the desired apartment has been said to be lacking even when available does not come with the desired satisfaction. In choosing residential location, according to economic theory, individuals try to maximize the utility from their residential unit, area location characteristics, distances to various desired activity locations considering budget and other constraints (Prashkeret al., 2008). According to Usman, Malik and Alausa (2015), in most developing countries Nigeria inclusive, housing which is a basic necessity of life has continued to be a major problem. Kwofie, Anyobodeh and Abban (2016),in their study revealed that there is a level of dissatisfaction with unsatisfactorily state and condition of available student accommodation facilities, the inadequacy of the existing facilities which has created high occupancy ratio and some sanitation challenges has invariable led to over utilization of the available resources putting the facilities in deplorable conditions. Akinsanya and Adewusi (2017) in their study concluded that staff housing in the study area was quantitatively and grossly inadequate. They added that there were no additional housing units provided over decades and that there was an annual increase in the number of applications for housing.
Literatures have identified factors or challenges in renting apartment.One major challenge militating against sustainable housing and urban development in most developing countries is that of spontaneous and uncontrolled urbanization (Jiboye, 2011). According to him Urbanization is said to have created severe housing problems, resulting in overcrowding, inadequate dwellings, deplorable urban environment, degrading public infrastructure, and to an extreme, “outright homelessness” in most city centres. Provision of adequate accommodation for the citizens has been a permanent challenge in virtually all the countries of the world because population is never static, Akinsanya and Adewusi (2017). Ezennia, and Hoskara, stated that the factors affecting sustainable affordable housing choice (SAHC) cuts across economic, social and environmental dimensions.Usman, Malik and Alausa (2015), identified various factors such as; income, security, distance, availability of social amenities which according to them were considered by respondents in choosing a place of residence. Shawal and Ferdous (2014), identified house rent, availability of utility facilities, monthly household income, distance from workplace, social security, dependence on family decision, size of dwelling unit, communal living and availability of community facilities as important factors in residential location choice of the garment workers. Kariuki (2008), identified major the major accommodation challenges to include, insecurity and congestion. Quah and Chan (2008) identified problems to accommodation operators are related to human resource issues -the negative attitudes and mentality of employees, the high turnover of employees; the lack of communication, language and computer skills, accessibility to the hotels (hard to find the accommodation), lack of basic infrastructures (electricity and water supply), the lack of sufficient capital to sustain or to compete with new competitors, challenges maintaining the accommodation occupancy, satisfying the guests’ needs and training of the employees. Security challenges and benefit of amenities on campus according to Akinsanya and Adewusi (2017) has also been identified as challenges in searching for preferred accommodation.
According to Opaluwaand Aribigbola, (2015), Household size, household income, distance to place of work, availability of portable water supply and availability of toilet facilities influenced the choice of duplex; Cost of housing, age, distance to medical facilities and distance to place of work determined preference of flats; choice of semi-detached family house was determined by cost of housing, distance to medical facilities, car ownership status and availability of portable water supply; Terrace family house was determined by distance to medical facilities and distance to place of work while cost ofhousing, distance to health and medical facilities and distance to place of work affected the preference of traditional compound.
Aliyu et al (2018) in their study noted that physical/environment factor, facilities and amenities, security factor and community/socio-economic factor influences choice of residential neighbourhood at a reasonable extent. They concluded that among all factors identified, housing and environmental quality within the physical and environmental factor influences choice of location among the residents including building aesthetic, housing/environmental quality, nature of neighbourhood layout and neighbourhood density. The principal component in the determination of residential location of tenants is dwelling attributes comprising of the number of bathrooms, number of toilets, number of bedrooms and accessibility attributes, Oladapoet al (2019).
The methodology adopted or employed survey approach. The primary sources data used were through the first-hand information obtained which involve questionnaire administered through social media. The questionnaires were majorly distributed within available social media platforms such as; Whatsapp – especially of research groups and platforms and Facebook inbox messaging as well as email invite. Google form was used to design questionnaires which were sent to respondent which were subsequently collated. Questions were sent to respondents especially on research topic. The questionnaire format was in the “likert-Scale of Responses”. This is believed has the advantage of flexibility for several choice responses hence, the adoption of same. The responses were 5 point scale i.e. SA – strongly agree – 5, A – Agree – 4, N – Neutral (indifferent) – 3, D – Disagree – 2 and SD – Strongly Disagree – 1. For data presentation it is mostly descriptive and with use of simple table and percentages. Mean and ranking were also used in addition to use of figure like multiple bar chart.
Table 1: Demographic information on respondents
Gender of respondents | ||
Number of respondents | Percentage of respondents (%) | |
Male | 91 | 85 |
Female | 16 | 15 |
Total | 107 | 100 |
Number of years domiciled (resident) in Oyo | ||
1 – 5 Years | 59 | 55 |
6 – 10 Years | 20 | 20 |
11 and above | 21 | 25 |
Total | 107 | 100 |
Oyo East | 27 | 25 |
Oyo West | 32 | 30 |
Atiba | 43 | 40 |
Afijio | 5 | 5 |
Total | 107 | 100 |
On whether the respondents encountered challenges while looking for accommodation | ||
Yes | 96 | 89.5 |
No | 11 | 10.5 |
Total | 107 | 100 |
Table 1 above contains demographic information of the respondents. From the table, it could be observed that 91 respondents representing 84% were male while 16 respondents representing 15% were male.
59 respondents representing 55% have stayed or resided in Oyo within 0 to 5 years, while 20 respondents representing 20% have stayed or resided in Oyo within 6 to 10 years whereas, 21 respondents representing 25% were have stayed or resided in Oyo within 11 years and above.
For the local governments were the respondents reside, 27 respondents representing 25% stays in Oyo East, 32 respondents representing 30% stays in Oyo West, 43 respondents representing 40% stays in Atiba whereas, 5 respondents representing 5% stays in Afijio.
Respondents were also asked if they encounter any challenge during the search for accommodation. It could be observed that 96 respondents representing 89.5% went for yes whereas 11 respondents representing 10.5% went for No.
Table 2: Challenges encountered in sourcing for accommodation
S/N | Challenges encountered | SCALES IN FIGURES AND PERCENTAGES | N | Sum | Mean | Rank | Decision | ||||
SD(1) | D(2) | N(3) | A(4) | SA (5) | |||||||
1 | Inadequate existing facilities | 11(10%) | 11(10%) | 5 (5%) | 21 (25%) | 59(55%) | 107 | 384.00 | 3.5888 | 7th | Accepted |
2 | Non-availability of the desired accommodation. | 16(15%) | 11(10%) | 5(5%) | 48(45%) | 27(25%) | 107 | 380.00 | 3.5514 | 8th | Accepted |
3 | Location accommodation not available in a choicelocation. | 11(10%) | 21(20%) | 16(15%) | 21(20%) | 38(35%) | 107 | 376.00 | 3.5140 | 9th | Accepted |
4 | Property titles owners not well defined. | 5(5%) | 16(15%) | 59(55%) | 16(15%) | 11(10%) | 107 | 346.00 | 3.2336 | 10th | Accepted |
5 | Extortion – what one has in mind or expecting is not available. | 5(5%) | 16(15%) | 11(10%) | 21(20%) | 54(50%) | 107 | 427.00 | 3.9907 | 3rd | Accepted |
6 | Non availability or absence of useful information available on property. | 0(0%) | 16(15%) | 11(10%) | 48(45%) | 32(30%) | 107 | 417.00 | 3.8972 | 5th | Accepted |
7 | More money spent on endless search. | 5(5%) | 0(0%) | 21(20%) | 27(25%) | 54(50%) | 107 |
446.00 |
4.1682 |
1st |
Accepted |
8 | Non experience of the agent and poor agency practice. | 5(5%) | 11(10%) | 16(15%) | 32(30%) | 43(40%) | 107 | 418.00 | 3.9065 | 4th | Accepted |
9 | The available and desired ones are too expensive. | 5(5%) | 5(5%) | 11(10%) | 43(40%) | 43(40%) | 107 | 436.00 | 4.0748 | 2nd | Accepted |
10 | The affordable and available are in the middle of nowhere | 5(5%) | 16(15%) | 11(10%) | 43(40%) | 32(30%) | 107 | 402.00 | 3.7570 | 6th | Accepted |
Table 2 above represents challenges encountered by the respondents while they were looking for accommodation in different places or locations in Oyo, the study area. The study identified 10 of the challenges whereby respondents were required to scale them in 5 point likert scale. This was intended to show if the respondents actually agreed or disagreed respectively on the challenges identified. It could be observed that greater percentage of the respondents agreed on the identified challenges or affirmed that these challenges actually were encountered judging from the percentage of respondents that went for agree and strongly agreed respectively.
From there one can agree that the identified factors were accepted as the mean were up to 3 points. Also in ranking one could observe that as part of the challenges faced by respondents in search for accommodation, the option – more money spent on endless search ranked highest with mean score of 4.1682 followed by the available and desired ones are too expensive with a mean score of 4.0748, in that order. Property titles owners not well defined can be seen to be the 10th of the last however with the mean score of 3.2336 is it was still accepted as part of the experienced challenges encountered by the respondents. This findings is in line with previous studies by Shawal and Ferdous (2014),Kariuki (2008), Akinsanya and Adewusi (2017) and Quah and Chan (2008) who identified challenges faced by prospecting tenants in their respective choice of accommodation
Table 3: Requirement for accommodation (choice of apartment)
S/N | Variables | Options in numbers and percentages | ||
Yes | No | Indifferent | ||
1 | Type of accommodation – size of dwelling unit | 96 (90%) | – | 11 (10%) |
2 | Lease terms | 52(50%) | 32(30%) | 21(20%) |
3 | Security – social security/neighbourhood security, desire for convenience/privacy. A facility not too exposed, to have some level of privacy and to be fenced | 97(90%) | 5(5%) | 5(5%) |
4 | Space and amenities available – number of garage/parking space, the type that will allow for free movement and recreation, electricity, functional water supply | 96(90%) | – | 11 (10%) |
5 | Maintenance, management and overall cleanliness – property and facilities in good state. | 91 (85%) | 5(5%) | 11(10%) |
6 | Floor level | 62 (60%) | 34 (30%) | 11 (10%) |
7 | Adequacy of public and private rooms in the private or choice accommodation | 70 (65%) | 34 (25%) | 11 (10%) |
8 | Number of bedrooms | 69 (65%) | 27 (25%) | 11 (10%) |
9 | Number of bathrooms | 75 (70%) | 21 (20%) | 11 (10%) |
10 | Number of toilets | 75 (70%) | 16 (15%) | 16 (15%) |
11 | Adequacy of floor area | 85 (80%) | 11 (10%) | 11 (10%) |
12 | Location of property – proximities to works, health care, school and other services. | 85 (80%) | 11 (10%) | 11 (10%) |
In the requirement for accommodation (choice of apartment), respondents were required to choose yes, no or indifferent as options for what they could identify as what the tenants required in their choice of apartments. It could be observed that 12 variables were identified most of the respondents went for went indicating positive affirmation of the identified requirements. While Space and amenities available – number of garage/parking space, the type that will allow for free movement and recreation, electricity, functional water supply as well as type of accommodation – size of dwelling unit has the highest with yes option with 96(90%), the issue of maintenance, management and overall cleanliness – property and facilities in good state was the second in with the mark and percentage, 91 (85%) respectively. One could see that the study toes the line of researches from Aliyu et al (2018)who worked on the factors that influences choice of residential neighbourhood at a reasonable extent and Oladapoet al (2019) who worked on the principal component in the determination of residential location of tenants.
Figure 1: The type and nature of accommodation available
The above figure 1represents respondent’s opinion of the type of accommodation seen or available during the course of their search for accommodation. These accommodations includes; single room (1 room) apartment, one room self-contained apartment, Brazillian type – wing type or the face-me-I-face-you, a room and palor self-contain 2 bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom apartment. Other type of accommodation seen or available is tenement building made of mud (Mud wall).
Table 4: Identified Remedies to challenges encountered in renting apartment
S/N | Challenges | SCALES IN FIGURES AND PERCENTAGES | N | Sum | Mean | Rank | ||||
SD(1) | D(2) | N(3) | A(4) | SA (5) | ||||||
1 | Owners to work on ensuring the good facilities that meet minimum standards and clients expectations are put in place. | 11(10%) | 11(10%) | 5(5%) | 21(20%) | 59(55%) | 107 | 427.00 | 3.9907 | 2nd |
2 | Investors to work at providing decent accommodation or ensuring good accommodation are put inplace. | 5(5%) | 16(15%) | 11(10%) | 21(20%) | 51(40%) | 107 | 424.00 | 3.9626 | 3rd |
3 | Improved process leading to title registration is needed. | 11(10%) | 16(15%) | 27(25%) | 32(30%) | 21(20%) | 107 | 363.00 | 3.3925 | 5th |
4 | Proper street naming to identify owners. | 11(10%) | 5(5%) | 16(15%) | 27(25%) | 48(45%) | 107 | 417.00 | 3.8972 | 4th |
5 | Estate Surveyors and Valuers are experts in agency should intensify effort in combating challenges faced by clients during the search for accommodation. | 5(5%) | 5(5%) | 16(15%) | 27(25%) | 54(50%) | 107 | 441.00 | 4.1215 | 1st |
The remedies identified are as shown in table 4 above. The identified which are five in number were scaled with 5 points likert scale ranging from strongly disagree with lowest point 1 and strongly agree with highest point 5. Out of the five challenges identified; Estate Surveyors and Valuers are experts in agency should intensify effort in combating challenges faced by clients during the search for accommodation was ranked first or highest with mean score of 4.1215 followed by owners to work on ensuring the good facilities that meet minimum standards and clients expectations are put in place with a mean score of 3.9907.
The challenges in renting apartment on Oyo are; inadequate existing facilities, non-availability of the desired accommodation, location accommodation not available in a choice location, property titles owners not well defined, extortion – what one has in mind or expecting not available, non-availability or absence of useful information available on property, more money spent on endless search, non-experienced agent and poor agency practice, the available and desired ones are too expensive and the affordable and available are in the middle of nowhere.
On the requirements or choice of accommodation, the identified variables include; type of accommodation – size of dwelling unit, lease terms, security – social security/neighbourhood security, desire for convenience/privacy. a facility not too exposed, to have some level of privacy and to be fenced, space and amenities available – number of garage/parking space, the type that will allow for free movement and recreation, electricity, functional water supply, maintenance, management and overall cleanliness – property and facilities in good state, floor level, adequacy of public and private rooms in the private or choice accommodation, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, number of toilets, adequacy of floor area and location of property – proximities to works, health care, school and other services.
The type of accommodation identified include; single room (1 room) apartment, one room self-contained apartment, Brazillian type – wing type or the face-me-I-face-you, a room and palor self-contain 2 bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom apartment. Other type of accommodation seen or available is tenement building made of mud (Mud wall).
The remedies to identified challenges include; owners to work on ensuring the good facilities that meet minimum standards and clients expectations are put in place, investors to work at providing decent accommodation or ensuring good accommodation are put in place, improved process leading to title registration is needed, proper street naming to identify owners and Estate Surveyors and Valuers are experts in agency should intensify effort in combating challenges faced by clients during the search for accommodation.
It is believed that this study have been able to deal with the major expectation on choice of apartment and challenges in renting same. While it is believed that residents in Oyo have their preference on the type of accommodation available. They obviously faced challenges in meeting their taste. The identified challenges no doubt can be remedied when the remedies suggested are worked on are considered.
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